Markus Graulich, a canon law expert and under-secretary of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, invited traditional Catholics to help their bishops complete the Vatican's questionnaire.
The hierarchy has reacted with urgency during the pandemic, but more unborn children will die in a year than the projected death toll from coronavirus.
Sealed University of Delaware records of Biden's time in the Senate are alleged to contain a copy of the complaint the victim filed with Biden's office.
If males compete as females, 'there will be men’s Olympics, there will be co-ed Olympics, but there will no longer be women’s Olympics,' powerlifter Beth Stelzer warns.
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show originally aired on 3.3.2020 and re-aired on 4.30.2020. Mother reads lectures from St. Francis de Sales about fasting, lent, and penance. It may not be lent, but these are great tips to for doing penance any time of the year. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
As well as struggling with the consequences of legal abortion, euthanasia, confusion about 'sexual morality, and gender confusion, and broken families, and decrease in the practice of the faith,' Canada is facing the global coronavirus pandemic.
Only 'liturgy of the word' will be allowed. Parishioners cannot even attend Masses without receiving Communion, because that would 'contradict the meaning of the liturgical celebration.'
'It could be that we are going through a time of the catacombs — a kind of underground Church,' he said. 'But we needn’t be fearful. We have to be courageous.'
Bishop Joseph Coffey was part of a pro-life group that was warned by police to disperse while protesting Catholic Gov. Larry Hogan's refusal to shut down abortion centers during the pandemic.
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show originally aired on 2.26.2020 and re-aired on 4.29.2020. In today's show, Mother shares the origin of her love of St. Francis de Sales and why he is a great saint to read about. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
When Kavanaugh was accused, any alleged victim had 'the right to be believed.' When Biden was accused, suddenly, the 'right to be believed' was not so important.
One group said about hospital chaplains that 'without clergy roaming the halls, there will be fewer people likely to spread the virus and more personal protective equipment for medical professionals.'
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Phyllis Schlafly was a pro-life, pro-family mother of six children who educated and rallied communities to stop the imminent passage of the Equal Rights Amendment. Sadly, a new Hulu mini-series portrays her as a mean, ruthless woman whose marriage was struggling and who would do anything she needed to stop the passage of the ERA. In this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Phyllis daughter joins Jonathon to set the record straight. Anne Schlafly Cori highlights the smearing of her mother in Mrs. America […]
The Institute delivers beauty and truth through their meticulous offering of the traditional Latin Mass, their exemplary formation of their priests, and their jubilant charism comprising the community life and discipline of St. Benedict, the doctrinal clarity of St. Thomas Aquinas, and the apostolic charity of St. Francis de Sales.
Alberta’s United Conservative government has followed a California county and banned singing during live-streamed church services — which are restricted to fewer than 15 people.
According to Don Ambrogio Villa, it wouldn’t be an unfair exaggeration to say the Mass is no longer valued — which, he affirms, the Devil did tell him during an exorcism.
Judge Amul Thapar argued that his colleagues 'committed numerous legal errors, made hardly any factual findings,' and 'issued an overly broad injunction,' among other complaints.
'This ivory-tower screed attacking parents ... is a reminder,' Mike Pompeo wrote, 'that we must all work together to protect civilization's most successful institution: our families.'
Andrew Scheer broke his silence and threw Derek Sloan under the bus after mainstream media repeatedly questioned him about racism in the Conservative Party.
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live originally aired on 1.9.2020 and re-aired on 4.28.2020. Today, Mother discusses the bioethics of vaccines made from aborted fetal cells and her take on the issue. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
'With due respect to the Prime Minister, as a Catholic priest, as a shepherd of souls, I must state that the beating heart of this country is in our tabernacles.'
'I hope that everyone gets out and votes and does what they have to do,' the president told prominent Catholic bishops regarding the November election.
Trump's decision to bar gender-confused people from presenting themselves as members of the opposite sex in the military is 'discriminatory and detrimental to our national security,' Biden said.
Boris Johnson's govt has rightfully expressed concern that youth under age 18 are too young to make a 'transition' decision that they might later regret.
Eight uniformed police officers had issued $500 tickets to each car parked, with windows down, in a parking lot while drivers listened over the phone to a sermon.
'Every president, from Washington to Trump, has publicly prayed for our military. If the commander in chief can pray, then our soldiers can, too,' countered an attorney from First Liberty Institute.
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show originally aired on 1.7.2020 and re-aired on 4.27.2020. In this show Mother discusses the evils of public school and talks about the book Get out now! You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
'We have to realize that the Church’s spiritual mission, in its most fundamental aspects, for instance in the hearing of Confessions, in the bringing of Holy Communion to the faithful, and above all to the sick and the dying and to bring the sacraments to those who are seriously ill,' said the American cardinal.
Joseph Strickland stressed that just because 'the crime of abortion is considered legal in our nation does not mean it is morally permissible to use the dead bodies of these children to cure a global pandemic.'
The ordination included indigenous songs, dances, bead necklaces, and traditional headwear, as well as the use of animals’ teeth, shells and snails, and bracelets made of vegetable fibres.
These two doctors have taken a heroic risk being publicly honest about what they have been seeing, experiencing and asking themselves why we are isolating healthy people and imposing "risks from social isolation that are too high."
Lawmakers asked the state's attorney general why abortion centers have more business during the suspension of 'elective or non-urgent' surgical procedures.
Catholic apologist Jesse Romero has just written a book arguing that Catholics should vote for President Trump in the 2020 elections. “A Catholic Vote for Trump: The Only Choice in 2020 for Republicans, Democrats, and Independents Alike.”
We need your help now more than ever. Become a monthly sustainer and join the frontlines of the culture war here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 4.24.2020. Today Mother talks about the importance of trusting God during this time of suffering. She reminds listeners nothing happens to us that God does not allow. We must use this time to repent and re-align our lives toward God. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
A Canadian street preacher known for feeding the homeless is vowing to fight a 'social distancing' health fine he received for conducting an outdoor ministry.
'I think we have an opportunity now to significantly change the mindset of the American people,' Biden said — 'things they weren’t ready to do even two, three years ago.'
'I plan to use this opportunity,' Grenell wrote to all of the U.S. intelligence agencies, 'to drive lasting impact for the IC [Intelligence Community] Pride community.'
The U.K. equalities minister, Liz Truss, stressed the importance of 'single-sex spaces' and expressed concern about children making decisions they can never take back.
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate: Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 4.23.2020. Mother continues reading from the book Theology Explained. Today's episode focuses on overcoming spiritual starvation by drawing close to God. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
Parents of any newborn, if they cannot obtain the ministrations of a priest within a reasonable time frame (a few weeks maximum), should go ahead and arrange for someone else to baptize their children.
It's the first U.S. state to seek damages, alleging that the Chinese government 'lied to the world' and 'did little to stop the spread of the disease.'
Abortion has been a controversial topic for decades, but how much do you really know about the history of abortion? In today’s episode of The Van Maren Show Marvin Olasky, editor-in-chief of WORLD magazine and author of pro-life books, joins Jonathon to discuss the true history of the pro-life movement and what it can teach us about winning the culture war. Olasky points to the long history of abortion before Roe v. Wade to highlight the fact that fighting abortion on a strictly legal front will only get us so far since it is truly a cultural issue. To help keep this and other programs on the air, […]
The Wuhan Virus may have been deliberately engineered in the laboratory by joining parts of different viruses together using what is called recombinant technology.
We shouldn’t be surprised that the Court has now explicitly approved the forced euthanasia of patients with dementia if they asked to be killed before becoming incompetent.
The complaint charges that Fort Worth and its mayor are violating Texas law by suspending non-emergency surgeries and procedures while allowing elective abortions to continue.
According to the index, there are currently 23 countries tracking their citizens through cell phones, with 'alternative digital tracking measures' being active in 22 countries.
'Anything that would go against World Health Organization recommendations would be a violation of our policy,' Susan Wojcicki insisted, garnering alarm from one U.S. senator.
According to a report by, which is affiliated with AFA, 'Vimeo told the American Family Association (AFA) it will not host an account if the owner is a member of a terror or hate group.'
Renowned Scripture scholar Dr. Scott Hahn joins the John-Henry Westen Show to discuss the coronavirus outbreak as well as his new book, 'Hope to Die: The Christian Meaning of Death and the Resurrection of the Body.”
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 4.21.2020. Today, Mother reads from the book Theology for Beginners. This time of quarantine is a great time to dive deeper into our study of theology. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
Despite President Trump discontinuing U.S. funding to the WHO, Facebook said it has directed more than 2 billion people to WHO and other health entities.
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 4.20.2020. In today's encore show, Mother Miriam shares an inspiring story to brighten everyone's day. Today's story is about a donkey who taught his owner about the importance of trust. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
'His commitment to the unborn and the elderly was only surpassed by his faith in Almighty God,' said past Campaign Life Coalition president Jim Hughes.
'The Wuhan virus appears to be an incredible and suspiciously timely gift for the globalists to push through their agenda faster than any of us could have expected.'
Canon lawyer Father Gerald Murray said the new commission shouldn't have been formed since it calls into question the truth that 'women can't be made deacons'
Amid COVID-19 pandemic, all families in Germany started educating their children at home, even though homeschooling has been banned since the time of Hitler.
The official body controlled by the Catholic bishops of England and Wales, the Catholic Education Service, have welcomed – yes, actually 'welcomed' – recent government legislation making the sex education scheme more draconian and more compulsory that before.
Dan Burke, the former president of EWTN News, sat down with John-Henry Westen today to discuss his recent diagnosis and recovery from the COVID-19 virus. Burke said that there was a “spiritual darkness” that he experienced while suffering from the virus when he was in the hospital that was unlike anything he had gone through before.
'The world is different; there’s too much unfinished business for us to just look backwards. We have to look to the future. Bernie understands that, and Joe understands that.'
'Stop receiving Him in a matter that is destructive, that allows for the stealing of the host...and the trampling of the Lord under our feet!' Burke exclaimed.
'It is immensely sad that Pope Francis should have encouraged this worldview by speaking of the 'earth having a fit' or being angry,' the group has said.
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 4.17.2020. Today Mother reads a joyful Easter story Jeremy's Egg about a young disabled boy who brought the joy of Easter to his whole class. Listen to hear how he did this! You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
Against the background of the coronavirus, two cities continue to fight in history, the Civitas Dei and the Civitas Diabuli: their aim is to annihilate each other.
More and more, it looks like Stephen Mosher got the story right from the beginning, and Facebook is continuing to aid the Chinese Communist Party in deflecting attention from its culpability.
Pro-life attorneys negotiated with San Francisco city attorneys to protect the First Amendment rights of pro-lifers outside the city’s abortion facilities.
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 4.16.2020. Today, Mother reads the touching story of a young boy who invites a homeless man over for Easter. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
On April 7, Mayor Errick D. Simmons of Greenville, Mississippi banned any kind of church service, including those conducted in a 'drive-in' manner, in his city.
Bishop Peter Baldacchino is the first American bishop known to lift a diocesan ban on public celebration of the Mass since coronavirus pandemic emergency shutdowns began
As political tensions rise, the idea of secession begins to creep into the news and the minds of Americans. Professor, author, and political philosopher Francis H Buckley, aka FH Buckley, posits that the idea of secession may not be so far-fetched. In today’s episode of The Van Maren Show, FH Buckley joins Jonathon Van Maren to discuss the current political situation in America and how secession could be looming on the horizon. Buckley’s newest book American Secession: The Looming Threat of a National Breakup, details the current division and high tensions being faced by Americans might just culminate in something we haven't seen since the civil war.
Rory Stewart recounted that when he had been a government minister with responsibility for prisons, there had been cases of 'male prisoners self-identifying as females' raping members of staff
That’s a pretty bold statement coming from a governor presiding over a pandemic that is currently leveling thousands and filling a mass grave as things begin to slightly improve.
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 4.14.2020. Today Mother reads the story of the donkey that taught his master how to trust. This historical fiction tells the story of Jesus through the eyes of an 'intelligent donkey' and his owner. The story highlights the importance of trusting in more than just what we can see. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
The church is in free fall and its response to the coronavirus shows how deep the crisis actually is. Instead of calling on the world to do penance in order to appease God's just anger, Pope Francis did the complete opposite.
The DOJ criticized the city of Greenville, Mississippi for permitting citizens to sit in a car at a drive-in restaurant but not ‘at a drive-in church service.
'Louisville has targeted religious worship … while not prohibiting a multitude of other non-religious drive-ins and drive-throughs – including, for example, drive-through liquor stores. Moreover, Louisville has not prohibited parking in parking lots more broadly – including, again, the parking lots of liquor stores.'
Chinese reporters attending the White House’s coronavirus press conferences have twice this week evaded questions about their connections to the communist government in China.
'We want to know if that person’s actually going to go home, and stay home,' said Alberta premier Jason Kenney, 'and if not, we can deal with that individual before they spread the virus.'
Archbishop Michel Aupetit gave a solemn benediction to the city of Paris from the heights of Montmartre with the Blessed Sacrament earlier this Holy Thursday.
The Holy See 'appreciates this generous gesture and expresses its gratitude to the Bishops, the Catholic faithful, the institutions and all other Chinese citizens.'
April 9, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – The staff of LifeSiteNews will be off work on Good Friday and Easter Monday. We will return on Easter Tuesday, April 14. Be assured of our prayers for all of our readers during this uncertain and dark time, when many people around the world – including most of the LifeSite team – are unable to go to church during the holiest week of the year, sick, fearful of sickness, or confined to our homes by government order. We wish you a happy and holy Easter! “Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah […]
PETITION: Urge President Trump to defund pro-abortion World Health Organization Sign the petition here. WASHINGTON, D.C., April 9, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) ― Senator Ted Cruz, R-TX, slammed NBC for repeating China’s claims that its coronavirus deaths have ceased. On April 8, the Texas senator linked on Twitter to an NBC tweet that read, “U.S. reports 1,264 coronavirus deaths in over 24 hours. Meanwhile in China, where the pandemic broke out, not a single new coronavirus death was reported.” Cruz suggested that NBC was so biased, it should register as a foreign agent. “Under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, 22 USC 611 et seq, […]
'We loved the idea of being able to help connect Jesus with the people of the diocese in this time where we are not able to gather and celebrate Mass together at church.'
Some state guidelines said patients with cystic fibrosis shouldn't even be considered for ventilators; six states say hospitals should consider taking ventilators away from patients who rely on them in daily life if others need them more, a practice advocates say would discourage people with disabilities from even seeking treatment for COVID-19.
'Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it,' Bill Gates said.
Despite being diagnosed with microhydranencephaly, a rare disorder that affects the brain’s shape, Jaxon Buell was able to live a relatively normal life up until his death.
For the fallen sons of Adam the virtue of religion must necessarily take the form of a sacrificial worship. This is where the Blood of Christ comes in.
All Americans would benefit from real information as they try to understand what is going on around them. What they get instead is dangerous politicized poison.
An Italian report alleges that elderly people are being asked if they want to be ventilated long-term or would rather let nature take its course — even if they haven’t been diagnosed with COVID-19.
David Benham and other volunteers with Cities4Life a non-profit that is considered an essential business were arrested while praying outside an abortion facility. Despite practicing social distancing and not exceeding the state mandate of gatherings over 10 people, a police officer was threatening to arrest these peaceful prayer warriors. Benham joins Jonathon Van Maren in today’s special episode to talk about the experience, how the government is using this crisis to censor pro-lifers, and what we need to do to fight back. Benham reminds listeners that we need to stop being so worried about protecting ourselves and […]
Health care professionals have reportedly revealed how the pressures created by the coronavirus have left them feeling 'tempted' to kill the elderly instead of caring for them.
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 4.8.2020. Today Mother encourages listeners to prepare for the Triduum and Easter without getting distracted by fears about the coronavirus. Mother also shares great insights and wisdom from Cardinal Burke about this difficult time. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread, questions are being raised about China’s claim that it hasn’t had any new coronavirus cases for weeks. Evidence is now showing that the death toll being reported by China could be 20 times higher than the Communist party is reporting. Is China lying? Why? In today’s episode of The Van Maren Show, China expert Steve Mosher join Jonathon Van Maren to discuss China’s history of lying to its people and the World, and what is actually going on behind the scenes.
China expert Steve Mosher explains China's motivation in lying about the coronavirus, as well as the U.S. media's motivation in parroting the Chinese Communist Party's propaganda.
A solution to the COVID-19 epidemic is in sight. It is the combo used by South Korea, where people are back at work, to successfully stem its COVID-19 outbreak.
The report states that the People's Republic of China deliberately covered up the true extent of the coronavirus as it did in 2002–03 with the SARS outbreak.
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 4.7.2020. Today Mother speaks about the coronavirus pandemic as a chastisement from God. She reminds listeners not to fear because Christ is King over all. We must do everything humanly possible to fight the virus, but of most importance, we must recall God is in control. As we approach Easter, we must not allow Satan to steal our joy. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
Alexander Tschugguel, the young man from Austria who threw the Pachamama idol into the Tiber, recently fell ill with the coronavirus. He explains that he offered up his sufferings for Pope Francis. He also said that the virus is being used by globalists to restrict our freedoms.
The woman's ex-husband filed a motion to have the children removed because of the mother's exposure to the coronavirus and a 'proffered history of alleged neglect.'
The famous presidential foreign policy adviser demanded 'a global collaborative vision and program' and adherence to the 'principles of the liberal world order.'
Alexander Tschugguel recently fell ill with the coronavirus. He explains to John-Henry that he offered up his sufferings for Pope Francis. He also said that the virus is being used by globalists to restrict our freedoms.
The president suggested that Christians use the current situation as a time 'to turn to reflection and prayer and our own personal relationship with God.'
The chaos following the breakout of the coronavirus pandemic that tanked the financial markets and shut down the U.S. economy is a crisis Soros will not waste.
In a backward turn of events, pro-lifers following 'social distancing' guidelines are being arrested or threatened with arrest for offering help and hope to moms and dads at risk for abortion.
The coronavirus is giving us a time for reflection. There is the opportunity to return to a relationship with God and follow his lead through the wilderness of the current crisis.
There has been no indication that the Central Booking System, which directs women in Northern Ireland to abortion facilities in Great Britain, offers any alternatives.
'It is alarming that a man had to spend nearly 14 months in prison on the uncorroborated say-so of a single accuser, despite having multiple alibis. There is a need for both the police and the public prosecutor to respond to charges of malicious prosecution,' said a former altar boy at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne.
Chinese government data for Wuhan show that 2,535 people died and 50,006 were infected, but realistic numbers are 50,000 dead and 2.5 million infected.
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 4.6.2020. Today Mother reminds us of our call to be real children of God. She calls the coronavirus a chastisement for the sins of the world. She encourages people to repent, ask God for mercy, and begin to truly live our faith in everything we do everyday. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
Democrat-run states have been so busy funding all sorts of politically correct initiatives that they forgot that their core responsibility is to be there for their citizens in emergencies.
A U.N. committee suggested that U.S. state laws to regulate abortion violate international human rights law, including women's 'right' to eliminate their unborn children.
A doctor who has euthanized people and lobbied to legalize lethal injection for sick patients in Canada is behind Ontario’s proposed coronavirus triage protocol.
The Society of Unborn Children says the bishops have abandoned the position of robust opposition to the new abortion regime they expressed in December last year.
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch Mother Miriam's Live show from 4.3.2020. Today, Mother focuses on the prophesies of Our Lady of Akita and how they related to the coronavirus. You can read more about Our Lady of Akita here. She reminds us that we are called to penance especially now. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
'While [Andrew] Belanger was exercising his First Amendment rights, eight City of Detroit police vehicles and fifteen City police officers arrived. Belanger was the only pro-lifer engaging in expressive activity at the time of their arrival.'
The group of traditional Catholic priests previously found creative solutions in the midst of coronavirus lockdowns, such as outdoor and parking lot Masses.
'There has been a bit of confusion,' Bp. Philip Egan of Portsmouth noted, regarding the prime minister's directives on closures of churches and other establishments.
Earlier this week, a group of prominent Catholic theologians, writers, and public figures lead by moral theologian Dr. Janet Smith signed an open letter urging bishops to “do everything” they can to “make the sacraments more available to us” during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Pro-lifers in Michigan and Illinois are pressuring their state’s Democratic governors to consider making abortion a “non-essential” medical procedure during the coronavirus outbreak.
Barack Obama also chimed in, saying, 'We can't afford any more consequences of climate denial. All of us have to demand better of our government ... and vote this fall.'
The judge cited the opposition of a number of pro-abortion medical associations to Trump's rule, but the question of funding Planned Parenthood is not a medical one.
Abp. Thomas Wenski of Miami insisted on the need for 'extreme social distance,' even as Florida's governor classified religious services as 'essential' and allowed for public Masses in his state.
'I believe you could say other things,' the Austrian cardinal said, adding that women's eligibility for certain 'positions of leadership' in the Church remains 'an open question.'