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Vatican's 2018 Easter stamp.

GERMANY, March 02, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – The German bishops’ website has described in overtly sexual tones the Vatican’s new Easter stamp depicting Christ risen from the dead., the news website for the German Catholic Bishops Conference, posted an article on February 28 titled “Muscled Jesus on New Vatican Stamp.” 

The anonymous author of the short review said the image of Jesus would make women’s hearts race, adding that the youthful-looking Savior cast in the shade one German prelate known for his handsome looks.

“The Easter stamp at least is decorated with a gym-Jesus with muscle-packed arms and toned upper body which causes women's hearts to beat faster and makes [German Archbishop] Georg Gänswein look old,” states the German bishops’ website. 

Gänswein, 61 is the Prefect of the Papal Household and private secretary to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. During Benedict’s pontificate, Gänswein’s handsome appearance was once often commented upon by mainstream media. 

The image on the stamp is the work of Spanish painter Raúl Berzosa Fernandez. The artist, who is well known for his religious themes, also contributed to a 2016 Vatican stamp commemorating Pope Francis’ 80th birthday.

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“The Argentine pope, however, is much less muscular than the resurrected Jesus,” said the German bishops’ website. 

Anthropologists have posited that Jesus of Nazareth was physically muscular in His thirties, thanks to his trade as a carpenter. 

The post follows upon a new paradigm in theology of sexuality and marriage advanced by, but not confined to, the German bishops.