Raymond Ibrahim covers the 7th-century origins of Islam, its conflict with Christianity over the centuries, and revisionist attempts to deny Islam's history of violent warfare and supremacism.
International organizations are also complaining that the World Health Organization is too much in thrall to China, originator of the COVID-19 coronavirus.
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.31.2020. Mother discusses the challenging times we are facing, but encourages people not to lose faith. She tells listeners that we must trust God in the midst of uncertainty and we should use this time to deepen our faith. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
'In fact, for us believers, our life is stretched towards eternity and it is for this reason that in the face of these trials and tribulations we do not despair, certain that we are in God’s hands'
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.30.2020. Mother encourages people to continue trying and fighting temptation. She focuses on inevitability of facing temptation, but we need to stay strong and resist those temptations. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
Providers have filed a motion over being included in the suspension of elective surgical procedures, arguing that their work is 'essential' and 'vital.'
If the National Institutes for Health wasn't paying attention to China, what was it doing? Fun and trendy stuff, the bureaucratic equivalent of playing video games instead of working.
On Thursday, Dr. Deborah Birx, one of the White House coronavirus task force members, finally had it with the media's propensity for hysteria and fear-mongering.
March 27, 2020 (NewsBusters) — Appearing on Friday’s CBS This Morning, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams lectured the media on hyping “worst-case scenario” projections about the coronavirus pandemic that have so far proven to be “way off.” His comments came after co-host Gayle King took jabs at President Trump for making a similar point in a recent interview, despite having “no medical training.” “You know, doctors and nurses around the country are saying, ‘Hello, government, we need ventilators, we need ventilators now.’ But President Trump seems to have a different take on that,” King fretted as she teed up a clip […]
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.27.2020. Today, Mother speaks about God's mercy and justice. She reminds us of the need to repent and make reparation for our sins and the sins of the world, especially during this pandemic. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
Tara Reade was one of eight women who accused Biden of unwanted touching in early 2019. The former vice president is notorious for inappropriate touching, a habit which has often been captured on video.
London correspondent Paul Smeaton explains to John-Henry that London is basically a prison system right now and that you can only leave your house under very limited circumstances.
Recordings show the plaintiff in the current Supreme Court case June Medical Services v. Russo actively defying state orders to shut down operations during the coronavirus crisis.
London correspondent Paul Smeaton explains to John-Henry that London is basically a prison system right now and that you can only leave your house under very limited circumstances.
New Ways Ministry accused Cdl. Raymond Burke of demonizing LGBT people by mentioning gender theory in his remarks on the Catholic faith and the coronavirus.
Churchmen, by closing the churches and suspending Masses, seem to be bringing to its ultimate coherence a process of auto-demolition begun in the 1960s.
WASHINGTON, D.C., March 26, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) ― The media have been lying about a potentially effective treatment for the COVID-19 coronavirus, Tucker Carlson reported this week. “Well, here’s why,” the Fox News pundit told his audience last night. “Donald Trump is for it.” Ever since the American president announced the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the coronavirus sweeping the world, the American media have been downplaying its potential, lying about it, and manipulating the public. “If Trump is for it, they're against it, even if it might save American lives,” Carlson declared. “What reactive children they are. And […]
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show replayed on 3.26.2020. Today, Mother focuses on the importance of fasting in a committed way during lent. She reminds us that our hearts must be behind our fast, we must not fast begrudgingly or with pride. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
Homosexual rights and feminist organizations are insisting that abortion and LGBT issues be the centerpiece of the Commission on Unalienable Rights' work.
'Pregnancy-related care, especially abortion care [sic], is essential and life-affirming,' one abortionist said, 'especially now when there is so much insecurity around jobs and food and paychecks and childcare.'
Trans activists are wreaking havoc on our society. With a pandemic and a potential depression, perhaps people will finally lose patience with their demands.
'More generally,' Cdl. Willem Eijk said, 'parishes with a strong identity and a worthy Sunday liturgy have the most appeal. We see families there, young people.'
Travel restrictions and isolating regulations on account of the pandemic necessitate relaxing German laws on when to kill unborn children, pro-abortion groups claim.
The devout Catholic actor who played Jesus in the 2004 classic predicts 'The Passion of Christ: Resurrection' will be the 'biggest film in world history.'
'We must do everything that is within our power to fight this outbreak and flatten the curve,' declared one member of Parliament in justifying church (but not abortion facility) closures.
Hundreds of thousands of people across the country are now unemployed and worried about paying the rent or buying food, but the 'essential' work of killing babies continues.
The school's policy 'deprives those women of the single-sex athletic competitions that are one of the marquee accomplishments of Title IX,' wrote Trump's attorney general.
To join us on the Frontlines of the culture war, and to benefit future shows like this, please consider giving a monthly gift here: https://give.lifesitenews.com/sustainlife/ Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.25.2020. Today, Mother asks listeners to pray for Dan Burke, founder of the Avila Institute and former President of EWTN. She also discusses the beauty and importance of the Feast of the Annunciation. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
'This is all depressingly typical of the Sexual Revolution, which treats sex as a mere bodily function,' commented pro-family expert Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse of the Ruth Institute.
In today’s episode of The Van Maren Show, author of The Trouble with Canada William Gairdner, a Canadian political philosopher, business man, and former Olympian, joins Jonathon to discuss how socialism has taken such a strong hold in Canada and the impacts it has had on the country. Gairdner and Jonathon discuss not only what Canadians can do, but they see Canada as a warning for the US and other countries that are glorifying socialism.
'We’re reading the unthinkable—the Seattle Times reported that Washington State and hospital officials have been meeting to consider how to decide who lives and dies,' commented Thomas More Society Vice President Peter Breen.
PRAYER PLEDGE: Rally around the daily Rosary to stop the coronavirus Sign the petition here. March 25, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – St. John Paul II makes clear at the start of The Gospel of Life that there is only one, indivisible Gospel – the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This Gospel of Life is at the same time and with the same force the Gospel of Mercy. Christ is Life, and He is Mercy itself. He came to reconcile us to the Father and to one another, and therefore also to the unborn. From the beginning of my own involvement in the pro-life […]
Why is it that at a time when many pious Catholics are begging for a chance to participate at Mass, and many conscientious pastors are willing to oblige them, our bishops are steadily pumping the brakes?
When Kellyanne Conway made herself available for questions from the media, the assembled press members didn't want to talk about things that might matter to the American people.
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.24.2020. Today Mother talks about the coronavirus and what Catholics can do without the Eucharist. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
The Chinese government intentionally downplayed the risks of the virus, wouldn't cooperate with international health authorities, and censored doctors and journalists, the resolution says.
Fr. Maximilian Mary Dean believes that the coronavirus is being inflicted upon mankind for our many sins but that if we 'cling to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart, everything will be all right.'
Fr. Maximilian Mary Dean believes the coronavirus is being inflicted upon mankind for our many sins but that if we “cling to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart, everything will be alright.”
Late last year, Pope Francis met with the Buddhist 'Supreme Patriarch' and spoke vaguely of how 'religions' are 'beacons of hope.' A lot needs to be explained here.
In addition to seeing Trump being serious, aggressive, and hopeful when handling the coronavirus situation, Americans also get to see what a terrible job the media are doing.
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.23.2020. Today, Mother discusses the strength of St. Charles Borromeo who ministered to the sick and dying during a plague in Milan. She also focuses on the virtues we can work on during this unprecedented time to keep us close to Christ. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
The students hope that recently introduced legislation in Ontario from the Doug Ford government, which mandated that all publicly assisted colleges and universities have a free speech policy, might help.
Alexander Tschugguel, the founder of the St. Boniface Institute, is the highest-profile lay Catholic leader with the virus, with thousands of supporters praying for his complete recovery.
'We cannot have confusion that puts patients in genuine need of emergency care at risk,' said John Smeaton of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children.
Today's fundraising email from the president of an assisted suicide lobby group states that the current COVID-19 crisis provides a new opportunity for assisted suicide.
A new report commissioned by Democrat lawmakers shows that the Trump administration’s pro-life foreign policy is achieving its objective of protecting life.
One of the qualifiers nonetheless blasted the Leadership Election Organizing Committee (LEOC) for not postponing the race in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.
Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.20.2020. Mother Miriam discusses the importance of making a spiritual communion while we cannot attend mass due to coronavirus closures. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
'As long as the abortion industry refuses to stop the work of killing babies, pro-lifers worldwide will continue to find ways to confront, expose, and fight this injustice'
Bp. Schneider declared that 'the entire human race' has become 'a kind of prisoner of a world 'sanitary dictatorship.'' Here is how he recommends the faithful proceed.
The report that follows will prove that Catholic Relief Services created a health referral network that includes 'sexual and reproductive health' as a component.
It would be a huge step in the right direction if Americans came out of this realizing just how pointless the countless trivialities our soulless culture obsesses over really are.
Among the more striking remarks was Professor Guido Hülsmann's acknowledgment that abortion disincentivizes men to marry because the state empowers women to destroy the family at any time.
Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.19.2020. Today, on the feast of St. Joseph, the father of Jesus, Mother Miriam discusses the importance of a devotion to St. Joseph. Especially for fathers he is a great example an important saint for our devotion. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
Both clergymen stress that it is important to stay in the state of grace and that there are means to do so in cases of lack of access to the Sacraments.
Bishop Michael Olson said that Communion should be given 'in designated spaces after Mass for those who are present in their cars or separated by a safe distance.'
Let us reflect on the unique and virginal espousal of St. Joseph with Mary, the key to understanding the figure of the Carpenter of Nazareth as the first type of Marian consecration.
For the first time in the five years it's been going head-to-head with a Planned Parenthood fundraiser, a free national pro-life event has come out on top.
'Kiwis watched with growing disbelief,' said one New Zealander, 'as the unfettered extremism of the abortion lobby and its allies in Parliament was put on full display.'
Encouraging priests to deprive themselves of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, with or without a congregation present, reflects a weak faith and tepid charity.
In today’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Alessandra Bocchi, who is currently in Rome, joins Van Maren to discuss what is actually happening on the ground in Rome and across Italy. Bocchi is from Lombardy, the hardest hit region of Italy, but is ‘stuck’ in Rome due to the government’s requests that people not leave their current locations in order to stop the spread of the virus. The scene she shares is quite surreal.
'The Liberals condemn the notion that parents should be able to help a child identify with the body they were born with' while they 'celebrate giving a child hormones and irreversible plastic surgery...'
Cardinal Robert Sarah told the faithful, 'no one, absolutely no one can prevent you from turning toward God and imploring his help during this great test.'
Hospitals in Massachusetts are ordered to cancel any 'nonessential, elective invasive procedure' to free up resources to fight the coronavirus — but abortions will continue as before.
The $5 million countersuit is 'absurd' and 'frivolous,' commented Dr. Michael New, who coordinates weekly pro-life activity outside the Washington, D.C. Planned Parenthood.
We can get at the truth by retracing the whole history of the relations between the Holy See and China during the pontificate of Benedict XVI, from 2005 to 2013.
It would be ironic if Islam entered into a period of decline, and ill-advised Catholics strove to keep it alive. Unfortunately, it's all quite possible.
The human right to freedom of conscience, the court declared, is trumped in Sweden by an employee's obligation to do whatever an employer demands of him.
Professor Roberto de Mattei believes now is the time to 'remember the message of Fatima, because the divine punishments, which have already been affecting the Church for many years, are making themselves visible to the whole society.'
Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.17.2020. Mother Miriam discusses the importance of truth and truly knowing the scriptures and the faith. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
Professor Roberto de Mattei believes now is the time to 'remember the message of Fatima, because the divine punishments, which have already been affecting the Church for many years, are making themselves visible to the whole society.'
We are being encouraged by politicians and pundits to rediscover 'the Blitz spirit' shared by the British during the Second World War. A terrible irony is that those who remember the Blitz are most in danger of succumbing to the virus.
The American electoral process must go on as normally as possible. Democracy does not capitulate to any threat, let alone to a virus that the Chinese communists could have avoided.
Exposing the lie of socialism versus capitalism, central power versus federal systems with its diffusion of power and responsibility, and the effects of a dynamic leader versus conventional ones.
President Donald Trump said he could not sign the bill as long as there were 'things in there that have nothing to do with things we are talking about,' such as abortion.
'Abortion on demand is not the will of the people in Northern Ireland,' wrote Rep. Chris Smith of New Jersey to the British secretary of state for Northern Ireland.
'All therapies carried out on human beings which are aimed at changing or suppressing sexual orientation or self-perceived gender identity' may soon become illegal in Germany.
Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.16.2020. Today, Mother calls on the faithful to petition their bishops to reopen masses. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
'If China banned exports, the United States will fall into the hell of a new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic' the communist-controlled paper threatened.
The report, published in the journal of Clinical Ethics, described how the financial savings that assisted suicide would allow is 'the elephant in the room.'
The letter, signed by prominent English Catholics, highlights myriad horrors overseen by the Chinese government and perpetrated against the Chinese faithful.
'I had done my research, and I knew that this doctor could not be trusted. But I was just so happy that he said that, because then my parents were OK with it.'
Incredibly, the government is shifting the blame as the 'country of origin' and promoting their efforts to combat the epidemic as a model for the world.
Dioceses affirming Catholics' right to receive Holy Communion on the tongue consulted health experts. The Diocese of Arlington did so but then scrubbed that fact from its statement.
Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.13.2020. Today, Mother discusses spiritual avarice and how one can avoid falling into it. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
These days, as the result of a stroke and other health problems, John Barros is on crutches — but he still doesn’t miss a day. Even the abortion facility’s staff admire him.
The abuse of the 15-year-old girl was posted to Pornhub by her trafficker. The victim was also taken to an abortion facility, where her child was killed to cover up the crimes.
Katarina Carranco says the streets of Rome are empty and that it's "surreal" to be there right now, but that it reminds her of the need to always be prepared for death.
Bishop Anthony B. Taylor of Little Rock, Arkansas also canceled confirmations, classifying the sacrament as a 'non-essential gathering,' and is discouraging anointing of the sick for coronavirus sufferers.
'When we looked more closely at the background of the judges' of the European Court of Human Rights, said Grégor Puppinck, who oversaw the report, 'we never imagined the troubling discoveries we would make.'
Fr. Anthony Pillari said the Lord Himself told us that we should have 'great hope' in the time of any tribulation, 'including the current virus epidemic.'
One of the purposes of the event was to help international policymakers in their understanding of the challenges they could face if such a pandemic actually developed.
Steven Mosher details the claims being falsely made by the Chinese Communist Party which employ clever and convincing arguments so Communist party members will blame the U.S. rather than the Chinese government’s incompetence or worse for the epidemic.
'Mr. Almagro’s 180-degree turn on abortion is a testament to the administration’s efforts to prioritize the right to life in its foreign policy,' said LifeSite's Director of Advocacy.
Steven Mosher is the founder and president of the Population Research Institute. He says the Chinese Communist Party is lying about the origins of the coronavirus.
The social media giant blocked a credible report from the Population Research Institute that appeared in the New York Post and called it 'false information.'
The upcoming generation are utterly unfamiliar with the founding beliefs of Western civilization and unaware of the philosophies that animated their forefathers.
The intentions are 'for repentance, Christ’s healing hand on the Coronavirus & that all men may be Godly, manly sons & disciples of His Son Jesus Christ.'
Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.11.2020. In today’s episode, Mother discusses seeking perfect contrition. She elaborates on the beauty of forgiveness and how we can seek to truly change our hearts. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live at here:
When you declare that spaces that were once female-only can now be accessed by males, you have created a situation that predators will take advantage of.
In today’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon Van Maren speaks with John Bockmann, one of the authors of a new study who discovered that a fetus can feel pain much earlier than people think. This is a must watch episode for any pro-life activist. In delving into the topic of fetal pain, Bockmann realized the previous understanding about fetal pain was based on a false presumption. Check-out his interview with Jonathon to learn more about how he debunked the myth and when unborn babies actually start to feel pain. Get email notifications when new epsiodes are released. Be […]
The president of the Lepanto Institute, who released the original report detailing CRS's wrongdoing, remains suspicious that the U.S. bishops will take any real action.
The organizations are complaining that the commission's members are not sufficiently sympathetic to homosexuality and people calling themselves members of the opposite sex.
Jason Evert, an expert on the Church’s teaching on chastity and sexuality, joined The John-Henry Westen Show this week to discuss gender and to share what he thinks the LGBT movement has in store for the years ahead.
'Just as hospitals treat diseases of the body, so the Church serves to, among other things, treat illness of the soul; that is why it is unimaginable that we not pray in our churches,' said Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, leader of the Polish bishops' conference.
Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.9.2020. Today, Mother encourages us to trust God's love through all trials, temptations, and tribulations. She also discusses spurning temptations, especially during this lenten season. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here:
'And although the Forum and the [Rome] March for Life are nine weeks away, we simply do not know how the situation will develop in Italy and in Europe,' organizer Maria Madise told LifeSiteNews.
Republican Sen. Ben Sasse called on the DOJ to open an investigation into Pornhub for its 'involvement in this disturbing pipeline of exploiting children and other victims and survivors of sex trafficking'
The atheists make a show of sophistication, but they, it turns out, are the irrational ones — and their views imperil the progress of genuine understanding and wisdom.
The socialist candidate promises to make contraception 'free' and available over-the-counter, pour money into Planned Parenthood, and codify abortion through birth into law.
The situation now unfolding day by day on the Greek-Turkish border is a critical part of the overall struggle by patriots on both sides of the Atlantic to preserve Western civilization.
Bishop Marian Eleganti — who had first published a more positive comment on Querida Amazonia — says: 'I am unhappy about this development of dismantling the priest and clericalizing the laity.'
Listen to Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.9.2020. Today Mother reminds listeners that it is inevitable that followers of God will face great temptations. She reminds listeners to stay strong against temptation. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live:
The suspension of public events was done out of a 'desire to do one’s part,' contributing 'to the protection of public health,' the Italian bishops said.
One man threw a glass vial filled with mysterious liquid at the students as they prayed outside an abortion facility. The fire department had to test and clean up the fluid.
Thanks to a complex public relations strategy, Islamist organizations have succeeded in gradually recasting American Islamists as celebrated humanitarians and social reformers.
Following frenzied discussions on the global outbreak, the annual Commission on the Status of Women was canceled, nullifying months or even years of prep work from feminist groups.
March 6, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Successful pro-life women are speaking out after actress Busy Phillips cited her professional success as an illustration of why pregnant teenagers should be able to abort their preborn babies. Phillips was among the left-wing figures speaking at Wednesday’s pro-abortion rally outside the U.S. Supreme Court, which is currently reviewing an Louisiana law requiring that abortion centers make arrangements for admitting women to nearby hospitals in cases of life-threatening complications. Both sides are watching the case intently for its potential ramifications for states’ ability to regulate abortion. Discussing a story of a 14-year-old girl recently denied […]
The plan declares that Biden as president will 'champion equal rights for all LGBTQ+ people, fight to ensure our laws and institutions protect and enforce their rights, and advance LGBTQ+ equality globally'
The demonstrators are calling for Pornhub to be closed down based on 'corroborated evidence that the company is aiding and profiting off of the sex trafficking and sexual exploitation of women and children.'
'Let’s get to the root of the issue here: Chuck Schumer and the Democrats filibustered legislation that would prevent infanticide of a young baby that survives an abortion, prevent late-term abortion of infants that can feel pain in their mother’s womb.'
The most spectacular move involved a commitment on the part of the Church of French Guiana officially to beg 'pardon' for its 'complicity' in the colonization process.
'There is a great deal of confusion, concern, and the ever present sense of crisis,' said Father Dennis Gill. 'The one thing that we can do now and all the time is recall our relationship with Christ and with one another in the Church.'
Special rapporteur Ahmad Shaheed concluded that laws based in traditional morality, often religious in nature, should be repealed if they conflict with the opinions of human rights scholars and U.N. experts.
The girl's family brought the claim for discrimination on the basis of gender identity, for teaching the child and her class there are no such things as girls or boys.
The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children has reacted angrily to yet another report that abortionists in England are disregarding government safety standards.
The study making the claim, which Bishop Georg Bätzing supports, based its conclusions on 'recent theological and especially liturgical insights and the results of previous ecumenical dialog.'
Trump tweeted: 'This is a direct & dangerous threat to the U.S. Supreme Court by Schumer. If a Republican did this, he or she would be arrested, or impeached. Serious action MUST be taken NOW!'
'You have unleashed a whirlwind, and you will pay the price,' Schumer said at a pro-abortion rally, directing his remark to Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.
At the 2020 March for Life in Washington, John-Henry spoke with Eden Linton, a pro-life activist who works for the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children. She calls on Bishops and laity to fulfill their “duty” to engage in the fight for the unborn.