
By Steve Jalsevac

March 20, 2009 ( – On March 11 LifeSiteNews Latin American correspondent, Matthew Hoffman, interviewed Gilio Brunelli, Director of International Programs of the Canadian Catholic Organization of Development and Peace. Hoffman telephoned from Mexico to Brunelli at his Canadian office. The initial D&P report included key comments from Brunelli (see at

Cindy Doucet of the D&P Latin America International Development Committee has charged Hoffman’s conclusions about Burnelli’s responses were “slander or a complete misinterpretation.”  Today, in a LifeSiteNews Special Report, we present the complete text of the interview for readers to consider for themselves the accuracy of Hoffman’s report.

The interview should also be read in the context of information revealed by LSN and the National Catholic Register about the various groups given financial aid by D&P.

LifeSiteNews believes, given the status of Gilio Brunelli, that the interview reveals a great deal about the actual philosophy of the overall Development and Peace organization and its use of the funds given to it by Canadian parishes.

Full Text of LifeSiteNews Interview of Gilio Brunelli of Development and Peace