
The following are selected comments from LifeSiteNews readers that were posted under the linked LifeSiteNews stories:

15-year-old asks: ‘Should I have the abortion to keep’ my abusive boyfriend?

I found myself pregnant (at the age of 15) by my abusive boyfriend. He got himself thrown in jail for trying to kill someone when I was 3 months along. I chose ADOPTION for my baby. What kind of life would I have given to my innocent child? A father in jail? We have enough of that already…there are thousands of couples that have spent years trying to conceive. I chose to give my baby a wonderful life, to parents that would cherish that child.



I too got pregnant as a teenager and gave my baby up. She is now an extremely happy little girl who is growing up with a loving family who could give her everything she needed. She is even a big sister now and loving every minute of her life.



How to have abortion-minded women listen to our message

The adage “I don't care what you know till I know that you care” applies here.



U.S. Bishops vow to continue fight against HHS mandate to “protect religious freedom”

 “'Yet with its coercive HHS mandate, the government is refusing to uphold its obligation to respect the rights of religious believers,' the bishops write.”

I wish they would change their strategy from “please respect our private beliefs” to “abortion, sterilization, and contraception are intrinsically evil, so we will have no part in it”.

Freedom of religion is an important part of American history and should be protected, but it should take a back seat to the proclamation of the Truth in such a public “teachable moment”. How many poorly educated Christians are not even aware of the moral implications of sterilization, contraception and abortion? It would be a golden opportunity to bring that “forgotten” Christian Truth to the forefront.

Of course it would not be popular and people would scoff, but who cares?


Pittsburgh bishop won’t comply with HHS mandate, even if it shuts down Catholic schools

Don't shut down! Refuse to pay the fine! We can't lose all of our Catholic institutions. That's exactly what the government wants to happen – for Catholic influence in this country to disappear. Someone has to decide to get angry enough to fight this. Civil disobedience is in order!

Anne Goodwin


If the Bishops refuse to go along with the HHS Mandate and they refuse to pay the fine (which comes out of the pockets of the people in the pews anyway) and they end up in prison, what a glorious witness that would give!



Better yet, keep the schools open and refuse to comply. For about a century, so-called progressives have dreamed of eliminating religious schools from society. Why play into their hands?

Mark Chance


‘I still can’t look my husband in the eyes’: Bangladesh diplomat tells abortion story for first time

In spite of good post abortion research there is still much confusion. Post abortion women are not “bipolar”. They are experiencing a deep grief complicated by guilt and other conflicts. Because they are sad, “suicidal”, with little hope and not much energy, they are called “depressed” or “bipolar” and given antidepressant medication. This is muddle-headed medicine.

The antidepressant suppresses feelings that are necessary for grieving. On medication she is more likely to develop pathological grief which often results in depression. She may continue on medication for the rest of her life, believing her doctor who told her she had a “chemical imbalance”.

The medication places a veil of muted perceptions on her life and may interfere with her awareness of her children's subtle needs. She needs counseling like Hope Alive that is thorough, scientifically approved, Christian and helps people get off medication.

The other factor thinking people should contemplate; is the woman who suffers intensely after abortion, sick or more sane than those who don't.



10,000 rally against gay ‘marriage’ before Hawaii adopts law redefining marriage

A complete sham! Homosexualists really have outdone themselves this time. Let's enumerate what the USA has seen in the past dozen years:

If homosexualists don't like what the legislatures are doing, they use the activist liberal courts to get their way (Prop 8, DOMA).

If homosexualists don't like what the courts are doing, they use the legislatures to get their way.

If homosexualists don't like what the legislatures and courts have decided, they just do what they want anyway, actually breaking the law (PA clerks, Obama on DOMA, countless AG's on state law).

Now they've reached the pinnacle: if the homosexualists don't like what the 70% in favor, democratically decided via referendum, constitutional amendment spells out, they use the legislatures to side-step the constitution and get their way (Hawaii SB1).

In every single one of these cases, if homosexualists don't like what the population wants they use every means necessary to bully everyone involved until they get their way. The will of the people doesn't matter. Laws don't matter. Constitutions don't matter.

For a state to protect itself against the death spiral of same-sex “marriage”, it must protect itself on each of these fronts, and never lose on even one. That is like fighting an enemy with which, after winning 100 huge battles, you lose one tiny one and are then informed you lost the entire war. Worse still, the last battle was lost due to an end-run around the agreed-upon rules.

That, my friends, is tyranny.


A rotten tree does not bring forth good fruit. In this case, the fruit of governments inventing homosexual “marriage” is the psycho-sexual abuse of children. Whether it be LGBTQ propaganda masquerading as “curricula” in schools, or homosexual adoption, children are intentionally bombarded with sexually deranged images and obsessions so that they will never be able to differentiate between the life-giving and healthy relations of mothers, fathers, and children and homosexual relationships in which children are used as vehicles of affirmation. And let's not forget various forms of heterosexual abuses and infidelities that also harm children's understanding of healthy, human family life.

It is discrimination to consciously, deliberately and willfully deny a child a natural, human family environment in which to be raised in order to validate sexually disordered relationships. How can anyone — even those who have embraced a homosexual persona themselves — fail to recognize that this poisons the imagination of little children? Child molestation does not have to be physical; in this case, it is psychological and spiritual. Is the gratification of homosexual impulses and pretensions to “family” worth this abuse of children?

As one who has been delivered from slavery to sexual addiction, I call upon all people who have embraced LGBTQ spirituality to examine their consciences and to have mercy — yes, mercy — on God's little ones, who are so vulnerable to sexual manipulation. Reflect on your own experiences and the pain and helplessness you've endured, and protect children from similar abuse.



Legislatures do not represent their constituents. If a vote had been taken on abortion in 1973 or gay marriage in 2000 it would have shown that the vast majority of Americans unequivocally oppose both. Destructive policies are being imposed by judicial and legislative fiat.

I think gay marriage advocates have come to believe their own hype and they were shocked when the people of California said, “No!”, when they voted to retain the definition of marriage. That loss made them redoubled their efforts to get state legislatures and courts to override public opinion but I believe they resorted to vote fraud in the last election. Fraud is especially likely in Maine where the state legislature had passed a gay marriage bill in 2009 and the people voted to overturn it in November of that year.. We are to believe that three years later the people of Maine had changed their minds to vote 53%-47% to reinstate the legislation they had worked so hard to reverse?

People simply do not change their deeply-held opposition to sexual deviance or infanticide.  That is why the destroyers have to resort to media trickery and vote fraud.



Did the Hamilton Diocese support giving the HPV vaccine in its Catholic schools?

Gone are the days when communion was received daily by young Catholics at Mass. Now they “religiously” take the pill- the 'sacrament' of the secular world. Carrying condoms replace the wearing of scapulars and holy medals. Instead of the anointing oils of Confirmation received from the Bishop in their senior elementary years, girls are going to remember the HPV vaccine as symbolizing their entry into adult life administered by the public health nurse.

steve catlin


Atheists, secularists interrupt Christian prayer at Supreme Court

Atheists do hold a lot of hate for a God which they claim doesn't exist.

Donnie Mac Leod