
In Canada, the Ontario government’s fierce determination to force all Catholic and other schools to accept anti-Christian, homosexuality normalizing Gay Straight Alliances is now getting ugly.

The Ontario bishops’ organization strategy of working quietly behind the scenes, rather than supporting the thousands of parents who have been valiantly fighting the government imposition and unsuccessfully pleading with the bishops’ to publicly join them, has been an entirely predictable failure. The bishops have been quietly assuring deeply concerned Catholics for the last few years that “it is being taken care of” and urging the parents’ groups to stop their public demonstrations.

This recurring episcopal error of trusting the wrong people for advice on these moral issues conflicts with politicians, happens again and again in this nation in which Catholic politicians, (the Ontario premier is a Catholic) have for years aggressively advanced a deadly, anti-life, anti-family culture on the nation. I doubt there is another nation in the world where Catholics (e.g. Prime Ministers Trudeau, Chretien, Martin, Mulroney, Turner), have played such a prominent role in this. And Canada then exports each new advance in its social corruption to other nations. What a mess.