With the countless appointments and different medical staff attending to them, Christina and Shawn hear a lot of negative comments including: 'Why didn’t the doctor terminate the unhealthy twin?'
'Our picture shows Adelaide was not a fetus; she was a fully formed human being, and to think that a baby like her could be legally terminated on grounds of a lifestyle choice is to me is horrifying,'
Same-sex marriage is controversial enough. But a debate over enforcing 'meaningful, day-to-day equality' after same-sex marriage is legalized could be even more traumatic.
Tests indicate that Hodes and Nauser had severed her right side ureter 'causing urine to spill into her abdomen and body.' This caused a massive infection and a second surgery that required a 'prolonged and complicated' recovery period.
We are not a movement of saints, but of sinners. We are a movement of converts. And among those converts are people who once stood firm in their belief in abortion.
'At Carafem, staff members plan to greet clients with warm teas, comfortable robes and a matter-of-fact attitude,' wrote the Washington Post's Sandhya Somashekhar about Carafem, Washington DC's latest abortion center.
'Every conceivable measure of inclusion and progress has moved in the right direction since women gained legally protected reproductive freedom in Canada.'
While Obama’s pro-gay foreign policy ‘seems benign,’ it’s actually meant ‘the continued killing of young children and kids,’ says former Congressman Steve Stockman.
'Disney ABC giving Dan Savage a platform for his anti-religious bigotry is mind-boggling and their silence is deafening,' said Media Research Center President Brent Bozell.
Albertan parents must wake up to the fundamental danger Bill 10 poses to parental rights, to the autonomy of the family, to religious and associational freedom, to liberty and to democracy.
Cardinal Rosales said that divorce is contrary to divine law and that those asking the Church to change her teaching are asking her to overrule God and ignore the Bible.
'Indiana’s leaders have done their part, now Notre Dame needs to step up and demonstrate its fidelity to Catholic teaching,' said Patrick Reilly, president of The Cardinal Newman Society.
'Working with schools throughout the nation, it is wonderful to see the effects of Catholic education through which educators are able to instill in their students the value and dignity of human life,' said Dr. Jamie Arthur.
A society that legalizes intentionally causing the death of an innocent person cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, be called 'good' or 'flourishing.'
And if nothing else, by passing H.B. 3074 introduced by State Rep. Drew Springer, we afford human beings in Texas the same legal access to food and water that we give to our horses.
I can’t believe how quickly our annual Spring campaign has flown by. Now, with only 3 days remaining, we still have $96,000 left to raise to meet our absolute minimum goal. That’s why I must challenge you to stop everything, right now, and make a donation of whatever amount you can afford to support the pro-life and pro-family investigative reporting of LifeSite! I simply cannot overemphasize how important your donation, no matter how large or small, is to the continued existence of LifeSite. For 17 years, we have relied almost exclusively on the donations of our growing army of everyday readers like you: readers who […]
Jose's mother, Bernardita, was very pleased to receive the letter of support for Jose, and greatly appreciated 'the affection expressed by so many people from so many countries.' She added that 'we hope that Jose can stir many hearts.'
Sources say the result of the vote should not be seen as a global show of support for LGBT rights as much as proof of the complete domination of wealthy donor countries on the UN budget and administrative issues.
'Planned Parenthood—Child Abuse Incorporated—is responsible for killing more than six million unborn children, and it is unconscionable that this organization continues to be subsidized by the American taxpayer,' said Congressman Chris Smith, R-NJ.
This year’s draft resolution ignores the growing crisis of aging populations in countries with sub-replacement fertility, and overlooks the emerging challenges faced by countries that are growing old before they ever got a chance to develop.
'We will continue to look into this incident and file whatever complaints are appropriate to protect other women from being injured by South Wind’s shoddy abortion staff,' said Operation Rescue.
Priests, and all the faithful, have a 'canonical right' to publicly express their opinion on matters of importance to the Church, says Dr. Edward Peters.
A robust conception of religious liberty provides every person the freedom to seek the truth, form beliefs, and live according to the dictates of his or her conscience—whether at home, in worship or at work.
The case has brought the personhood debate to the forefront as Colorado law does not recognize the murder of an unborn as the same as a child outside the womb.
The teacher's case is complicated by the fact that he was raised as a boy after being born with ambiguous genitalia, and genetic testing later found he was actually female.
The French law that earned praised in the pages of L'Osservatore Romano, allows 'the abuse of sedation,' and defines nutrition and hydration as 'treatment' that can be withdrawn.
Defense Secretary Ash Carter told the AP his most senior advisers had expressed 'serious reservations' about making accommodations for self-identified 'transgender' individuals.
The decision ‘is a victory for pregnant women who put the needs of their unborn children first in the workplace,’ says Americans United for Life President Charmaine Yoest.
'The president of an Episcopal Conference is nothing more than a technical moderator, and as such has no special teaching authority,' says Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller.
‘As hard as it was, I think if we had had an abortion it would have been far worse,’ Conservative MP Kyle Seeback says in a new promo video for the National March for Life.
'Because of the Kansas legislature's strong pro-life convictions, unborn children in the state will be protected from brutal dismemberment abortions,' said Carol Tobias of National Right to Life.
The complementarity of man and woman is not a religious construct; it is written on our hearts, spelled out in our DNA, and present everywhere we turn and look at nature.
Claiming to want to move 'beyond' the abortion wars, author and theology professor, Charles Camosy, creates an argument that seems designed to offend the pro-life side, while giving great respect to those who want to make sure abortion remains legal.
The NAACP clearly don’t think the epidemic of fatherlessness in this nation is an issue, despite the fact that 72.3% of black children are born into homes without fathers.
'What was disturbing about Mrs. Jannuzzi’s comments? What did Mrs. Jannuzzi say that did not reflect Catholic teaching?' asks Catholic activist Michael Hichborn.
I am deeply disturbed by Cardinal Nichols' criticism of the 461 brave priests who signed a letter upholding the unchangeable teachings of the Catholic Church on marriage and Holy Communion.
William Kokesch, now 68, worked for the CCCB from 1995 to 2005 and helped coordinate Canadian participation at World Youth Day in 1997, 2000, 2002, and 2005.
The House leadership's decision to delay the vote on a 20-week abortion ban 'was an absolute betrayal of America's children, and a betrayal of the pro-life movement,' said the protesters.
NARAL accuses us of wanting to 'dissuade women from exercising their right to choose'. Now since we obviously offer women a choice, this statement makes no logical sense. Unless of course NARAL is really upset if women choose the option we provide.
While protections against discrimination based on race were necessary and justified, creating such laws based on sexual orientation and gender identity is neither necessary nor justified.
The reputations of American Life League, Population Research Institute, Lepanto Institute and LifeSiteNews have been unjustly harmed by CRS’s attacks on the motives of these organizations' reports on CRS.
However, this latest ruling was as narrow and technical as January’s ruling by Mr. Justice Jamie Campbell in Nova Scotia was broad-reaching and decisive.
The assisted suicide/euthanasia movement isn’t really about compassion, the root meaning of which is to 'suffer with.' Rather it is abandonment, dressed up in a costume of caring.
The College urges parents and pediatricians to educate adolescents about the risks of cohabitation and the life-long benefits of marriage for the entire family and society.
It is a surprise from the pro-choice entertainment world, but CBS’ The Good Wife recently dared to present pro-life arguments in a rational, respectful way.
'My conscience and religious beliefs do not allow me to engage in procedures to which I have a moral, ethical or religious objection,' said Dr. Diane Haak, president of the Christian Medical and Dental Society.
Cardinal Burke sat down with LifeSiteNews Paris correspondent Jeanne Smits to discuss the state of the Church and the 'manipulations' surrounding the Synod on the Family.
Almost every half hour, someone used Yahoo! Answers to ask about abortion. We need more pro-life individuals who will take the time to help these women. Are you willing to help?
These 6 people are changing hearts and minds by witnessing to the beauty and joy of choosing life, not abortion, even in the most difficult circumstances.
If we believe that God revealed the truth to us, in revelation and in the teaching authority of his instituted Church, then we have a duty to propose that truth.
March 23, 2015 (crisismagazine.com) – I am sick and tired of this “who am I to judge?” silliness. Only God can judge the state of the human soul. But it is pure humbug to suggest we cannot and should not judge human behavior. Reluctance to judge moral behavior is the inevitable consequence of moral relativism and moral subjectivism that has eroded confidence in the ability to determine objective moral truth on which sound judgment is based. Judgment is an essential component of the exercise of authority. If you do not have the courage to judge, then you should avoid positions of authority. […]
God will grant our prayer if it is asked for in the right spirit, he will be happy to comply. Intercession works. Anything we ask in his name, God will do.
A New York Times writer argued that Margaret Sanger should be on the twenty-dollar bill to 'remind us of what she has done for women and our reproductive health.'
'Instead of a federal government that works to undermine our values, imagine a federal government that works to defend the sanctity of life and to uphold the sanctity of marriage,' says Cruz.
The GOP must have mistaken our silence for indifference – when really it was a grand display of unmerited patience – because after January 22 the House leadership went silent itself about the 20-week ban.
Far from creating transparency and democratic legitimacy, the resolution would have multiplied the voices of powerful countries that promote abortion and subsidize organizations that merely echo their positions at the United Nations.
The US Supreme Court has set a precedent upholding the right of states to define marriage as the union of husband and wife. All federal and state judges—including those in Alabama—are bound by that precedent.
Heroic Media will help NIFLA’s member Pregnancy Resource Centers and Pregnancy Medical Clinics reach more mothers in local communities who are contemplating abortion.
The pope said that by allowing such couples to receive communion 'we are not fixing anything.' Instead, he said, they must 'reintegrate' into the faith.
'If you back down from what you said and apologize it will leave the children of gay homes even more vulnerable and discredited,' said the group of individuals.
College spokesman Jack Dunn said the school urged the company to reconsider its decision, reminding Follet ‘of the inappropriateness of banning books at a university.’
Former Planned Parenthood workers have said that the no-show rate for abortion appointments goes as high as 75% when people are peacefully praying outside.
It’s always a challenge for us to reach our quarterly campaign goals - and yet we we must raise these minimum amounts each year, just to keep the bare minimum of our free services available to the public.
The question here is whether, as to right-to-life issues, Father Jenkins' administration displayed, in the board's words, an 'unfailing commitment to the University's Catholic character.'
Anyone who asks for euthanasia or assisted suicide should be ineligible to be organ donors to prevent the siren song of utilitarianism from luring people onto the rocks of hastened death.
Robert Colquhoun has put together a quick video on three things to say to a woman considering abortion. These are simple and effective … and they just might save a life!
Too often the celebration of the man who dedicated his life to Christ and opposed idolatry, heresy, hedonism, and debauchery has been turned into a celebration of paganism and vice.
The University permitted the Hear Our Voices event to take place on campus even though it was apparently aware that 'both sides of the debate were not going to be represented.'
'How much time have we spent worrying about circumstances around us instead of spending time laying prostrate before the Lord and interceding for our persecuted brothers and sisters, for our leaders, for our country?' said Saeed Abedini's wife, Naghmeh.
Catholic LGBTQ teachers are 'under a cloud of systematic oppression' and kept from being 'healthy, contributing and faithful role models to their students, especially to those who self-identify as LGBTQ.'
'Our family is about to lose our health benefits. Our mother has recently and successfully battled breast cancer without missing a single day of teaching, except for the day of her operation,' her family wrote in a desperate online plea.
The speaker's local bishop in Oakland warned that he would declare his group 'not authentically Catholic' for its persistent opposition to Church teaching.
The cardinal faced strong backlash from faithful Catholics unhappy with the organizers’ decision to allow an openly homosexual activist group to march in the event.
'The woman had blonde hair, appeared to be about in her thirties, was extremely pale and could be heard audibly wailing,' reported a Coalition for Life volunteer who witnessed the event.
The teaching and the tradition of the Church shows that people living in non-sacramental union deprive themselves of the possibility of receiving Holy Communion.
Despite Georgetown University’s Catholic identity, its student paper recently featured an interview with U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in which he referenced the Obama administration’s work for same-sex marriage as an accomplishment he is proud of.
What we need is a 'moral revival.' And that requires '[helping] people begin to see the world through God’s eyes, to see Christian truth in all of life.'
Regardless of the number of children allowed, women who get pregnant without permission will still be dragged out of their homes, strapped down to tables, and forced to abort babies that they want, even up to the ninth month of pregnancy.
Persecuted for their pro-life and pro-family beliefs, David and Jason Benham did not remain silent. Now they are encouraging Christians everywhere to stand for the Truth.
To make it easier to access all of our coverage on the Wynne sex-ed program, we have a special page where you can find all of our most recent articles.
MOSCOW, Russia, March 16, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) — From 2010 to 2013, 532 infanticides were recorded in Russia. The group Cradle of Hope is hoping to take that down to zero. In an interview with The Moscow Times, Cradle of Hope founder Yelena Kotova explained that her organization has saved 31 newborns with 21 “baby boxes” across Russia. Now, she has asked Moscow officials to approve drop boxes at hospitals across the city. “We are not here to encourage parents to abandon their newborns,” Kotova told Times. “We are trying to safeguard two lives: the mother's and the child's. We are here to make sure that the mother […]
The huge increase in Crohn’s disease cases in women in the past fifty years corresponds to the introduction of oral contraceptive pills, finds a new study of 230,000 women.
This astounding short video demonstrates the mind-blowing process of a baby's development in his or her mother's womb. It's been viewed over 1,000,000 times.
'We are in the midst of a public health crisis on pornography. Every public official from the president on down, public health advocates, social leaders, as well as every parent must work to solve this crisis,' said Dawn Hawkins.
Countries adopted a political declaration on the first day of the two-week conference which made no mention of sexual and reproductive health or rights, terms linked to abortion and sexual issues. Feminist groups were angry and called it 'a political failure.'
'When you take the weakest member of society and deny their human rights, instead of protecting them, then we cannot have the peace we long for,' said Lila Rose.
The name Christianity Today makes one wonder: 'What is Christianity today?' I would suggest, in too many ways, it’s largely disconnected from the Christ that inspired it.
March 13, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Lawmakers in Texas, Kentucky, and Minnesota have introduced bills that would require public schools to protect students from local transgender bathroom laws. The “Kentucky Student Privacy Act,” introduced by State Senator C.B. Embry Jr., R-Morgantown, requires all people to use bathrooms designated for the biological sex of their birth. Additionally, students who “encounter a person of the opposite biological sex in a bathroom or locker room” can sue schools for $2,500 “if staff have allowed it or failed to prohibit it,” reports The Courier-Journal. The bill, which has passed the state Senate, is similar […]
Pro-abortion protesters of the decision picketed in front of the courthouse and 'voiced concern that the University was not looking out for the good of its employees.'
'Just as these corporations chose to stand up and defend their self-interest, Catholic schools and colleges should stand up and defend the truth,' stated Cardinal Newman Society President Patrick Reilly.
When a faithful bishop and strong pastor decides it is time to at least begin to eliminate the confusion within his direct authority, all Hell breaks loose.
The polling numbers and thousands of face-to-face experiences don’t lie: Even if many Canadians dislike our pictures, they often end up disliking abortion even more.
'The real story is that the abortion lobby and their cohorts in the Senate are deliberately throwing the victims of sex trafficking under the bus, just so that they can force taxpayers to fund abortions.'
Women who are worried about their unplanned pregnancies, especially those intent on aborting the unborn child, are deeply affected by the real-time images of their preborn child on the ultrasound screen.
Tens of thousands of parents across Ontario from a diversity of cultural backgrounds are now accusing Wynne of getting between them and their children.
This has been a long time coming for those who have watched with concern the growth and development of the Exit organisation and its seemingly ever increasing reach in suicide advocacy.
As a result of the flawed provision of abortion, millions of children are dead, millions of women have been wounded, some even experiencing a lifetime of regrets.
Same-sex attraction is an experience—not a type of person. Accepting homosexuality as an identity, which has largely been affirmed in our culture, brings so much confusion.
Current Vatican representatives at the UN do not appear to understand the dangers of uncritically using key, population control/environmental extremist invented phrases in offical Vatican statements to the United Nations.
Bill Maher asked John Ridley about America’s dropping crime rates and suggested abortion could be the reason because then 'less unwanted babies are born.'
Dr. Todd Salzman 'believes changing the language the Catholic Church uses to address homosexuality to something more morally neutral is the most helpful step toward improving relationships between the Catholic Church and the LGBT community.'
'We exist to empower a woman to make the healthiest choice for all involved. That is why NARAL attacks us with these false and flimsy allegations,' said Heartbeat International President Peggy Hartshorn.
The Ninth Circuit rejected the ACLJ's previous appeal by arguing in essence that, since state officials "seemed to tacitly approve" of the alleged overbilling, it did not matter that Planned Parenthood's actions were illegal.
'Families who are told that their baby may not live for long after birth need our full support and holistic perinatal care, but this can only be achieved if misleading and offensive language and attitudes are discontinued,' said Tracy Harkin of ELC.
Eugenics is opposed to common sense and rationality. It is a matter of pure power, and reason becomes simply an argument in favor of whoever is the strongest.
ADF Litigation Counsel Elissa Graves said that “Americans, including those who are pro-life, have the freedom to speak with whomever they please on public sidewalks."
Wynne's 'sex ed' curriculum totally distorts the true definition of sex, and attempts to replace it instead with one that emphasizes pleasure and autonomy.
Amnesty has ramped up their global support for legalising abortion, especially targeting countries like Ireland where abortion is either restricted or was, until recently, banned.
The idea of crime reduction from abortion is perpetuated by pro-abortion people dating back to the days of eugenics and include ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber.
Please pray for this mother as she detoxes without drugs, that even in jail she would find mercy in the arms of Jesus. Let us also cry out for her precious baby to be healed, and for God to prepare a safe home for the child.
The director of Georgetown Health Education Services, Carol Day, was on the sexual health panel and 'discussed the flaws' in the student health clinic, which included 'Georgetown’s religious affiliation affecting its type of care.'
'Families who are told that their baby may not live for long after birth need our full support and holistic perinatal care, but this can only be achieved if misleading and offensive language and attitudes are discontinued.'
These photos of Walter show the humanity of the preborn child. They prove without a shadow of a doubt that this is a person, not a blob or a bunch of tissue.
Clinic CEO Gary Ingold recently moved from corporate world where he was General Manager at $103 billion health care services company. Was moved to take his executive skills to do pro-life work.
'Please help me I’m in the trunk of my ford escort red 2000,' he said, sending his license plate number, as well. 'They said they are going to kill my family please call 911.'
'We condemn Governor Tomblin for his cowardice and indifference toward the innocent, unborn child who is capable of great suffering from the violence of abortion.'
The new policy, approved Friday morning, forces doctors to refer patients for abortion or euthanasia, and could see doctors forced to commit them in certain cases.
There are some folks for whom it is simply impossible to pray at the abortion centers. If that’s you … please know that your prayers are still incredibly valuable!
No matter how much pain one might see in the world, there will always be more. And some of this pain must exist so that good may eventually come out of it.
No doctor who assists a suicide, can be assured of his or her safety to do so. Even after the 12 month suspension period, doctors are at risk of homicide charges.
Voters have a right to true information not only about a presidential candidate’s public policy positions, but also about his character and worldview, because such information is necessary to their ability to govern themselves.
A reported 80 percent of teachers in the archdiocese’s Catholic high schools have sent the archbishop a petition accusing him of fostering 'mistrust and fear.'
The man tasked with managing the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario is a partisan Liberal who is backing the Wynne government’s controversial sex-ed program.
The teenage girl was declared “legally dead” by doctors at Oakland Children’s Hospital in 2013 after complications from tonsil and adenoid surgery sent her into cardiac arrest. But her family says she is still alive, no thanks to the medical establishment.
Liberty Counsel's Mat Staver says the ruling is 'one of the most researched and well-reasoned opinions on marriage to be issued by any court in the country.'
As the pope's finance czar, he's earning ire for implementing a major financial reform. But has he also earned enemies for his strong defense of Catholic teaching?
'I support civil unions for gay couples, and I have done so for many years,' says the former neurosurgeon. 'I support the right of individual states to sanction gay marriage.'
Population shrinkage and closing schools may in part be blamed on people 'fleeing the city,' but an equally obvious reason for the decline is abortion.
The acceptance of the teaching of Humanae Vitae is a necessary condition for the restoration of stable marriages and healthy families within the Church, and a precondition for evangelisation.
How many lives were lost that could have otherwise been saved because of Father Hesburgh's tacit support for the Culture of Death? Though we pray for the salvation of his soul, we cannot join the chorus of universal praise for his behavior.
Limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples unfairly discriminates based on 'archaic' and 'outdated' gender stereotypes, says U.S. District Judge Joseph Bataillon.
'The battle for justice was hard fought, but the court finally stood up for the truth,' says Mariusz Dzierżawski, one of the pro-lifers involved with the case.
Bishop Robert McElroy vocally opposes denying Communion to pro-abortion Catholic politicians, saying the practice makes the Eucharist a 'political weapon.'
'We were on the balance beam, and when the pro-life people jumped the gun, that’s what made me take the job. Pro-life people made me pour this. The blood is going to be on their hands,' said Planned Parenthood's concrete contractor.
Every now and then, overzealous public officials try to create new ordinances or twist the laws to get rid of the peaceful prayer vigil outside of an abortion center.
By providing the first truly comprehensive history of the pro-life movement, the Willkes have written a book that should interest scholars, activists, and anyone who cares about the abortion issue.
Though on paper they offer services like prenatal care, in reality when it turns about abortion isn’t really what you’re looking for, Planned Parenthood sends you to the pro-lifers.
'The-Just-a-Friend-Network' will reportedly 'be a loose collection of students, friends and peers who desire to offer safe sex materials, such as contraceptive[s], to their friends.'
(WARNING: SOME DISTURBING CONTENT.) 'I would say kids should try it if they want at whatever age – demystify sex,' Ben Levin told an undercover police officer.
'As reflected in my voting record during my time in the Legislature, I believe there is no greater gift of love than the gift of life,' Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin said in vetoing the pro-life measure.
In January the Louisiana Health Department rejected Planned Parenthood’s certificate of need, so at this point even if the building is completed, it can’t commit abortions.
One insurmountable barrier for those advocating a new doctrinal and pastoral discipline for the reception of Holy Communion is the almost complete unanimity of two thousand years of Catholic history on this point.
'Even the childless-by-choice types among us (myself included) will crack at least a small smile' at the 'awesome thing happening in the fashion world right now,' admitted Jezebel’s Karyn Polewaczyk.
'This amicable resolution ensures that the 40 Days for Life participants are able to hold signs informing passing drivers of their public stand for life without the fear of unjust criminal punishment.'
What struck me most about Rice was that he always gave an impressive witness to the fact that an intensely pro-life, faithful male Christian can and should be manly. He always told it like it is. No apologies. He never avoided necessary battles.
'I implore you on behalf of the parents of this province, and their impressionable children (who cannot speak for themselves), to change your policy on this matter immediately.'
The latest report into Catholic Relief Services also alleges the aid agency played a role in falsifying government documents to cover up their problematic activities.
A man who stood by his beliefs no matter what, [Rice] respected those who opposed him, and the feelings were mutual. Never one to shy away from a fight, Professor Rice was willing to take on the difficult battles for what he knew to be the truth.
'Blob of tissue?' Tell that to David Raphael. His heart-breaking, yet stunning photo has been 'liked' almost 500,000 times, and 'shared' over 160,000 times!