In today’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Marjorie Dannenfelser from the Susan B. Anthony List tells Van Maren that this election is crucial for the pro-life movement. Dannenfelser warns listeners that if the Democrats win, it will have a generational impact as they will fight to take away our nation’s ‘founder given tools to actually come up with a consensus.’
The secretary of health will be able to make anyone he chooses an 'authorized person' to make arrests and detain people indefinitely for suspected violations of COVID rules.
Despite just discovering that she was newly pregnant, Barrett decided to go ahead with the adoption, reasoning 'what greater thing can you do than raise children'
'If the virus is no longer as strong as it was, if it is no longer capable of causing pathologies, then what is the problem of seeing it spread faster?'
The newly available documents detail a plan to link Trump to 'Russian hackers hampering U.S. elections' so as to distract from the scandal of Hillary Clinton's 'use of a private email server.'
According to a recent survey, two thirds of employees in the U.S. and Europe are worried that by 2035, 'humans with chips implanted in their bodies will have an unfair advantage in the labor market.'
‘The public worship of the Christian church is particularly essential for our nation’s wellbeing,’ they state in a letter addressed to U.K. prime minister Boris Johnson along with the nation's first ministers.
'Now more than ever, the Chinese people need the Vatican's moral witness and authority in support of China's religious believers,' Pompeo wrote earlier this month.
Originating from a public appeal issued by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò to 'Save the Church and the World,' the professional association is constituted upon the three pillars of science, ethics, and law.
‘Our realities of life should be shaped much more by the Word of God than our understanding of the Word of God by our realities of life,’ Cardinal Rainer Woelki said.
‘Christians must register to vote, and vote in huge numbers this November to forestall a Democrat take-over of our Country and serious erosion, if not annihilation of our Religious Liberty’
The Cardinal said he would tell Biden ‘not to approach to receive Holy Communion, out of charity toward him, because that would be a sacrilege and endanger the salvation and his own soul’
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. Watch this episode of Mother Miriam's Live originally aired on 1.30.2020 and re-aired on 9.30.2020. In today’s episode, Mother Miriam reads and comments on an article from Calx Mariae about the destructive nature of gender theory. She also answers listeners' questions. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live here.
But whereas the Polish president is reviled by Poland’s pro-LGBT fringe movement, and its backers in the European Union, he is also criticized by some pro-life activists who believe that he hasn’t done enough to protect the unborn.
When one type of deception and dishonesty is discovered in such federal bureaus or departments, one can reasonably expect such entities to be dishonest and deceptive in other ways.
'The tape shows a man buying a registration form for an absentee ballot for a voter, giving him ‘pocket money’ of $200, and expecting to collect his ballot when the voter receives it,' explained James O’Keefe of Project Veritas.
‘The whole world now is being treated and reprimanded, in a unified manner, like little children – up to the smallest details on how to dress, that is, with the face mask, how one may move about, how much distance to keep, on the entire globe, and in a unified manner!'
An open letter to Archbishop Viganò about the consequences of the abolition of the Oath Against Modernism – and Pope Benedict XVI's involvement in overthrowing the prepared schemas of Vatican II.
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. In this episode, Mother Miriam interviews Dr. Mark Miravalle, professor of theology at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live email updates here.
'Not long after Amy Coney Barrett joins the court as Justice Barrett, I am convinced, America’s long national abortion nightmare will begin to come to an end'
PETITION: Stand with priest who faces Church penalties for saying “You can't be a Catholic and a Democrat.”! Sign the petition here. September 28, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – COVID will not stop a Canadian-wide outdoor pro-life event from taking place this coming weekend (Sunday, Oct. 4), where thousands are expected to take to the streets in cities and towns across the country — while following all provincial regulations — to protest the slaughter of some 100,000 babies every year by abortion. Life Chain 2020 will forge ahead outdoors following strict COVID-19 protocols. Campaign Life Coalition is urging all participants to abide by […]
Bishop Bernard Hebda also invited the Minnesota Health Department, which promotes a number of intrinsic evils, to critique Father Robert Altier's popular homily.
'A judge must apply the law as written. Judges are not policy makers, and they must be resolute and setting aside any policy views they might hold. The president has asked me to become the ninth justice and as it happens, I'm used to being in a group of nine: my family.'
Joe Biden and the Democrat party ‘support the unlimited abortion of black children right up until the ninth month of pregnancy,’ President Trump said at a Black Voices for Trump event.
‘It is the policy of the United States to recognize the human dignity and inherent worth of every newborn or other infant child, regardless of prematurity or disability.’
'The U.S. is an international outlier on HCQ. Right now, doctors around the world are prescribing HCQ to treat COVID-19 outside of hospitals, as well as prophylactically to prevent infection among healthcare workers and vulnerable populations.'
Is this a pretext to further censor mainstream right-of-center views, in light of a body of evidence accumulated in recent years regarding Big Tech’s anti-conservative bias?
Give Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone full credit for speaking truth to power. Now, if he wants to celebrate Mass for the public in his cathedral, he can do it.
Alex Berensen said masks have become for the general population a 'talisman,' an object believed to possess magic powers, while being mostly 'useless.'
Almost 11 million videos were removed via automated flagging from April to June after YouTube gave its machine learning system more autonomy to censor content.
'We are begging you right now to act like husbands,' the anonymous wife and mother says, 'to rise up under moral obligation, and to take your bride ... to the hospital.'
Law enforcement has the legal power 'to remove anything (including underwear) that the relevant person is wearing' if it's determined that that person must be vaccinated.
One woman was tased, a married couple was handcuffed while singing praise to Jesus, and a grandmother collapsed in tears after her encounter with police.
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. In this episode, Mother Miriam talks about voting according to Catholic principles. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live email updates here.
The Chief Scientific Adviser ‘holds a deferred bonus of 43,111 shares in GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) worth £600,000 from his time as president of the multinational drug company.’
King explains that she herself used to be pro-abortion but embraced the pro-life agenda when she became a born-again Christian in 1983.“People are waking up — not just African-Americans. Americans are waking up. The Democratic Party is not the party that it used to be.”
The former pastoral administrator is challenging Farmor's School at an employment tribunal, accusing the primary school of discrimination and harassment.
Barrett’s confirmation hearings for her current position became a liability for Senate Democrats in 2017 when Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) interrogated her about her Catholic faith.
Fr. Altman sent shockwaves through the American Catholic Church with his now viral video entitled 'You can't be a Catholic and a Democrat.' Now he is under fire from his bishop.
Barr said that secularists have attempted to 'drive religion from the public square, and to exclude religious people from bringing a religious perspective to bear on conversations about the common good'
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. In this episode, Mother Miriam continues talking about Marian apparitions and the 'end times.' You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live email updates here.
'The presidential elections in November represent an epochal challenge, a biblical challenge, the outcome of which will be decisive not only for the United States of America but for the whole world.'
The Born Alive executive order will “ensure that all precious babies born alive” after a failed abortion attempt “receive the medical care that they deserve.”
MPP Randy Hillier decried Premier Doug Ford for his seizure of power: 'Without debate or vote, we have embraced arbitrary rules. We have thrown away the rule of law'
Democracy Works proclaims itself to be 'nonpartisan,' but its donors, biased staff, and heavily partisan board of directors shows that it is anything but.
Bishop Robert Barron, who spearheaded the U.S. bishops' efforts to implement the Pope's changes to the catechism on the death penalty, also spoke at today's National Catholic Prayer Breakfast.
Doxing, violence, economic intimidation, tweetstorm, and social media ostracism are just some of the cards the Democrats may play between now and November.
A coalition of grassroots groups spread throughout all 50 states could be acting in conjunction with political allies to set the stage for mayhem in November.
Dr. Bella d’Abrera, the Director of Foundations of Western Civilization Program at the Institute of Public Affairs in Melbourne, believes that the crushing, anti-freedom measures taken by the Victorian government during COVID-19 are reminiscent of 1960s Berlin, and that they are likely being implemented as a sort of test case to see how to control the population.
'My administration,' the president told the General Assembly, 'is advancing religious liberty, opportunity for women, the decriminalization of homosexuality, combatting human trafficking, and protecting unborn children.'
'To those bishops and priests leading a double life, characterized by deplorable immorality, corruption and cowardice, our advice is to repent or step down now. We are coming for you'
The three Democrat-run cities 'have permitted violence and destruction of property to persist and have refused to undertake reasonable measures to counteract criminal activities'
‘The Holy See has a unique capacity and duty to focus the world’s attention on human rights violations, especially those perpetrated by totalitarian regimes like Beijing’s’
El padre James Altman, el sacerdote detrás del video viral sobre cómo los Católicos no pueden ser demócratas, dijo que recibió un "agradecimiento incomprensible" de los laicos por su primer video.
Father James Altman, the priest behind the viral video about how Catholics can’t be Democrats, said he received ‘incomprehensible thanks’ from the laity for his first video.
A 'global biosafety cooperation' should be improved 'by strengthening the United Nations and its agencies, particularly the World Health Organization,' Fauci and one of his colleagues argued.
We are beginning to question a taboo that, for almost sixty years, has prevented any theological, sociological, and historical criticism of the Council.
A lawsuit claims numerous women had their uteruses removed, but the Department of Homeland Security says 'there is nothing to support the allegations … in the medical records.'
These additional steps to ensure that taxpayer dollars don't go to foreign abortions will likely not take effect unless the president wins a second term.
'The pro-life grassroots have full confidence that President Trump, Leader McConnell, Chairman Graham, and every pro-life senator will move swiftly to fill this vacancy.'
Allum Bokhari in '#Deleted' presents strong evidence that Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are hiding and banning conservative content for a sinister purpose.
The former speechwriter described overthrow attempts a 'combination of an engineered contested-election scenario combined with massive mobilized protests, which they call as a term of art ‘peaceful protests,’ and acts of civil disobedience.'
'The Constitution cannot accept the concept of a 'new normal,'' the judge wrote, 'where the basic liberties of the people can be subordinated to open-ended emergency mitigation measures.'
Pope Francis has repeatedly delivered mixed signals, often seeming to significantly depart from Church teaching regarding the pastoring of individuals afflicted with homosexuality and transgenderism
The disintegration of formation and discipline means that the Church’s baptismal registers – in many parts of the world – no longer provide moral certainty as to validity of baptism. There is now an urgent need for widespread access to conditional baptism, confirmation, and ordination.
Daleiden is taking the abortion giant to task for telling the media that the undercover journalist manufactured a 'false smear campaign' by releasing videos showing evidence of Planned Parenthood's involvment in illegal harvesting and selling of aborted fetal body parts
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. In this episode, Mother Miriam talks about how Mary’s prophetic warnings about Rome losing the faith are coming true. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live email updates here.
Contrary to the evidence, an author in Avvenire writes that there is "no explanation for the campaign against Netflix: there is no ‘scandalous sexualisation of teenagers'"
Outnumbered's Melissa Francis told the former Speaker of the House, 'I'm not sure we need to bring George Soros into this' while discussing violence in far-left cities.
In a recent interview, Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of The Lancet, omitted critical facts that contradict his conclusions about 'unfair' criticism of China.
When a doctor who has government power at his back waves around a mask that has no utility and can cause bad infections in vulnerable areas, it's time to worry.
Pro-homosexual Bishop John Stowe justified his dissent from the USCCB by stating that 'without the environment to sustain human life, you can't have human life.'
The chairman of the Federal Election Commission said non-profits, including churches and religious leaders, 'can absolutely engage' in political speech.
Danielle D’Souza Gill is the youngest board member of Women for Trump. She’s also a graduate of Dartmouth College and the author of the brand new book titled “The Choice: The Abortion Divide in America.”
The American Principles Project said its ad was initially marked by Facebook for 'missing context' as the result of a report from the putative fact-checker PolitiFact.
Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who defected to US, told Tucker Carlson that the virus is man-made and was deliberately released to ‘make...damage’
The man who was rammed by the police car and then subjected to a violent kick in the head has been placed in a medically induced coma. His family says they will pursue legal action against Melbourne police.
Mike Del Grande is under attack for opposing gender identity in Catholic schools. He was cleared last month of complaints that he violated the trustee code of conduct in his defence of Church teaching.
Cardinal Tobin’s de facto endorsement of Biden contradicts the country’s top pro-life priests who have warned that 'no Catholic can vote for Joe Biden'
Having used their authority to stop lay Catholics from attending Mass, can bishops now invoke their authority to bring them back? Will this genie go back in the bottle?
Through the 'Light the Bridge' program, the City invites community groups — except, apparently, pro-life ones — to request the bridge be lit in specific colors to reflect their causes.
'There’s nothing normal about it. It is not normal for human beings to be six feet apart from one another. It’s not normal for human beings to be covering their face when they try and talk to somebody.'
There is a case now before the criminal courts of Germany in which two priests testify to gruesome sexual abuse at the hands of a then-senior official in the Vatican’s Secretariat of State, Monsignor Christoph Kühn. One of the big questions in all this is what Pope Benedict knew of the situation if anything and what affect it may have had on his decision to resign the papacy.
Cdl. Robert Sarah called for a return to the Eucharist 'without limitations that go even beyond what is provided for by the norms of hygiene issued by public authorities or bishops.'
‘What ... better way to convey our values than by portraying an all-encompassing kiss between Burger King and McDonald,’ a Burger King representative said.
Man-made famines, thought police, inescapable surveillance, forced abortion and sterilization, forced organ harvesting, and so many more crimes against humanity have brutalized the Chinese people for more than 70 years.
The press 'has dropped any pretense of professional objectivity and are political actors, highly partisan who try to shape what they’re reporting to achieve a political purpose and support a political narrative that has nothing to do with the truth.'
It all began when pastor Joshua Williamson of Newquay Baptist Church posted on social media that it was 'wonderful news' that a local Pride celebration had been canceled.
Chinese whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan just published a scientific paper summarizing how the 'unusual features of the SARS-CoV-2 genome suggest … sophisticated laboratory modification rather than natural evolution'
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. In this episode, Mother Miriam talks about the seven sorrows of Mary and the messages of Our Lady's many apparitions. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live email updates here.
There is a case now before the criminal courts of Germany in which two priests testify to gruesome sexual abuse at the hands of a then-senior official in the Vatican’s Secretariat of State, Monsignor Christoph Kühn.
'The new rule would require that foreign organizations receiving global health aid through contracts from the US government agree to not provide or promote abortions, even with funding from other sources,' SBA List stated.
The Pope's guests included an actress who advocates for abortion and has played lesbian 'love' scenes in her films and a former socialist minister’s concubine.
Cardinal Gerhard Müller made the comment when asked on EWTN about whether US Catholics could morally vote for pro-abortion Catholic politician Joe Biden
The First Amendment, Sen. Ted Cruz wrote to Attorney General Bill Barr, 'does not allow individuals or for-profit corporations to produce or distribute child pornography.'
The curriculum, among other things and with the bishops' stamp of approval, 'refers to same sex relationships as being able to constitute a 'powerful' and an 'exalted form of love.''
Archbishop Viganò explained how 'unfaithful clergy, secular and regular, enslaved to modernist ideology' made it possible for us to have the situation we do today, with U.S. politicians calling themselves Catholic yet at the same time publicly defying the Church's teaching.
'The fate of our nation — of our entire way of life — will turn on developments of the next few weeks. It all has to do with politics, that is to say with government and our relationship to it'
'Inside that statement, apparently, is a call for violence, child abuse, and reference to trans people as violent predators. Incidentally, Rowling has said none of that and is actually a long-time supporter of the LGBT agenda.'
The Department of Justice has once again demonstrated its support for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis’s right to fire a teacher living in a homosexual relationship and thus contradicting Catholic teaching.
In this wide-ranging interview, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano addresses the connections between the 'deep state' and the 'deep Church' and points out that the rebellion in society since the sexual revolution is linked to the rebellion in the Church, which stemmed from those who hijacked Vatican II.
Attorneys from the Thomas More Society said the judge refused to consider their important separation of powers arguments 'in any meaningful fashion' and essentially 'ducked the issue.'
If you continue to believe the lies being fed by most media, liberal political leaders, and by your governments and health ministries, then we are heading for a never-in-history level of grief, loss of freedoms, and tyranny all over the world that you cannot now even imagine.
'Biden flip-flopped in order to get his party’s nomination, endorsing taxpayer funded abortion throughout pregnancy, whereas Saint John Paul II tirelessly proclaimed that ‘The Gospel of life is at the heart of Jesus' message'
The 'gaying' of Malta’s police is not surprising given that, when it comes to homosexuality, the Mediterranean island nation has long gone the way of Catholic countries such as Ireland and adopted laws directly opposed to its traditional faith.
The American College of Pediatricians contends Senate Bill 145 'strains the bounds of common sense that any legislator would allow to pass ... into law.'
'There are Christians right now being persecuted for their faith...And we need not go any further than the United States where you’re not allowed to go into churches'
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. In this episode, Mother Miriam further expresses her support for the remarks made by Fr. James Altman. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live email updates here
'A man wearing a Patriot Prayer hat was murdered in Portland by a criminal who said he was '100% Antifa' and instead of banning Antifa pages, Facebook banned Patriot Prayer.'
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who founded the priestly Society of St. Pius X, has long found little favor with the modern Church's bishops. It seems things are slowly starting to change.
Dr. Leland Stillman decried the 'political theater' surrounding the coronavirus, which he noted ‘is not nearly as virulent or deadly as it was made out to be originally.’
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. In this episode, Mother Miriam apologizes for past remarks and calls on us to always be charitable. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live email updates here
But there has been an outpouring of support from laity for Father James Altman, the faithful priest who warned his flock about the dangers of voting for candidates who support intrinsic evils.
The West Alabama Women's Center medical director is alleged to have committed fraud on a license application by making 'at least four false statement' and also exhibiting 'unprofessional conduct.'
António Guterres spoke of the need for a ‘reset’ that emphasized ‘sexual and reproductive health services’ for women, euphemisms frequently used in UN documents to refer to contraception and abortion
'A landslide for Joe Biden resulted in a relatively orderly transfer of power,' Rosa Brooks wrote of her project predicting post-election scenarios. All other options meant 'chaos.'
The stifled article cited testimony from an accomplished medical doctor and professor of epidemiology at one of the most prestigious Ivy League schools.
The study highlights the rise of so-called 'sexual atheism,' in which people profess belief in Christianity but ignore its teachings on sexuality and marriage.
Sarah Pitlyk was part of the defense team for Center for Medical Progress head David Daleiden in Planned Parenthood’s case against him for exposing the abortion giant’s sale of organs from aborted babies.
'We ought to obey God rather than man. And if the bishop tells you to do something that is contrary to your health, contrary to reason, and contrary to the common good, disobey it.'
Teachers from public schools in Massachusetts allegedly had been informing local police and child protective services on parents whose kids missed online school meetings while learning during the spring.
'MobileCause has not only provided yet another example of big tech censorship but in their desperation to silence those they disagree with, they have now added religious discrimination to their portfolio?'
'The United States Navy, or the Department of Defense, will NOT be cancelling its contract with Catholic Priests who serve our men and women in the Armed Forces so well,' the president tweeted this morning.
After public outcry, which included a petition by LifeSiteNews signed by over 10,000 people, the Navy has reversed course and decided to renew contracts with Catholic priests to celebrate Holy Mass on military bases.
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. In this episode, Mother Miriam talks about the Blessed Virgin Mary. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live email updates here
'I asked for protection from the air, the earth, and then the ocean,' the man said from the ambo after the dance. 'And then that dance to call the spirits of all those animals to look after us all and keep us safe.'
Money went to news outlets such as NPR, BBC, NBC and USA Today owner Gannett, according to Columbia Journalism Review, that in some cases defended the billionaire.
The Democrat vice presidential candidate claimed that Trump is 'grasping to get whatever he can to pretend he has been a leader on this issue when he is not.'
September 8, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – A coalition of pro-life leaders has written to President Donald Trump to thank him for upholding the pro-life promises of his first term, and expressing hope that they can continue to work with him in a second. “As a candidate, on January 23, 2016, you stated, ‘Let me be clear – I am pro-life.’” As President, you have lived up to that statement in standing up for women and the unborn,” reads the letter, which was signed by Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life, Marjorie Dannenfelser of Susan B. Anthony List, Alveda King of […]
The 54-day rosary novena is made up of six successive traditional rosary novenas consisting of nine days each. The first three novenas are a petition for our request, and the latter three thank God for answering our prayer.
The liturgical reformers of the 1960s thoroughly altered every sacrament and sacramental, every office of prayer and penance, everything connected with divine worship. How has it turned out?
A case now before the criminal courts of Germany involving a former high-ranking Vatican Monsignor reveals the alleged mishandling of credible allegations of sexual abuse within the Vatican’s own walls.
'The idea of purchasing intimacy and paying for the services can be affirming for many people,' insisted Tlaleng Mofokeng, formerly an abortionist and now a U.N. special rapporteur.
'It is clear that we are witnessing a very strong attack on all the progresses made ... in relation to sexual and reproductive health,' Guterres said with the U.S. president in mind.
In a decision condemned as 'farcical,' the judge scheduled a hearing on the matter for September 24 but also allowed for the husband to be killed before then.
‘Particularly for us as Catholics, attending the Mass and receiving the Body and Blood of Christ in person is the source and the summit of our faith,’ Archbishop Cordileone said.
‘Don't the bishops realize what a scandal it is that those who do not believe in the real presence of Jesus in the sacrament are more zealous to participate in worship than are the Roman Catholic bishops?’
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. In this episode, Mother Miriam answers questions on why voting for the Democratic Party is not something Catholics can do. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live email updates here
'Spiritual Battle has intensified with the forces of evil becoming even more extreme in their advocacy of unrestricted abortion and a radical rebellion against God’s creation of man, woman and the sanctity of marriage and the family, accompanied by open hostility against all who do not share their unholy beliefs...'
'It is not the traditional faithful – that is, true Catholics, in the words of Saint Pius X – that must abandon the Church in which they have the full right to remain and from which it would be unfortunate to separate; but rather the Modernists who usurp the Catholic name, precisely because it is only the bureaucratic element that permits them not to be considered on a par with any heretical sect.'
According to the new report, Justice Department officials have told lawyers working on the antitrust inquiry into Google 'to wrap up their work by the end of September.'
A coalition of pro-life groups is pushing authorities to uncover the truth of what happened to Jane Doe, who died in the hospital after visiting the West Alabama Women's Center in Tuscaloosa.
The culture of death has weaponized language, using terms like 'fetus' and 'brain death' to turn the most vulnerable into commodities and cut out their living organs.
'Ordinary sensible people if properly informed should inevitably conclude that the current government policy is ill focused, heavy-handed, and unjustifiable ... '
'As I seek re-election this November, I need your help in contrasting my bold pro-life leadership with Joe Biden’s abortion extremism,' Trump says in a letter to pro-life supporters.
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. In this episode, Mother Miriam talks about voting for pro-life politicians in order to protect the unborn. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live email updates here.
CDC Director Robert Redfield said that the order to ‘expedite vaccine distribution will not compromise the safety or integrity of the products being distributed’
Fr. Thomas Rosica, now a byword for plagiarism in the English-speaking world, has admitted to preparing three texts containing plagiarized material for Cardinal Marc Ouellet.
Dordt University's 'Community Covenant for COVID-19' includes the possibility of mandatory coronavirus vaccines, compliance with testing, and other potential quarantine measures.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America must disavow its 'racist legacy' that 'targets Black lives in the womb,' demanded a coalition of over 100 American black leaders.
Biden doubled-down on his mendacious claim at a campaign event in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Monday. In his speech, Biden tortured the facts about the ongoing urban violence.
“I now invite you to stand, and join us in the prayer for racial justice, by responding ‘yes’ to each of the following statements,” the priest said after Communion.
Alessandra Bocchi is an Italian journalist well-known for her freelance reporting all over the world. She believes the mainstream media is driven by ideology rather than a desire for truth. It’s “hard to find a nuanced and informed view” on current events, she says. Journalism today is “all about personalities and memes rather than substance.” It’s more concerned with “catering to [the progressive elite] as opposed to reporting the truth…they’ve lost their integrity and credibility in many respects.”
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here.In this episode, Mother Miriam explains how the Democratic Party voted God out of their platform and embraced the Culture of Death. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live email updates here
Alessandra Bocchi is an Italian journalist well-known for her freelance reporting all over the world. She believes the mainsteam media is driven by ideology rather than a desire for truth.
A pro-family expert informed Anchorage's assembly that similar ordinances in Florida and New York earned those who passed them much legal trouble. The assembly went ahead anyway.
Grace Community Church has held a lease from the county on a section of their parking lot since 1975. Now, after winning in court the right to hold worship services, the organization received an eviction notice.
The social worker and the armed, uniformed police officer threatened to take away Holly Curry's children if she exercised her right not to let them enter her home without a warrant.
'This is the year where we either wake up and and try to fight these companies or we will be turning over democracy to [them],' Dr. Robert Epstein said.
Trump turned to classical ‘Ave Maria’ for inspiration while accepting his party's nomination. Biden tried to gain popularity among young voters by interviewing sexually explicit rapper Cardi B.
'Who are these people? Who paid for their hotel rooms? Who flew them in? Law enforcement needs to look at the funding of violent criminal activity like this,' Sen. Rand Paul wrote after he and his wife narrowly escaped a violent leftist mob Friday as they left the RNC.
Dr. Robert Epstein is a dyed-in-the-wool liberal Jewish Democrat but he believes the four major tech giants have become too dangerous for our democracy. He thinks the massive amount of surveillance, censorship, and manipulation carried out by the likes of Google is a threat to free speech and personal autonomy. “Do we want a private company that's not accountable to the public, any public anywhere in the world to deciding to to be deciding what 2.5 billion people around the world can or cannot see?” he asks.
‘For the Pope’s representative to caution against today’s political defense of life in America can only serve to weaken the resolve of less committed Catholics to vote for the pro-life party’
Tactics range from unsealing envelopes and replacing ballots, using complicit postal workers to throw out ballots, and 'helping' nursing home residents fill out ballots.
To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate here. In this episode, Mother Miriam praises Fr. James Altman, who recently chastised Catholics who support Democrats. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live email updates here
'It cannot be certain whether respiratory PPE worn during contact with an individual with COVID-19 infection protected them from exposure,' the organization reported.
‘It is important for us not to accept the false narrative offered by the mainstream media and government officials regarding the risks of religious worship in congregations’
Jordan Warnsholz, a physician assistant, put up a lengthy Facebook post detailing how the State of Michigan is harassing him personally and professionally.