Ferguson, fate & fatherlessness

Marriage is the most powerful and positive influence of order. It is what stabilizes society and provides safer families, safer communities, and better outcomes for youth like Michael Brown whose decisions never need to put them at the end of a loaded gun.

Malawi under siege

What is not needed in Malawi is the targeting of rural villages for sterilization campaigns. What is needed are country-wide natural family planning programs that affirm healthy families and healthy marriages, giving women and men a healthy and spiritually sound method to cooperate with God’s plan for their families.

Lord Falconer’s phoney war continues

While the public are broadly sympathetic to the rights-based argument in favour of ending lives at the time of a person's choice, there is widespread concern about the abuse to which any system is likely to be open.

Vatican’s doctrine office affirms Communion must be denied to ‘remarried’ divorcees

Rorate Caeli, the prominent Catholic blog, this morning reports on important news from Rome via France. L’Homme Nouveau, a French Catholic magazine, reports that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF, known colloquially as “The Holy Office”), has given an official reply (responsum) which confirms that Holy Communion may not be given to Catholics who live in a civil marriage with a new partner after being divorced from their sacramentally-married spouse. Below (courtesy of Rorate Caeli) is an English translation of the text of the question (dubium) put to the Holy Office and the Holy Office’s responsum: [Responsum] To the Question of a French […]

Ohio abortionist arrested on child porn charges

We shudder to think of what abortionist Thomas Michaelis may have done to vulnerable young women while he was working as an abortionist over the years since abortion facilities create an atmosphere of secrecy and opportunity that has been known to allow sexual predators to flourish.

Time magazine uses myths to debunk ‘myths’

Roe v. Wade perverted the rich legacy of civil rights by taking the 14th Amendment, landmark legislation that finally ascribed humanity to people of my color, and abused it to strip away the humanity from another group of human beings—the unborn.

Interview: Robin Beck on her 35 years in the gay lifestyle

Robin Teresa Beck, 59, lived through 12 lesbian relationships over the course of 35 years before her dramatic conversion to the Catholic faith and healing from homosexuality, just five years ago. She shares her story with LifeSiteNews. LSN: You went from one lesbian relationship to another — 12 in total — always hoping that the woman you were with would be the last one. At one point in one of your last relationships you felt that everything in your life would be fine if only you could figure out how to create a “healthy gay relationship.” One thing you saw […]

How would Jesus do sidewalk counseling?

In this new video, Pro-Life Action League Executive Director Eric Scheidler shares his perspective on two passages from John’s gospel that shed light on how Jesus ministered to women in situations very similar to that of the abortion-bound woman.