An ACLU attorney representing the mother called her changing her mind “highly suspicious," but Judge Kallon met with the mother privately and asked her in open court whether she really wanted to withdraw her abortion request
Conservative MP David Anderson has condemned Health Canada’s decision to approve the controversial abortion drug RU-486, calling it a “dangerous combination of drugs.”
'As horrific as it is, the issue isn’t really the sale of human parts. It’s the legal practice that allows this to even be a possibility,' Watson wrote on his Facebook page.
The decision was approved under the German Catholic Church's new Labor Law, which drastically liberalized the Church's disciplinary laws in the country.
The disturbing video of Dr. Mary Gatter clearly shows her disregard for human life, her lack of concern for the patients she serves, and her ultimate goal of making more money.
Were Komen to try to disentangle itself from Planned Parenthood today, it would have no trouble, seeing as corporations are abandoning Planned Parenthood in droves.
"It really stretches credibility to say that Bush or his people wouldn’t have known that the foundation pushes abortion and other population control efforts."
The Vatican’s latest selection of eco experts continues to get ‘curiouser and curiouser’. In Vatican Eco-wonderland, everything is turned upside down; left is right, wrong is right, moral is ecological
Planned Parenthood is so obviously breaking multiple laws. How, in the name of anything remotely ethical, can the White House continue to stand by them?
Wagner has been arrested at least six times in Ontario and spent about four years in jail for peacefully protesting abortion and seeking to counsel abortion-bound women.
Racists and segregationists of the past did not—unlike today’s opponents of same-sex marriage—present themselves as defenders of the integrity of marriage itself.
Many supporters of same-sex marriage are still wary of surrogacy. It’s one thing to allow for these couples to marry. It’s another thing to create a market for children.
Planned Parenthood's senior executive, Dr. Mary Gatter, admits the use of manual vacuum aspirators in order to increase the odds of getting 'intact specimen'.
The noon panel, hosted by IRD and organized by leading news organization LifeSiteNews, included LifeSiteNews public relations officer and D.C. Correspondent Dustin Siggins.
The LifeSiteNews team is gathering this week for our annual meeting. As a result, we will not be publishing tomorrow. We’d greatly appreciate your prayers as we discuss the many great issues facing the culture today and our mission here at LifeSiteNews.
This Democrat signed a letter saying he is not sure Planned Parenthood is 'in compliance with federal laws regulating both the use of fetal tissue and partial-birth abortions.'
The bills would immediately deny Planned Parenthood all of its federal money until Congress concludes its investigation into the abortion giant's practices.
For the first time, statistically significant portions of the population are being exposed to the reality of abortion—and they are reacting to that reality.
On Wednesday, five leading voices discussed how social conservatives can enact better public policy in an era that's increasingly anti-faith, anti-life, and anti-family.
Pro-life advocates were alarmed after the Vatican seemed to indicate wholesale support of a UN program despite its pro-abortion and pro-contraception provisions.
'This is a new low, even for anti-abortion activists who will stop at nothing in their effort to undermine a woman’s right to choose,' said a congresswoman with close ties to the Democratic Socialists of America.
'I’m thinking about a strong parallel between what’s happening to my colleague and the trial week of Jesus before he was crucified,' said abortionist Dr. Willie Parker about Dr. Deborah Nucatola.
Among Kasich's achievements, they touted the 14 laws supported by Ohio Right to Life that he has signed since 2011, the 17% decrease in the number of abortions since 2010, and the late-term abortion ban he signed in 2011.
Given that most people are unfamiliar with the federal legal directives involving the use of human fetal tissue, the purpose of this article is simply to copy the main federal legal source involved.
The Catholic Church’s highest teaching authority has emphasized Catholics’ duty to oppose same-sex unions, while also allowing for prudential decisions on how best to do so.
Between 1939 and 1941, more than 70,000 intellectually and physically disabled people were exterminated, the opening act in the Nazis demonic assault on the sanctity of human life.
An examination of the documents from the controversial May 25 'Shadow Council' gives a clear picture of the progressive agenda at the Vatican’s Synod on the Family.
'It’s never a good look to be sipping red wine while discussing the costs associated with fetal tissue culled from abortions,' said the Washington Post.
Fr. Charles Curran and the controversy that rose up around him was a critical turning point in the history of Catholic higher education in America, and in many cases it served as an unfortunate model for other Catholic colleges to follow.
A careful reading of the holding of the Kennedy opinion reveals that the right to marry recognized by the Supreme Court is not at all what has been assumed.
Science writer Matt Ridley''s article “The Climate wars’ Damage to Science”, is one of the very best summaries of the controversy that I have ever read.
Even in a Republican-controlled Congress, pro-life language in appropriations bills faces an uphill battle, since President Obama would likely veto any legislation containing it.
The Naples appeals court stated that its decision would not apply to Italian homosexual couples who "married" or entered into a legal civil union outside Italy.
Church and state leaders in Kenya and Nigeria have issued strong warnings to U.S. president Barack Obama about preaching homosexuality in their nations.
The breast cancer research institute, which sends money to abortion giant Planned Parenthood, was under consideration for funding from legislation regarding a commemorative coin.
The film traces the development of cosmology from its inception (Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid at Giza) through the revolution of Copernicus and shows modern science pointing toward evidence of a Creator.
Despite the Democrats’ silence, even pro-abortion people like Governor Pataki are seeing the common sense involved in defunding America’s corrupt abortion giant.
Promethean man, it turns out, is a pathetic creature. He thinks himself the measure of all things, but must in fact have his solipsistic existence be publicly affirmed and dignified by the state.
Please pray for a change of heart for all government officials to protect life, faith, and family in Uganda, fighting (not embracing) the anti-life initiatives encroaching on the Ugandan way of life.
Group of scientists frustrated and humiliated after trying to provide some balance to the one-sided, very pessimist position of the Vatican on the climate change issue.
Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput backed the school for 'taking the steps to ensure that the Catholic faith is presented in a way fully in accord with the teaching of the Church.'
The interim report created confusion in many Catholic families about the Church’s teaching that was intensified by a lack of clarification by the Holy Father.
Whatever one may argue with regard to the Old Testament’s approach to marriage, Jesus makes it clear that we are going back to Plan A: one man and one woman in a stable, fruitful relationship of mutual support.
Pro-life organizations say the move is a not-so-veiled attempt to create categories of the killable that include the pre-born, the sick, and the vulnerable.
The project lead told LifeSiteNews this morning that a single Planned Parenthood abortion facility 'could easily make $100,000 a year off baby part sales just in one clinic.'
A Manitoba MP is calling for an investigation into why abortionists in Winnipeg didn't notify police while twice performing abortions on a girl by the time she turned 13.
While ACTA leaders claim to be concerned with dialogue and structural changes only, others cite evidence of the group’s clear dissent on a number of Church teachings.
Many developed nations are already suffering from the effects of population decline, but population alarmists keep pushing for population control programs.
Winning permanent injunctions against enforcement of the HHS mandate is critical to the protection of Catholic schools and colleges and their ability to faithfully live out their Catholic identity and mission.
We live in a culture where traditional beliefs about marriage are increasingly seen as aberrations to be eradicated, and the people seeking to do the eradicating aren’t about to let the First Amendment stand in their way.
California is one more example of what happens when legislators are given the opportunity to learn how legalizing assisted suicide effects people with disabilities and society in general.
If Catholic institutions cannot assure that its theology professors have obtained the academic mandatum or faithfully impart Catholic doctrine, then families should look to more faithful Catholic institutions, Bishop Frank Dewane suggested.
Judges should not invent ideas from the Constitution that simply are not there, but should adhere to the spirit in which the Constitution was originally written.
The conscience of America is being awakened to the reality of abortion, but Texas is being gridlocked from enacting commonsense health and safety regulation on abortion mills.
Many of its strong claims about the dire state of the world don’t take into account positive change reported even in UN documents, which themselves tend to magnify environmental and other global problems as a fundraising ploy.
The recording of the 911 call placed on March 26, 2015, indicates that a 24-year old woman hemorrhaged after an abortion at the South Wind Women’s Center and required speedy transport to a local hospital.
'People of any faith, when they’re strong in their faith, they would choose to live out their faith over keeping their job. But that should not even be a dilemma for any American in this country.'
When all is said and done, and the bank accounts have been emptied, will our government be able to guarantee that Canadian money was spent on life-affirming and life-saving foreign aid?
Despite Kennedy’s pat denials, marriage has been grievously wounded as an institution, and we must do what we can to bind up its wounds, in our own families, communities, and churches.
If California does not pass the bill, it will mark a year in which half the country’s state legislatures were assaulted by Compassion and Choices with Brittany Maynard emotionalism–and it failed everywhere.
Who has a closer bond to the child and should have legal rights, an unrelated man, the husband of the biological father, or a woman who gestated the child for nine months?
Since one in five patients who die by euthanasia are pressured by family members therefore children who die by euthanasia are also likely to be pressured by family members.
The paper is not a 'surrender,' but the exact opposite -- a clear declaration of our intention to engage actively in the debate over this issue and offer an alternative path to the leftist social agenda that only harms those struggling with gender dysphoria.
We need, to say the least, to treat the “science” of global warming with extreme care. Any such hesitations, however, form no part of the Pope’s thinking: his encyclical is in places like Al Gore on steroids.
The alarm is especially felt among pro-life, pro-family leaders who have been successfully working since 1994 at the UN, in response to a special appeal from Pope John Paul II.
When Netherlander doctors were faced with Nazi pressure to engage in culture of death medicine during World War II, they took down their shingles. Compared to that, what do Canadian docs have to fear?
While the U.S. bishops responded to last week’s marriage ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court by upholding the teachings of the Catholic Church, USF chose to publicly celebrate the decision in direct conflict with its Catholic identity and mission.
Mount de Sales Academy released a letter last year saying that Dollar wasn’t fired because he’s gay, but because same-sex marriage goes against Catholic doctrine.
Probably the biggest reason we’ve been losing this battle so spectacularly rests in the laps of our own movement. It pains us to say that in many ways.
If we want to understand the causes of the current cultural and moral crisis, we need to go back at least half a century to the beginning of the 1960s.