
Tuesday October 24, 2000


VANCOUVER, Oct 24 ( – Pro-life heroine Mary Wagner was part of a crowd of onlookers today watching three pro-lifers engaged in civil disobedience at Vancouver’s Everywoman’s abortuary. John Hof of Campaign Life Coalition BC told LifeSite that police arrested the three pro-lifers involved in the demonstration but also approached Mary Wagner, the BC young person who was jailed earlier for praying and handing out roses within the abortuary’s “bubble zone”.

Ms. Wagner was asked if she was allowed to be there since she is on probation from her last arrest. She answered truthfully that she was within her rights because she did not sign any conditions for her release. Nevertheless, 20 minutes later the police returned and arrested the young woman.

The demonstration was put on by a group calling themselves “Just Neighbours.” The group, consisting of Jen Ziemann, Darren Holubowich and Tim Vincent, used black paint to cover over a flower mural at the abortion facility “to tell the truth that has been hidden by it’s superficial beauty.” On the walls they wrote “WHERE HAVE ALL THE FLOWERS GONE?”, a familiar anti-war song, calling to mind that in both war and abortion society has “legitimized the use of lethal force to serve our own ends.” The message the group sought to convey was: “Behind these walls dwell death, the death of the innocent unborn, the death of sacred bonds between mother and child, the death of hope, the death of conscience.”