
TORONTO, Ontario, September 27, 2005, ( – The ongoing fallout from the imposition of gay culture on Canadians manifested itself again this past week when Ontario’s health minister, George Smitherman, actively courted gay and lesbian medical workers at a Montreal conference.

Delegates at the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association’s annual conference in Montreal, most of whom were visiting from the United States, heard a keynote address from the cabinet minister (who is described as openly gay by the website extolling the virtues of working in Ontario.

In his comments Smitherman pointed out that “Many of you work in states where progress of this type is measured in baby steps at best, and sometimes not at all, …some of you live and work in states where the fight is actually not to lose ground. And yet you keep at it, day in, day out, and for that you have my gratitude, my respect, and my undying admiration.”

The Liberal government’s recent passage of the bill redefining marriage to include same-sex couples has now become a selling point for the recruitment of homosexuals from abroad. Smitherman commented: ” …thousands of gay couples have been married in Canada, happily and proudly joining the millions of other couples in this country and around the world who have come together in love and ask nothing more than society’s blessing of that union.”

Canada is facing a crisis in the medical profession with many of its students going to the United States after they have completed medical school in a subsidized Canadian University. According to the Ontario Medical Association, the province is short some 2,000 qualified doctors, a shortage felt most of all in rural communities.

The main point of Smitherman’s address to the gay medical workers was that “We’re open for business.”
