

This is the most unintentionally ironic tweet I’ve ever seen: Hampshire College’s Civil Liberties and Public Policy program (CLPP), whose motto is “From Abortion Rights to Social Justice: Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom,” posted the following image in reaction to the Michael Brown case in Ferguson, Missouri:

I’m sorry.  What?  An organization that recently signed on to an open letter calling out Planned Parenthood for not being radical enough in its support for abortion-on-demand is complaining about children being killed?

This is the trouble with talking about abortion: One death is a tragedy, 56 million is a statistic.  People will riot in the streets for days over the death of a single teenager at the hands of the police.  Rap tracks like “F*** the Police” and “Cop Killer” are accepted by popular culture.  Yes, police brutality is a problem in this country.  So is racism.  But abortion is a much bigger problem.

Click “like” if you are PRO-LIFE!

Abortionists kill over one million children every year in the United States.  Their victims are disproportionately black – while black women account for only 13 percent of the female population, they undergo 30 percent of all abortions. More than half of abortions performed between 2007 and 2010 were on racial minorities. 

Yet the popular press is pushing a narrative portraying law enforcement officers as murdering racists, while running glowing profiles praising abortionists as brave and altruistic doctors providing a valuable “ministry” to women.  Laws have been passed (and thankfully, struck down) to prevent anyone from speaking out against the slaughter in a meaningful way.  And I guarantee you that the first person to produce a rap track about murdering an abortionist will at a minimum face public outrage (rightly so), and possibly even jail time.

The hypocrisy is mind-blowing.  If you’re reading this and you support abortion, I’d like you to explain in the comment box how you could possibly retweet something like the above image without your head exploding from the sheer cognitive dissonance.  But here’s the challenge: Do it without using the word “choice.” Because as far as I can tell, the only difference between Michael Brown’s death and the death by abortion of more than 300,000 black babies every year is that the babies’ parents wanted to have them killed.  And if you can’t see what’s wrong with that, God help us all.