
Thursday February 18, 2010

Catholic Group: Opening Military to Gays ‘Sacrifices Effectiveness on Altar of Unrestrained License’

HANOVER, Penn., Feb. 18, 2010 ( — Reacting to the current push to force the U.S. military to accept openly gay servicemen, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) Wednesday published a study providing hard-hitting reasons to reject the proposal.

The group’s statement, entitled “To Keep Our Honor Clean: Why We Must Oppose the Homosexual Agenda for the Military,” is available online here.

“Our military must be defended from ideologues who would sacrifice its effectiveness and honor on the altar of unrestrained license, even at a time when national and global security rests on its successful campaign against terrorism,” states the document.

Top military leaders have recently signaled support for President Obama’s goal to overthrow the law that excludes open homosexuals from military service, known as “Don’t ask, don’t tell” (DADT). At the same time, over 1,100 military flag and general officers, as well as two major veterans organizations and a former Army legal chief, have come out strongly against the repeal.

“This move cannot be considered in a vacuum,” reads the TFP statement. “To understand fully its significance, it must be seen in light of a decades-old homosexual movement that strives to uproot the very foundations of our morality.”

The statement uses several data points to explain how the introduction of open homosexuals in the military would undermine unit cohesion, morale, and discipline of the military.

For example, while DADT supporters argue that dismissing homosexual servicemen unnecessarily deprives the Armed Forces of soldiers in a time of war, TFP points out that repealing the law could cause the military’s numbers to dwindle far more drastically. The group cites a 2008 survey by the Military Times showing that nearly 10% of respondents claimed they would “not re-enlist or extend” their service if the homosexual prohibition were lifted, and another 14% reported that they would “consider not re-enlisting or extending” their time in the service.

“If we assume that these numbers represent the views of all active and reserve forces, repeal of the ban could result in a loss of between 228,600–527,000 servicemen,” it notes. Only 9,501 open homosexuals were discharged from the military between 1993-2004, according to the US Government Accountability Office.

Click here for the full document.

See related coverage:

Veterans, Former Army Legal Chief Defend “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

Congress Takes Aim at “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

