Disney unveils rainbow Mickey Mouse ears to celebrate homosexuality

WARNING: Some links contain explicit material. April 27, 2018 (Joseph Sciambra) – In time for the official gay “Pride” month of June, all Disney parks will begin selling specially designed rainbow Mickey Mouse ears. The child's hat features the iconic ears in rainbow strips, and the front is embroidered with Mickey's gloves forming the shape of a rainbow heart. Disney stores have long carried various “Pride” products, including collectible rainbow pins. Disney also has a history of accommodating the sometimes raucous unofficial annual “Gay Days” at Disneyland and Disneyworld. The behavior displayed has caused some in the LGBT community to openly criticize the event. A […]

Nebraska governor strips Planned Parenthood funding in new budget

April 6, 2018 (Live Action News) – Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts signed a budget Wednesday that will eliminate federal family-planning funding to Planned Parenthood of the Heartland. The $8.8 billion two-year budget would prohibit money to facilities that commit, promote, or refer clients for abortions. The budget also mandates health clinics in the state to legally, financially, and physically separate from abortion facilities. Ricketts, who is pro-life, approved the package after it was passed by the state legislature  on a 38-6 vote. The Nebraska governor proposed the measure in his budget earlier this year. Tell Congress to keep their promise […]