By Hilary White

JULY 24, 2008 ( – A book that gives instructions to teenage girls on witchcraft sells 150,000 copies. Films and television shows about teenagers and young people involved in witchcraft and the occult begin to proliferate. Bookshops begin to carry large sections on “esoterica” next to the religion and philosophy sections. And then Harry Potter bursts on the scene and becomes the best selling children’s book of all time.

This progression is described by Linda P. Harvey a Christian and publisher of Mission: America, a quarterly Christian newsletter and Internet web site, who claims that in the last number of years there has been an unprecedented explosion of occult material aimed directly at children and teenagers. However, anyone who objects that Potter and other witchcraft and magic-oriented children’s fare draws kids into the world of the occult, she says, are dismissed as giving in to “pure hysteria”.

As of June 2008, the seven book Potter series has sold more than 400 million copies and the books have been translated into 67 languages. The phenomenal success of the books has made their British author, J.K. Rowling, the highest-earning novelist in history. Three years after Harry Potter, Harvey writes, a review of television programs, major children’s book publishers, and popular youth websites, “should more than confirm our initial warnings.”

“Sorcery and witchcraft have become the hottest themes in youth culture and education for the first time in modern Western civilization.”

Harvey is the author of an influential article, “Heresy in the Hood: Teen Witchcraft in America” published in 1999. Since the publication of that article, she says, the number of self-professed young witches and occult practitioners has grown markedly.

The kids are taking a cue from the homosexual activist handbook, equating any criticism of their interests as “hate.” Similarly, such rhetoric is pushing the adult publishing and bookselling world to proliferate books and materials on the occult. “Without protectors, the profit-driven media is both responding to interest in witchcraft and creating it in a rapid feedback loop,” Harvey writes.

Harvey cites plenty of television and film infiltration as well. Mentioning the wildly successful Buffy the Vampire Slayer series, Harvey warns that “all but the most discerning” parents can be beguiled by the tongue-in-cheek nature of the shows on offer. Following in the footsteps of Buffy, which featured a lesbian witch as a main character, is Charmed and Sabrina the Teenage Witch – all featuring hip, well-dressed teens with special powers that set them apart, and above, their peers.

Despite the usual criticisms of the media-savvy left, Christian concerns over the proliferation of occult offerings for young people, are not the objections of “unenlightened dullards,” she says.

“Children are being lovingly primed to embrace paganism by movies, games, TV, the internet and countless sorcery-friendly books.”

Even a brief internet search will reveal an entire book publishing sub-industry of occult materials aimed at teens. They abound on bookshop shelves and are being published not only by small independents but by large mainstream publishing houses. Large chain bookshops like Indigo in Canada and Borders in the US, and WHSmith and Blackwell’s in the UK, routinely feature large sections on the occult with plenty of practical how-to manuals.

Spell Craft for Teens; a Magickal Guide to Writing and Casting Spells,” published in 2002, offers “fifty-five chants and incantations for young adults, a twelve-step guide to casting a magick circle, an in-depth look at the moon phases, along with the magical properties of colors, herbs, and charms. It also addresses how to tell parents about your interest in Wicca and how to deal with gossiping classmates.” It can be bought at any major book outlet in the UK including Blackwell’s, Waterstone’s, WHSmith and at

With titles like “Be a Teen Goddess!: Magical Charms, Spells, and Wiccan Wisdom for the Wild Ride of Life,” the books address the psychological needs of teenagers to find an identity independent of their families.

Others play upon the rootlessness of post-modern society by offering a connection to an imaginary ancient pre-Christian European cultural heritage. TheTeen Spell Book; Magick for Young Witches,” says, “Teens who desire personal empowerment, a connection to old traditions, or an alter-native spirituality will be enchanted with this definitive volume of spells and Wiccan lore written especially for teenagers.”

They appeal directly to specific teen issues. The Teen Spell Book offers to teach spells to “get on the team,” “deal with teasing,” “free yourself from depression,” “attain a perfect complexion” and “make colleges beg for you.”

Father Thomas J. Euteneuer, the Catholic priest who heads Human Life International, told an audience in 2007 he had been involved in exorcism ministry for five years.

He warns that books geared to children and adolescents indoctrinate, or socialize “young souls in the language and mechanics of the occult.” Harry Potter in particular, he said, introduces the elements of witchcraft “in a glorified state” so that “our kids’ minds are being introduced to and imbued with occult imagery.”

Previous LifeSiteNews Reports:
* HLI Head Says Harry Potter Indoctrinates Young Souls in Language and Mechanics of Occult
* Potter Author JK Rowling Equates Christians Who Avoid Potter with Islamic Fundamentalists
* Harry Potter Author Gets Quebec Anti-homophobia Award
* Harry Potter Fanatics Lash Out at Pope, Michael O’Brien, LifeSiteNews Over Criticism of Novel
* Harry Potter and “the Death of God” – by Michael D. O’Brien
* Harry Potter Fan WebSite Lauds Rowling Stating a Main Character Is Gay
* US Christian Groups React Strongly to Harry Potter Books’ Homosexual Character
* Vatican’s Chief Exorcist Repeats Condemnation of Harry Potter Novels
* Canada Opens First “Hogwarts” Witchcraft School
* Harry Potter Feature Page: