
LONDON, October 9, 2003 ( – The BBC has attacked the Catholic Church for its stand on the use of condoms to prevent the spread of AIDS in Africa and other developing countries. As a result of a new study by the virulently anti-Catholic United Nations Population Fund, the media is staging a new phase of assaults against the Catholic teaching that abstinence before marriage and continence within marriage is the only certainly effective way of combating AIDS and other STD’s.

The UNFPA report, which has yet to be substantiated by any unbiased agency, claims that a young person is infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, every fourteen seconds. The BBC, a news agency notorious for its anti-family, anti-Christian and, particularly, its anti-Catholic bias, has uncritically repeated every claim made by the UNFPA, the World Health Organization, UNAids, and un-named “health experts” involved in the UN anti-population efforts.  No mention is made in the BBC story of the unprecedented and largely ignored success of the abstinence program in Uganda, sponsored by the Catholic bishops. According to a US Agency for International Development (USAID) study of Uganda, “HIV prevalence peaked at around 15 percent in 1991, and had fallen to 5 percent as of 2001.This dramatic decline in prevalence is unique worldwide…” USAID believes “The most important determinant of the reduction in HIV incidence in Uganda appears to be a decrease in multiple sexual partnerships and networks.”  In comparison to other African nations, “Ugandan males in 1995 were less likely to have ever had sex…, more likely to be married and keep sex within the marriage, and less likely to have multiple partners.” USAID concludes that “the effect of HIV prevention in Uganda (particularly partner reduction) during the past decade appears to have had a similar impact as a potential medical vaccine of 80 percent efficacy….A comprehensive behaviour change-based strategy…may be the most effective prevention approach.”  The most uniform characteristic of the condom programs of the various UN-sponsored agencies is their dismal, if not deadly, results. Hilary White of Campaign Life Catholic said, “Medical workers in many African countries tell us that, although they desperately need more antibiotics and surgical equipment, they are inundated with condoms, but the AIDS rate continues to skyrocket.”  The Catholic position is that abstinence is the only safe, reliable solution and the solution that also respects the dignity of the person and marriage and maintains the family and, ultimately, the social order. Said White, “Now the UN eugenics promoters tell us that the best thing to do is to carry on as usual, as long as you are willing to trust your life, and or the life of your “partner” to a porous membrane of latex that breaks or fails at least one time in ten.

“It is not the use or non-use of condoms that is the problem, it is having sexual relations with someone who is infected with the virus. Condom or no condom, it is playing Russian Roulette. If you don’t stop, you are eventually going to get the bullet. And these people have the nerve to say it is the Church that is playing with people’s lives!”,7369,1059068,00.html   CFAM on condoms and Uganda