
Every now and then it is good and most helpful to be reminded what great men and women are really like and that they have been among us many times throughout history. They were never perfect, because no man is perfect, but in comparison to most others around them in their period of time, they were truly great. 

In my view, and that of many others, Ronald Reagan was one of those great ones, despite his flaws and despite the fact that not all his proposals and actions were well thought out or successful. But he tried, as have all great persons, his utmost to do good and to hold his principles far above any personal ambitions he may have had. Above all, he had the humility to frequently acknowledge his and our total dependence upon God thoughout our lives and that without that dependence upon God, no real good can be accomplished by anyone.

I am inspired, encouraged and repeatedly motivated by persons of the likes of Ronald Reagan. And there will be others. Our role is to seek them, to support them, to encourage them and to allow their greatness to shine – for the good of all.

Watch this video.