
MELBOURNE, Australia September 24, 2003 ( – A victim of medical mutilation wants doctors to reverse his “sex-change” surgery. Alan Finch underwent so called “gender reassignment surgery” at the age of nineteen. At the time he thought he was a homosexual, then thought that he was “trapped in the wrong body” and with the support of his mother and doctors, underwent the surgery.

As “Helen”, Mr. Finch then spent many years fruitlessly pursuing relationships with men and women, even going so far as to be illegally “married” to a man who knew nothing of his past. After this, he had a relationship with a woman who encouraged him to have the surgery reversed.

His psychiatrist affirmed that he had never been “a woman in a man’s body” but that he had been misled by inadequate counselling. The psychiatrist, Dr. Byron Rigby, identified the lack of a strong male role model in childhood as the underlying cause of the psychological delusion of what homosexual activists call, transgender.  Dr. Rigby said, “I would think a great spotlight should be placed on this kind of surgery in general, and this case in particular. I think it warrants a full investigation at governmental level.”  In an indictment of the kind of surgery he underwent, Mr. Finch said, “[The surgery] was creating a battleground within my own body. It’s just rearranging flesh, but the tissue that’s used is still male tissue.”

At the age of thirty-six, Mr. Finch is now undergoing hormone treatments as part of his return to normal and hopes some day to find a monogomous relationship with a woman. He is telling his story to Australian television in hopes of discouraging others from pursuing the path he took.

According to the Australian Transgender Support Association there are between 48,000 and 50,000 transsexuals – most of them male to female – in Australia. The Association does not actively discourage clients from undergoing surgical mutilation, fuelled as it is by the notion that “gender” is a malleable, psychological concept that has little to do with biology.  See the Sydney Morning Herald Coverage