
By John-Henry Westen and Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
  MONTEVIDEO, November 14, 2008 ( – Uruguayan President Tabare Vazquez, a medical doctor, yesterday fulfilled his promise to veto pro-abortion legislation that was passed only three days ago by the Senate in a narrow vote of 17 in favor out of a total of 30 cast.

Although Vazquez vetoed provisions of the law that eliminated criminal penalties for surgical abortions, he did not veto other provisions that allow chemical abortions and treat sodomy as a “right.”

Tourist Minister Hector Lescano informed the French Press Agency that the Senate does not have enough votes to override the veto. He added: “In the next few hours, the legislative power will be notified, but what’s certain is that (the veto) has already been signed and recorded. It’s an irreversible fact that underscores the president’s determination.”

Just prior to the Senate vote, the Uruguayan Episcopal Conference warned that Catholics who cast votes in favor of abortion would be refused Holy Communion. The announcement by the bishops came in the wake of statements made by Archbishop Nicolas Cotugno of Montevideo, who stated in no uncertain terms that any legislator who voted for abortion would be “ipso facto excommunicated.” He added that a formal excommunication might also be issued, and that he would support such a measure in union with the Pope and other bishops (see previous LifeSiteNews coverage at
  The law would have eliminated criminal penalties for virtually all abortions carried out during the first three months of gestation.  Currently, abortion is penalized in the nation’s criminal code in all cases, although judges have the discretion of reducing or eliminating penalties under certain circumstances.

However, Human Life International, citing Dr. Juan Claudio Sanahuja of the Argentinean pro-life organization Noticias Globales, notes that “the president’s veto of surgical abortion does not correct other aspects of the law that run contrary to the natural order.”

He points out that chemical abortions will be permitted under the non-vetoed provisions. In addition, “chapter one declares that sexual and reproductive rights are universal human rights, and are not only related to reproduction but also include ‘the right of everyone to obtain sexual satisfaction according to his own needs and preferences’.” 

“It also ensures the promotion of equality in terms of gender and social justice, which is converted into gender ideology (homosexuality, abortion, sterilization) in government policy,” according to Sanahuja.
  Pro-abortion legislation has been under consideration in the Uruguayan Congress since 1984 but was never passed until this week.

Advocates of the legislation are discussing the possibility of holding a nationwide plebiscite on the issue during the general elections in 2009, to override President Vazquez’ veto.