
Wednesday February 24, 2010

Commentary on February 24 News

Barack Obama seems to have inadvertently forced the rise of an increasingly determined group of pro-life Democrat Congressmen. This new phenomenon bodes well for the defeat of the health care bill and growing bi-partisan cooperation on the all-important life issues.

James Dobson will be greatly missed from the leadership of Focus on the Family. He has for years been one of the most courageous and outspoken defenders of life and family in the United States. Related comments to the Wall Street Journal from Focus CEO Jim Daly are cause for serious concern.

There is an international push on getting anti-life and anti-family sex education into schools. You’ll see today that the UK is first to the mat forcing even faith schools to provide such ‘education’ to students without their parents being denied their natural right to withdraw them from the classes.

The United Nations is pushing for more of the same and as you’ll see in the coming days Canada is right on the heels of the UK in this regard.

Looney England is also set to permit assisted suicide tomorrow. With the baby boomers set to hit retirement in the next couple of years with the accompanying crush on the medical and social service systems, euthanasia will be seen as the only answer. We must stop this tidal wave before it’s too late!

In order to fight the culture of death effectively, Christians must get their own houses in order. To that effect, another Canadian Bishop has restricted funding to Development and Peace based on our revelations that the organization is still funding pro-abortion groups around the world.

John-Henry Westen

Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief

Steve Jalsevac

Co-Founder and Managing Director