Articles tagged Prayer

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WATCH: Bishop Strickland offers Mass during Eclipse to Counter Occult Worship

As the full solar eclipse of 2024 approaches and casts a shadow over the land, LifeSiteNews joins Bishop Joseph Strickland in prayer and penance for our country, to counteract the many occult activities planned to take place on April 8. While many fear dark times for the world, Bishop Strickland reminds us that Christ the Creator is in full control, and that we can find solace, peace, and healing for our world and for ourselves in the heart of the mass. A shadow also crossed over the world during Christ’s singular sacrifice on the cross on Calvary, only to be […]
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Megyn Kelly gets it; Sean Hannity loses it, and aborted baby body parts for sale

In a shocking yet welcome reversal, Megyn Kelly regrets her former support of transgender ideology, spotlighting her remorse in a recent interview of Isabelle Ayala, a detransitioner who started taking cross-sex hormone supplements at age 14. This recent conversion toward the culture of life by a major media personality like Kelly signals a collapse in the woke agenda. Meanwhile, Sean Hannity has now openly embraced both abortion and in vitro fertilization (IVF) despite his previous pro-life advocacy. The time is now to pray for Sean Hannity’s conversion back to the Catholic faith and its teachings. The grotesque reality of abortion […]
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Donald Trump needs to convert to the Catholic faith: here’s why

With the Supreme Court ruling that former President Donald Trump cannot be taken off state ballots, he remains the frontrunner for the 2024 Republican nomination. While his record on life, faith, family and freedom is a mixed bag, what he has achieved for the values championed by LifeSiteNews has been remarkable. President Trump still contends that he wants to take down the “deep state” and the globalist cabal seeking a permanent stranglehold on our world. But to do that effectively and truly win, he needs the grace of conversion to the Catholic faith. Join John-Henry Westen as he prays for […]