
September 4, 2012 ( – While he may find fault with the GOP’s economic ideas, when it comes to the voting booth, there’s one thing at the top of actor and economist Ben Stein’s mind: the right to life.

Stein, a lawyer by trade and former speechwriter for Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, said the Democrats’ pro-abortion position meant it didn’t matter how much GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s economic ideas disagreed with his own.

“For me, the number one issue is right to life,” he said on PBS Thursday as reported by Politico. “I don’t think the Democrats are very good on the right-to-life issue.


“People who think of abortion as a reasonable method of birth control just are never going to get my vote.”

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Stein had criticized Romney and VP candidate Paul Ryan, respectively, for a lack of economic strategy and too much faith in tax cuts.

The creator and host of the documentary “Expelled” is known for being pro-life and solidly conservative, although personal affiliation has prompted support for a liberal Democrat at least once: Stein heartily endorsed pro-abortion Minnesota comedian Al Franken for his successful U.S. Senate run, calling him “an incredibly capable, hard-working guy.”