

As Obama’s campaign seizes on Rep. Todd Akin’s clumsy comments to paint the Republicans as extremists, pro-lifers are rightfully pointing out that Obama doesn’t have a leg stand on when it comes to abortion extremism.

Despite Akin’s misuse of words, millions of Americans agree with him in opposing abortion in cases of rape. But how many would agree with Obama’s votes for the right to kill a child who’s been born alive during abortion?

While Obama has contested the charge by pro-lifers that these votes were pro-infanticide, he is on the record supporting something the vast majority of Americans also oppose: late-term abortion.

Even arch-abortionist Henry Morgentaler, the pioneer of abortion in Canada, said late-term abortions are “murder.”

A video surfaced this week from Obama’s U.S. Senate campaign in 2003 showing his support for the deadly practice.

Here’s the key section of the transcript, as reported by the Weekly Standard:

Obama: “I am pro-choice.”
Reporter: “In all situations including the late term thing?”
Obama: “I am pro-choice. I believe that women make responsible choices and they know better than anybody the tragedy of a difficult pregnancy and I don’t think that it’s the government’s role to meddle in that choice.”

In a second video, the president says: “I voted no on the late-term abortion ban, not because I don’t recognize that these are painful issues but because I trust women to make these decisions.”