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(Report24) – The picture is the same worldwide: there was a significant decline in live births among 18–49-year-olds nine months after the start of COVID vaccinations, especially in countries with high vaccination rates.

That these are not isolated cases has now been clearly demonstrated.

Based on official figures from European state statistical offices, a data analyst conducted comprehensive analyses for 18 countries. The result: in the first half of 2022, there was a significant decline in births compared to the average of previous years – in many countries, the drop was well over 10 percent.

Overall, the data from even more countries were examined, although some of that data is still incomplete. Nevertheless, the analysis is quite striking. In 15 countries, data analyst Raimund Hagemann and his team found a decline in live births of more than 4 percent, and in seven countries it was more than 10 percent. Hagemann does not claim to have demonstrated a causal link to the vaccination campaign, but points out that other factors (such as the psychological impact of the lockdowns on family planning, or the COVID infection incidence rate) do not explain the declines in birth rates:

My analysis compares the monthly birth rates with the average of the previous three years. It should be noted at the outset that all the European countries studied show a monthly decline in the number of births of up to more than 10% compared with the same period in the previous year.

It can be proven that this very alarming signal cannot be explained by the COVID-19 infection incidence. On the other hand, temporal relations with the vaccination occurrence in the age group of men and women between 18 and 49 years can be clearly established. In-depth statistical and medical analyses must therefore be called for.

Almost 90,000 too few live births?

The following table provides information (in German with English commentary below) on the considerable differences in birth rates in 2022 compared with previous years:

C/O: Report24

All countries show a negative correlation between vaccination frequency and birth rate decline. It is interesting to note that Romania, with its relatively low vaccination rate, nevertheless has the highest drop in birth rates – so factors other than vaccination may well play a role here.

However, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has been and continues to be inundated with reports of adverse effects on the female and male reproductive organs that are presumably related to the COVID vaccines. The number of reported menstrual disorders in particular – more than 126,000 as of August 20, according to Hagemann – is cause for concern. A link to the decline in births should definitely be examined, he said. In addition, a study has already shown a negative influence of the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine on male fertility.

A causal connection is likely

Hagemann states:

The adverse effects on female reproductive organs and the study results related to male fertility suggest a causal interpretation of the association between birth decline and COVID-19 vaccinations.

In view of the fact that Europe uniformly shows a decline in birth rates in striking temporal relation to the vaccination campaign, the analyst calls for an immediate halt of vaccinations.

With reference to the Bradford-Hill criteria, a temporal relationship between the decline in births and the course of the first vaccination campaign (doses 1 and 2) nine months earlier could be demonstrated. There was a very high degree of analogy between European countries. Thus, the uniformly observed decline in births with a temporal relationship to the start of the vaccination campaign is not a single national phenomenon. Some countries are still withholding their data. Norway has submitted data for the second quarters, but is currently withholding data for the first quarters.

Given the significant individual and societal importance of the association between vaccination campaigns and declining birth rates, immediate suspension of Covid 19 vaccination for all persons of childbearing and reproductive age should be called for.

Hagemann emphasizes that he has kept his comments as factual as possible and that no interpretation of the data should be excluded. However, he believes that further waiting for conventional scientific publications is unacceptable since the obvious individual and societal threat posed by the vaccine is too great.

This article was translated by Andreas Wailzer.

Reprinted with permission from Report24.

