Homosexuals deserve the “full benefits” and “social recognition conferred by the institution of marriage,” the administration argues in a new legal brief.
Tom Flanagan, Federal Conservative Party campaign strategist and campaign manager for Alberta’s Wildrose Party told students at the University of Lethbridge Wednesday that looking at child pornography is “a question of personal liberty” and that users shouldn't be jailed.
The Vitae Foundation's scientific study has determined which women are most reachable, which message is most likely to change their minds, and which messenger is most likely to get through to them.
A Mennonite pastor jailed for refusing to testify against accused "accomplices" who allegedly aided the escape of ex-lesbian Lisa Miller and her daughter Isabella from the United States, will remain in jail until his sentencing on March 4.
CASTELGANDOLFO, February 28, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Two hours before the end of Pope Benedict XVI’s pontificate, the live feed from Vatican Radio’s webcam of the piazza shows that the lights are already off in the papal apartments. In the last few years one of the simpler of the pleasures of working in Rome has been to keep an eye on the pope. After an evening out with friends or a long day running about the City you stroll across the piazza heading for the train station, and you pause and look up. Lights in the three windows in the top […]
The groups asked the UN to stop treaty bodies that deviate from their mandates by pushing abortion, homosexuality, and controversial sex education programs.
"The worldwide encroachment of lesbian and homosexual lifestyles against heterosexuality will only be curtailed or derailed by greater emphasis on strong, functional, loving family life," said Bishop Simeon Hall.
Politicians, charitable organizations, academics, and donors themselves should counter the ills of sperm donation through law, journalism, and funding for anti-sperm donation advocacy.
It’s no surprise that the documentary “3801 Lancaster” has not received a lot of attention. Actually, to be more painfully accurate, there has been almost a complete media blackout of this investigation of abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s West Philadelphia Women’s Medical Society abortion clinic. We’ve written about the film here and here, but I understand why I don’t have a lot of company. In a mere 21 minutes and 11 seconds, the documentary explains in almost clinical detail the circumstances that will result in Gosnell going on trial next month, charged with eight counts of murder: first degree murder in the cases of […]
Canada’s top court has released an unanimous decision today that critics say has struck a monumental blow against freedom of speech, opinion, and religion across the country in response to a Human Rights complaint regarding distribution of flyers decrying homosexual activity.
They are from a place called Crazy Land, where feeding your baby with a bottle is child abuse, but killing your baby before she’s born is “a woman’s choice.”
Last year abortion proponents attempted to make ultrasound legislation radioactive by portraying the method used for early pregnancies, transvaginal ultrasound, as “rape.” “Vaginal probes,” as the other side menacingly tagged them, are “a very invasive procedure,” according to NBC’s David Gregory. Never mind that Planned Parenthood usually requires a mother to get an ultrasound before her abortion – which may be transvaginal, as you can see in PP’s screen shot above. And in a survey of its members in 2003, the National Abortion Federation found 83% always performed vaginal ultrasounds before early abortions. Only 1% never did… And never mind that the abortion itself is much more invasive. If a mother can’t endure a transvaginal ultrasound, […]
Commercialized sperm “donation” degrades and objectifies men, promotes a culture of irresponsible parenting, and hurts children conceived through donation.
Preserving the freedom to witness to the truths one believes, not merely avoiding cooperation with evil, is what’s primarily at stake in the HHS mandate debate.
There’s a theme that ties together today’s update — God hears your prayer … and He answers. Here’s what I mean…. —————————————————– EUGENE, OREGON —————————————————– “I want to spread some very awesome news!!!” That’s the email I received from Lynda in Eugene – complete with all three exclamation marks. The Bours Health Center – the abortion facility where faithful volunteers have prayed during EIGHT 40 Days for Life campaigns – has shut its doors. Vigil participants watched as signs, drapes and banners came down. Later that day, “we rejoiced, praising the Lord and hugging and high-fiving during our 40 Days […]
Today we publish a summary article and then the more useful full text of an incredible document about the entire homosexual problem in the Catholic Church that has recently exploded into the media. Folks, this is something you MUST read - the full document, that is.
A source associated with the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children told LSN Sunday night that it is widely believed in pro-life circles in Britain that the sudden appearance of 20 year-old allegations against O’Brien is “entirely too convenient”.
If the comfort of homosexual abusers were to be more important than the fate of children and youth, the fate of the entire Church - if that were done deliberately, that would be high treason. The Church would be guilty of betraying the youth.
The fact that the liberal agenda is unpopular with American voters proves gays and lesbians are powerless and persecuted, the administration argues in its brief opposing DOMA.
Fr. Dariusz Oko, Ph.D., says many priests and bishops are “afraid of some influential lobby, which wields its power and which they may fall into disfavor with.”
Sexual conversion therapy is “generally futile and potentially dangerous to an individual's well-being,” according to the administration's amicus brief opposing DOMA.
The AFP has reported that the Belgian legislators are debating extending euthanasia to Children, primarily newborns with disabilities and incompetent people with Alzheimers disease or dementia. The AFP article that is titled: Belgium debates euthanasia for minors stated that: Belgian legislators opened a debate Wednesday on whether to amend a decade-old law on euthanasia to cover minors, being told by experts that it was already taking place in practice without any set guidelines. Currently, the law applies to those over 18 but one expert told the upper house of parliament that it was clear that euthanasia was being carried out on younger […]
The Telegraph reported recently that more gay couples and women over the age of 40 are to be given fertility treatment on the NHS, despite claims that the health service cannot afford it (See BBC report here) According to the Telegraph, under an expansion of NHS-funded fertility treatment, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) will recommend that lesbian couples be offered six cycles of artificial insemination and, if that fails, IVF. There were just over 1,000 cycles of insemination performed for women in same-sex relationships in 2010, resulting in 152 babies. The number of cycles of IVF for this group […]
Can you imagine a little old lady peeking into a baby stroller, smiling, and saying, “My, what a cute little Neanderthal you have there.” Well, one geneticist can.
On Monday mornings during the campaign, we start the week with the best news I can think of. During this 40 Days for Life campaign, God is answering prayers. So far, there have been 142 babies saved from abortion — that we know of! —————————————————– TACOMA, WASHINGTON —————————————————– “Your prayers were answered as a young mother was leaving Planned Parenthood,” said John in Tacoma. “She stopped in the driveway to talk with the sidewalk counselor.” The young woman explained that she had decided not to go through with the abortion. “Her boyfriend and all parents were pressuring her to abort and she […]
“By convincing these 15 Conservative MPs to change their minds and vote against this dangerous Bill, we will Stop the Gender/Bathroom Bill C-279,” stated Brian Rushfeldt of Canada Family Action.
Kids Bombarded with Sex Images Having Sex Earlier says Montreal Child Psychologist by LifeSiteNews.com By Hilary White MONTREAL, November 10, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) – McGill University child psychologist Rina Gupta told the Montreal Gazette that she fears explicit sexual content on television and other media is inducing kids to engage in sexual activity at an earlier age. Gupta, a practicing child psychologist and Co-Director of the International Center for Youth,Ã said that children are “bombarded” with soft-core pornographic imagery, including “faux lesbianism” wherever they look. “It really creates things in the minds of young people about what things should be like, […]
About the “gay lobby” that his article said exists in the curia, Panorama's Ignazio Ingrao was definite. The theme “emerged because a few of the people who were questioned by the cardinals told me that the questions that they were asked were about this aspect…
A new law passed by the Spanish parliament protects Great Apes from the moment of conception against abortion and fetal experimentation, but Human embryos remain unprotected and the subject of scientific research in Spain.
New PAV Head Warns against “Habit of Abortion” Thanks to RU-486 by LifeSiteNews.com By Hilary White ROME, August 3, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – On Saturday, Monsignore Ignacio Carrasco de Paula, the newly appointed head of the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV), announced that his office is preparing a document on the effects of abortion on women, and that the document will also study the “habit of abortion,” or multiple abortions. The announcement comes at the end of a month during which Carrasco twice announced that under his leadership the PAV will be focusing on post-abortion syndrome. Msgr. Carrasco warned that habitual […]
Foremost Expert on Contraception Says the Pill is Not Working – It’s “Outdated” by LifeSiteNews.com By Hilary White LONDON, July 4, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The Pill is outdated and results in unplanned pregnancies; women should get hormonal implants or intra-uterine devices (IUD) instead, says a leading contraception expert in the US. Women do not take the Pill consistently says Professor James Trussell, and it ends up causing more unplanned pregnancies. But rather than encouraging people not to have promiscuous sex or to use Natural Family Planning, what is really needed is a method of contraception that can be forgotten but […]
“I would hope, but I don’t think we’re going to be seeing any serious compromise coming forward,” said Richard Doerflinger, the associate director of the Secretariat for Pro-life Activities for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).
According to documents, the abortionist admitted he allowed an unlicensed, unqualified employee to conduct ultrasound examinations and prescribe RU-486 to patients.
The Theology of the Body Debate: The Pivotal Question by LifeSiteNews.com By Christopher West When the public conversation about my work unfolded following my appearance on Nightline last May, I did not think it was wise for me to respond until I had submitted the matter to my local bishops. Now that Cardinal Justin Rigali and Bishop Kevin Rhoades have issued a statement, it seems appropriate for me to offer some reflections as well. First, I want to thank the many men and women – former students, married couples, catechists, theologians, seminarians, priests, deacons, religious, and bishops – who contacted […]
Editorial: Canadian Catholic Priest Politician Condemns LifeSiteNews.com Founders in Parliament by LifeSiteNews.com By John-Henry Westen OTTAWA , March 4, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Catholic priest Rev. Raymond Gravel, who, prior to the launch of his political career was already infamous for publicly opposing the Vatican on homosexuality and abortion, has recently taken pains to make himself appear pro-life in Parliament. LifeSiteNews.com, however, has several times reported on Gravel’s heretical and anti-life statements, such as his repeated and public denunciation of the Vatican for its position on homosexuality, and his statement on radio in 2004: “I am pro-choice and there is not […]
Vatican Forces Pro-Abortion, Pro-Homosexual “Marriage” Catholic Priest From Canadian Politics by LifeSiteNews.com By Tim Waggoner OTTAWA, September 3, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Controversial Catholic priest and MP, Raymond Gravel, an adamant supporter of abortion and same-sex “marriage”, has announced that he will be stepping down as Bloc MP of Repentigny in Quebec after being issued an ultimatum by the Vatican. “My bishop received instructions from Rome and in effect I had to choose between the priesthood and my role as an MP. There was a threat of laicization and I could have been defrocked,” Gravel told Cyberpresse. He then explained that […]
Pro-Abortion, Pro-Homosexual Marriage Catholic Priest Elected to Canadian Parliament by LifeSiteNews.com By John-Henry Westen REPENTIGNY, November 28, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Rev. Raymond Gravel, a Catholic priest, who has scandalized Canadian Catholics for years by condemning Vatican pronouncements against homosexual marriage and pronouncing himself publicly in favour of abortion, has been elected to Parliament, representing the Bloc Quebecois in Repentigny Quebec.Ã While the Vatican has officially forbidden priests from seeking public office, Gravel obtained permission to run from his Bishop – Gilles Lussier of the diocese of Joliette -Ã on condition that he cease priestly functions for the duration of his […]
Broken Family Structure Leads to Educational Difficulties for Children by LifeSiteNews.com By Gudrun Schultz UNITED STATES, January 16, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The U.S Center for Marriage and Family released a study in November 2005 that shows broken family structures consistently lead to education difficulties for children. “When it comes to educational achievement,” the study says, “children living with their own married parents do significantly better than other children.” The report found that children from non-intact families (children living in a situation other than with their own married father and mother) have significantly higher rates of difficulty with all levels of […]
Pontifical Academy for Life Member Confirms LSN Development & Peace Reports Accurate by LifeSiteNews.com By John-Henry Westen MONTREAL, May 28, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Judie Brown, a member of the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life, has confirmed the accuracy of the LifeSiteNews.com revelations about the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (D&P). Brown, Founder and President of American Life League, the largest grassroots pro-life educational organization in the United States released a commentary today commenting on the scandal. “In order to confirm any concerns we might have, since we knew that the CCODP was accusing LifeSiteNews of reporting false information, […]
The resignation of Pope Benedict is causing a series of large explosions along the way to the new conclave to replace the burnt-out reformer Pope. Some of us have been desperately waiting for many years for the power and influence of an extremely damaging homosexual mafia within the Catholic clergy to be exposed and dealt with. It appears this might finally be happening in a very dramatic fashion thanks to Benedict in the last few days of his pontificate. Italian media reports on the details of a Benedict-ordered internal investigation on the Vatileaks scandal, if true, are astounding. The reports […]
Researchers believe the breakthrough study could lead to new ways to prevent and treat brain disorders such as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and dyslexia.
A Machiavellian, blockbuster story has been published in Italy's La Repubblica, alleging that among the reasons for Pope Benedict’s shocking decision to resign was the existence of an entrenched “gay network” in the Vatican.
Major Vatican controversy over action by the Secretariat of State and Lima's Cardinal Cipriani against Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, whose theology department opposes Catholic teaching on homosexuality and abortion.
The President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Bishop Ignacio Carrasco de Paula, has backed the decision of the German Bishops conference to permit use of the morning after pill in Catholic hospitals for rape victims.
WASHINGTON, D.C., February 22, 2013, (Family Research Council) – Today the Girl Scouts of America celebrate “World Thinking Day.” On “World Thinking Day,” they earn badges for thinking about hunger or talking to a Peace Corps volunteer. They also “give thanks for” their membership in the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts(WAGGGS), the creator of World Thinking Day. And to really show their thanks, they collect money to send it to WAGGGS. Parents, hold on to your pocketbooks! A noted player on the international stage, WAGGGS is an ardent advocate for controversial social policies including abortion and sex rights for children. Girl Scouts USA is its single largest organizational funder. In fact, every American girl who […]
Code of Maryland Regulation requires abortion clinics to submit to inspections, the clinic was not inspected before or after licensing and had not been inspected as of February 7
When a New Jersey court ruled that a woman who had cocaine in her system was not guilty of abusing her preborn child, the major media—with the exception of Bill O’Reilly—yawned and moved on.
The admission by Princeton prof Dr. James Trussell comes the same month as Germany's bishops have backed the use of the morning-after pill for rape victims.
The Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CIANA) assures that your child cannot be transported to another state and given an abortion without her parents' knowledge.
Gay Pride Favorite Justin Trudeau to Speak to 4,000 Toronto Catholic School Students by LifeSiteNews.com By Patrick B. Craine and John-Henry Westen TORONTO, Ontario, September 23, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Liberal MP and gay-pride parade favorite Justin Trudeau is scheduled to speak at an event hosted by the Toronto Catholic District School Board next Tuesday, September 29th. In addition to Trudeau, Liberal Ontario Health Education Minister Kathleen Wynne – an openly lesbian political figure – and Toronto Mayor David Miller, who is an avid supporter of and participant in Gay Pride in Toronto, are scheduled to speak. Toronto Archbishop Thomas Collins […]
Proposals for Pro-Life Donations to Assist the Poor in the Global South by LifeSiteNews.com By John-Henry WestenIn light of the scandal taking place over Development and Peace, many pro-life Catholics in Canada have been wondering where to make the international aid portion of their Lenten donations. The following list of charities give aid to the poor in the Global South and are at the same time uncompromisingly pro-life. Undoubtedly, there are many more. Canadian Food for Children, a volunteer organization run by Dr. Andrew Simone of Toronto, is one very reliable and effective organization. It spends almost nothing on administration […]
Father of 6-Year-Old Arrested Over Objection to Homosexual Curriculum in Kindergarten Class by LifeSiteNews.com LEXINGTON, Mass, April 29, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) – David Parker was arrested Wednesday by Lexington Police, allegedly for “trespassing” at his son’s elementary school, while attending a scheduled meeting with the principal and the city’s Director of Education over his objections to homosexual curriculum materials and discussions in his son’s kindergarten class. According to an “Article 8 Alliance” press release, at the meeting, Parker requested that the school inform him of when homosexual discussions would take place, so he could exclude his son from the activity. He […]
Do you have important, verifiable information or a solid lead on such information related to issues that LifeSiteNews covers? If you do, we strongly urge you to contact us, as many have done in the past and been very satisfied afterwards that they did so.
LifeSiteNews.com has obtained 17 pages of notarized affidavits alleging of Dr. Robert Alexander broke a panoply of state laws running two abortion businesses -- and his former mentor dismissed the claims out-of-hand.
Robert Alexander, the abortionist whose unsanitary Muskegon clinic was shut down as a threat to public health in December, is now working at a public STD clinic in Detroit.
WASHINGTON, D.C., February 21, 2013, (Acton Institute) – Brittney C. Cooper, Assistant professor of Women’s and Gender studies and Africana Studies at Rutgers University, writes at Ebony Magazine.com that President Obama is being unfair to the black community by pointing out that many of the violence-related pathologies in inner cities are a result of fatherlessness. Cooper objects saying, Instead when the president began by suggesting that we need to “do more to promote marriage and encourage fatherhood,” I started shaking my head. Rather than empathizing with those Black families that have been destroyed by violence, he blamed the prevalence of non-nuclear Black […]
The complaint documents 13 alleged violations of the Maryland Medical Practice Act and one violation of a criminal statute related to Second Degree Murder.
U.S. Constitution Does Not Address Abortion, Suicide Rights, Says Justice Scalia by LifeSiteNews.com By Gudrun Schultz WASHINGTON, D.C., October 23, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Federal Court decisions on controversial issues such as abortion and suicide rights should be left to the legislature, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said Saturday, condemning unelected judges for creating new rights not found in the Constitution. “You talk about independence as though it is unquestionably and unqualifiedly a good thing,” Scalia said, speaking on the judiciary at a talk sponsored by the National Italian American Foundation, the Associated Press reported. “It may not be. It depends […]
She said that all of a sudden, it was dark, but then it became a real darkness, and she started thinking, ‘I’ve got to get out of here…and a light went on in her heart and she came out and she left. They had told her that she was 26 weeks [pregnant] and they would either fudge it to 24 (the legal abortion limit), or they would have her go to Maryland and have her abortion up there where it’s legal to go past 24 weeks in a clinic. ~ Sidewalk counselor John Barros describing the experience of Amanda[pictured with husband Chet and newborn son Chase], […]
C-FAM, the Alliance Defending Freedom, Priests for Life, and others stand up for the right to life of unborn children and the natural family as the fundamental unit of society.
"This is the way our new communications technology is supposed to be used," said National Right to Life Educational Director Dr. Randall K. O’Bannon, "to save lives, not to destroy them.”
“He could be advised not to take part only through a private intervention by someone with great authority,” said Velasio De Paolis, an Italian cardinal and Curial official.
Planned Parenthood of Delaware promotes its ObamaCare-funded “sexuality education training institute,” teaching that babies are the enemy and premarital sex is fine with a condom.
“There is no way” the Michigan Bureau of Health Professions reviewed a 2006 complaint against Dr.Robert Alexander before rejecting it, Monica Miller told LifeSiteNews.com.
"They’re changing the meaning of words to get a way with homicide,” Alex Schadenberg, executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition told LifeSiteNews.com.
A state senator demands an investigation into why someone with such a close relationship could give Dr. Robert Alexander the chance to hurt women again.
Dr. Michael Davidson, a therapist whose credentials are under threat for offering therapy for unwanted same-sex attraction, said such a ban denies clients freedom.
“The directive is clear that there is to be no tolerance for students who become uncomfortable or upset" at having a member of the opposite sex in the classroom, or the restroom, a family advocate told LSN.
Last month, Naomi Chan and June Carbone authors of Blue Families v. Red Families had an article in Slate criticizing pro-lifers for an increase in single-parent families. They argue that the religious culture in many southern and midwestern states has little impact on adult sexual behavior. However, the religious culture does make women less likely to choose abortion when confronted with an unintended pregnancy. This leads to more single-parent families in red states. Unsurprisingly, Cahn and Carbone scold pro-lifers for neither grappling with the issue nor having policies in place to address this. While reading this I was reminded of Matthew 7:3-5. “Why do you see […]
Their goal? Simply to promote “care, not killing,” said Alex Schadenberg, the Chairman of Euthanasia Prevention Coalition International, the organizer of the meeting.
"In China alone, where they trained thousands to teach their Method, a substantial drop in the abortion rate has been attributed to their work," an associate said.
The reaction to the commentary, Benedict’s renunciation and the wolves within the church, was unexpected. Many of the 150 comments are well worth reading and I was able to add more information in response to some of the comments. It should be emphasized that the article was written because of a truly extraordinary action by Pope Benedict that was unprecedented in the entire history of the Roman Catholic Church. Yes, there were a couple of other resignations of popes in the past, but the circumstances were totally different. Never has a pope resigned because he felt too tired and weak to carry […]
The head of Ireland's leading psychiatric hospital says there is "no evidence...that indicates that termination of pregnancy is an effective treatment for any mental health disorder or difficulty.”
Autopsy Reveals a Delay in Care Responsible for Teen’s Botched Abortion Death by LifeSiteNews.com WICHITA, Kansas, September 16, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) ¬ A delay in receiving care is to blame for the death of a teenage girl after an abortion went awry at the notorious late-term abortuary of abortionist “Tiller the killer,” George R. Tiller, according to an autopsy report released August 24. The autopsy report for the 19-year-old Texas teen, Christin A. Gilbert, who died in January after a botched abortion at Tiller’s Women’s Health care Services, stated that she “died as a result of complication of a therapeutic abortion,” […]
“Where,” Washington asked, “is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice?”
Women who averaged more than 2.5 sexual partners a year were 17 times as likely to be hooked on alcohol or marijuana by age 32 than those who had one of fewer partners a year.
Canadian Member of Parliament Cheryl Gallant presented co-founder and editor-in-chief John-Henry Westen with the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal yesterday for his “lifetime of work in the area of encouraging life, promoting life”.
GERMANTOWN, MD, February 18, 2013, (JillStanek.com) – One thing to say about late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart, he is an entrepreneur. Eight days ago came the tragic news that one of Carhart’s patients had succumbed following a late-term abortion at the Germantown, Maryland, clinic where Carhart operates. On February 7, 29-yr-old Jennifer Morbelli died at a hospital near Carhart’s mill following Carhart’s abortion of her 33-wk-old baby, Madison Leigh. A few days later came the revelation that among illegally dumped biohazardous waste, syringes, meds, and private patient information gleaned by pro-lifers from Carhart’s trash between August 2011 and May 2012 were Carhart’s instruction to patients not to go to the emergency room if […]
Preschool Damages Children’s Social Skills and Emotional Development by LifeSiteNews.com By Terry Vanderheyden BERKELEY, California, November 10, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Preschool has a negative effect on a child’s social and emotional development, according to a study of 14,000 US preschool children. The new research from University of California, Berkeley, and Stanford University, found that the social skills of white, middle-class children suffer – in terms of cooperation, sharing and engagement in classroom tasks – after attending preschool centers for more than six hours a day, compared to similar children who remain at home with a parent prior to starting school. […]
“If there is a violation of HIPAA laws, hospital officials investigate and discipline” pro-life groups protesting the death who found out her identity, wrote Petula Dvorak in The Washington Post.
“We have to be able to discuss a ban on violent pornography, which we all agree has a very harmful effects on young people and can have a clear link to incidences of violent crime,” a Green Party member said.
This nation’s moral decline is astounding not only because it has been a relatively swift slide, but more importantly because Catholics have taken leading roles in bringing about the decline.
Mobile users tempted to visit pornographic websites on their smartphones have another reason to think twice before clicking on the link: they could find their phones infected with malware.
"Even proponents of so-called ‘emergency contraception’ are acknowledging that ‘increased use [of Plan B] has not reduced rates of unintended pregnancies,’" said an attorney at Americans United for Life.
In an interview, Chen Li described his altercation with the officials, who were collecting a fine after the couple gave birth illegally to a third child
ROME – Many years ago, I was having a conversation on the phone with a friend who was also an archbishop. We were differing over a political question and the discussion had become somewhat heated. It was rather fun, actually, to know that I could stand toe-to-toe with a high-ranking prelate and not back down. He enjoyed a good fight too, so a splendid time was had by all. After we had wound down, we moved on to other topics and he asked me how things were going. We got onto sports, and I mentioned that I was going to […]
Pro-aborts consistently oppose any form of informed consent law. But women consistently say that they don't get unbiased counselling in abortion clinics.
Ruth “Goodman died without requiring someone else to assist her suicide or actually lethally inject her,” Alex Schadenberg, executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, told LifeSiteNews.com.
Adoption is all too rarely talked about as an option for pregnant women. Planned Parenthood and other such pro-abortion organizations seem to barely recognize its existence.
Knights of Columbus Pass Resolution to Prohibit Pro-Abortion Politicians from Knights-Sponsored Events by LifeSiteNews.com By Elizabeth O’Brien NASHVILLE, August 13, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – At the Knights of Columbus 125th annual convention this week, the Order officially resolved to forbid pro-abortion politicians from attending their events. The Order also renewed its support for the traditional definition of marriage and called for the protection of conscience for people in the medical field. During the final session of the Knights of Columbus convention at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel on August 9, delegates passed the pro-life resolution, stating, “we reaffirm our long-standing policy of […]
Knights of Columbus Calls on All 230,000 Members to Demand Morgentaler Award be Revoked by LifeSiteNews.com By John-Henry Westen OTTAWA, ON, July 17, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) – In a letter sent to the Canadian Governor General yesterday, Natale Gallo, the President of the Canadian Association of Knights of Columbus, demanded that the Order of Canada, which was awarded to abortionist Henry Morgentaler on Canada Day (July 1st), be “rescinded immediately.” In addition, the Knights have called on all their 230,000 members and families in Canada to lobby to demand that the decision to award the Order to Morgentaler be revoked. The […]
Vatican Ambassador to the UN to Present Award to Proponent of “Contraceptives” by LifeSiteNews.com By John-Henry Westen NEW YORK, June 11, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Tomorrow the Vatican ambassador to the United Nations, known officially as the Holy See Permanent Observer to the United Nations, will be presenting an award to Haya Rashed Al Khalifa, president of the 61st session of the U.N. General Assembly. The Vatican ambassador, Archbishop Celestino Migliore, will be presenting the award on behalf of the Path to Peace Foundation, over which he presides as President. A press release from the Holy See Mission at the United […]
Rosaria Butterfield is an ex-lesbian English academic and one-time professor of 'queer theory', now married to a pastor in the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America. She has written a fascinating autobiographical account entitled 'The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert: An English Professor’s Journey into Christian Faith' which is just starting to make waves in cyberspace. Butterfield came out when she was a 28 year old graduate school student and later as researcher started reading the Bible when working on a project about the religious right. This led her into a friendship with a local pastor and the rest, […]
Fort Wayne, Indiana's Journal Gazette has an amazing story about an amazing young man. Nik Hoot is a competitive high school wrestler. But what makes him remarkable isn’t that he has won any medals or top championships, but that he wrestles at all, despite having had parts of both of his legs amputated. But where his story gets really interesting, is where you find out why his legs were amputated: because of a failed abortion attempt. From the story: Nik Hoot was born in Siberia in 1996, and from his first breath it was him against the odds. He was supposed […]
Monday's was an earthquake announcement that had to have greater significance than the Pope merely being tired and worn out. So, really, why did Pope Benedict suddenly announce that he would abdicate the ministry of Successor of St. Peter in only 17 days?
The U.S. government says that Germany's ban on homeschooling does not meet this standard because, of course, the family can change--they can simply stop homeschooling.
“Campaign Life Coalition Youth holds the position that government-funded abortions are a blatant abuse of tax dollars,” Alissa Golob told LifeSiteNews.com.
I wrote earlier this week that the Environmental Crimes Unit of the Maryland Attorney General’s Office has opened a criminal investigation against Germantown Reproductive Health Services in the wake of a complaint lodged by Germantown Pregnancy Choicesof it illegally dumping biohazardous and medical waste. Although the complaint was filed in November 2012, it appears obvious the Maryland AG’s February 11 announcement of its criminal investigation came in response to the February 7 death of Jennifer Morbelli, a 29-yr-old patient of GRHS’s sole late-term abortionist, LeRoy Carhart. There were other documents retrieved by pro-lifers from Carhart’s trash aside from those of which I posted photos. Also collected between August 2011 and May […]
After just the first day of this 40 Days for Life campaign, many locations are reporting record turnouts for their opening events — and babies SAVED from abortion! —————————————————– ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA —————————————————– More than 500 people – including families with their children – came to stand and pray outside Planned Parenthood as part of the Orange County kickoff. “As the prayer ended, we witnessed the first baby saved of this 40 Days for Life 2013 campaign,” said Alejandra in Orange County. “A woman came out of Planned Parenthood and as we approached her, she told us that she couldn’t […]
We can and should pray and fast for the conversion of abortion clinic workers, but our desire to do so must begin with a spirit of repentance and an honest acknowledgment of our own sinfulness.
NDP leader Thomas Mulcair is digging in as furor mounts over his claim that believing homosexuality is a sin goes “completely against” Canadian law and values.
Tragedy Reveals Unbelievable Beauty – Two Students Die at Canadian Catholic College by LifeSiteNews.com By John-Henry Westen Introduction: “If anyone was prepared to die, it was these two” BARRY’S BAY, ON, February 6, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Lent began a few days early at Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Academy (OLSWA), a Catholic college in Barry’s Bay Ontario, renowned as one of the most faithful Catholic colleges in the nation. Two students drowned in a tragic accident after a minivan they were traveling in on a frozen lake broke through the ice. The two who died were the founder and the […]
Birth Control Pill Linked to Hardening of the Arteries by LifeSiteNews.com By Thaddeus M. Baklinski BELGIUM, April 8, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Researchers at the University of Ghent, conducting a long-term study on 1,300 healthy women aged 35 to 55 living in a small town in Belgium, have observed that those women who take oral contraceptives may have more plaque (a hard, fatty deposit) buildup in their arteries. Atherosclerotic plaque is comprised of cholesterol, bacteria and calcium which adheres to the inner lining of arteries. Approximately 81 percent of participants had taken birth control pills for at least a year at […]
Online Video: Noted Endocrinologist Dispels the Myth of Health Benefits of the Pill – Part 2 by LifeSiteNews.com By Elizabeth O’Brien OTTAWA, August 9, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The lecture of noted endocrinologist Dr. Maria Kraw, speaking at the Humanae Vitae Conference “A New Beginning” last year, described the serious medical risks involved in taking hormonal birth control. It also debunked the common myths of the so-called “health benefits” of the pill. She began by noting that one of the major risks of taking hormonal contraceptives is an increased risk of cancer. Looking at 54 studies of the pill, she observed […]
New Evangelical Documentary Exposes Abortifacient Qualities of the Birth Control Pill, Promotes NFP by LifeSiteNews.com By Alex Bush May 27, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A documentary called “28 Days on the Pill” has been released that seeks expose the abortifacient properties of the birth control pill. The documentary explains that many forms of birth control pills contain progestins, which thin the endometrium, the walls of the uterus, which in turn causes it to become inhospitable to a conceived ovum. This inhospitality may cause a newly conceived human being not to implant in the endometrium and cause an abortion The documentary instead […]
North Dakota House Passes Personhood Bill Tuesday by LifeSiteNews.com By Kathleen Gilbert BISMARCK, North Dakota, February 19, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The rights of unborn children gained a victory in North Dakota on Tuesday, as the state House of Representatives voted to recognize the personhood of all human beings, from conception. “For purposes of interpretation of the constitution and laws of North Dakota, it is the intent of the legislative assembly that an individual, a person, when the context indicates that a reference to an individual is intended, or a human being includes any organism with the genome of homo sapiens,” […]
An expert at the Heritage Foundation notes preschool's educational benefits fade, but “the negative effects of preschool on children’s behavior remain.”
Ontario Gov’t Funds Over the Counter Morning After Pill Pilot Project by LifeSiteNews.com Pharmacists Forced to Become the New Abortionists TORONTO, Sept 6 (LSN.ca) – It was revealed today that the Ontario Tory government is allowing and funding a pilot project in Toronto where pharmacists will be able to dispense abortifacient morning-after pills without a doctor’s prescription. Such a dangerous move was shelved recently in British Columbia when B.C.’s College of Physicians and Surgeons realized that the venture would leave the pharmacists liable to inevitable lawsuits. Other concerns about the pills included women’s health and safety, the conscience rights of […]
“What I've said matters little if we don't come together to protect our most precious resource, our children," the president said, while promoting new gun control policies.
Women who had one prior induced abortion were 45% more likely to have premature births by 32 weeks, 71% more likely to have premature births by 28 weeks, and 117% more likely to have premature births by 26 weeks.
Leroy Dodd, the group’s social media manager, said the account was first suspended January 28 when he sent out a tweet advertising the demonstration at the NAACP Image Awards.
Staring at the room where she recovered after the abortion, Dale suddenly remembered crying uncontrollably and yelling, "my baby’s dead, my baby’s dead!”
Although the collision appears to have been an accident, the driver of the SUV, Richard Moussi, was arraigned Wednesday on a charge of possessing a fraudulent insurance card.
In the nine years that 40 Days for Life has been holding their vigils, thousands of babies have been saved from abortion, and 28 abortion facilities have been shut down.
This Monday, on the Washington Monthly’s political blog, former Democratic Leadership Council policy director Ed Kilgore had a disappointing analysis of theology and the politics of abortion. Kilgore wonders why rank-and-file Evangelical Christians are more likely to be more pro-life than Roman Catholics. Kilgore finds this puzzling, because he argues that Catholic Church has had more consistent teachings against abortion. He argues that many Protestants became pro-life due to what he calls “dubious, non-scholarly arguments advanced by Francis Schaeffer,” and asserts that the alignment of conservative Evangelicals with the Republican party shifted the opinions of many Evangelical Christians in a pro-life direction. Unfortunately, Kilgore […]
The doctors, nurses, and other clinic workers are human – and repeatedly seeing the bodies of aborted babies and participating in their deaths leaves emotional scars.
The move comes in the wake of the high-profile case against late-term abortionist Shelley Sella, who was cleared last week on charges of gross negligence related to a botched 35-week abortion.
What happened to 29-year-old Jennifer Morbelli can happen again, right here in Texas, because of the lax standards to which abortionists and abortion centers are held.
Letters to Editor by LifeSiteNews.com Re: Planned Parenthood Booted Out of Texas Panhandle https://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2008/dec/08122214.html Bishop John Yanta, Respect Life Coordinator Rita Diller, and all those in the Amarillo Diocese, are deserving of our highest honors, respect and love for their courageous, long-term commitment to protecting life by opposing and defeating Planned Parenthood. Ed Mullen – Nova Scotia ______________________________________ Re: Exclusive: Twenty Years of Eugenic Abortion at Ontario Catholic Hospital https://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2008/dec/08121111.html Thank you for the very informative report (along with the associated ones) about Fr. Prieur and St. Joseph’s Hospital in London, Ontario. It was helpful in enabling me to send […]
Last night, I spoke at a kickoff event near Houston, and David Bereit, our national director, spoke at an opening rally in Fairfax, Virginia. Those are just two of the 261 locations that start 40 Days for Life campaigns TODAY … at a time when many Christians are entering the season of Lent to prepare their hearts for the celebration of Christ’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Just recently, I told you about Lima, Ohio … where the abortion center, where faithful volunteers had intended to peacefully pray for 40 days, had CLOSED and gone out of business. Well, we just […]
VATICAN REPEATEDLY DENOUNCES MORNING AFTER PILL AS ABORTIVE by LifeSiteNews.com BARCELONA, Spain, May 15, 2001 (LSN.ca) – The Vatican has repeatedly warned about the abortifacient nature of the morning-after pill which is deceptively called “emergency contraception.” Zenit News reported that the warning was made again recently at the 12th National Congress of Hospitals in Spain last week. Archbishop Javier Lozano Barragán, president of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, said that scientific studies prove the abortive nature of the pill. “Anything else that attacks life is not licitly acceptable,” he said. As early as 1999, Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls, Director […]
Notorious Pro-homosexual Catholic Dissident Named 2006 Mother Teresa Award Laureate by LifeSiteNews.com By John Jalsevac Los Angeles, December 19, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Sister Jeannine Gramick, who became a notorious figure after she was ordered by the Vatican in 2000 to desist from all pastoral work involving homosexuals, has been honored by being named a 2006 Mother Teresa Award Laureate. The award was presented to Sr. Gramick this past November. Begun in 2005, the Mother Teresa Awards were instituted to “recognize the achievements for those who beautify the world, especially in the fields of religion, social justice and the arts,” according […]
Cardinal Mahony Under Investigation for Clergy Sex Scandal Cover-Up by LifeSiteNews.com By Kathleen Gilbert LOS ANGELES, January 29, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Federal investigators have launched a probe against Cardinal Roger Mahony and other officials of the L.A. Archdiocese to determine whether he was guilty of fraud by covering up clerical sex abuse, according to a Los Angeles Times report yesterday. Unnamed sources told the Times that Cardinal Mahony is under investigation for his role in allowing the continued abuse of children and young men by known sex offenders among the clergy. Specifically, the inquiry is intended to determine whether Mahony […]
Gay-Friendly U.S. Bishops Outed by Homosexual Activist ‘Catholic’ Group by LifeSiteNews.com WASHINGTON, November 11, 2004 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Four of the most controversial left-leaning US Catholic Bishops have been praised by a homosexual activist group. Archbishop Harry Flynn (Minneapolis/St Paul, MN), Cardinal Roger Mahony (Los Angeles, CA), Bishop Mathew Clark (Rochester, NY) and Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton (Detroit) were named in a press release by the Rainbow Sash Movement (RSM). RSM is a group of homosexual activists which stages publicity stunts daring Catholic clergy to deny members communion. RSM members present themselves for communion while wearing a rainbow-colored sash indicating that […]
Notre Dame President: School “Honored” by Obama’s Acceptance to Speak and Receive Honorary Degree by LifeSiteNews.com By Kathleen Gilbert NOTRE DAME, Indiana, March 23, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – In an interview with Notre Dame’s “Observer” newspaper, Notre Dame President Fr. John Jenkins has responded to a deluge of criticism from Catholics and pro-lifers for the school’s commencement invitation to President Barack Obama. Both the White House and the Notre Dame website announced late Friday afternoon that Obama had agreed to offer the commencement address and receive an honorary law degree at the school on May 17. Jenkins said he does not […]
Our own government is attempting to send German homeschoolers back to that land to face criminal prosecutions with fines, jail sentences, and removal of custody of children.
“Each day that this facility remains closed is one more day that babies are saved and women are safe from the dangers of abortion in Birmingham,” said Fr. Terry Gensemer.
A Canadian Medical Association survey found that 16% of 2125 doctors who completed a survey would be willing to euthanize a patient, if legal, while 44% said that they would refuse requests for euthanasia. 26% of the doctors were unsure how they would respond to requests for euthanasia and 15% of the physicians did not respond. The Ottawa Citizen published an article written by Sharon Kirkey from Postmedia News that was titled: Only 20 per cent doctors would perform euthanasia, if legal, poll of MDs finds. I guess 16% was 4% too low for the Ottawa Citizen and Postmedia News. The […]
Although there have been numerous delays and postponements, it appears that jury selection will finally begin March 3 in the trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell.
The New York Times notes B16 refused to bend on homosexuality, “contraception, divorce, priestly celibacy, the ordination of women and, of course, abortion.”
“One of the purposes of this show was to give post-abortive women a voice in the media that they have not had yet,” says the show’s producer, Cecil Stokes.
Evangelical Christians offered messages of gratitude and respect to the outgoing leader of the Roman Catholic Church after Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation Monday.
Critics say that Bill 18, following upon the heels of McGuinty’s very similar Bill 13, is more about pushing the homosexual political agenda on students than fighting bullying.
Mulcair was up in arms Monday over a government grant supporting Crossroads Communications Inc.’s efforts in Uganda because of the group’s beliefs about homosexuality.
“Fresh ideas may fill the Church by calling for a new Ecumenical Council of the Church, Vatican III,” said the Rainbow Sash Movement in a press release on Pope Benedict XVI's resignation.
I’m on the road again today, after speaking at 40 Days for Life kickoff events in Jacksonville and Pensacola, Florida. The campaign officially starts TOMORROW … and NOW is the time for us all to make a decision. 40 Days for Life is merely an invitation. This campaign cannot happen without a response from people like you; and that leaves just one question: What will God do over these next 40 days in your community … and will you be part of it? It is our hope that you will join hundreds of thousands of others who have taken this […]
The government is now defending its grant to a Christian organization working to improve water access in Uganda after a media report called for its defunding because of its Christian beliefs on sexuality.
Unfortunately, a great majority of Catholics are unfamiliar with the U.S. bishops' plea for a time of prayer, penance and sacrifice for a culture of life.
President Barack Obama has released a statement on the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and, as usual, it's all about himself. In three spartan sentences, he manages to use the word “I” four times. The use of the first-person singular is Obama's own Holy Tradition, a hallmark of both his rhetoric and his governing style. His administration is a Magisterium of one. Nonetheless, one line is particularly galling: “Michelle and I warmly remember our meeting with the Holy Father in 2009, and I have appreciated our work together over these last four years.” That mutual work has consisted of: Stripping […]
On Thursday, Will Saletan had an interesting article in Slate, in which he wonders why pro-lifers are able to exert some influence over abortion policy when, according to Saletan, most Americans favor keeping abortion legal. He suggests that this is the case because there is often an intensity gap between “pro-life” and “pro-choice” voters, with the former being smaller in number but more enthusiastic and serious about the issue. According to Saletan, however, all is not lost for supporters of legal abortion. When abortion becomes a more salient issue — that is to say, when a relatively higher percentage of people consider […]
Read backstory, “BREAKING: Carhart’s victims identified.” Over 250 people gathered at Germantown Reproductive Health Services abortion clinic in Germantown, Maryland, this morning to demand justice for the death of 29-year-old Jennifer McKenna Morbelli (pictured right), who perished at the hand of late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart on February 7, along with her 33-week-old preborn baby, Madison Leigh. As protesters gathered outside, Carhart carried on with his abortion business as usual inside. ABC News and the Washington Post were among news outlets that attended the press conference/prayer vigil. Representative from several organizations spoke, including Father Frank Pavone (pictured below) of Priests for Life, Rev. Patrick Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition, Day Gardner of the National Black Pro-Life Union, Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of America, Mallory […]
In a world of rampant promiscuity, divorce, STDs and teen pregnancy, one group is hoping to rescue authentic romance from the grips of the sexual revolution.
Canada's Conservative government has halted payments to a Christian group working to improve access to clean water in Uganda after a media report targeted the group's commitment to Christian sexual teaching.
“Women are thinking in a very responsible manner when choosing” abortion, said Julie Burkhart, a former Tiller associate who hopes to open a new clinic on his grounds.
Pope Benedict XVI’s impending resignation, announced this morning, has opened the usual spate of questions prior to a conclave, as well as new ones about the status of a living Pope emeritus. Among some pro-lifers there is lots of buzz about whether the new pontiff will be pro-life, as was John Paul II. It’s an earnest question with beautiful intention, but it misses an essential truth about Catholic DNA. “Pro-life” is not a plank in a conservative party platform within the Church, as it is in secular politics. There are several encyclicals from several popes spelling out the two-thousand year […]
Do you remember when Hillary Clinton received Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger award with pride, even calling Margaret Sanger someone she “admired enormously?”
I blogged last week about a Ms. Magazine article lamenting how difficult it is for “young women of color” to get abortions. The author used the story of her 14-yr-old cousin to demonstrate the trouble an adolescent has getting a clandestine abortion. Never once did Ms. or the author worry about how the girl got pregnant. I used Planned Parenthood’s own statistics to show the younger the pregnant mother, the more likely it is she is a victim of rape or incest. Bottom line: Abortion covers up child rape. I received an amazing email from Anna, who gave me permission to post her story and her name. […]
LifeSiteNews has spoken with numerous leaders at the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life as well as top pro-life activists in Europe and North America about the pope's resignation.
Last Monday I took part in the BBC Panorama programme ‘The Great Abortion Divide’ (watch it on I-Player). It was presented by Victoria Derbyshire (pictured) and produced by Elizabeth Byrne. Although extremely controversial it has had very little coverage in the media with only the BBC, Guardian and Times (£) so far reporting on it. The programme was billed as follows: ‘Abortion is more controversial than ever, with pro-life activists challenging pregnant women as they try to enter clinics. Doctors in most of the UK are signing off terminations on questionable mental health grounds, while in Northern Ireland women and doctors risk life in prison over abortion. So is […]
UK Govt’ to Impose “Hate Registers” for British Children who Make Gay Comments by LifeSiteNews.com By Hilary White LONDON, March 5, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Britain’s “surveillance culture” is about to take a step forward with the introduction of “hate registers” for children who use anti-homosexual epithets in and out of school. Late last year, Schools minister Vernon Coaker said that as of September 2010 all schools will be legally required to report all “hate incidents” no matter how small, and keep records on offending children. Serious cases were to be reported to local councils. At the time, the homosexualist group […]
“They have secret files (here in Canada) as they do down there (in the U.S.) of guys that had abused kids that they hadn’t reported. There were investigations into the abuse of boys, which never really produced anything in Canada.” – Brian Rushfeldt, president, Canada Family Action. IRVING, TX, February 8, 2013, (LifeSiteNews.com) – David Watkins, a former Boy Scout leader, has been charged with sodomizing a boy under 13 years of age in his troop. The news broke on the same week as the Boys Scouts of America’s (BSA) decision on whether or not to continue their long-standing ban […]
“In effect, schoolchildren are being rigorously recruited for homosexual activism under the guise of anti-bullying,” Kari Simpson, president of Culture Guard, told LifeSiteNews.com.
“As long as he continues to support legislation which fosters abortion or other intrinsic evils, then he should be refused Holy Communion," the cardinal said.
I was screaming and crying, writhing in agony on the floor. I couldn’t move; I was on the verge of passing out; I couldn’t even see – blinded by the pain.
This is not the first time that Carhart has been involved in the death of a client. In 2006, Christin Gilbert, a disabled woman, died during a third-trimester abortion under Carhart’s care.
Renewed Allegations of Forced Abortion in Church of Scientology by LifeSiteNews.com June 15, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The Church of Scientology, well known as the practiced religion of celebrities like Tom Cruise and John Travolta, is facing renewed allegations that the organization has psychologically coerced members into having abortions. “They put you in this position where you’re weighing the lives of all these people you’re supposed to be saving against this one little tiny speck of nuisance that’s growing inside of you,” one former member told the St. Petersburg Times. “And [they] make it seem so unimportant. So when you try […]
Early Thursday morning, the woman reportedly began suffering chest pains and other discomforting symptoms. Her attempts to reach Carhart were unsuccessful.
The controversy illustrates a growing trend to marginalize and exclude people and groups that hold firm to traditional viewpoints on sexual morality, family, or the definition of marriage.
“By embracing this full vision of equality, we can realize the best nature of who we are and what we stand for at OLLU,” said Leda Barnett, assistant professor of political science.Gay Activists Celebrate Nondiscrimination Policy at Our Lady of the Lake University.
"On campus we are not allow [sic] to have groups that take away rights or opinions of other people," wrote Vanessa Jones, the TCSA Club & Group Coordinator.
“We honor and celebrate the Maraachlis, a very humble and private family who bravely defended the life of their son at his weakest hour,” said Bobby Schindler, Executive Director of the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network
I’ve mentioned before that it is helpful to conduct recognizance on the other side’s social networks. You can learn interesting information. Last Tuesday morning Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas posted this notice on its Facebook page: Texan pro-lifer Andy Moore spotted the notice and immediately began contacting friends. A coalition quickly formed, including (among others) Bryan Kemper, Students for Life of America, and Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust. When 3p came, pro-lifers were ready, totally overwhelming a Twitter conversation Planned Parenthood had intended to pressure the State of Texas into reinstating funding to one about Planned Parenthood itself. Afterward Bryan reported: The hash tag was the number #1 trending topic on […]
A Chicago Planned Parenthood's care "appears to fall below the minimum standard...constituting an abandonment of this patient,” according to a legal complaint obtained by LifeSiteNews.com.
"Because the stakes are so high, we will not cease from our effort to assure that healthcare for all does not mean freedom for few," said Cardinal Timothy Dolan.
Senator Diane Feinstein’s husband, a former president of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and others in the population control or pro-abortion movement have been appointed.
The apparent emergency validates Operation Rescue's "concerns that Sella’s substandard abortion practices are placing women in grave risk,” the group says.
Nancy Brinker, the founder of the breast cancer research organization Komen for the Cure, has thrown her weight behind another controversial cause: gay activism.
“All along we faced an uphill battle with a medical board that expressed views that were in support of third trimester abortions," said Cheryl Sullenger of Operation Rescue.
Last month, something remarkable happened. The New York Times published a pro-life op-ed by Chuck Donovan, my colleague at the Charlotte Lozier Institute. Its subject was a new study he co-authored with Nora Sullivan about federal and state reporting laws on abortion. The study analyzed abortion-reporting data for all 50 states. Not surprisingly, it found considerable variance in how states report abortion data. Some provide data online, others offer data only upon request, and a few do not report any data at all. The level of detail also varies considerably. Many, but not all states, provide aggregate data on the age of the woman, the gestational […]
You and me are the new generation taking up the battle-cry for life. We are the thousands-upon-thousands who are attending March for Life rallies across the continent, being a voice for those who have no voice. It is our generation that will see an end to abortion because our passion for life and truth is an unquenchable wildfire. We are young, we are brave, we are unstoppable. But why is it that our views never seem to be reflected in the polls? Why is it that poll after poll comes out indicating that no one really cares about the unborn […]
Click “like” if you are PRO-LIFE! One of the most pro-life TV segments I've seen in a long time recently aired on…no, not Fox…but CNN! You have to watch this. The amount of time that CNN gives to emotionally telling the stories of unborn babies lost before birth, and the number of times that the reporters and pro-life guests refer to the unborn babies as “babies,” is frankly astonishing. And it all culminates in the moment when the CNN anchor bluntly says of one of the unborn babies in question: “How can you not define that as a person?” Give it a […]
Quebec Mandates Relativistic Ethical and Religious Education For All Students in Province by LifeSiteNews.com By John-Henry Westen QUEBEC CITY, October 4, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – As of the beginning of the 2008 school year, all students in the province of Quebec whether in public school, private school or even homeschooled will be mandated to take a program on “Ethics and Religious Culture” which runs from grade one till the end of high school. The program is completely relativistic and includes positive presentation of homosexual families and requires children to question their own religious upbringing. Several parent groups have joined forces to […]
Montreal: One of the World’s Capitals in Pornography Production by LifeSiteNews.com By Jenna Murphy MONTREAL, August 25, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Not only does Quebec have Canada’s lowest birth and highest abortion rates, but it is also considered to be one of the global pornography industry’s largest hubs, after Amsterdam and Los Angeles, according to the Canadian Press (CP). Last week the CP reported in a lengthy piece that Montreal, named Canada’s ‘femme fatale’ city for its moral laxity, is the online pornography capital of Canada, at least in terms of production. Michael Plant, a Quebec City-based “adult entertainment” entrepreneur told […]
Each day “it becomes more and more likely that those who express traditional Christian values will become targets of an emerging police state,” a Catholic legal scholar told LifeSiteNews.com.
I suppose that it is a bit strange that I have been in the pro-life movement for close to five years and until the other week I never actually laid eyes on an abortionist.
Have you ever—even once—been approached in the waiting room of a healthcare clinic by staff asking you to sign petitions, “training” you on legislative issues, or “helping you” register to vote.
Sex could not have been more disconnected from the concept of creating life. The message I’d heard loud and clear was that the purpose of sex was for pleasure and bonding, that its potential for creating life was purely tangential, almost to the point of being forgotten about altogether. This mindset laid the foundation of my views on abortion. Because I saw sex as being closed to the possibility to life by default, I thought of pregnancies that weren’t planned as akin to being struck by lightning while walking down the street: Something totally unpredictable, undeserved, that happened to people […]
“The White House has made no concessions to the religious conscience claims of private businesses, and the whole spirit of the ‘compromise’ is minimalist,” said the archbishop.
In tonight’s vote, the Daily Mail reports that of 303 Tory MPs in the House, 139 voted against the wishes of their leader, a sign that the Conservative Party is struggling with a crisis of unity.
Yesterday, Avik Roy responded to the critiques made by myself and Ashley McGuire about his essay about the future of pro-life politics in America. While responding to me, Roy asks how a no-exceptions, pro-life presidential candidate would respond to a hypothetical NARAL television commercial. This ad would feature a rape victim tearfully lamenting how this pro-life presidential candidate would prevent her from either obtaining a morning-after pill or terminating the pregnancy. The best response is, of course, to show compassion for rape victims — agree that rape is a horrible act of violence against an innocent, vulnerable, weaker person. Then make the […]
A pro-abortion doctor is insisting there are strict protocols in place to avoid the awkward problem of having “to deal with a live, aborted infant.” In a letter printed in Tuesday’s National Post, Dr. Christiane Dauphinais seems to be trying to quell public concern after the mainstream media reported on StatsCan data suggesting hundreds of babies were left to die after being born alive following failed abortions between 2000 and 2009. But something tells me this isn’t going to help her cause. The doctor writes: “When performing an abortion on a woman who is 21 weeks pregnant or more, in […]
I have previously pointed out in this space that G.K. Chesterton prophetically defended marriage and the family as the foundational institution of our society against all the present attacks and degradations of it. I am now going to point it out again. With last year’s loss in Minnesota on a constitutional amendment defending marriage, and the hundreds of thousands supporting traditional marriage in France today, the importance of this topic is something that we cannot possibly emphasize too much. And when we have at our disposal Chesterton’s incisive articulation of the truth, we should pick up this sword and swing […]
Yes! She has a life, a human life growing inside of her. A human being from conception to the first positive test, to the first heart beat, to the first breath.
Last week in Parliament I attended a meeting where four leading figures engaged in a lively debate on therapy for those with unwanted feelings of same-sex attraction. The debate focussed on the legitimacy of, and freedom to offer, ‘change therapy’ (more accurately SOCEs – sexual orientation change efforts), which is aimed at altering the strength and direction of sexual feelings. Dr Michael Davidson of CORE Issues (who is about to undergo a disciplinary procedure for using it) and Canadian psychiatrist Dr Joseph Berger (who uses it regularly) were supporting change therapy. Psychiatrist Professor Michael King (who is its most vehement […]
Great news: Two bottom-feeding abortionists in Michigan have retired. Both Alberto Hodari (top photo) and Enrique Gerbi (bottom photo) allowed their medical and pharmacy licenses to expire as of January 31, 2013 (Hodari here and here [plus pharmacy at four other locations]; Gerbi here and here). Pro-life activist Lynn Mills first got wind of Hodari’s retirement in December when a receptionist at one of his five Michigan locations let the news slip. Since then Lynn has been watching for his license to lapse, during which time she noticed Gerbi’s was also expiring. Gerbi was a circuit riding abortionist for Hodari, among others. At his high point Hodari owned 14 Michigan abortion clinics in 1988. Abortionist Jacob Kalo has […]
Friend and fellow pro-life activist Andrea Mrozek known for her blog Pro-Woman Pro-Life has just been named Executive Director of Focus on the Family Canada’s Institute of Marriage and Family Canada. Andrea’s hard work at IMFC helped make the organization what it is today. Her research into marriage and family matters would have benefitted Canada had her suggestions been employed. Andrea is well spoken and unafraid to tackle hard issues. Congrats Andrea!
HEROIC ABORTION SURVIVOR DIES AT AGE 5 by LifeSiteNews.com WICHITA, Oct 5 (LSN) – “She was the closest thing to a saint I will ever know,” said Marykay Brown the adopted mother of Sarah Brown a five-year-old abortion survivor who died last week. The child struggled for life from her birth which was miraculous since she survived an attempted late-term abortion. When the abortionist attempted to inject the child’s heart with an agent that would kill her, Sarah moved in her mother’s womb and the injection went into the side of her head instead. She was adopted a day later […]
Obama Calls Ad by Abortion Survivor a “Despicable Lie” by LifeSiteNews.com Commentary by Deal W. Hudson, of InsideCatholic.com WASHINGTON, September 25, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Gianna Jessen survived a saline abortion 31 years ago. “I didn’t have any burns anywhere on my body—it was amazing.” The saline, however, did leave Jessen with a mild case of cerebral palsy, a slight limp, and a life-long commitment to oppose abortion. Jessen is featured in a television ad presently running in Ohio and New Mexico, criticizing Barack Obama’s four votes against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act (BAIPA). I asked her why she teamed […]
Dr. De Angelis suggested that the continuing high level of HIV transmission in MSM is due to an increase in "unsafe sexual practices because of treatment optimism."
A Quebec Appeals court recently ruled that the private Catholic school must teach the province's “secular” and “neutral” Ethics and Religious Culture course.
An Israeli political scientist claims incipient terrorists are motivated by the belief that “violent acts to end” the lives of the unborn “are immoral and should be prevented.”
One woman who tried to go to the clinic on Saturday for an abortion spoke instead to pro-life sidewalk counselors. The mother took the closure as a divine sign and decided to keep her baby.
Launched last month by pro-life leaders in 20 EU nations, the “One of Us” campaign is seeking to gather one million signatures from EU citizens by November 1, 2013.
The photos tell a terrible truth that would otherwise remain hidden — and our movement would be seriously impoverished, perhaps even crippled — without the telling of this truth.
NOTE: This article is one of a series on the “top ten” accomplishments of the pro-life movement over the past 40 years since unborn children were stripped of their legal right to life by the 1973 Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton Supreme Court rulings. One day in May last year, two young women met on the sidewalk outside an abortion clinic. One of the women, Shevelle, was sixteen weeks pregnant—already showing. She was there for an abortion. The other woman, Carol, was serving her first day as a pro-life sidewalk counselor. She was there to talk Shevelle out of getting that abortion. But she couldn’t, […]
Such is the life of a mother of a child with Down syndrome. The recipient of hugs and expressions of gratitude and joy for things most people take for granted.
“I think that my attitude is that gays and lesbians should have access and opportunity the same way everybody else does, in every institution and walk of life,” the president said.
The College says the abortionist failed to meet the “minimum expected standard” for anesthesia and lacked the necessary safety standards and resuscitation equipment.
It’s clear by now Planned Parenthood didn’t consult its friends before announcing plans to drop the term “pro-choice” from its lexicon. Seems like a huge deal to me, particularly since Planned Parenthood offered no replacement. Planned Parenthood doesn’t make marketing missteps, but I think it just did. Certainly Planned Parenthood must have alienated groups like NARAL Pro-Choice America, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, Feminists for Choice, Catholics for Choice, Rock for Choice, Medical Students for Choice, Republicans for Choice, Center for Choice, 4000 Years for Choice, Clinicians for Choice, Voice of Choice, Choice USA, yadda yadda. It took a week for NARAL to gather […]
Did Feminism Benefit Men more than Women? Prominent US Feminist Asks by LifeSiteNews.com By Hilary White October 29, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – In an Op Ed in the New York Times, leading US feminist Maureen Dowd has expressed her surprise that recent research continues to find that women, who may have been economically “emancipated” by the feminist revolution, are more unhappy now, forty years later, than men. Calling it a “paradox” that women may have thrown off the aprons, Dowd wrote, “But the more women have achieved, the more they seem aggrieved. Did the feminist revolution end up benefiting men more […]
Archbishop Jose Gomez publicly censured Cardinal Mahony who retired after 25 years of being Cardinal Archbishop of the city in 2011. Catholic author and journalist Philip Lawler stated "it’s awfully healthy" that "one bishop made a public fraternal correction on another, which has not happened before".
It was cold and then it got colder and then snowy as the march progressed, but spirits were warm. The LifeSiteNews team in Washington did a fabulous job as you can see from the list of 17 original reports listed here written by team members who were right there at many of the events. It was a grand experience. See video.
"There's no words that can express having a baby growing inside of you, so of course you want to scream it out and tell everyone," the troubled singer said.
The pro-life movement has overlooked “the demand-side of abortion” – the hook-up culture that often leads to unintended pregnancies too often aborted, says Helen Alvaré.
February 1, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) — Pro-life media reported in the fall on shocking data from StatsCan suggesting 491 babies had died after they were born alive following failed abortions between 2000 and 2009. After three months of silence from Canada’s major media outlets, the story exploded into the mainstream on Thursday after three MPs called for an RCMP investigation into possible homicides. And, of course, along with the greater attention comes greater scrutiny. Since LifeSiteNews.com first reported the StatsCan data in November some have suggested these 491 deaths include stillbirths, because the medical code indicating their cause of death (P96.4) […]
Archbishop Michael Miller says the attack on Trinity Western University is "an example of the threats to freedom of conscience and religion that are becoming increasingly common in this country."
February 1, 2013, (Campaign Life Coalition) – If I wanted to pay to be lied to, I’d get an abortion, not watch an “award-winning newscast” to “set the facts straight”. Yesterday, the state-broadcaster, otherwise known as the CBC, made John Wilkes Booth look like an amateur by assassinating the truth in their false reporting on one of the most disgusting stories to face Canada since the Pickton trials. In October 2012, blogger Patricia Maloney uncovered the horrifying fact that recent Statistics Canada reports show that from 2000- 2009, 491 children were born alive after botched abortions and left to die, resulting in numerous homicides under the […]
"Russia is a country thousands of years old, founded on its own traditional values, the protection of which is dearer to me than even oil and gas," said the bill's main sponsor.
Harper's latest revelation of his attitude towards the heinous crime of homicide of infants is similar to that of Barack Obama, a not so "nice" person who four times voted against legislation to protect children born alive after failed abortions.
The court discarded evidence that abortionists were destroying the bodies of their victims with industrial strength meat grinders, claiming that the prosecution was "obsessive" about the matter.
WASHINGTON, D.C., February 1, 2013, (FRC.org) – Earlier this week, I wrote about a recent FRC event discussing China’s forced population control policies. This weekend, CBS’s news program, “Sunday Morning” carried a feature on the world-famous Chinese dissident and artist Ai WeiWei. The story focused on an exhibit, running until February 24, at the Smithsonian Institution’s Hirshhorn Museum in Washington, D.C. In October 2012, the British magazine, the New Statesman, published an edition edited by Ai WeiWei containing numerous interviews. The Mandarin edition is available in PDF here. This edition contains an interview of the blind anti-one-child policy activist, Chen Guangcheng, by Ai WeiWei. An English translation of the Ai […]
“Once again, President Obama’s so-called ‘compromise’ is unacceptable – religious and moral freedom is not up for negotiation,” said Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) President Marjorie Dannenfelser.
The new rules are drawing a mixed reaction: welcomed by one Catholic leader, welcomed by NARAL and Planned Parenthood, and denounced by pro-life and other conservative groups.
“The feminism that the church offers goes with the natural order of things," and "makes us happier because we are who we are supposed to be,” Tomeo told LifeSiteNews.com.