
May 6, 2013 (NCRegister.com) – Planned Parenthood is much in the news lately. And they can't be happy about it. The trial of House of Horrors abortionist Kermit Gosnell is putting killing babies in a bad light. And then Lila Rose and Live Action released a number of videos showing there's no real difference between Planned Parenthood and Gosnell. So I've put together a list of people I believe Planned Parenthood hates the most. Here they are:


1) Lila Rose – You can't overestimate the intensity of hatred that Planned Parenthood feels for Lila Rose. You see, representatives of Planned Parenthood never talk about abortion or babies in public. It's weird. Planned Parenthood aborts babies. It’s what they do. It’s their job.

Oddly enough they love to talk extensively about things like mammograms which they don’t actually provide and they know nothing about. You'd never know from listening to them that 91% of pregnant woman walking into a Planned Parenthood clinic will have an abortion. But Planned Parenthood doesn’t discuss that in public.

They say abortion is like the teeniest tiny part of their day and they give some ridiculous percentage. I guess they include walking and breathing, sharpening their scalpels, calling 911 to put people back together, mopping blood off the floor, and throwing limbs into biohazard bags as not “abortion time” so yeah, abortion’s just a little part of their day. But Live Action keeps going in there undercover with a camera so the world can hear what abortion clinics are really about. Lila can't really go in anymore because her face has become so well-known in clinics across the country. They have nightmares about her.

Lila Rose and the Live Action posse allow Planned Parenthood employees to reveal themselves in their own horrible words. They’ve exposed Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics so badly that even the New York Times and the Washington Post were recently forced to cover it. I’m not saying they covered her fairly. According to the media the guy who taped Senator Mitch McConnell joking about Ashley Judd was a hero to democracy while Lila Rose is a “terrorist.”

If hate were an Olympic sport, Planned Parenthood would throw javelins at Lila Rose. Lila Rose is like a pro-life Batman with better hair. They go about their everyday business of murder and all of a sudden Batman’s right behind them and they have no idea how he got there. She just doesn’t have the cape.

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2) Marjorie Dannenfelser – If Lila Rose is kind of ninja-esque, Marjorie Dannenfelser of the pro-life SBA List knocks on the front door with a battering ram. They’re both attempting the same thing but Dannenfelser calls ahead.

And not only does Dannenfelser go after Planned Parenthood she goes after those who support them. Congressman Steve Driehaus…oh wait…I mean former congressman Driehaus was targeted by Dannenfelser and the SBA List and he lost his congressional re-election because they told the world that he voted for public funding of abortion – which he did.

He was so stunned by what happened to him that he actually sued the SBA List for telling the truth about him. Seriously.

The SBA List headed by Dannenfelser launched a grassroots campaign and online action center at ExposePlannedParenthood.com and has led the charge to defund the abortion giant. Dannenfelser knows that Planned Parenthood absolutely depends on taxpayer funding. You wouldn’t think suction machines and scissors were all that expensive but they take in an awful lot of taxpayer money. Wisconsin recently defunded Planned Parenthood and they started closing clinics quicker than bookstores. Sheesh, you’d almost think that Planned Parenthood cared more about their bottom line than about women.

Every time Dannenfelser is on television she’s educating people about abortion. She picks off its legislative supporters one by one and it freaks them out. And she calls her shots. At least the ninja makes it quick.

3) Sidewalk counselors – Nobody irritates Planned Parenthood on a daily basis like sidewalk counselors. Nobody.

While pro-life legislators may be a major long term threat to Planned Parenthood, sidewalk counselors are costing them money every single day. Planned Parenthood hates sidewalk counselors about the same amount that it loves taxpayer funding. And it really loves taxpayer funding.

Sidewalk counselors are the front line of the culture war. But they fight the war using truth and love. They urge women not to go into the clinic. They pray for women and their abortionists. They offer alternatives. Some clinics have closed on days that they know they get bunches of sidewalk counselors just because they’re so effective. In the end, Planned Parenthood loses money when sidewalk counselors show up.

They hate them so much Planned Parenthood attempted to have the government bend the law and file racketeering charges against sidewalk counselors like they were mobsters. You know, because mobsters kill people, make lots of money, and silence opponents by any means possible. Hey, kinda' like Planned Parenthood. 

4) Former Planned Parenthood workers who are now pro-life. Abby Johnson is the latest abortion clinic worker to become pro-life. Few people witness better against Planned Parenthood than actual witnesses. When Abby Johnson became pro-life, Planned Parenthood tried to get the courts to silence her.

You see, when they kill babies the babies are silenced. They’re not used to opponents that talk back. In fact, Planned Parenthood was so bad at dealing with an opponent who talks back that they stupidly filed a restraining order against Abby. Uhm. Restraining orders are actually when people keep trying to get close. Abby Johnson was trying to leave. What they really wanted was silence.

So far, Johnson has been writing articles, books, and has spoken at hundreds of pro-life events. So yeah, Planned Parenthood really hates her.

1) Lila Rose – I mention her again because they really really hate Lila Rose.

5) Crisis Pregnancy Centers – Planned Parenthood hates CPC's and do everything they can to silence them. You see, many CPC's show women an ultrasound of their unborn child. And that's not good for business.

They know that if a woman sees a picture of her baby, she's a lot less inclined to procure an abortion. In many cities, Planned Parenthood has even wrestled legislators into forcing CPC's to post signs saying they don't perform abortions. I always think that would be fair if these same legislators forced Planned Parenthood to post signs saying, “We kill babies here.”

You see, Planned Parenthood says they're all about “choice” but only if that means abortion. They're not actually for offering alternatives to women. Planned Parenthood hates CPC's but they don't really understand them at all because they don't charge for their services. And they're probably jealous too because there's not as much to clean up at the end of the day at a CPC. And there's the whole thing about CPC workers being able to sleep at night and look at themselves in the mirror.

6) The Pope – The pope is the head of an institution that is essentially the anti-Planned Parenthood.

Whereas the Church takes seriously the words of its founder, God, who told us to “be fruitful and multiply,” Planned Parenthood also takes the words of its founder seriously. Margaret Sanger once reportedly said “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” Well, both have stayed pretty true to their founder’s vision, huh?

To the Catholic Church, every life is sacred. Margaret Sanger referred to some people as “human weeds.” Make no mistake, Planned Parenthood sees the Catholic Church as the enemy. They’ve even said that the Church’s teachings “deny the pleasurable and positive aspects of sex.” That, of course, is a lie. I’m always amazed that folks can criticize the Church for being anti-sex and then accuse Catholics of having too many children. Do they not see the connection here? But you see, to them there is no connection. It’s been severed. Sex is a game. And the cost of abortion is the ante you must pay to play. Planned Parenthood hates the Church and the Pope, whoever it is at the time.

But while Planned Parenthood’s ire causes many institutions to crumble, the Church doesn’t Komen to the wishes of Planned Parenthood. The Church doesn’t Komen to anyone. You mess with the Pope and the Church you mess with the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit doesn’t lose. We’ve been told that the gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church. Something tells me those gates look a lot like a Planned Parenthood clinic. 

7) The English language – Planned Parenthood and the entire abortion industry hates clarity of language. You see, Planned Parenthood can’t reveal what they actually do so they torture and twist the language to mask their actions. They talk of procedures, extractions, fetuses, and reproductive rights. But what they really mean is “We kill babies for a price.” Clarity is not a friend of Planned Parenthood. They much prefer murk and obfuscation.

8) Babies – Planned Parenthood hates babies. Wait, I should be more specific. Planned Parenthood hates living babies. Dead babies look like cash registers to them. And they like cash registers. A lot. Every single giggling baby is a testament against what they do. And while they hate babies in general, their particular hatred of black babies knows no bounds. None. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

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Reprinted with permission from the National Catholic Register.