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Compiled by Steve Jalsevac


Media Calls Killer 'Pro-Life'
half a dozen headlines about the murder of abortionist George Tiller that use the word “pro-life” to describe his suspected murderer or his associations. “In regular news stories, they always use the term ‘anti-abortion,” said Brian Gibson, “Now they start calling the person who did this ‘pro-life,’ when he’s not. They’re rubbing our noses in the term.”

Death's Hand on the Tiller by John Zmirak   
We shouldn't be surprised to see that pro-choice commentators are moving already to turn last week's snuff farce into a morality play, whose take-away message is that the pro-life movement is to blame for Tiller's death. A powerful, mainstream Democratic Party Web site,, published on May 31 a column that blames the death of Tiller on the simple fact that pro-lifers accurately describe what happens in the course of an abortion.

More dangerous to the cause of life than rants like this are statements and actions by Christians asserting that pro-life speech is inherently deadly—and so must in the end be regulated, as speech is ever more tightly controlled in Canada and Great Britain.

The reason it's wrong to kill abortionists is that it is an act of war, and one that does not meet the conditions for a Just War.

If Bush or Cheney Had Been Assassinated Would Olbermann and MSNBC Be Responsible?

Abortion Doctor on MSNBC Compares Pro-Lifers to Taliban

Bonnie Erbe: Calling Abortion What It Is Makes You Extremist
In other words if you're pro-life but meek to the point of avoiding the abortion debate, Erbe doesn't consider you an extremist. But use accurately harsh language to describe the accurately harsh reality of what abortion is and you are an extremist who eggs on some to political terrorism.

AP: Tiller Murder Part of a 'String'; Abort Group's Own History Shreds Claim

Crunching numbers and contemplating the culture of death
…since the last abortionist was slain some 170,000 people have been murdered in the United States

Back to the 90s: Media Decried Violence Outside Clinics, But Not Inside

CNN's Chetry Lets Abortionist Smear Pro-Life Demonstrators

ABC's Take on Tiller Murder: 'The Abortion Debate Turns Deadly'

CBS 'Early Show' Sees No Controversy in Tiller’s Work As ‘Abortion Provider’

Liberal Blogs Quickly Link Doctor’s Murder to Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck

Liberals Blame O'Reilly for Tiller Murder, Silent on Military Recruiter Shooting

How Long Will It Take Media To Tag Tiller Murderer As Not Part of Prolife Movement?

Gravely Wicked by Robert P. George

“Can the killing of abortionists be justified?”
Already, within the span of a few hours, a standard line by some abortion supporters/providers has become, “Those who call abortion murder are implicitly or indirectly responsible for Tiller's death.” It's a nifty bit of rhetoric, but one that is inherently flawed. It rests on the very shaky premise that if you believe someone has committed murder, you will be inclined to kill them if you have a chance. But both logic and experience say otherwise. The vast majority of people—even those with intense emotions about the matter—seek justice through lawful means, even if those means are often frustrating and, in some cases, deeply flawed.

Rhetoric from left-wing blogs/sites: There will be more of this—much more—in the days to come, I'm certain of it. And, sadly, Randall Terry is not helping matters at all. Not one bit.

Media: Tiller a Martyr, Abortion Not Killing and Pro-Lifers are Crazy

CNN Highlights Prediction of a 'Huge Backlash' Against Pro-Lifers After Tiller

Bozell Column: A Pro-Life 'Jihad'?

Late Term Abortions Provided More Widely Than Media Reporting

Is the Obama Administration More Concerned About Radical Anti-Abortionists Than Radical Islamists?

CNN's Chetry Lets Abortionist Smear Pro-Life Demonstrators
CNN anchor Kiran Chetry let an “abortion provider” from Alabama, whose center was bombed by captured fugitive Eric Rudolph, denigrate all pro-life activists who have ever protested in front of such centers as potential murderers

Number One Stupid and Irresponsible Comment On Dr. Tiller – Deal W. Hudson