
FRONT ROYAL, VA, April 23, 2004 ( – The Population Research Institute (PRI), in Friday’s Weekly Briefing, points out serious misinformation about a recent US Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded study. The study, which seemingly condemns promiscuity as the reason for the African HIV/AIDS epidemic, fails to mention, according to PRI, the fact that the epidemic has been largely the result of USAID-funded, over-the-counter distribution of injectable contraceptives.  As reported by last week, USAID’s Bureau for Global Health, in conjunction with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, funded a British Medical Journal study that claimed there would be no AIDS pandemic were it not for multiple sexual partnerships. Steven Mosher, president of PRI, says that “In other words, according to USAID, the essential cause of the AIDS pandemic in Africa is that poor men and women of color are promiscuous unto death”.  “This is a Big Fat Myth”, he empahsizes.  “Promiscuity does play into the spread of HIV,” Mosher continues. “But the particular way that USAID frames the issue of promiscuity, as the alleged primary cause of HIV, downplays one of its leading causes—medical transmission of HIV in USAID-funded family planning clinics. It also reveals an agenda to mute criticism of failed programs, and an agenda to carry on the ideological goals of the international family planning community,” he claims.  “Medical experts have debunked the myth that promiscuity is the primary cause of HIV transmission,” Mosher contends. “What the ideologues at USAID deny is medical transmission is a leading cause of HIV, often in the form of injectable contraception. They also deny that USAID flagrantly promotes promiscuity with its family planning policy, while claiming to be against it in its HIV policy.”“The report ignores the fact that USAID’s AIDS programs in Africa involve ‘over-the-counter’ (OTC) provisions of injectable Depo Provera, and other injectible contraceptives,” he says. “OTC Depo in developing nations enables sexual promiscuity, and maims women.”“OTC Depo-Provera is not FDA approved,” Mosher contends. “However, USAID is able to promote this dangerous method of population control by following lower medical standards.”  Mosher concludes, “In short, USAID’s new policy for AIDS relief seeks to lower rates of sexual activity involving multiple sexual partnerships with mere words. In its actions overseas, USAID promotes sexual promiscuity with OTC Depo and other OTC injectables. USAID is wedded to Depo. Globally, USAID shipped almost 10 million units of Depo overseas in 2000, in conjunction with social marketing often taking the form of so-called Depo festivals.”  Read the related coverage, “Study Finds Abstinence and Monogamy Promotion Effective but Neglected in AIDS Prevention Programmes,” at: