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SACRAMENTO (LifeSiteNews) — A new legislative proposal in California would force school kids in the Golden State to get vaccinated against the sexually-transmitted disease HPV.

The move comes in spite of the fact that the disease can only be spread through sexual contact and that teenagers face very low risk of developing HPV-related cancers.

Assembly Bill (AB) 659, also known as the Cancer Prevention Act, would amend existing California law to add human papillomavirus (HPV) to the current list of diseases for which school children must be immunized. 

According to the language of the proposal, the measure “would specifically prohibit the governing authority from unconditionally admitting or advancing any pupil to the 8th grade level of any private or public elementary or secondary school if the pupil has not been fully immunized against HPV.”

“The bill would clarify the department’s authority to adopt HPV-related regulations for grades below the 8th grade level,” the proposal continues. “By creating new duties for school districts, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.”

AB 659 was authored by California Democratic Rep. Cecilia Aguiar-Curry, who was among 900 California lawmakers in 2021 to sign an amicus brief opposing the then-anticipated overturning of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court. 

Among the measure’s co-authors is homosexual California Sen. Scott Wiener, who has famously pushed controversial measures including a 2017 bill reducing punishment for knowingly exposing someone to HIV without informing them (and simultaneously reducing the penalty for HIV-infected people who donate blood without disclosing their disease), and a 2020 measure requiring California officials to house male criminals who identify as women in women’s prisons.

Wiener has also worked to shield certain statutory rapists from being placed on the sex offender registry list, and famously advocated for mandating “drag queen story hour” performances for school children.

READ: This homosexual California senator wants to add drag queen shows to K-12 curriculum

The move to add the HPV jab to middle-school children’s required immunization schedule comes in spite of the fact that the Gardasil vaccine — the primary drug used to inoculate people against the virus — has come under scrutiny by researchers. It’s also been associated with serious adverse reactions.

The American Cancer Society recommends that children be vaccinated against HPV between ages 9 and 12 in order to prevent them from developing sexually-transmitted diseases and potential related cancers later in life. Abortion giant Planned Parenthood says the vaccines work best when taken years before sexual activity, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says the shots are safe and effective.

However, a hand-out viewed by LifeSiteNews, which was compiled by Wisner Baum LLP on behalf of young men and women reportedly injured by the Gardasil vaccine, contends that the drug’s long-term ability to prevent cancer is unproven and that “the risk of developing cancer from HPV is extremely rare.”

“More than 90% of new HPV infections, including those caused by high-risk HPV types, go away naturally in 1 to 2 years,” the law firm argues on its website. “Clearance of the infection usually occurs within 6 months. Even when HPV does not resolve and causes abnormal changes in cervical cells, those ‘lesions,’ as they are called, rarely progress to cancer.”

The resource urging opposition to the California measure cited a lengthy list of studies, including one raising concerns about the propriety of the FDA’s approval of Gardasil, and others reporting a range of HPV vaccine-related adverse events ranging from tachycardia (rapid heart rate) to nerve and autoimmune dysfunction. 

RELATED: Catholic school student ‘accidentally’ immunized with HPV vaccine against parents’ wishes

Critics also say the HPV shots have also been connected with deaths, something the (CDC) has denied.

The CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has recorded hundreds of deaths from people who reportedly died after receiving an HPV vaccine. The CDC has stated that, following a review of those reports, it did not identify a “causal link between HPV vaccines and the reported deaths.”

However, in 2022 Wisner Baum LLP attorneys filed a lawsuit on behalf of a North Carolina couple who allege that the Gardasil shot was behind the death of their 13-year-old son.

The lawsuit contends that the boy contracted encephalitis and died after developing “an autoimmune/autoinflammatory dysregulation process” triggered by the Gardasil vaccine.

