
A tragedy in Brooklyn Saturday reminds us again of what even the most pro-abortion rights advocates know is true: an unborn baby is a baby. 

Vindalee Smith, 38, was eight months pregnant when she was found dead, the day before she was supposed to be married. This is tragic enough in itself, but the reality of the tragedy was found in words in the MSNBC report:

It wasn’t clear how long she’d been dead before the body was discovered. Her baby boy did not survive.


Her baby boy.  Not her fetus. Why? Because she was 8 months along? Of course not. It’s legal to abort at 8 months in most states. It takes certain criteria, but it can be done easier than most people think. So if the story was reporting on abortion, it’s pretty likely the report would be on the fetus. But it’s a baby because we have made killing a choice. When a woman decides she wants it, it is no longer a fetus but a baby. It’s the most obvious and blatant double-mindedness that exists in our society. It literally says “this thing in me becomes what I want it to be.”  We become little gods to play big God. Ms. Smith was tragically killed, so it was a baby. It was a double murder, and that most likely is how the assailant will be charged if he or she is caught.

What struck me most deeply was the statement that one of her friends made to the media:

“I can’t even begin to imagine who would want to do that. It would be the devil, to kill a woman with a child in her stomach. They killed two people.”

And that, my friends, is the bottom line right there. Killing a woman with a child in her stomach is the devil—and killing an innocent child in anyone’s stomach is the devil. That very act is one devised by the devil himself, which has been twisted into deceit of people who would never think they were serving the god of darkness and death: but every abortion is a praise to the devil, usually unbeknownst to the woman who has believed the lie of the culture. It’s a cause for rejoicing in hell because one more life has been taken, more innocent blood has been shed, and the desire of God has been thwarted for the life taken, and the ones who sadly believed it was okay to take it.

Sometimes the obvious truth is right before our eyes in secular media. This story struck me more powerfully than any classic pro-life prose. A woman killed, and her baby – the other victim. The news calls it a baby. Her friend says only the devil could do such a thing. And all across the same city, the abortion rate is almost twice that of the national abortion rate, with over 40% of all pregnancies ending in abortion.

We call one murder and the other choice. What we really mean is “it’s only a baby when I want it to be.” The “right to choose” is moral relativism at its worst.

The tragedy people feel over the brutal murder of this precious woman and her unborn child is the tragedy we ought to feel over every unborn child sacrificed to murder each day in our nation. And many do. Family members of some of these aborted babies feel the loss of a child, grandchild, a niece or nephew, when a woman chooses to abort. People grieve an aborted baby because like Ms. Smith’s baby, it’s a dead baby.

In reality, it’s no different. In both, a baby brutally dies.  It’s just that sometimes we arrest a person for the murder and other times we call it “women’s health.”