We’re burning babies

There is something so ghoulish, so hideous, and so cannibalistic about this panel of calm, well-spoken women discussing how to deal with the piles and piles of irretrievably shredded infants.

Superficial Synod reports give green light to attacks on life and family

Last week cardinals and bishops attending the Ordinary Synod on the Family separated into thirteen small groups to discuss the first part of the Instrumentum Laboris and propose amendments to the document. The reports of their work, made public last week, reveal a striking failure to protect the family from the serious threats contained within the first part of this heterodox preparatory document.

Cardinal who supports LGBT radicals is moderator of English-speaking Synod group

Cardinal Nichols’s approach to human sexuality has caused the pro-life, pro-family movement grave concern for many years. He has been elected as moderator of the one of the four English-speaking circuli minores (small groups) at the Ordinary Synod on the Family. The moderator has extensive influence on the direction of the discussion and thus on the content of the final report of the small group.

The Supreme Court of Canada was wrong on assisted dying.

Legalizing PAS has been associated with an increased rate of total suicides relative to other states and no decrease in nonassisted suicides. This suggests either that PAS does not inhibit (nor acts as an alternative to) nonassisted suicide, or that it acts in this way in some individuals but is associated with an increased inclination to suicide in other individuals.