

Pro-life activists like to believe that if we could only convince our opposition of the humanity of the unborn child, they would mend their ways and become pro-life.

Unfortunately this is often merely wishful thinking motivated by a laudable tendency to believe the best of our ideological foes. But it's a hard belief to maintain when you ponder the fact that there are late-term abortionists out there who routinely pull fully formed babies out of their mothers' wombs and stare them in the face, and yet who continue blithely performing abortions and defending late-term abortion as a “right.” If they aren't convinced of the humanity of the unborn child, who is?

The fact is, this battle goes much deeper than a question of whether the unborn child is living and human or not. Plenty of pro-abortion activists know perfectly well that the unborn child is human and alive. What they are most concerned about is whether that living human being has the right to live. And their answer is “no,” not if the mother doesn't want him or her to.

In other words, the mother's wishes trounce her unborn child's right to life.

Which brings up some very uncomfortable questions about whether one human being can ever have an absolute right over the life of another innocent human being. And if so, why is it only moms of unborn babies who have that right? Are there other circumstances when one human being has the right to kill another human being simply because he or she is unwanted? Like if a human being is disabled for instance, and eating up health care costs and a bother to take care of…or the wrong skin color or race…or…well, you see where that leads.

Murray Vasser made this point really well in a recent piece we ran on LifeSiteNews. I urge you to read it here.

But perhaps no one has made this point more clearly than one pro-abortion activist at the Texas legislature who was spotted carrying this classy, but beautifully succinct sign:

“Hoes before embryos.” In other words, the right to sex without conseqences comes before the unborn child's right to life. 

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This is a much harder mindset to fight than a simple denial of the humanity of the unborn child. One requires a primer in embryology; the other requires a profound spiritual conversion. That is why the pro-life movement can never put its faith entirely in facts and science. We require something (or, rather Someone) bigger than that to win this fight in the long run. For only He has the capacity to reach the hearts of abortion supporters.