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Converting hearts during the coronavirus crisis

To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.31.2020. Mother discusses the challenging times we are facing, but encourages people not to lose faith. She tells listeners that we must trust God in the midst of uncertainty and we should use this time to deepen our faith. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
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Temptation: If you fail 20 times keep trying, the only real failure is to stop trying

To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.30.2020. Mother encourages people to continue trying and fighting temptation. She focuses on inevitability of facing temptation, but we need to stay strong and resist those temptations. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.

US surgeon general pushes back against media attempts to discredit Trump on coronavirus

March 27, 2020 (NewsBusters) — Appearing on Friday’s CBS This Morning, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams lectured the media on hyping “worst-case scenario” projections about the coronavirus pandemic that have so far proven to be “way off.” His comments came after co-host Gayle King took jabs at President Trump for making a similar point in a recent interview, despite having “no medical training.” “You know, doctors and nurses around the country are saying, ‘Hello, government, we need ventilators, we need ventilators now.’ But President Trump seems to have a different take on that,” King fretted as she teed up a clip […]
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Trust God’s Mercy and Justice during these trying times

To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.27.2020. Today, Mother speaks about God's mercy and justice. She reminds us of the need to repent and make reparation for our sins and the sins of the world, especially during this pandemic. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.

Tucker: Opposition to Trump is fueling media lies about chloroquine, a potential COVID-19 treatment

WASHINGTON, D.C., March 26, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) ― The media have been lying about a potentially effective treatment for the COVID-19 coronavirus, Tucker Carlson reported this week. “Well, here’s why,” the Fox News pundit told his audience last night. “Donald Trump is for it.” Ever since the American president announced the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the coronavirus sweeping the world, the American media have been downplaying its potential, lying about it, and manipulating the public.    “If Trump is for it, they're against it, even if it might save American lives,” Carlson declared.  “What reactive children they are. And […]
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A reminder to fast with our whole heart during lent

To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here.   Watch Mother Miriam's Live show replayed on 3.26.2020. Today, Mother focuses on the importance of fasting in a committed way during lent. She reminds us that our hearts must be behind our fast, we must not fast begrudgingly or with pride. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
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Seeking Mary on the Feast of the Annunciation

To join us on the Frontlines of the culture war, and to benefit future shows like this, please consider giving a monthly gift here:   Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.25.2020. Today, Mother asks listeners to pray for Dan Burke, founder of the Avila Institute and former President of EWTN. She also discusses the beauty and importance of the Feast of the Annunciation.   You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page.   Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
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Socialist Canada is a warning sign for Americans

In today’s episode of The Van Maren Show, author of The Trouble with Canada William Gairdner, a Canadian political philosopher, business man, and former Olympian, joins Jonathon to discuss how socialism has taken such a strong hold in Canada and the impacts it has had on the country.  Gairdner and Jonathon discuss not only what Canadians can do, but they see Canada as a warning for the US and other countries that are glorifying socialism. 

Celebrating 25 years of John Paul II’s ‘The Gospel of Life’

PRAYER PLEDGE: Rally around the daily Rosary to stop the coronavirus Sign the petition here. March 25, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – St. John Paul II makes clear at the start of The Gospel of Life that there is only one, indivisible Gospel – the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This Gospel of Life is at the same time and with the same force the Gospel of Mercy. Christ is Life, and He is Mercy itself. He came to reconcile us to the Father and to one another, and therefore also to the unborn. From the beginning of my own involvement in the pro-life […]
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Living without the Eucharist

To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.24.2020. Today Mother talks about the coronavirus and what Catholics can do without the Eucharist. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here. 
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Virtues to keep your eyes on Christ during these trying times

To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.23.2020. Today, Mother discusses the strength of St. Charles Borromeo who ministered to the sick and dying during a plague in Milan. She also focuses on the virtues we can work on during this unprecedented time to keep us close to Christ. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
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The importance of spiritual communion

Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.20.2020. Mother Miriam discusses the importance of making a spiritual communion while we cannot attend mass due to coronavirus closures.   You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page.   Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
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Why every Catholic should have a devotion to St. Joseph

Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.19.2020. Today, on the feast of St. Joseph, the father of Jesus, Mother Miriam discusses the importance of a devotion to St. Joseph. Especially for fathers he is a great example an important saint for our devotion.   You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page.   Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
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A country completely shut down: behind the scenes of Italy’s lockdown

In today’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Alessandra Bocchi, who is currently in Rome, joins Van Maren to discuss what is actually happening on the ground in Rome and across Italy. Bocchi is from Lombardy, the hardest hit region of Italy, but is ‘stuck’ in Rome due to the government’s requests that people not leave their current locations in order to stop the spread of the virus. The scene she shares is quite surreal.
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Knowing the beauty of the true faith

Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.17.2020. Mother Miriam discusses the importance of truth and truly knowing the scriptures and the faith. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
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Beg your Shepherds to bring back the mass

Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.16.2020. Today, Mother calls on the faithful to petition their bishops to reopen masses. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
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How to overcome spiritual avarice

Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.13.2020. Today, Mother discusses spiritual avarice and how one can avoid falling into it.   You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page.   Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
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The value of forgiveness and finding perfect contrition

Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.11.2020. In today’s episode, Mother discusses seeking perfect contrition. She elaborates on the beauty of forgiveness and how we can seek to truly change our hearts. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live at here:
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Debunking the myth that unborn babies don’t feel pain until 24 weeks

In today’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon Van Maren speaks with John Bockmann, one of the authors of a new study who discovered that a fetus can feel pain much earlier than people think. This is a must watch episode for any pro-life activist.  In delving into the topic of fetal pain, Bockmann realized the previous understanding about fetal pain was based on a false presumption. Check-out his interview with Jonathon to learn more about how he debunked the myth and when unborn babies actually start to feel pain. Get email notifications when new epsiodes are released. Be […]
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Trust God’s love always

Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.9.2020. Today, Mother encourages us to trust God's love through all trials, temptations, and tribulations. She also discusses spurning temptations, especially during this lenten season.   You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page.   Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here: 
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Preparing oneself for temptation as a follower of Christ

Listen to Mother Miriam's Live show from 3.9.2020. Today Mother reminds listeners that it is inevitable that followers of God will face great temptations. She reminds listeners to stay strong against temptation.   You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page.   Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live: 

‘Sick to my stomach’: Pro-life women blast actress’s claim abortion enabled her career

March 6, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Successful pro-life women are speaking out after actress Busy Phillips cited her professional success as an illustration of why pregnant teenagers should be able to abort their preborn babies. Phillips was among the left-wing figures speaking at Wednesday’s pro-abortion rally outside the U.S. Supreme Court, which is currently reviewing an Louisiana law requiring that abortion centers make arrangements for admitting women to nearby hospitals in cases of life-threatening complications. Both sides are watching the case intently for its potential ramifications for states’ ability to regulate abortion.  Discussing a story of a 14-year-old girl recently denied […]