
Thank God, literally, for Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum’s speeches at the Republican convention. They understand that life, family and the culture are indeed REAL election issues that will determine whether a free, prosperous America will survive.

Peter Baklinski’s analysis of the ludicrous, always growing list of supposed sexual orientations is an instructive must read. It’s about time someone put all this together. Plain common sense has been rejected by gullible, weak people who keep giving this stuff credibility. Peter explains what’s behind the bizarre phenomenon.

Matthew Hoffman has crafted an excellent report on the violent, new anti-Christian movement in Europe that seems to have launched into high gear with the Moscow Pussy Riot demonstration. We can’t ignore these growing incidents of mad hatred for traditional sexual morality and culture. There is a connection here to decades of dreadfully weak response to the massive killing of the preborn and rejection of God’s natural laws for sexual behaviour.

By the way, we made a math error in our headline on Wednesday’s Colorado Personhood initiative story. 26,000, not 16,000, signatures were rejected by the government. Now, do any of you seriously think that such a large number of signature could possibly have been genuinely invalid?