“If even one Member of this House refuses to consent to this essential principle of democratic governance it will be a dark and dangerous day for Canada,” says Woodworth.
"I frankly don't understand why the judge elected to pass on a discussion of some of the very real concerns our research raised," Regnerus told LifeSiteNews.com.
At the center of the controversy was a disagreement over whether pro-lifers can support otherwise pro-life legislation that includes rape and incest exceptions.
'Anyone who does not receive the Eucharist worthily, that is if they are in a state of sin, blasphemes the body and blood of the Lord,' Archbishop Cordileone told LifeSiteNews last week.
No more justifications that assisted suicide is about the “terminally ill for whom nothing can be done to alleviate suffering.” That patently isn’t true. Legislative proposals/laws that limit doctor-prescribed death to the terminally ill never have the “nothing can be done to alleviate suffering” part. Thus, these restrictions are best seen for what they are–mere political expediencies deemed necessary by death ideologues to get the ball rolling. For that matter, so are requirements mandating that the patient actually take their own lives. Active euthanasia is the actual destination and always has been. Here’s another example of the broad death license that the euthanasia/assisted suicide […]
I was in Charlotte, North Carolina last week and have amazing news from that city. But first, there is even better news. Already in this 40 Days for Life campaign, we’ve had reports of 321 babies that have been saved from abortion! Praise God for His mercy and love! There are two reports today. One shows the power of a strong, consistent pro-life witness. The other shows the agony a woman goes through when it’s clear the “choice” to have an abortion is not her own. ——————————————————- CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA ——————————————————- John in Charlotte sent a quick note as a […]
A hospital that calls itself "the UK’s premier Catholic Hospital" while hosting a clinic that refers women for abortions is attempting to remove several orthodox Catholics from its Trustee Company.
600 Priests and Deacons Denounce Notre Dame Scandal by LifeSiteNews.com By Kathleen Gilbert NOTRE DAME, Indiana, April 9, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, a national association of 600 priests and deacons, has issued a statement urging the University of Notre Dame to rescind the invitation to President Obama to be the commencement speaker for this year’s graduation and receive an honorary law degree May 17. The invitation has drawn criticism from Catholics across America, including 31 bishops and over a quarter million Americans who have signed a petition launched by the Cardinal Newman Society against the scandal […]
50 MILLION GIRLS MISSING IN CHINA by LifeSiteNews.com CHINA, Sept 26 (LSN) – The Associated Press reported today the results of a World Health Organization discussion paper on China. The paper noted that more than 50 million women were estimated to be “missing” on the mainland because of parents killing or seriously neglecting girls. The report admitted that many were killed while still in the womb. The paper was listed for discussion at a meeting of the organisation’s Regional Committee for the Western Pacific.
Editorial: Infanticide Goes Mainstream and Why Prolife Arguments Need an Update by LifeSiteNews.com By John Jalsevac February 22, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) – There was a time, not so long ago, when pro-lifers, in an effort to galvanize the apathetic, would recount to them the disturbing opinions of a certain Princeton professor, Peter Singer, who, amongst other things, has long held that it is ethical to kill disabled newborn children. For instance, in a 2006 interview Singer was asked point-blank: “Would you kill a disabled baby?” His response? “Yes, if that was in the best interests of the baby and of the […]
Homosexual Group Challenges Tax-Exempt Status of Catholic Church in Maine for Opposing Same-Sex “Mar by LifeSiteNews.com By Kathleen Gilbert AUGUSTA, Maine, May 25, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A homosexualist group is seeking to strip the Catholic Diocese of Portland of its tax-exempt status, after the diocese announced it would gather support for a voter’s referendum on the new same-sex “marriage” law. The California-based Empowering Spirits Foundation filed the challenge Wednesday claiming that the Church’s signature-gathering violates IRS rules forbidding partisan political activity by non-profit organizations. “By their individuals going on television, stating what they were doing, they’re engaging in lobbying activities […]
SHOCK: Newborns Who Suffer are “Better off Dead” – “World’s Most Prestigious” Bioethics Journal by LifeSiteNews.com By John Jalsevac GARRISON, NY, February 22, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) – In 2005 the world was horrified when it was revealed that in the Netherlands doctors were not only openly admitting that they had killed disabled newborn infants, but that the medical institution was actively promoting child euthanasia through the so-called Groningen Protocol. The protocol – the full name of which is The Groningen Protocol for Euthanasia in Newborns – lays out a set of guidelines that must be followed in making and executing the […]
Lisa Miller’s Daughter Appeared Traumatized by Visits with Lesbian ‘Mother,’ Court Documents Reveal by LifeSiteNews.com By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman RUTLAND, VERMONT, March 3, 2010 (LifeSiteNews) – The daughter of ex-lesbian Lisa Miller appeared to have suffered emotional trauma following forced visits with Miller’s ex-partner, according to sworn testimony submitted to a Vermont court. The affidavits, recently obtained by LifeSiteNews, give credence to claims by Miller that her daughter was being emotionally harmed by the visitations with her ex-partner Janet Jenkins, which were ordered by Vermont judge Richard Cohen following the breakup of the couple in 2003. Despite expert testimony and […]
Charges Dropped against UK Preacher who Called Homosexual Acts a Sin by LifeSiteNews.com By Hilary White WORKINGTON, UK, May 17, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Charges have been dropped against Dale Mcalpine, an evangelical street preacher from Workington in Cumbria, who was arrested April 20 after he was denounced to police by a homosexualist police community support officer (PCSO). Mcalpine had, in a private conversation with a passer-by during his day of preaching, said that homosexual activity is a sin, in accordance with Biblical teaching. The Christian Institute reports that after reviewing the evidence, crown prosecutors decided to drop charges of “hooliganism.” […]
Cameroon Tells Pro-Abortion UN Committee “Abortion is Murder” by LifeSiteNews.com By Samantha Singson NEW YORK, January 15, 2009 (C-FAM) – The committee that monitors state compliance with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) will begin a new session in Geneva next week, but even prior to the meeting six of the eight states who will be reviewed have already been questioned on abortion. In a stinging written response to the CEDAW committee’s advance questions, Cameroon fired back that “abortion is murder.” CEDAW does not mention abortion, but the committee has courted controversy for […]
FDA Records Indicate 28 Deaths in 2008 Related to HPV Vaccine by LifeSiteNews.com WASHINGTON, DC, June 24, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Judicial Watch, a public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced this week that it has obtained records from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) documenting 28 deaths in 2008 that may be associated with Gardasil, the vaccination for human papillomavirus (HPV), up from the 19 deaths in 2007. The total number of Gardasil-related deaths is 47 since the vaccine was approved in 2006. Overall, the FDA documented 6,723 “adverse events” related to Gardasil in 2008, of which […]
More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims by LifeSiteNews.com POZNAN, Poland, December 18, 2008 – The UN global warming conference which concluded Friday in Poland faced a serious challenge from over 650 dissenting scientists from around the globe who criticized the climate claims made by the UN IPCC and former Vice President Al Gore. A newly updated U.S. Senate Minority Report was released last week featuring the dissenting voices of over 650 international scientists, many current and former UN IPCC scientists, who have now turned against the UN. The report has added about 250 scientists (and […]
Good News for Proposition 8: New Study Shows Polls Significantly Understate Support for True Marriag by LifeSiteNews.com SACRAMENTO, CA, September 19, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A new study has found that polls conducted prior to elections tend to greatly underestimate voter support for true marriage amendments that are set to appear on the election ballots. The study suggests that California’s Proposition 8, which will appear on November’s ballot, is likely more widely supported than pollsters claim. The study, which compared polling in 26 states, found that polls conducted prior to elections underestimated support for true marriage measures by an average of […]
With thousands more participating in five cities, including 50,000 in Piura, citzens from all over Peru demonstrated their support for the pro-life cause.
NOTE: The original version of this post incorrectly said that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg claimed the Affordable Care Act “passed overwhelmingly,” with bipartisan support. Ginsburg was actually addressing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which passed with bipartisan support and was signed by President Bill Clinton. I regret the error. The Justice's statement can be seen on Page 11 of this transcript of the Court arguments last Tuesday on the HHS Mandate. Context to her statement can be seen in a long discussion leading up to her comment. Since the HHS Mandate requiring insurance coverage of abortifacients, sterilization, and contraception was […]
The revelation that British hospitals have been burning thousands of aborted and miscarried babies as clinical waste has caused official consternation, but it is hardly surprising.
Throughout my journey with the Black Madonna icon, I’ve been to many wonderful places surrounded by amazing people, but I didn't think I'd end up in prison.
Sometimes, all you can say is, “Keep telling yourself that.” Elle’s Rachael Combe recently honored NARAL Pro-Choice America President Ilyse Hogue as one of the “10 Most Powerful Women in D.C.” For Combe’s piece, Hogue told Elle that, “Even though states adopted 53 antichoice measures last year,” Americans “really do live in a pro-choice country.” Fortunately, the polls disagree. Hogue went on to explain, “I’m witnessing a resurgence of…it’s not even outrage—it’s just reaffirming basic values.” Basic values? Now that’s a new definition of pro-abortion absolutism. Looks like Hogue missed the most recent polls – like CNN’s finding that 58% of Americans want all […]
“It is always tragic when a child dies, but that is no reason to seek the legalization of euthanasia or assisted suicide,” Alex Schadenberg told LifeSiteNews.
A federal judge has blocked the Obama administration from enforcing the mandate against Roman Catholic-affiliated organizations in the Archdiocese of Atlanta and the Diocese of Savannah.
t’s fitting that Planned Parenthood's Margaret Sanger award go to this modern day reincarnation of the infamous eugenicist: another rich, white, progressive who calls abortion sacred ground—Nancy Pelosi.
"Protesters were physically attacked and it was felt that the police failed to protect the parents’ basic right of assembly," says a report Christian watchdog group.
Someone just received a nice shiny award from the nation’s largest abortion chain. It’s not every day that one can simultaneously celebrate racism and heap accolades on an organization (the NAACP) founded to eradicate it. Planned Parenthood commemorates never severing from its racist and elitist past by centering a gala on the eugenist founder of the billion-dollar abortion empire—Margaret Sanger. And lest anyone think her original 1939 Negro Project slipped into oblivion, Planned Parenthood reminds us they’ve never stopped using prominent black figures to push their agenda of population control. Last night, Big Abortion had a big night honoring the NAACP, Nancy Pelosi, BET’s “Being Mary Jane”, and […]
Colorado may be poised to become the sixth state to allow euthanasia. We can’t let ourselves be manipulated by this culture of death. We must overwhelm it with life, one bedside at a time.
It’s always a huge blessing when God answers your prayers … and a mother chooses life … and spares her baby. But how about when the Lord hears those prayers … softens one woman’s heart … and saves two babies! Well, that’s exactly what happened … warming up the volunteers in one of the coldest vigil locations. Here’s the story! ——————————————————- ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ——————————————————- It’s always great to get an email like the one I got from Jerad in Anchorage. “I have some really exciting news!” he said. “I am so joyful right now I can hardly stand it til I tell […]
German Government Publication Promotes Incestuous Pedophilia as Healthy Sex Ed by LifeSiteNews.com By John-Henry Westen BERLIN, July 30, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Booklets from a subsidiary of the German government’s Ministry for Family Affairs encourage parents to sexually massage their children as young as 1 to 3 years of age. Two 40-page booklets entitled “Love, Body and Playing Doctor” by the German Federal Health Education Center (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung – BZgA) are aimed at parents – the first addressing children from 1-3 and the other children from 4-6 years of age. “Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris […]
Miller Brewery Withdraws Support for Homosexual Festival; Catholic League Ends Boycott by LifeSiteNews.com By Hilary White WASHINGTON, DC November 1, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The US Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights has announced that its boycott of Miller breweries has succeeded and that the company will no longer be supporting a sadomasochistic, anti-Christian homosexual parade in San Francisco which regularly includes full nudity and public sex acts. The League quoted Miller Brewing Company saying that “following a reviewâEUR¦we are aware of other disrespectful activities, objects and groups associated with or present at the fair which, like the promotional poster, […]
“The Fifth Circuit has affirmed the efforts of pro-life leaders in Texas who cared enough to work for common-sense protections for women,” said Dr. Charmaine Yoest, president of Americans United for Life.
Stop Foreign Aid to Nigeria for Banning Gay “Marriage”: European Union’s Homosexual Rights Group by LifeSiteNews.com By Hilary White BRUSSELS, January 21, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The European Union’s Intergroup on “gay rights” has demanded that all foreign aid to Nigeria be suspended after that country’s House of Representatives voted to prohibit attempts to create legal “gay marriage.” The Nigerian vote was unanimous this week in favour of a bill that “prohibits marriage between persons of same gender, solemnisation of same and other matters related therewith.” “The only result this law is going to achieve is a raising hatred against gay, […]
Normally, a “doula” is a woman who assists other women with birth. But Roc Morin, writing for The Atlantic, found a “full-spectrum doula.” “On Being an Abortion Doula” was about Annie Robinson, and explored the “range of emotions involved in helping women terminate pregnancies.” Robinson wrote to Morin that “the grief is celebratory” and that “some of the connections [with women aborting] are really joyful, and funny, and loving.” To explain her attraction to her work, Robinson detailed how “I’m really interested in loss and grief.” She acknowledged that, “Even if the grief is celebratory, it still is grief and […]
"We have multiple restrooms, we have boys restrooms, we have girls restrooms, we have unisex restrooms, and the children can use the restroom they identify with," said the school's principal.
Women’s groups – some funded by governments – tried to intimidate delegates, but the final agreement settled on language from the same commission last year.
A resolution on HIV/AIDS, championed by the poorest African countries most affected by the deadly disease, was changed to remove calls for a "delay of sexual debut."
African Bishops at Synod Again Forcefully Warn of Destructive Ideologies Imposed by West by LifeSiteNews.com By Hilary White, LSN Rome correspondent ROME, October 9, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Warnings against the incursions of Western anti-family and population control ideologies continue to be sounded at the end of the first week of the Vatican’s ongoing Synod of African bishops in Rome. Yesterday morning, Buti Joseph Tlhagale, Archbishop of Johannesburg and president of the bishops’ conference of South Africa, warned that the “moral values embedded in the diverse African cultures”, are “threatened by the new global ethic which aggressively seeks to persuade African […]
“Cry of Anguish”: African Synod Unveils Final Document Blasting Western Anti-Life Ideologies, Resour by LifeSiteNews.com By Hilary White VATICAN CITY, October 23, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – In their final document, the participants of the second Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for Africa have denounced the imposition of foreign anti-life and family ideologies, issued a stern call for holiness and repentance by political leaders, blasted resource exploitation by multinational corporations and called for a rethinking of Africa by the rest of the world. At the penultimate press conference today at the Vatican’s press office, John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan, archbishop of Abuja, […]
Pro-family leaders have lambasted the controversial group's definition of "hate group" and note that their information was used in an act of domestic terrorism at Family Research Council headquarters in 2012.
While influential Christian groups praise World Vision reversal, some pro-family leaders insist that while they will forgive the organization, it must "clean house" if it hopes to rebuild trust among its supporters.
A source familiar with the talks told LifeSiteNews.com that the Vatican press release was "remarkably forthright" in emphasizing that the pope raised the issues of "religious freedom, life and conscientious objection."
The news comes after Planned Parenthood claimed Texas had removed choice from women and all but confined them to coat hanger abortions with its new laws.
Pope Francis and President Obama met in Rome today, and the meeting has naturally generated commentary, both before and after the fact, including by the President himself at the National Prayer Breakfast last month. I am confident that the meeting itself will bear good fruit. I am not so confident that the commentary about it will bear as much fruit. What I mean is that I believe we are heading for a media and blogosphere circus in which commentary after commentary will reinforce the error that we can promote “human rights” and “social justice” while ignoring the most fundamental right of the most […]
Steven Fletcher MP intends to introduce two private members bills to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide. Based on the order of precedence, Mr. Fletcher's euthanasia bills will not have time to be voted-on in parliament. Mr Fletcher has introduced these bills to create a debate on the issues in Canada. Sign the Declaration of Hope to oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide. The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) welcomes an open and forthright debate that provides all information and facts concerning euthanasia and assisted suicide. We are not interested in a one-sided debate. The more facts and information that Canadians have about […]
The next time you’re at an airport, look for Steve Karlen! And if you see him, why not buy him a cup of coffee? It seems like Steve, our North American outreach director, has been traveling a lot during this 40 Days for Life campaign. And he still has a bunch more stops to make before Day 40. Here’s Steve’s account of his visits to campaigns in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. ——————————————————- MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY ——————————————————- We had a great turnout in Morristown – despite the rain! This is the first 40 Days […]
Noting that the bills do not have time to reach a vote this Parliament, an anti-euthanasia leader said, "Mr. Fletcher is obviously seeking to create a debate on the issues in Canada."
Jimmy Carter Using Abortion to Split Support for Republicans? by LifeSiteNews.com By John-Henry Westen WASHINGTON, November 7, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Former US President Jimmy Carter knows how to play his audiences.Ã Last week Carter appeared on MSNBC’s Hardball slamming President George W. Bush in a fashion perhaps never before seenÃfrom an ex-President, but also last week Carter spoke toÃthe conservative Washington Times newspaper, revealing his apparently new-found strong pro-life views.Ã Stephen F. Hayward, PhD., who last year wrote a book on Carter noted Carter’s political exploitationÃof abortion in the past.Ã In an interview with National Review, Hayward recalled of Carter’s […]
The caller also indicated that the patient was unconscious and receiving CPR at the time of the call, but efforts to restart respiration had been unsuccessful.
Obama should tell the Pope "why he thinks that businesses owned by Catholics can’t make their own decisions with regard to health care," says Sen. Paul.
So my blog post from last week highlighting the couple who took photos of the wife every day during her pregnancy and stitched them together into a beautiful video was viewed by…well…a LOT of people: 2,680,800 of them to be exact. That doubled the past record number of times any one item has been viewed on LifeSiteNews. The blogpost was also shared 384,000 times. Not bad. It turns out that the husband in that video happens to be Tom Fletcher of the English pop band McFly. I didn't know that at the time (not that it would have meant much […]
Justice Anthony Kennedy, the court's typical swing vote, seemed to envision a future law forcing employers to cover abortions. That's bad news for the mandate, say observers.
every human being, regardless of where they came from or how old they are, deserves not only the right to live, but the right to be loved and respected unconditionally.
Philosophy professor Christopher Kaczor criticized the hiring process, saying university administrators should be "very much committed to the Jesuit understanding of faith and justice, which includes defense of the unborn.”
A federal judge will allow a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Wisconsin’s ban on same-sex “marriage” to continue, over the objections of state officials.
PORTSMOUTH, England, March 26, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A UK bishop is not backing down after incensing some Catholic MPs in Britain when he said political proponents of abortion and same-sex “marriage” should not present themselves to receive Communion. “My basic point was a simple one: that those who do not believe in and/or do not practice the main doctrines of our Catholic faith should not go forward to receive Holy Communion in a Catholic Church. They are not in communion with the Catholic Church,” said Bishop of Portsmouth Philip Egan to LifeSiteNews. “Politicians have many complex decisions to take, but […]
Over at The Federalist, Gabriel Malor runs down some interesting “illusions” (okay, he calls them lies) regarding the HHS mandate and the Supreme Court. Here’s a quick run-down: The HHS mandate is all about women’s rights. Nope: women don’t lose a thing if Hobby Lobby et al. win. What will happen if Hobby Lobby and others like them win their case is that women who do not wish to pay for others’ birth control and/or abortions will not be forced to do so. The HHS mandate is about gay rights. Admittedly, this one was new to me. However, there are some who are saying that […]
The fact that the mandate's advocates believe the Court is receptive to arguments against religious exemptions shows us just how threatened religious freedom is.
To receive Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger Award is like receiving the Adolf Hitler Award for Human Rights or the Charles Manson Award for Mental Health.
Catholic Priest Has Only Glowing Praise for Pro-Abortion, Pro-Homosexual Marriage Candidate Barack O by LifeSiteNews.com By Cassidy Bugos CHICAGO, January 18, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Catholic priest Father Michael Pfleger of the Archdiocese of Chicago wants people to know that pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage Senator Barack Obama “is the best thing to come across the political scene since Bobby Kennedy.” Father Pfleger says he has known Obama for 20 years. “I think Barack Obama is in a class of his own,” he said. As an Illinois Senator Obama had the unstinting approval of the Illinois Planned Parenthood Council for his dependable support […]
Hundreds of thousands of our readers will come to LifeSiteNews.com today. We need just a small fraction to donate to reach our goal. Can you donate just $5 or $10 or more in this last hour?
While lawyers argued inside the Supreme Court about how religious liberty applies for business owners, hundreds of pro-life and pro-abortion activists stood toe-to-toe in the snow outside.
Since abortion was made legal here, over 22 million registered abortions (more than our entire population) have been performed in Romanian public hospitals. My pro-life organization has translated and republished over 240 articles from LifeSiteNews.
The charity “maintains that their decision is based on unifying the church,” said Franklin Graham, “as if supporting sin and sinful behavior can unite the church.”
If every person had the attitude of this kid towards new life, then believe me there would never be another abortion. Ever. Again. “And you, you’re awesome. You’re made that way!” “You’re made from love, to be loved, to spread love!” Click “like” if you are PRO-LIFE! This kid has it spot on. Well done.
“Legalizing same-sex ‘marriage’ will open the flood gates to so many moral issues that can seriously ... becloud our evangelization efforts in Nigeria,” says the Archbishop of Jos.
The Supreme Court heard arguments in Loyola High School v. Attorney General of Quebec Monday morning and is expected to issue its ruling later this year.
What do you get when you fail to meet stated annual goals, reduce unhealthy outcomes, yet increase the number of deaths of human beings? Rewarded. Yes, Planned Parenthood gets rewarded with taxpayer-funded welfare each year for failing. Despite their Healthy People goals set in states across the country and federally with the CDC (e.g. Healthy People 2010, Healthy People 2020) and grossly missing the mark every single time, they get rewarded. They don’t have to show progress or success in addressing any so-called “healthcare disparity”. They’re accountable to no one and to nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Sometimes it pays to be a […]
Beau Biden believes Arturo Apolinario, who let Gosnell begin late-term abortions at his facility before completing them in the "house of horrors," has suffered enough.
Many women around the world suffer domestic violence while pregnant, but only in China are women dragged out of their homes and forcibly aborted and sterilized by their government.
Abortionist Mehrdad Aalai, former associate of the notorious New Jersey abortionist Steven Chase Brigham, has surrendered his Maryland medical license and closed down his abortion clinic.
W. A. Criswell, in The Offense of the Cross, points out, The Roman Empire was the most tolerant, the most liberal, the most wise, and the most accurate in its handling of the many provinces and religions of its empire of any kingdom that ever existed. Men could worship, have temples, and do as they pleased. And yet the Roman Empire and the Caesars persecuted the Christians. Why? For one simple reason: the Christian refused to compromise his faith with any other religion whatsoever. That refusal to compromise is seen in the response of the apostles themselves to the command […]
Thankfully, Steve Karlen, our North American outreach coordinator, packed warm clothing for his five campaign stops across the state of New York! Today, he mentions the cold conditions that these campaigns have endured. But the weather has not deterred them from standing strong for the unborn. In fact, courageously facing the cold can make your witness on the sidewalk even more profound … in the eyes of those driving by — and those entering the abortion facility. Here’s Steve’s report. ——————————————————- GOSHEN and NEWBURGH, NEW YORK ——————————————————- I spoke at a joint event […]
In July 2013 MediaTakeOut.com broke the story that basketball star J.J. Redick had initiated an “abortion contract” with then girlfriend Vanessa Lopez to abort their baby. The contract stated the couple would attempt to ”maintain a social and/or dating relationship” for one year after the abortion, and if Redick reneged he would pay Lopez $25,000. Redick and Lopez signed the abortion contract the morning of her abortion, September 13, 2007. Lopez was never to see Redick again, but she never attempted to collect the $25,000. Paparazzi discovered the abortion contract in court documents. Neither Redick nor Lopez had anything to do with its release. But at the point the […]
Like all revolutions, moral revolutions are marked by events that signal major turning points in social transformation. Yesterday, March 24, 2014, will be remembered as one of those days.
“Do you really believe, Cardinal, that a proposal to undermine marriage, in the West where everything is already falling apart, may serve to make anyone happy?” an Italian columnist asks.
The case is about "whether the government can force its citizens that profess a certain faith to violate their most deeply held beliefs when they enter the marketplace," says Ashley McGuire, senior fellow with The Catholic Association.
As I suspected, my recent article asserting that pornography fuels rape culture has proven to be pretty controversial for both sides of the debate—porn advocates claiming that no it doesn’t, and some even saying that the girls being beaten up in porn movies like it very much, thanks, and the conservative side stating that since there is no such thing as “rape culture,” the main point of my article is a moot one. The pro-porn side is the one that I find most interesting, simply because the critics generally chose to condemn my hyperlinks rather than my conclusions (one hyperlink was to […]
“These people did not die for any noble cause. They were killed simply because someone wanted them dead and someone else was hired to kill them,” the video says.
Abortion advocates turning to history in an attempt to find justifications for the killing of children in the womb will have to skip over the entire history of ancient Persia it appears. According to a study released last year by the Shiraz University of Medical Sciences in Iran, Ancient Persians saw abortion as murder, as “cutting off the roots of life and the most important blessing of God.” “Therefore, in their view, abortion equalled murder, and both doctors and priests condemned it,” the study, titled An investigation into the ancient abortion laws: comparing ancient Persia with ancient Greece and Rome, […]
Here we are at the halfway point of our 40 Days for Life campaign … and God has really been generous with His blessings! So far, there have been 211 babies saved from abortion that we know of. And maybe more! Here are a couple of stories about the impact of the peaceful, prayerful vigils. ——————————————————- LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS ——————————————————- Deana and other 40 Days for Life participants in Little Rock watched as three couples arrived at the abortion center – and all left without having abortions. The first couple arrived with a child. “They […]
Mother of Suicide Victim Exhorts MPs to Criminalize Online Suicide Counseling by LifeSiteNews.com By Thaddeus M. Baklinski OTTAWA, June 16, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The mother of Nadia Kajouji, an 18-year-old student at Carleton University in Ottawa who killed herself after being coaxed to do so in an internet chat room, was on Parliament Hill yesterday calling on MPs to vote for a motion that clarifies that it is a criminal offense to encourage people online to kill themselves. Kajouji, a seriously depressed young woman from Brampton, Ontario, jumped into the freezing Rideau River in early March 2008. It was later […]
Is “God Hates Fags” Leader Fred Phelps a “Gay Plant”? by LifeSiteNews.com GLEN ELLYN, IL, August 17, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Illinois Family Institute Executive Director Peter LaBarbera is condemning Kansas-based Fred Phelps, whose message, “God Hates Fags,” as one that “paint(s) any opposition to ‘gay rights’ as hateful.” LaBarbera adds that he wonders if Phelps’ is a “gay plant.” “Politically and culturally speaking, Phelps and his protesters serve as a crude caricature of pro-family traditionalists who oppose the normalization of homosexuality,” LaBarbera stated in his column Monday. “Fred makes an easy target for the media and secularists who are tempted […]
Abortion Better than Adoption says European Parliamentary Assembly Proposal by LifeSiteNews.com By Hilary White BRUSSELS, June 23, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The UK’s Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) has warned that an initiative of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) will bring the EU closer to mandating unrestricted legal abortion for its member states. PACE has proposed a draft resolution on the problem of the abandonment of children, particularly newborns, in Europe. But as with most discussions of the problems facing mothers, the resolution quickly reveals the strong pro-abortion mindset of its drafters, who call […]
Notre Dame’s 40+ Year History of Unfaithfulness to the Church by LifeSiteNews.com by Patrick B. Craine SOUTH BEND, Indiana, May 6, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) -The University of Notre Dame’s invitation of President Obama to deliver their 2009 graduation commencement address on May 17th has generated great controversy in the North American Church and shocked many Catholics who have looked to Notre Dame as the very model of Catholic higher education in America. This invitation, however, is by no means an isolated incident, and, in fact, is merely a continuation of Notre Dame’s progressive self-detachment from the Catholic Church over the last […]
Critics Charge U.K. Equality Bill is About “Ideological Coercion” and Will “Reintroduce Discriminati by LifeSiteNews.com By Hilary White LONDON, May 25, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – As the Labour government’s Equality act works its way through Parliament, critics are becoming increasingly vocal about the bill’s potential to stifle religious expression. A coalition of clergy, including sitting members of the House of Lords, some Labour MPs and leading opposition Conservative MPs have said that the bill is a direct threat to Britain’s ancient heritage of civil liberties and freedoms. The government’s proposed Equality bill is not about protecting the rights of minorities, but […]
Kermit Gosnell's "House of Horrors" had a similar litany of state violations, which caught up to him only after officials discovered another of his illegal ventures.
“Clearly, the Obama administration is doing what’s best for big business—Big Pharma and Big Abortion—despite the harm its mandate will inflict on women’s health," Karen Malec of The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer.
Calling your opponents un-American and agitating for the most extreme pro-abortion position doesn’t just get you the attention of Daily Kos or Democratic Underground. It can get you props from a mainstream women’s magazine. Elle revealed its list of the 10 most powerful women in D.C. on Wednesday – and included NARAL Pro-Choice America President Ilyse Hogue as one of the top picks. Hogue recently accused pro-lifers and tea partiers of “lying and cheating,” and posited that anti-abortion means “anti-American” (even when 58% of Americans want all or most abortions illegal). Elle's mission statement reads, “Our smart, irreverent take on fashion, beauty, and pop culture is at […]
This letter is addressed to every physician, scientist, and genetic counselor who believes in a eugenic agenda that targets the unborn specifically because of diagnosed genetic anomalies. It asks a series of penetrating questions that invite thoughtful response, and are not meant to be rhetorical. The first question is: WHO? Who taught you in medical school or graduate school that we doctors of science and medicine are the custodians of the human gene pool? Who was it that told you it was your job to keep that pool “clean?” They are serious questions, as I never encountered this philosophy, let alone […]
Whoa. Is this true? Well, it depends on which kind of feminists we’re talking about. Founding feminists Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton firmly believed that abortion is “infanticide”. Referring to one specific rural county in Maine, they decried that there were “four hundred murders annually produced by abortion in that county alone.” “There must be a remedy even for such a crying evil as this,” the bold Anthony and Stanton declared in an article entitled, “Child Murder” (The Revolution, March 12, 1868, pg 146). These women, many of them proud mothers like Mrs. Stanton, embraced everything that made them […]
Back in January 2010 I reported that the DC Abortion Fund had given the “gorgeous and touching” coat hanger pendant as a holiday fundraising gift. And it’s so très chic, constructed of “handmade sterling silver,” no less. Two days ago, National Review Online noticed DCAF is again hawking the coat hanger bauble, and this time Drudge picked up the story, drawing the abortion funder lots of scorn. An editor at U.S. News & World Report called DCAF’s give-away a “misguided parody” that “makes you wonder what goes on in the minds of people who think a trinket like that is a good idea as it lampoons the horrors of back alley abortions and […]
Starting next year, 24 Chicago high schools will begin distributing free condoms as part of a pilot program for sex education, with the mayor's backing.
William Melchert-Dinkel was convicted in 2011 of aiding in the suicides of a British man and a Canadian teenage girl, but the state high court has overturned the ruling.
Lancaster's bishop has asked Deacon Nick Donnelly, who runs the Protect the Pope blog, to enter a period of “reflection and prayer … on the duties involved for ordained bloggers/website administrators to truth, charity and unity in the Church.”
Vatican Newspaper Issues CDF Clarification on Abortion in Wake of Fisichella Controversy by LifeSiteNews.com By John-Henry Westen and Hilary White, Rome Correspondent VATICAN CITY, July 7, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano has today published a clarification from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) reiterating the Church’s stand against abortion. The clarification notes that it comes after the CDF received communications from political and church leaders expressing concerns about an article published in the same newspaper by the new head of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Archbishop Salvatore (Rino) Fisichella. The clarification is an impressive […]
Bishop Vasa Severs Church’s Ties with Hospital over Sterilizations by LifeSiteNews.com By Patrick B. Craine BEND, Oregon, February 16, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The Catholic Diocese of Baker, Oregon announced yesterday that it has severed ties with St. Charles Medical Center, in Bend, because the hospital has adopted practices that violate Catholic teaching and will not back down on them. “It is my responsibility to ensure the hospital is following Catholic principles both in name and in fact,” said Bishop Robert Vasa. The hospital, founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph 92 years ago, became a community non-profit organization in the […]
UN EXPLICITLY DEMANDS ABORTION RIGHTS IN NEPAL by LifeSiteNews.com GENEVA, September 12, 2001 (LSN.ca) – In one of the most explicit demands for abortion legalization ever issued by a United Nations committee, on August 31, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) issued its Concluding Observations of the Committee on Nepal. While the United Nations frequently suggests it does not promote abortions in countries where the practice is illegal, the official UN report of the CESCR concluding observations, fully released only in the past few days, demonstrates the opposite. The UN report states, “The Committee urges the State […]
Interview With Babette Francis on the UN’s Destruction of the Concept of Gender by LifeSiteNews.com Chicago, March 23, 2004 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Babette Francis is the president and National & Overseas Coordinator of the Endeavour Forum, Australia’s leading pro-life, pro-family lobby organization. She and her husband, Charles appeared on March 20 at the Cardinal Mindszenty conference in Chicago. The Mindszenty Foundation conferences have been occurring for 25 years in Chicago and serves as a forum for pro-family and pro-life thinkers to gather and exchange ideas. Francis is a prolific writer and speaker on all areas of life and family and has […]
INVESTIGATION INTO HOMOSEXUAL PARENTING WARNS OF SERIOUS PROBLEMS FOR CHILDREN by LifeSiteNews.com LONDON, February 5, 2002 (LSN.ca) – The largest investigation into homosexual parenting to be published in Europe finds that children raised by homosexual couples suffer serious problems later in life. The study, by sociologist Patricia Morgan, is released with the launch of her book on the subject, “Children as Trophies?”. The book reviews 144 academic papers on homosexual parenting and concludes that the healthiest way to bring up a child is within traditional marriage. See the coverage in the Herald: https://www.theadvertiser.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5936,3709157%255E912,00.html
Pope’s Promo for UN Child Rights Convention Must be Read in Context of Vatican Reservations: Vatican by LifeSiteNews.com By John-Henry Westen NEW YORK, June 11, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Last week, Pope Benedict XVI issued a telegram, signed by Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, saying there was an “urgent need” for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)“to be implemented to the full.” The telegram raised eyebrows among family activists, especially in the United States, since they have battled against the ratification of the document in their country. Reports on the telegram to date have failed […]
Pro-Life Leaders Worldwide Concerned About Weakening of Vatican’s Pro-Life Stand in Wake of Uncorrec by LifeSiteNews.com By Hilary White ROME, April 30, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – In recent weeks, pro-life Catholics from around the world have flooded Vatican offices with protests, petitions and letters asking for a retraction or clarification on an article published by L’Osservatore Romano implying that direct abortion could be morally justified or its evil mitigated in some “extreme circumstances”. However, since the March 15th publication of the article, provocatively titled, “On the side of the Brazilian girl,” by Archbishop Salvatore Fisichella, the head of the Vatican’s Pontifical […]
Interim Report on Catholic Sex-Abuse Says “Homosexual Identity” Not a Predictor of Sex Abuse by LifeSiteNews.com By Peter J. Smith BALTIMORE, Maryland, November 20, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Authors of an interim report delivered to the US Catholic bishops on Tuesday told the bishops that their findings did not establish a causal connection between homosexual identity and the sexual abuse of minors. Margaret Smith, one of the leading researchers of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, told the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops at their general assembly in Baltimore that their data so far does not prove homosexuality is a […]
Irish Prelate Demands Resignation of Four More Bishops by LifeSiteNews.com By Hilary White DUBLIN, December 22, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The Catholic archbishop of Dublin is claiming the support of the Vatican in his demands for the resignation of four Irish bishops named in a government report on clerical sex abuse. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin issued an ultimatum to Bishops Raymond Field, Eamon Walsh, Martin Drennan and Jim Moriarty, saying he will petition the Vatican’s Congregation of Bishops to remove them if they do not resign. The demands for resignation come in the wake of a report commissioned by the Irish Department […]
Cardinal Raymond Burke explains and defends the Church's teaching on life and family in a new interview published exclusively in English by LifeSiteNews.
While premier, Alison Redford opposed conscience rights, became the first Alberta premier to march in a Pride parade, and tried to impose "diversity" education on homeschoolers.
Refusing Communion "is a prime act of pastoral charity, helping the person in question to avoid sacrilege and safeguarding the other faithful from scandal,” says the cardinal.
The condom mantra is at the heart of all the “comprehensive sex ed” programs, yet the FDA says on its website that anal sex is so dangerous that it should not be engaged in, period!
“We hope to share the love of Christ with the women as well as give them the ability to get on their feet, believe in themselves and help them realize success," says one of the home's founders.
"It is a strange kind of political correctness and tolerance in which, not to ‘discriminate’ against a child, you end up discriminating against 30," the parents said.
The 1990 movie “Pretty Woman” is still wildly popular; it relies on the Hollywood canard of the “hooker with a heart of gold.” In the movie, a prostitute is paid to spend the weekend with a wealthy handsome gentleman. The two fall in love, and she is swept off her feet by the courtly man who initially wished only to utilize her. Cue the hankies, sigh for the romance, and fade to black. Now, the movie is being made into a Broadway musical, which the Huffington Post declares will carry the message from the movie of ” the importance of […]
Assisted Suicide bill H 1998 in Massachusetts appears to be dead. The Associated Press is reporting that: On Tuesday the Public Health Committee recommended the bill be sent to a study committee, a common way of essentially ensuring no action will be taken before the end of the formal session. On November 6, 2012 Massachusetts citizens defeated Ballot Question 2 (assisted suicide) by a vote of 51.1% to 48.9%. A close vote that indicated that the majority of Massachusetts citizens opposed the legalization of assisted suicide. Yesterday, the media reported that Connecticut assisted suicide bill HB 5326 was likely […]
Fred Phelps is dead. I see that the reactions to his death are starting to flow through my Facebook news feed. One status update that I just ran across disturbed me for appearing to gloat that Phelps is in hell. Many others, I suppose, are having this same kind of reaction. After all, if Fred Phelps isn’t a candidate for hell, who is? He caused enormous suffering while he lived, often to those who were already suffering unimaginable grief, such as the widows of military members whose funerals he and his followers protested. During his life Phelps taught vile doctrines, […]
Here's some encouraging news I'm hearing from the SPUC team at the Human Rights Council in Geneva: Many UN member countries, sick and tired of the constant bombardment from European and other first world member states about same-sex marriage, contraception and abortion, have established an informal group known as Friends of the Family, consisting of 112 member states. This cross-regional group is being formed in the context of this, the 20th anniversary of the International year of the Family, and immediately prior to the 25th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva. Pat Buckley, one of SPUC's veteran lobbyists […]
Orlando is known for Walt Disney World and other entertainment attractions. But the city has its poor neighborhoods as well … and one of them is home to a large Planned Parenthood abortion facility. I visited the Orlando campaign this week, where 150 people attended their mid-point event — including one woman who came to angrily protest the event … but ended up thanking us for being there. That is just one of the moving stories from my visit to Orlando … and my stop in Springfield, Illinois. ——————————————————- ORLANDO, FLORIDA ——————————————————- Travel issues prevented me from arriving for the […]
A statement attributed to UKIP leader Nigel Farage this week said they would not campaign on same-sex "marriage," but Farage says he did not approve the remarks.
“The essential battle is now for the very foundations of marriage, its identity in the union of man and woman, a lasting union, a union which is open to life," says the Bishop of Shrewsbury.
“Terminally ill citizens were told [the state] would not pay the cost of pain-control, but would cover the cost of their suicides,” Dr. Jacqueline Harvey testified.
Austrian Bishop Laun Says Mall Owner Excommunicated for Providing Space for Abortion Clinic by LifeSiteNews.com By John-Henry Westen VIENNA, Austria, February 6, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Salzburg Auxiliary Bishop Andreas Laun has caused a stir in the German press by saying publicly that a Catholic businessman who rented space in his shopping mall to an abortion clinic has excommunicated himself. The businessman, Richard Lugner, at first threatened to sue Bishop Laun but has since thought better of the lawsuit but has not reconsidered his aiding and abetting the killing of unborn children. In an interview with the Catholic News Agency Austria […]
Cheryl Eckstein, the leader of the Compassionate Healthcare Network sent out an important news story from Russia concerning Belgium extending euthanasia to children. The Voice of Russia reported on March 9, 2014 stated that: Russian officials have come up with a proposal to ban child adoption by citizens of countries where child euthanasia is permissible. The report states: Russian MPs have proposed to put a ban on child adoption by citizens of countries where the euthanasia of underage children is allowed. A lawyer, Larisa Pavlova, the Chairwoman of the board of Directors of the Parents Committee (a public organization) shares […]
“It’s not OK to buy and sell us. We are not for sale.” Vednita Carter wants this to be perfectly clear: human beings are not for sale. It’s a battle, she says, one where she is on the front lines. Carter used to be a prostitute. But don’t think of a woman wearing outrageous outfits, standing on a street corner. No, think sex trafficking. At 18, she was hoping to make money for college when she responded to an advertisement for “dancers.” At first, she danced fully clothed, but her bosses and then-boyfriend soon pressured her into stripping and, eventually, […]
The Record Journal news in Connecticut is reporting that the assisted suicide bill HB 5326 is unlikely to go to a vote this year. Yesterday the Connecticut General Assembly Public Health Committee held a public hearing on HB 5326. On March 6, 2014, less than two weeks earlier, the New Hampshire legislature defeated assisted suicide bill HB 1325 by a vote of 219 to 66. Connecticut and New Hampshire are both in the northeastern US. The Record Journal reported Rep. David Zoni, D-Southington, a health committee member stating: “I don’t see a lot of strong support for it.” While […]
Massive Brazilian Vaccination Raises Suspicions of Covert Sterilization Program by LifeSiteNews.com By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman August 14, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The commencement of a massive, mandatory vaccination program in Brazil has raised suspicions among international pro-life activists, who note that the program is similar to others in recent years that have included a hidden sterilizing agent in the vaccines. The campaign, which was begun last week by Brazil’s pro-abortion Health Minister, Jose Gomes Temporao, claims that its goal is to annihilate rubella in the South American nation. Temporao, who has expended considerable energy to legalize abortion, claims he is concerned […]
Recently the Internet has been abuzz with news about the eminent death of Westboro Baptist Church founder, Fred Phelps. Most known for the “God hates fags” website and signs, Phelps is perhaps one of the most hated men in America. This is why it is no surprise to see comments wishing him a safe trip to Hell. However, I cannot understand this kind of behavior from those who claim to be Christians. I have stood face to face with members of the Westboro Baptist Church and tried to have a civil conversation with them. I have been screamed at and […]
Bencomo has filed suit in Los Angeles Superior Court against St. Lucy’s alleging the school violated California’s state Labor Code and committed breach of contract.
This past Friday, the website Religion Dispatches published a story criticizing the Pro-Life Action League’s Lenten prayer and fasting campaign for abortion advocates Robin Marty, Katie Klabusich and Cheryl Chastine. Some of our opponents have characterized this effort as “harassment,” since we named the three and included pictures of them. Though author Alana Massey makes no secret of her pro-choice position, the piece is fairly even-handed, and I’m grateful for that. I spent nearly an hour on the phone with Massey being interviewed for the story, and she’s kind enough to call me “an exceedingly gracious person.” For my part, […]
Leading a 40 Days for Life campaign is hard. It takes courage, time and sacrifice. In every campaign, we see new leaders in new places take a leap of faith and bring this effort to their city — or country! The Holy Spirit has taken 40 Days for Life to many new countries. Today, we highlight one of the two first-time campaigns in New Zealand, where 40 Days for Life is brand new, plus a campaign in Canada where there’s an additional international connection. ——————————————————- WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND ——————————————————- The first 40 Days for Life vigil in New Zealand’s capital […]
Julia Holcomb was only 16 when she met rockstar Steve Tyler of the band Aerosmith. Their relationship ended in a traumatic late-term abortion. This is the true story of that abortion, and its aftermath.
On the heels of a number of alleged sexual assaults at the University of Ottawa, the topic of “rape culture” is again in the headlines. Additionally, a U of O student leader Anne-Marie Roy revealed that in a Facebook conversation, several male student leaders had made sexually explicit comments about her—with one comment stating that she should be “sexually punished.” These new incidents bring to mind incidents occurring last year at St. Mary’s University, in which a frosh-week chant had male students chanting support for non-consensual, underage sex—“U is for underage! N is for no consent!”—and a variety of other […]
“I hope people walk away with a personal weight of responsibility. What can I do, what should I do? Where do I fit into this?” says producer Jennifer Thompson.
The new group has created a heart symbol to display at public venues as a sign that Christians "are supported and welcomed to openly talk about their faith."
The government plan is the “largest liberalisation of abortion practice since the passing of the Abortion Act in 1967,"says the head of the Christian Medical Fellowship.
American Life League’s STOPP reported in February: Here are some comparative numbers based on the Guttmacher report entitled “Abortion Incidence and Service Availability in the United States, 2011,” and Planned Parenthood’s annual reports, showing Planned Parenthood’s ever-increasing share of the U.S. abortion market: Planned Parenthood committed 31.6% of abortions nationwide in 2011 Planned Parenthood committed 23.3% of abortions nationwide in 2006 Planned Parenthood committed 16.5% of abortions nationwide in 2001 Planned Parenthood committed 11.3% of abortions nationwide in 1996 Planned Parenthood committed 8.5% of abortions nationwide in 1991 Planned Parenthood committed 6.2% of abortions nationwide in 1986 The graph below […]
The Catholic bishop of Middleborough hopes for "development" in Church teaching on "contraception, homosexuality, divorce and remarriage, cohabitation; even the position of women in the Church.”
The Hemlock Society Compassion and Choices spends millions a year–much from the culturally subversive George Soros–pushing the legalization of doctor-prescribed death. It is an ideological quest that divides the American people pretty much down the middle. Regardless of polling numbers–which can vary based on how the questions are asked–legalizing assisted suicide is definitely not a high agenda item on the American public’s “things to do” in public policy list. Most people just aren’t that into it, even if they might abstractly support legalization in a poll. That’s why I got a chuckle out of the organization’s most recent annual report depicting their […]
Yes, you read the headline correctly: Thaddeus Mason Pope–with whom I had the pleasure of publicly discussing these issues at the World Affairs Counsel of Philadelphia last week–has taken to the AJOB blog to claim that “death panels save lives.” To illustrate why this is wrong, I have to show the intellectual sleight-of-hand Pope deploys to supposedly prove his point. He does not use the term as popularly conceived, e.g. rationing under Obamacare. Rather, he refers to triage boards in organ transplant medicine. From, “Death Panels: Can We Handle the Truth?” In December, I defended the term “death panel” on this blog. Specifically, I demonstrated that […]
Since November, much of the pro-life movement's legislative attention has been on one bill: Sen. Lindsey Graham's “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.” The Act, which would protect unborn babies from abortion at or after 20 weeks' gestation in all cases except rape, incest, and life of the mother, has been seen as the first pro-life bill since the partial-birth abortion ban that could actually pass into law. It hasn't even gotten much pushback from those who believe “incremental” legislation abandons those babies and women who would not be protected, and many believe just getting a vote in the Senate […]
I’m happy to report that since the beginning of this month, five babies have been saved from abortion at the huge Planned Parenthood’s mega-center in Aurora, Illinois, where the Pro-Life Action League is especially active. This is especially joyous news considering how difficult it is to speak to clients at this location, which was deliberately designed to hinder pro-life outreach. The first came March 1 during a kickoff rally for 40 Days for Life. Sidewalk counselors Karen N. reports that a couple came out from Planned Parenthood and approached her as they were driving away. The woman nodded when Karen […]
Today’s update is from Steve Karlen, our North American outreach director. Steve reports from the state of Washington, where he visited five 40 Days for Life locations – all in one day! At one stop, he learned some very good news about a Planned Parenthood center that’s decreased its business hours … not once, but twice! ——————————————————- EVERETT and MARYSVILLE, WASHINGTON ——————————————————- I met with teams from both Everett and Marysville, where participants ranged in age from little tykes to senior citizens. And they’re making a big impact. David, the Marysville coordinator, told me the Planned Parenthood there continues to […]
Hillary Clinton on Oregon’s Assisted Suicide Law: “I Commend Oregon on this Count” by LifeSiteNews.com By John-Henry Westen and John Connolly EUGENE, Oregon, April 7, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton gave an interview with the editor of Eugene’s Register-Guard paper, Jack Wilson, on April 6, in which she praised Oregon’s assisted suicide laws. Clinton, who spoke in Eugene on the same day as leading conservative bioethicist Wesley J. Smith, commended Oregon for providing the “right” to assisted suicide. “I believe it’s within the province of the states to make that decision,” said Clinton when asked by Wilson […]
"There is no need to traumatize further generations in the name of some illusory progress made through alien recipes," argued Romanian MP Diana Tusha in opposing the bill.
"Your faith informs your values, your politics come from your values. Faith first, that forms you, and your political values should flow from that," Morrissey told LifeSiteNews.com.
“Do not touch the marriage of Christ. It cannot be judged case by case; you do not bless a divorce and hypocrisy is not ‘merciful,'" says Bologna's Cardinal Carlo Caffara.
The BC College of Physicians and Surgeons says the facilities will now pay "the true cost of the service," but pro-abortion leaders claim the change is "not fair."
Sometimes life gives me emotional whiplash. On one hand, a little Canadian girl named Emma narrates a sweet short film, embedded above, about her younger brother Teddy, disabled by cerebral palsy. Teddy is valued and loved. From the New York Times op/ed introduction to the film by Teddy’s mother, Kelly O'Brien: My daughter Emma was just 3 when Teddy was born, with a viral infection he contracted in utero that caused extensive brain damage. This short film captures her love for Teddy, one not weighted down by disappointment, sadness or a full understanding of all the ways in which he wasn’t “normal”… […]
A comprehensive poll on assisted suicide done by the Marist polling firm found that the majority of Connecticut residents do not support assisted suicide and a strong majority of Connecticut residents do not consider assisted suicide bill HB 5326 to be a legislative priority. The survey of 1000 concerning assisted suicide bill HB 5326 — that would allow doctors to prescribe a fatal dose of drugs to patients who request it and are believed to have a terminal illness was done between March 6 – 9, 2014. The poll The Joint Committee on Public Health has scheduled a hearing for the bill on St. Patrick’s […]
“I’m expecting a baby. I’ve discovered he has Down syndrome. I’m scared: what kind of life will my child have?” opens a heartwarming video addressed to a woman in real life expecting a baby with Down syndrome (DS). The video answers the woman’s fears with a stirring message from 15 beautiful people with DS. “Dear future mom, don’t be afraid, your child will be able to do many things.” “He’ll be able to hug you,” one says. “He’ll be able to speak and tell you he loves you,” another says. The mother learns that her child with an extra copy […]
The public needs to better understand the danger these events present to children and youths lured to participate in them and how extensively many of our government funded institutions are actively involved in this radical social change movement.
It is funny–in both the ha-ha and ironical senses–that those who often scream most loudly against the “death panel” meme often follow, sotto voce, ”But we need death panels.” The fact is that most of those in the technocratic classes want to medically discriminate against those who are seen as health care “takers” or perceived to have a lower quality of life. They’re just not sure how to get from “here” to “there,” and retain popular support. (Hint: They can’t.) Now in a Rolling Stone interview, Bill Gates joins the chorus. He says–like bioethicist Daniel Callahan–that we have to be careful about making technological […]
St. Patrick’s Day should start with good news – and today we have plenty! So far during this campaign, we are aware of … … 142 babies who, through your prayers and the Lord’s mercy, have been saved from abortion. Praise God! Here are more stories of lives permanently changed on the sidewalks outside the abortion centers. ——————————————————- TEMPE, ARIZONA ——————————————————- We’ve heard much good news from Tempe. When prayer volunteers asked two young women if they wanted to talk, their answer was, “Yes. We heard you say you offer free ultrasounds.” Lisa in Tempe said the girls had become […]
The “continual undermining of marriage” and the “imposition of a new paradigm of sexuality” is “very much bound up with the threat to the unborn,” says the UK's Society for the Protection of Unborn Children.
Elders is no stranger to courting controversy with her views. She was removed from her high position by Clinton in 1994 after recommending that children be taught how to masturbate.
The board voted to appeal the ruling by Judge Franklin Theis to vacate the license revocation of abortionist Ann Kristin Neuhaus, a former associate of late-term abortionist George Tiller.
Nigeria's attorney general says they “do not criminalize individual sexual orientation,” but focus on “the discouragement of same-sex marriage which is a reflection of the overwhelming beliefs and cultural values of the Nigerian people.”
Ezra Klein has been under fire for hiring a 23-year old homosexual who argues that sexuality is a choice and partially defended “Duck Dynasty's” Phil Robertson.
Being a liberal press outlet may mean never having to say you’re sorry, but sometimes, you do have to print a “correction.” The AP provided a correction to a story yesterday by Philip Elliott that falsely claimed that Sen. Ted Cruz, R-TX, and Sen. Mike Lee, R-UT, were “calling their opponents Satan worshippers and savages” during the Susan B. Anthony Campaign for Life Summit in Washington, D.C. on March 12. The Dallas Morning News, The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, U.S. News and World Report and several other organizations published the AP story, although exclusive video provided by the Media Research Center’s Culture and Media Institute showed otherwise. The AP’s “corrected version of the […]
Even in a vocal, pro-abortion cultural climate, a 40 Days for Life campaign can thrive. But it takes sacrifice from the participants. This is especially true in places where volunteers endure persecution almost every day. This week, Steve Karlen – the North American outreach director for 40 Days for Life – visited the three campaigns in Oregon. There he witnessed the faith and courage of those who aren’t afraid to be voices for the unborn … no matter what obstacles they face. Here is Steve’s report. ——————————————————- SALEM, OREGON ——————————————————- It’s a very prayerful, very enthusiastic group in Salem. There […]
UPDATE 6:20p: Awesome! Another supposed backer of this abortion bowl-a-thon has responded that he had no knowledge and wants out. I wonder how many ever really knew? 5:16p: The 21 annual Pro-Choice Resources Bowl-A-Thon is undergoing scrutiny as never before, and the findings are revealing – particularly to sponsors who never signed up to support this abortion group’s fundraiser. Brian Gibson, Executive Director of Pro-Life Action Ministries in St. Paul, Minnesota, sent emails to all the businesses listed on the Bowl-A-Thon’s sponsors’ page that weren’t aligned with abortion (like NARAL Pro-Choice Minnesota and Medical Students for Choice) and heard back from […]
“I guess one of the reasons that I'm different on it is that I do favor a constitutional amendment to reverse Roe v. Wade in order to let Congress set a national standard,” Askew said during a February 1983 debate.
U.K. Girl Guides Gear Up for New “Safe-Sex” Program by LifeSiteNews.com By Elizabeth O’Brien UNITED KINGDOM, July 27, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The U.K. Girl Guides, an organization that originally promoted traditional Christian values, has conformed to the modern sex-saturated culture by seeking a new course on “safe sex” practices. According to a report in the UK Times, the program is based on results from a survey of more than 1,000 Girl Guides in Britain. Attempting to keep in touch with the changing needs of modern women, the survey asked them what life skills they think are most important. For senior […]
"Family planning" organizations are downplaying the hazards of EllaOne, but German doctors' organizations are opposed to freely dispensing the medicines without proper consultation.
Pro-life leader Dan Zeidler says the video is “an effective way to spread the message that there is hope through the Love and Mercy of God for those suffering after abortion.”
A WAGGGS’ paper said the group is lobbying for “sexual and reproductive health services for all” – a priority for abortion groups like Planned Parenthood.
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), a potential 2016 presidential candidate, recently argued that Congress should hike taxes on families and small businesses making more than $1 million, then use the tax revenue to let debt-ridden students refinance their college loans. As a progressive redistribution scheme it’s rather ingenious: It allows the government to take money from private individuals and businesses and give it to other businesses (i.e., college and universities), all while giving the impression of helping another group of private individuals (i.e., students who take indebt themselves by taking out college loans). Warren’s proposal is an brilliant blend of cronyism, […]
“When people are not in communion with the Catholic Church on [life and family issues] then they shouldn’t be receiving Holy Communion," Bishop Philip Egan told LifeSiteNews.com.
Tim Wise also equates the pro-life movement with terrorism, demands that public schools teach children ideology that contradicts their parents' religious views, and rejoices in the death of his self-identified enemies.
Prime Minister David Cameron has presided over the largest liberalisation of abortion practice since the passing of the Abortion Act in 1967. Under his leadership, former health minister Andrew Lansley (pictured), working closely with abortion providers and senior figures at the Department of Health, has managed to smuggle in what is in effect a nurse-led abortion service without the issue ever being discussed in parliament and without the knowledge of most of his own party colleagues. This is how he managed it. When the Abortion Act was passed in 1967 it was intended to allow abortion only in a limited […]
Erin Mersino of the Thomas More Law Center is representing her parents-in-law as they battle the Obama administration for freedom of conscience and religion.
The New Haven Register reported today that Connecticut Gov. Daniel Malloy opposes assisted suicide. The Connecticut House is debating assisted suicide bill HB 5326, a bill that will have public hearings in the Public Health Committee on Monday March 17. On March 6 the New Hampshire House defeated the assisted suicide bill HB 1325 by a vote of 219 to 66. The New Haven Register reported that: Gov. Dannel P. Malloy leaned Wednesday away from legislation allowing a doctor to prescribe lethal medication to a dying patient in favor of a policy giving patients broader rights to refuse treatment. “It’s […]
I have been warning for many years about the “rational suicide” movement within the mental health professions. The latest thrust to have psychiatrists sanction some suicidal patients’ self-destruction was just published in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry–alarming considering the euthanasia movement’s current energetic attempts to legalize doctor-facilitated death there. Psychiatrist Angela Ho argues that helping keep mentally anguished patients alive can be more harmful than their suicides. From the National Post story: Most guidelines for managing people with suicidal thoughts are based on the premise that depression, substance abuse or other forms of mental illness drive suicide. Little is said about […]
It’s cold in many 40 Days for Life locations during this second week of the campaign! But that’s not stopping the prayers outside one really cold Planned Parenthood center. Before I share that story, here is a beautiful report about a saved baby that shows the power of prayer on the sidewalks … and the value of easily available ultrasounds offered by pro-life pregnancy centers. ——————————————————- BALTIMORE / FULLERTON, MARYLAND ——————————————————- The third 40 Days for Life campaign is now under way outside Whole Women’s Health in Baltimore’s Fullerton section. Jody, the local director, wrote to say she was excited […]
A reporter says she claimed Planned Parenthood signed up 27 million people, more than six times' the total amount of people who have enrolled in ObamaCare.
Combining a tattooed biker with a pastor, four stressed mothers, and half-a-dozen hellion children, the movie kept pre-screening audience in Maryland laughing throughout its full 90-minutes.
Buffett Secretly Spending Millions on Abortion Med-School Scheme: NY Times by LifeSiteNews.com By Patrick B. Craine OMAHA, Nebraska, July 19, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Billionaire investing mogul Warren Buffett has been secretly backing a campaign to combat the decrease in doctors who are training as abortionists and to bring abortion into mainstream medicine, revealed the New York Times this week. In her NYT magazine cover story, journalist Emily Bazelon describes how abortion “rights” activists are working to “recast doctors, changing them from a weak link of abortion to a strong one.” The piece, entitled “The New Abortion Providers,” claims that abortionists […]
Buffett Abolishes Entire Charity Program Rather than Cut Off Pro-Abortion Groups by LifeSiteNews.com OMAHA, July 8, 2003 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Rather than single out pro-abortion groups, Warren Buffett has ordered his subsidiary Berkshire Hathaway Inc. to abolish an entire charity program that enabled shareholders to choose which charities the company would contribute to—$197 million since 1981. Some pro-lifers boycotted subsidiaries like The Pampered Chef and Dairy Queen because some of the holding company’s donations were going to pro-abortion groups. According to Berkshire Hathaway’s press release, “about 3,500 charities have been designated annually, with schools the favorite (about 800 different institutions have […]
Ah, college: The free interplay of ideas. Tolerance for differences. Respect for subversive-of-the-status-quo opinions. Professors who want their students to think for themselves. Not! A UC Santa Barbara “feminist” professor has been accused by pro-life demonstrators of attempting to shut down a graphic anti-abortion demonstration, stealing a sign, and allegedly assaulting a kid who sought to retrieve it. From The College Fix story: A department of feminist studies professor has been accused of going berserk after coming across a campus prolife demonstration that used extremely graphic displays, leading a small mob of students to chant “tear down the sign” before grabbing one of the signs, storming […]
“I hope sexperts becomes a revolution. . . . That we teach you what you need to know about sex and you go and teach the world," says Planned Parenthood’s Elokin CaPece.
UPDATE 3/13, 7:10a: Police have returned video a Survivors member took of UCSB Professor Mireille Miller-Young stealing one of their signs and assaulting 16-year-old Thrin Short. And it gets even worse. Turns out the professor enticed a student to break the law and steal the sign. Video shows Miller-Young physically blocked Thrin and her sister Joan from entering an elevator, pushed and scratched Thrin. The Survivors say they plan to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, which includes getting this out-of-control professor fired. Survivors representative Kristina Garza wrote in a follow-up email this morning: [W]isdom can be garnered from this […]
Clinical Psychologist Lists 5 Ways Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Harms Children Psychologically by LifeSiteNews.com SAN DIEGO, October 16, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Same-sex marriage is one of the hottest and most controversial domestic issues in America. As a result, many professional organizations have stepped into the fray and taken formal positions with the hope of influencing public opinion and policy. One such group is the American Psychological Association (APA) that has officially endorsed the legalization of same-sex marriage. Many psychologists, however, including members of the APA, disagree with the organization’s pro-same-sex marriage position. One of those dissenters is Trayce Hansen, Ph.D., a licensed […]
Catholic Notre Dame University to Give Obama Honorary Degree on May 17, Against USCCB Policy by LifeSiteNews.com By Kathleen Gilbert NOTRE DAME, Indiana, March 20, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – White House Secretary Robert Gibbs stated today that President Obama will give the commencement address at Notre Dame University this year. The school confirmed the announcement, stating on its website that Obama will also receive an honorary doctor of laws degree at the University’s 164th University Commencement Ceremony at 2 p.m. May 17 in the Joyce Center on campus. In 2004, the United States of Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) approved a […]
Interview: Head of Vatican’s Liturgical Office says Principle of Refusing Communion is “Charity in T by LifeSiteNews.com By Hilary White, Rome correspondent ROME, July 23, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A high level Vatican official has reminded US bishops of their responsibilities to pro-abortion Catholic politicians, including the possibility of withholding Communion. Cardinal Antonio Canizares Llovera, the head of the Vatican’s liturgical office, told LifeSiteNews.com in an interview today that the guiding principle for bishops considering withholding Communion from pro-abortion politicians in their dioceses should be “caritas in veritate” or “charity in truth.” Canizares explained that according to Catholic teaching those who […]
Today we learned that Gary King, the New Mexico Attorney General, appealed the activist lower court decision that undermined protections for New Mexico citizens from assisted suicide by finding a right to assisted suicide in the New Mexico State Constitution. On January 13, 2014 Judge Nan Nash, of the Second Judicial District in New Mexico legislated from the bench by allowing New Mexico doctors to prescribe lethal drugs to assist the suicide deaths of their patients in the case Morris v New Mexico. The Albuquerque Journal reported that: Nash found that the right exists under the New Mexico Constitution, which […]
U.S. Bishops Come out Swinging against Abortion, Pro-Abort Politicians by LifeSiteNews.com By Jonquil Frankham Friday, October 17, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) – In these final weeks before the American election, many US bishops are working hard to leave Catholics no doubt of where they must stand on the abortion issue when it comes to the ballot box. Bishops Robert W. Finn of Kansas City, Robert Hermann of St. Louis, and Edwin O’Brien of Baltimore have all penned strongly worded columns on abortion in the last few days, calling on their flocks to vote pro-life and to support the pro-life cause more generally, […]
Hollywood ‘Homosexualizing’ America by LifeSiteNews.com By Terry Vanderheyden HOLLYWOOD, January 18, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) – This time, “Hollywood has gone way too far,” according to Stephen Bennett, Host of Straight Talk Radio, who is critical of Hollywood’s decision to award four Golden Globe awards to the homosexual cowboy movie, “Brokeback Mountain.” “Hollywood has sunk to an all-time moral low,” Bennett emphasized. “I guess 2006 will be known as ‘The Year of the Homosexual’ in Hollywood. With ‘Brokeback Mountain,”TransAmerica’ and ‘Capote’ winning several major ‘gender-bender’ Golden Globes – Hollywood is no doubt ‘out’ on a mission to ‘homosexualize America.” Felicity Huffman, a […]
New Report Details Fudged WHO Numbers on Maternal Mortality by LifeSiteNews.com By Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D. NEW YORK, NY, May 14, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A newly released research paper identifies structural flaws in United Nations (UN) data collection and analysis of global maternal health, finding that UN maternal heath policies based on the bad data are jeopardizing women’s health in the developing world. The paper, “Removing the Roadblocks from Achieving MDG 5 by Improving the Data on Maternal Mortality,” by Donna Harrison, M.D., was published by the International Organizations Research Group (IORG) [IORG is a division of C-FAM, publisher of the […]
Abortion proponents have been known to try to censor pro-lifers from showing the reality of abortion depicted in photos of the victims. But there has been a recent surge. It’s interesting to me that showing abortion victim imagery generates so much negative energy from the other side. What’s the problem with owning what they support? On March 4 abortion proponents “erected a wall of censorship” around a Justice For All display at the University of Georgia according to The Daily Caller: To prevent members of the campus community from actually seeing the images, students from two pro-choice groups – the Women’s Studies Student […]
Vatican ‘Gay’ Priest Ban Forcing Dissidents Out of the Closet by LifeSiteNews.com By John-Henry Westen ROME, November 23, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The leak of what has been confirmed by various sources as the Vatican document barring from enteringÃthe Catholic priesthood menÃwho are homosexual, has spurred comments from various leaders within the Catholic church.Ã Some of those comments have exposed the commentators as willingly and resolutely opposed to the Catholic teaching on the matter of homosexuality and the priesthood.Ã In addition, faithful Catholics both within the hierarchy and among the laity have spoken up to defend the Vatican’s statements, despite animosity […]
Why Isn’t Homosexuality Considered A Disorder On The Basis Of Its Medical Consequences? by LifeSiteNews.com By Kathleen Melonakos, M.A., R.N. I worked as an RN for several years during the eighties and nineties at Stanford University Medical Center, where I saw some of the damage homosexuals do to their bodies with some of their sexual practices. As a result of that eye-opening experience, I much admire the work of NARTH in the research and treatment of homosexuality. I have long been concerned about the serious medical consequences which result from the gay-affirming attitudes that predominate in the San Francisco Bay […]
School administrators are to allow students “to participate in accordance with their gender identity consistently asserted at school” during times when students are separated by gender, such as "overnight field trips."
Kris Neuhaus lost her license because she was unable to prove she had given required mental health exams to 11 pregnant girls aged 10 to 18 before referring them back to Tiller’s facility for late-term abortions.
Human Life International's Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro said Palmaro "defended with intelligence and in an integral way the cause of life in Italy,” noting that "his absence is going to be felt.”
I love it when a pro-abortion mantra is proven to be a blatant lie. It’s especially gratifying when the source of the lie dispels its own myth. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the perpetually self-contradicting world of Planned Parenthood. The billion-dollar abortion giant tells huge lies all the time (I call it mythomania). They mask their gender control agenda under the guise of “rights” and “reproductive health”, asserting their power over the grossly (or willingly) misinformed. If only we had an institution that would call out big government-funded corporations and their corruption. If only we had a well-financed network of […]
You can read the full story of what happened to Thomas van der Woude here. In the meantime, enjoy this incredible tribute to a life devoted to self-sacrifice.
Abortion facilities are dark places … their rooms are filled, not with hope and relief, but with despair and loneliness. For the first days of this campaign, we’ve talked about how the light has broken through the darkness at abortion centers – and, as a result, babies scheduled to be aborted have been saved. But the darkness is real and can’t be ignored … especially at one of the most notorious late-term abortion facilities in America, which is where we begin today. ——————————————————- GERMANTOWN, MARYLAND ——————————————————- Last week, an ambulance was called to bring a woman from late-term abortionist LeRoy […]
Another week, another case of censorship of student pro-lifers. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, from the long view. Battles like this get the abortion issue much more attention than were they never waged. And they give students real life lessons in the First Amendment right of free speech, which isn’t needed for pleasant topics we all agree on. But I know it’s hard on the personal level, and I give pro-life students all the kudos in the world for sticking to their guns in the face of adversity on behalf of the babies. So this time the censor is […]
This tweet by Jodi Jacobson, editor-in-chief of the pro-abortion website RH Reality Check, is a great prospect for psychoanalysis: The pro-abortion mind never fails to amaze me. Who would think of something like that, other than someone whose frontal lobe is steeped in abortion support? Jacobson was right that initial news reports on the likely disaster, and many headlines, included a special notation that either one or two infants were among the passengers… But Jodi asked a good question. Why is it that while all innocent deaths (presumed, but not confirmed in this case) are tragic, the deaths of babies are […]
This strong-armed government interference into the health and well-being of a young girl has sparked a national uproar and mobilized several pro-life organizations to work together to defend Justina’s dignity and human rights.
Here’s a message the media won’t want to hear: the dangers of ignoring the devastation of abortion. Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins compared remaining silent on abortion’s destruction to ignoring trains heading towards concentration camps. To a gathering of pro-lifers preparing to pray in front of abortion clinics, Hawkins declared, “We’re literally on the train track. Because this is where women are being led – to slaughter their children.” Hawkins spoke during a candlelit vigil on March 5 to kick-off the Washington D.C. 40 Days for Life campaign. 40 Days for Life is a campaign of prayer and fasting for […]
“It is unbelievable that in the twenty-first century some countries ... are outlawing abortion, sex outside marriage and same-sex sexual activity – even punishable by death,” says the group.
The council’s European Committee of Social Rights voted this weekend to uphold IPPF’s complaint against Italy that too many doctors are allowed to refuse to participate in abortion.
The new contract specifically prohibits engaging in out-of-wedlock sexual activity, the “homosexual lifestyle,” abortion, surrogacy, and in vitro fertilization.
The bioethics movement grows ever more radical. In the reproductive field, many activists promote a near-absolute right to have a baby, the kind of baby we want, via any means we desire. The UK’s John Harris is a major voice in utilitarian bioethics discourse, who believes that killing so-called human non persons is A-OK. He has now written in favor of creating children using a process known as IVG–in vitro gametes–using stem cells to create eggs and sperm, and then fertilizing via IVF. Harris extols the possibilities. For example, a single person could “self breed,” making a baby with only their own cells. Another use would be by same […]
The British media reported that the Conservative government in the UK will allow a free-vote in parliament on assisted suicide. First: The assisted suicide bill is a private members bill. Usually private members bills are a free vote. Second: Assisted suicide bills have been debated and defeated in the UK on several occasions. There is no reason why this time will be any different. On March 6, 2014, an Oregon style assisted suicide bill went to a free vote in the New Hampshire house of representatives and it was overwhelmingly defeated by a vote of 219 to 66. The New […]
It wasn’t long into this campaign before we got word of the first turnaround outside an abortion center. And so far, we have reports of 44 babies saved from abortion – that we know of! It takes faith and courage to pray and stand witness in front of an abortion facility. Some say it is a waste of time – but I beg to differ … and so do the moms who turn around at the last moment. God has not forgotten them … and neither should we. Here’s what I mean. ——————————————————- NORRISTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA ——————————————————- David Bereit, 40 Days […]
A March 6 New York Times article, “Abortion law pushes Texas clinics to close doors,” included a slide show, “Last day for last abortion clinic in the Rio Grande,” referring to one of two Texas abortion mills that closed that day. Above and below are a few of those pictures. Click all photos and graphics to enlarge… According to Think Progress, the number of abortion clinics is Texas is down to 19, from 44 as recently as 2011. By September 1 there could be as few as six abortion clinics in the state that meet the new ambulatory surgical center […]
We Told You So: Britain Gobsmacked by Pope Benedict by LifeSiteNews.com By Hilary White ROME, September 20, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – While anti-Catholic, secularist and homosexualist activists, with generous help from the media, have spent most of the last year attempting to derail the papal visit, the smart money was always on Benedict XVI taking every fight without breaking a sweat. And when the bell rang, and the eyes of the world were trained on the little island ring, it became clear from the first moment that Benedict’s opponents were hopelessly outclassed. From the first moments of the trip, while his […]
U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down Texas Sodomy Law by LifeSiteNews.com WASHINGTON, June 26, 2003 (LifeSiteNews.com) – In a 6-3 ruling today the U.S. Supreme Court declared the Texas law against homosexual sex acts unconstitutional. The ruling calls into question anti-sodomy laws in twelve other states. Justice Kennedy wrote for the majority, and only Justices Scalia and Thomas and Chief Justice Rhenquist dissented The case, Lawrence and Garner v. Texas (case no. 02-0102), began when John Geddes Lawrence and Tyron Garner were arrested and pled “no contest” to charges of committing “deviate sexual intercourse,” defined under the Texas statutes as “deviate […]
Vatican Urges Irish Bishops to “Own Up” to Guilt in Sex Abuse Scandals by LifeSiteNews.com By Hilary White, Rome correspondent ROME, February 16, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The sexual abuse of children is not just a “heinous crime” but “a grave sin which offends God and wounds the dignity of the human person created in his image,” Pope Benedict XVI said today following meetings with 24 Irish bishops. In his remarks the pope also linked the abuse crisis in Ireland to “the more general crisis of faith affecting the Church.” The members of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference are in Rome […]
“Gender Mainstreaming”: A Silent Revolution Dismantling Civilization by LifeSiteNews.com By Hilary White (To read the complete article by Gabriell Kuby, see: www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2008_docs/GenderMainstreaming.pdf) November 25, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) –”Gender mainstreaming,” an ideology that proposes to erase the foundational unit of western society, the natural family, is being infiltrated into laws and institutions around the world under the rubric of “equality” legislation and guidelines, says author Gabrielle Kuby. Kuby, the author of a 2003 book, endorsed by the former Cardinal Ratzinger, warning Christian parents of the danger of the Harry Potter book series, has written on the threat of the work of ideologues […]
“I call on every man in the Diocese of Arlington to search his heart and renew his commitment to purity. I call on every husband and father to renew his sacred commitment to his wife and children,” says Arlington Bishop Paul Loverde.
After the pope’s latest interview, the usual round of arguments and triumphant whoops exploded over what the pope said, didn’t say, was misinterpreted or misrepresented as saying.
CrossFit replied that its decision was based on its knowledge of “fundamental biology, that you are either intentionally ignoring or missed in high school."
Illegal immigration might be a hot topic for the media, but the networks remained mum when the government denied asylum to a German family seeking the freedom to educate their own children. Uwe and Hannelore Romeike along with their children came to the United States in 2008, seeking political asylum because home-schooling is illegal in Germany. The family wants to homeschool due to its Christian beliefs. Obama’s U.S. Justice Department refused asylum status, and chose to defend its decision in litigation. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal by the Romeikes on March 3 which initially signaled a deportation for the family. […]
Everybody says something stupid and offensive at one time or another. But it takes a special kind of ideologue to turn it into a speech repeated over and over. And that ideologue is NARAL Pro-Choice America President Ilyse Hogue. We missed it the first time she told a crowd that pro-lifers are “un-American.” That was at a Feb. 4 event in Washington, D.C. marking the pro-abortion group’s 45th anniversary (see video below). But Hogue liked it so much she said it again in San Francisco on March 4, at an event featuring Sandra Fluke, America’s most famous birth control user. And lest anyone […]
Recently, a years-long class-action lawsuit against Merck Pharmaceuticals saw renewed media interest after skeleton skater Megan Henry joined the lawsuit. Henry, who used Merck's NuvaRing in 2012, ended up missing this year's Winter Olympics. Henry says the effects to her body have been devastating. They started with “a hard time breathing,” and concluded with “multiple blood clots in both lungs” and health risks if she was to get pregnant. According to the NuvaRing website (graphic content warning), the device works through insertion into the vagina, and is supposed to remain inserted for three weeks at a time. Side effects include […]
When I was a kid I hated my birthday. No point in having an Arthur birthday when everyone was off vacationing in tropical lands with their families for march break. As a teen, the soothing thought of sharing my special day with one Freddie Prinze Jr made the occasion much more bearable. Today, as a young woman in her twenties, March 8th is more meaningful to me than ever before. Not only is it the magical day that the laws of my country finally chose to recognize my humanity, it is the day that women across the world celebrate their […]
Now isn’t that some great news? Reports have been rolling in from Texas – the state where 40 Days for Life began – that abortion facilities are shutting down left and right. The latest closures include three businesses where faithful 40 Days for Life volunteers have prayed on the sidewalks outside for years. Plus – there’s another abortion center where volunteers are very hopeful that the business they’re praying in front of will soon join the list. Here are the details. ——————————————————- BEAUMONT, McALLEN AND HARLINGEN, TEXAS ——————————————————- The three businesses closing are Whole Woman’s Health in Beaumont and McAllen, […]
Last week, my colleagues and I visited the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC at the tail end of a Genocide Awareness Project tour of American university campuses. Exhibit after exhibit featuring butchered humanity, dehumanizing propaganda, and as always, lists upon lists of the names of the lost made for a powerful experience. Afterwards, a few of us walked to the Lincoln Memorial and played just a few lines from Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech from a cell phone to remind ourselves that nonviolent action can, indeed, slow and eventually stop great injustices. Contrast […]
It’s the oldest profession, right? It’s worldwide, and attempts to criminalize it don’t seem to work. Does legalizing prostitution solve any problems? That’s the question Nisha Lilia Diu of The Telegraph set out to answer. In a lengthy piece that focuses on Germany, Diu visited brothels, talked to their owners, visited with prostitutes – all in order to see if the legalization of prostitution “works.” Germany legalized prostitution in 2002. The law was meant to to do a number of things, but primarily it was meant to give prostitutes legal standing, making their job like any other. Was it effective? […]
The group Creating Awareness and Reaching Equality (C.A.R.E.) writes about the event, calling it 'a fun event for everyone' where students can 'learn about drag culture ettiquet (sp), enter prize raffles, and dance!'
Nancy Elliott, a Euthanasia Prevention Coalition International board member and a former three term New Hampshire state representative led the charge to defeat assisted suicide bill HB 1325 in New Hampshire. Nancy Elliott posted the following message on her facebook page: Some of you may have heard by now that HB 1325 for Assisted Suicide was killed 219 to 66, by the New Hampshire House of Representatives. It went down in flames. This was the last of three bills and the most direct one promoting Assisted Suicide. We will continue to be protected from Assisted Suicide in New Hampshire for […]
Lent is a season of repentance, which leads to life. Priests for Life urges all Christians to join us in saying the Lenten Pro-life Prayer, and making a special commitment to help others to see and defend the dignity of every human life, starting with the unborn. Father of all mercy, We thank you for this season of grace and light. We know that sin has blinded us. Draw us ever closer to you, in prayer and penance. Since you, O God, are light itself, Give all your people a clearer understanding Of what is sin, and what is virtue. […]
“The total appreciation that we got from life groups across the country was overwhelming” after Republican members attended the 2014 March for Life, says Reince Priebus.
Amnesty International Demands that Mexico Force Doctors to Do Abortions by LifeSiteNews.com By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman MEXICO CITY, February 16, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Amnesty International, a “human rights” organization that opposes the right to life of unborn children, is now demanding that Mexico force doctors to do abortions. In simultaneous protests held last Friday in Mexico City and Madrid, Amnesty International and other pro-abortion organizations denounced the Mexican government for refusing to require physicians to perform abortions on rape victims and provide abortifacient “emergency contraception.” The protests were held in response to the decision to alter Mexico’s Official Norm 046 […]
Homosexuals Charge Professor with “Homophobia” for Denouncing Homosexual Lifestyle by LifeSiteNews.com By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman MURCIA, SPAIN, April 14, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A Spanish homosexual organization has submitted a legal complaint of “homophobia” to the nation’s attorney general after a bioethics professor called sodomy a sexual perversion and said that homosexuality is a mental disorder. According to local media reports, Professor Gloria Maria Tomas of the Catholic University of Murcia was speaking at a conference when she said that homosexual behavior is “intrinsically disordered” and that homosexuality was removed from the list of mental disorders “for political motives.” Tomas clarified, […]
Amnesty International Adopts Secret Pro-Abortion Policy, “Not to be made public” by LifeSiteNews.com By Gudrun Schultz NEW YORK, May 3, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Amnesty International has adopted a new policy supporting a “right” to abortion, a move which the organization is attempting to keep secret from the public, according to reports this week carried by First Things and Consistent Life. Ryan T. Anderson, writing for First Things, reported on a buried policy statement he unearthed from the members-only, restricted-content page of AI’s US website. The policy outlined AI’s new position on Sexual and Reproductive Rights that “includes support for abortion.” […]
Limerick Bishop Resigns after Sex Abuse Revelations: Pope Benedict “Deeply Disturbed” by Irish Scand by LifeSiteNews.com By Hilary White ROME, December 17, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The Pope has accepted the resignation of the Catholic bishop of Limerick in the wake of damning revelations of misconduct in cases of clerical sexual abuse of minors in the Dublin diocese between 1974 and 2004. Bishop Donal Brendan Murray, a former auxiliary of Dublin, said in a statement, “I know full well my resignation cannot undo the pain that survivors of abuse have suffered in the past and continue to suffer each day. “I […]
Massive Pro-Life March in Madrid Attracts Hundreds of Thousands by LifeSiteNews.com By Patrick Craine and Kathleen Gilbert MADRID, Spain, October 19, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A massive crowd of pro-life Spanish citizens captured international headlines Saturday after marching on the country’s capital to protest plans to loosen abortion restrictions in the country. Estimates for the numbers of those in attendance varied, with mainstream media such as CNN and the New York Times reporting simply “thousands” or “tens of thousands.” However, the Christian Post reports that Madrid’s regional government estimated the numbers of attendees at around 1.2 million, and a spokesman for […]
“They said it could never be done, but twice, twice for the first time since Roe vs. Wade, New Jersey has elected a pro-life governor," Christie a supportive crowd at CPAC.
On January 31, pro-life hero Cal Zastrow was standing vigil in the biting Michigan winter cold at the Women’s Center of Saginaw abortion clinic when an SUV bearing the insignia, “Holy Cross Children’s Services” pulled into the parking lot. According to Cal in an email update: The passenger was clearly a minor, appearing perhaps 15-years-old. The driver was an African-American woman, about 5′ 2″, wearing pants, jacket, and a name badge. The woman scurried in while the girl walked slowly, looking very sad and frightened to go in. She stared at us while we offered help. Neither of them spoke. Abortionist Roumell […]
Pope Francis has unequivocally opposed same-sex “marriage," but that hasn’t stopped politicians from claiming he inspired them to oppose the traditional definition of marriage.
After their 11th child was born with Down syndrome, the Edwards did something that probably wouldn't occur to most people: they started adopting children, many with Down's.
My friend Kelsey Hazzard, founder and president of Secular Pro-Life posted a blog on their website posing the question, “How can abortion supporters conceived in rape justify supporting abortion?” My piece is in response to Kelsey's brilliant article, which poses a very sincere question in regards to a position I see has an anathema. When I first learned at 18 that I was conceived in rape, I felt very alone in this knowledge for many years. I barely knew anyone else who was adopted with whom I could relate. It was nearly 10 years before I finally met someone else who was conceived out of violence — Julie […]
Steven W. Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute, has written a book that is brutally truthful and brutally hard to read. It should be: it’s about the most brutal of government policies, China’s one-child policy. Written in the first person, Mosher writes as “Chi An,” a young woman he first met in 1980. While he has changed certain facts and names in order to protect the woman he gives voice to, the story of her life in China is intimately true. Chi An’s life begins in 1949 or so – because she was a girl, there was no celebration […]
Rob Ford’s Election as Mayor of Toronto: A Lesson for Pro-life, Pro-family Politicians by LifeSiteNews.com By Campaign Life Coalition staff November 4, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – On election night, Rob Ford’s victory astonished the mainstream media and almost all the pollsters. They predicted a neck-in-neck race between Ford, a “right-wing” conservative, and the openly gay George Smitherman. Contrary to media predictions, Ford won a whopping 47.1% of the votes, leaving Smitherman in the proverbial dust with 35.6% of the vote. Toronto’s 2010 mayoral race contains a valuable lesson for pro-family and pro-life politicians who are timid about stating their position on […]
Manitoba U Study Links Abortion and Mental Illness/Suicide by LifeSiteNews.com By Patrick B. Craine Winnipeg, Manitoba, April 30, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Researchers at the University of Manitoba have published findings of a study showing a link between abortion, mental illness and suicide. The researchers, from the departments of psychology and psychiatry, as well as obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences, found that abortion was associated with mood disorders, anxiety disorders, substance abuse and suicide attempts. They report that depression and drug dependence followed abortion in about half of the women studied. Additionally, women with a household income of $75,000 or more […]
Abortion Causes Mental Disorders: New Zealand Study May Require Doctors To Do Fewer Abortions by LifeSiteNews.com Special to LifeSiteNews.com By The Elliot Institute February 10, 2006 A study in New Zealand that tracked approximately 500 women from birth to 25 years of age has confirmed that young women who have abortions subsequently experience elevated rates of suicidal behaviors, depression, substance abuse, anxiety, and other mental problems. Most significantly, the researchers—led by Professor David M. Fergusson, who is the director of the longitudinal Christchurch Health and Development Study—found that the higher rate of subsequent mental problems could not be explained by […]
Ontario Court Rules Five-Year Old Has Three Legal Parents – Father, Mother, Lesbian Partner by LifeSiteNews.com By Gudrun Schultz TORONTO, Ontario, January 3, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The Ontario Court of Appeal, in another major Ontario judicial activist decision, has ruled that a five-year-old Ontario boy has three legal parents. The Appeals Court, overturning an emphatic lower court ruling, granted the boy’s father, biological mother and the mother’s lesbian partner equal rights and responsibilities under law, in a decision released yesterday. “This ruling clearly shows the extent to which the homosexual activists will pursue their agenda regardless of the welfare of […]
Pro-homosexual forces are lining up beside their pro-abortion allies against those who oppose contraceptives, sterilization and abortion on religious grounds.
New Study Shows Double Cervical Cancer Risk for Oral Contraceptive Users by LifeSiteNews.com By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman November 14, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A new study shows a strong correlation between the use of “the pill” and an increased cervical cancer risk. The study, which was conducted by researchers at Oxford University and appears in the current edition of The Lancet, reviewed twenty-four studies examining the cases of more than 50,000 women. It concluded that women using oral contraceptives double their risk of cervical cancer, and that the increased risk lasts for ten years after cessation of use. The study also […]
Sex-Abuse Case Used as Ploy to Downgrade Vatican Status at United Nations by LifeSiteNews.com ROME, August 19, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A US lawyer, Daniel Shea, is leading an effort to have the US State Department diplomatically de-recognize the Holy See using a sex-abuse lawsuit. The suit names then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, at the time head of the Catholic Church’s doctrinal office, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, accusing him of involvement in a conspiracy to cover up the sexual assault against three boys by a seminarian in Texas in the mid-1990’s. Shea, himself a former seminarian educated in […]
D&P Accuses LifeSitenews of Association with Groups that Use Violence; “Far Right Wing Fringe” by LifeSiteNews.com By John-Henry Westen OTTAWA, March 16, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The official international development arm of the Canadian Bishops’ Conference has produced a 10-page document in which the organization accuses LifeSiteNews (LSN) and Campaign Life Coalition (CLC), Canada’s largest national pro-life organization, of association with “groups and individuals” who have used violence. Speaking about the organizations, such as LSN and CLC, that have accused the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (D&P) of funding projects with partners that are involved in abortion advocacy, D&P […]
The urbane website says that it is the pro-life movement’s alleged “anxiety, or hostility" to interracial children that "should help inform their judgments about abortion.”
It’s Day 1! And 40 Days for Life is already off to a big start. Your 40-day journey starts today … no matter where you live! There are 253 campaign locations — find the closest one … sign up … and help end abortion in your community. I spoke at the kickoff in Port Charlotte, Florida last night … while our North American outreach director, Steve Karlen, spoke in north Houston. Here’s a quick report from Steve regarding the first of many visits he’s planning this campaign. ——————————————————- LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS ——————————————————- The Little […]
Advocates of legalizing euthanasia reject “slippery slope” arguments as unfounded fear-mongering and claim that its use will always be restricted to rare cases of dying people with unrelievable, unbearable suffering.
Remember, Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion chain. And yet their president of the past eight years can’t give coherent answers to basic questions related to the topic.
“If it’s this hard for insurance carriers and Planned Parenthood to figure out which plans cover abortion, then imagine how hard it is for the average consumer,” she wrote.
For the first time in 13 years, the number of children destroyed by abortion after a Down syndrome diagnosis has surpassed the number of children being born with Down syndrome.
At a conference in Rome on human rights, Cardinal Peter Turkson slammed Belgium's legalization of child euthanasia, and the push for homosexual and reproductive "rights."
The topsy-turvy world that has been created by the child killers touches families in very sad ways and from time to time we get a glimpse of exactly how dastardly the effects of these people and their hold on the culture can be.
There are moments in our lives that define us–that push us, sometimes kicking and screaming, to be the person we are or to realize the person we could be. For some, it's a series of life events, but for others, it's a single, defining moment of clarity that hits you like lightning from the Heavens. For me, this single, defining moment was meeting my birth mother and discovering that I was a child conceived, not in love, but by a brutal act of violence. I often wonder what my life would be like had I never went searching for her […]
She just couldn’t believe it. The test was positive. Things were so bad at home already. Her grandparents would be so disappointed in her. Terrible timing.
“The FDA is doubling down on the harmful and dangerous quest to make non-procreative sex 'safe and effective',” said Theology of the Body Institute Executive Director Damon Owens.
The Department of Health last week published for consultation draft regulations to allow mitochondrial donation to prevent the transmission of serious mitochondrial disease from mother to child. The consultation will close on 21 May. This new government consultation is not asking whether but how these controversial techniques for mitochondrial disease should be implemented. In so doing it sweeps aside genuine ethical and safety concerns in the headlong rush to push the scientific boundaries. Rather like the motorist who asked an Irishman for directions and received the answer, ‘I wouldn’t start from here’ the government in this new consultation is actually asking the wrong questions. […]
It appears Live Action isn’t the only organization nailing Planned Parenthood in undercover investigations. Add none other than Vanity Fair to the list. I’m late reading a 10,000 word exposé in the magazine’s January issue on the dangers of a hormonal birth control device called NuvaRing. The article is scathing, heartbreaking, and maddening. It is hard to fathom how birth control rings could still be on the market, when the FDA concluded back in 2011 they increase the risk of blood clots, known as venous thromboembolism, by 56%, and “carry a 90% greater risk of VTE than birth-control pills with earlier forms of progestin,” according to the article. (NuvaRing uses a third […]
Some Catholics think Muslims are our natural allies in the struggle against militant secularism because they supposedly share similar values are opposed to adultery, pornography, and homosexual behavior.
There’s a lot to love about Italy and the Italians. They can drive you nuts, but in so many ways, they’ve got their feet planted firmly on the ground, and can be relied upon to refuse to go along with a lot of the modern world’s wild shenanigans. I am reminded of the famous case a few years ago when the European Court of Human Rights, in an act of supreme arrogance, issued an order to the Italian government to remove all the crucifixes in every school and public office in the country. Some one had complained, and a whole […]
Wagner has been imprisoned since August because she declines to agree to bail conditions that include staying away from abortion sites pending the conclusion of her trial.
Looks like the media are tiring of their attack on life, at least when that life turns out to be a celebrity success story. During his acceptance speech for Best Supporting Actor, Jared Leto told the story of his mother who fought to create a better life for him despite her status as a high school dropout and single mother. From Time magazine to ABC News, the media offered only praise for Leto’s words. Leto won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his controversial role in portraying a transgender diagnosed with AIDS in “Dallas Buyers Club” on March 2. […]
Honduran Cardinal Alters Position, Now Agrees Communion Must be Denied to Pro-Abortion Politicians by LifeSiteNews.com By John-Henry Westen TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras, May 18, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Hours after LifeSiteNews.com contacted pro-life leaders in Latin America to alert them to troubling remarks made by Honduran Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga of Tegucigalpa, the Cardinal corrected his statements. Carlos Polo, Population Research Institute director for Latin America approached the Cardinal about his remarks to time magazine which conflicted with Pope Benedict over the issue of communion for pro-abortion politicians. As LifeSiteNews.com reported yesterday, in a recent interview with Time magazine, Cardinal Rodriguez was […]