
Well, folks, this is the last day we appeal for donations to our Spring Campaign. Many of you have generously responded the past few days bringing the total up substantially. We are extremely grateful!

However, to those who have not yet donated, please note that we are still $25,000 short of our necessary goal. No small amount.

That last $25,000 seems to be an insurmountable challenge, and though we are quite concerned at such a shortfall, we know what our supporters are capable of.

After looking closely at the numbers, we are confident the Spring Campaign goal can still be met.

So far, close to 3/4 of our goal has been attained by merely 0.5% of our LifeSiteNews readers.

Let me put it this way: 500,000 readers come through our website to find the most important Culture of Life news going on around the world today, and less than 2,500 of those people have brought us as close as we are to reaching our goal.

If just 1% more of our readers could give just $5, the campaign would be a success!

If you haven’t given yet to our Spring Campaign, is our service worth $5? This is your last chance to decide!

(Click Here to Donate)

Here is one more shocking statistic – if only 3% of our readers found our service to be worth $5 per month, we would never have to send out another Campaign appeal again!

Although the appeals finish today, we will continue to update the Campaign donation thermometer throughout this week to show additional donations that continue to come online and in the mail.

Thank you for your support!

Steve Jalsevac
Managing Director