
WASHINGTON, Dec 12, 2000 ( – A CBS “60 Minutes” episode which aired Sunday night promoted anti-Catholic bigotry by presenting the Church as a villain for denying “reproductive services” at Catholic hospitals. American Life League (ALL) notes that the program “featured ex-Catholic, Francis Kissling, head of the Catholic dissident group, Catholics for a Free Choice, parading as a practicing Catholic when in fact she is a heretic.” ALL president Judie Brown pointed out that the program also “featured a physician, an alleged practicing Catholic, at odds with ‘his church’ for not allowing him to provide his female patients with a full range of so-called reproductive health services, including murdering their babies and rendering members of both sexes sterile on demand.” The report also showcased a mother portrayed as a victim because she could not receive surgical sterilization at her local Catholic hospital

“60 Minutes has committed the most virulent attack on Catholicism, Truth and the natural law in the history of its program,’’ Brown said. “Catholic health care policy is based on Truth that cannot, does not and will never change. And that is why Catholic health care is such a puzzle to the modern- day, moral relativist who views the aborting of a baby as an exercise in freedom.”

Complaints to the program can be made at:  60 Minutes II, 524 West 57th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019,  e-mail [email protected]