
As I’ve traveled to 40 Days for Life vigils this spring I’ve seen more and more priests, pastors and clergy than ever before!

It is VERY encouraging to see our clergy leading by example — especially when it can be unpopular.

I want to thank all the pastors who’ve taken the time to encourage their congregations to pray for an end to abortion — and even gone out to the abortion centers themselves.


The Knights of Columbus in Alabama sent along a photo of the 40 Days for Life vigil in Huntsville.

The picture shows Bishop David Foley leading the prayers – in the pouring rain – as he and other participants huddled under their umbrellas. Bishop Foley said he’d be back to pray again … and the Knights are praying for better weather next time.

“Let’s keep the momentum going,” said Jim, on behalf of the Knights of Columbus in Alabama, “and continue to support our clergy as they lead us in peaceful prayer to save the lives of the most innocent among us — the babes in their mothers’ wombs — and help save the mother from the trauma of abortion!”



The 40 Days for Life team in North Seattle had some company recently – a couple of young men with a sign that said “Honk 4 Freedom.” One of the guys was wearing an American flag as a cape.

Patriots? Well, not exactly.

“These men are apparently trying to wrap their message about the ‘freedom’ to choose abortion in the good freedoms of America,” said Della, the 40 Days for Life coordinator. “Many who honked probably did so out of love of country, not even knowing the men were seeking support for abortion.”

Periodically, after a loud series of honks, they would yell, “Haven’t you heard enough? Go home, losers!”

“It seems they think our pro-life beliefs are based on what everyone else thinks,” Della said. “They call us losers because they think we lost the popularity contest.”

Still, she said, the prayer team’s efforts are noticed and appreciated. A man arrived at the vigil with a jug of hot coffee and a dozen pastries. “He said he’d been seeing us there day after day,” Della said. “He said he could not do what we do, but he was thankful we are there and wanted to encourage us.”


“Our vigil in North Seattle brings Bible-believing people of many faiths and religious practices together to pray at one sad site where abortions occur,” said Della. “We are individuals from many faiths, including Calvary Fellowship, Mars Hill, Presbyterian, Foursquare, Lutheran, Baptist and Catholic churches.”




I recently had an opportunity to pray with the 40 Days for Life team at their vigil site in Manassas, Virginia.

While we were praying, we were visited by a news team from the Christian Broadcasting Network, and they produced a short feature on the campaign for The 700 Club and other CBN programs.

(There’s a written version of the story on the CBN News web site.)

Since some media reports haven’t presented an accurate representation of what 40 Days for Life is all about, this coverage was most welcome indeed!

Click here to read today’s devotional.