
By Alex Bush


LOS ANGELES, California, May 29, 2009 ( – Sergio Garcia, a homosexual student at Fairfax High School in Los Angeles, has been named Prom Queen by his fellow students, beating out eight female contenders.


“At one time, prom may have been a big popularity contest where the best-looking guy or girl were crowned king and queen. Things have changed and it's no longer just about who has the most friends or who wears the coolest clothes,” Garcia told his classmates during his acceptance speech.


Garcia's run for prom queen prompted controversy at the school among his classmates.  Unique Payne told the LA Times that she voted for Garcia because she supported the homosexual community.  Juan Espinoza, on the other hand, told the Times he was against Garcia running for prom queen and that he believes people voted for Garcia as a joke, wanting to see the prom king dance with another man on prom night.


Virgina Uribe, founder of Project 10, a program for homosexuals in high school, said that young people “are not involved in this whole argument about gay rights. They think this whole fight is silly. They just accept people for who they are.”


“Gender-bending is just kind of in,” she said.


This past February, at George Mason University, a cross-dressing man name Ryan Allen won the title “Ms. Mason” under his female pseudonym Reann Ballslee.  Allen said that he entered the contest as a joke and was surprised when he won.


Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America, told at the time that she believed the vote represented the “youthful rebellion” of college students who were unaware of what was at stake.


“It's clear that young people nowadays do not understand the confusion associated with gender identity disorder, and what they intended as something to prove that they are 'tolerant,' they have instead validated a young man's psychological confusion,” said Wright.