Invitation and agenda for Cardinal Marx’s secret Rome meeting

Editor's note: The following document is an invitation sent by the presidents of the bishops' conferences in France, Germany, and Switzerland to a confidential meeting in Rome that discussed advancing a progressive agenda on issues such as homosexuality and Communion for the divorced and remarried. For more information on the meeting, see LifeSiteNews' article here. Vatican reporter Ed Pentin highlights significant points of the below document in an article here.   Bishops' Conference of France – German Bishops' Conference – Swiss Bishops' Conference xx. April 2015 Draft Letter of Invitation   N.N., The Holy Father has initiated an invitation to […]

International Pro-Life Conference 2015

Photos of participants at International pro-life conference over two days. First day's meetings were for leaders only at the offices of Rome pro-life group at Piazza Santa Balbina. Second day was at the St. Pius X Hall in Vatican City.