The Republican ripped 'Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and the rest of the woke Democrats' for 'defying science, defying God’s creation, and only car(ing) about governing over people’s feelings.'
‘Beyond science, and every natural reason we can give, we ultimately bow the knee and pledge our lives to King Jesus who is the Head of the Church and our only Sovereign.’
Donate to help Mother Miriam find a new home in the Diocese of Salina: To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate: In this episode, Mother Miriam talks about the need for every Christian to remain encouraged through faith in God. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page: Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live at:
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a potential 2024 presidential contender, used his speech to honor the memory of conservative media giant Rush Limbaugh, tout his administration’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis, and outline a future for the GOP unshackled by the priorities of the party establishment.
Marc Schack, a 21-year veteran of special education, claims he didn’t know the camera was still rolling after his eighth-grade online history lesson had concluded. Shady Grove Middle School principal Alana Murray confirmed to parents earlier in the week that one of their staff had 'engaged in inappropriate behavior.'
The nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services refused to answer when pressed on whether there were any limits on abortion that he would support.
'Here’s our advice to the members of the ‘woke’ professional class at The Times and elsewhere, who are about to discover that their own rules might actually apply to themselves.’
Arroyo discovered that some legends say that Dismas met Baby Jesus once, when he himself was a young man and already a ruthless thief who was called the 'Prince of Death.'
Also, Pope Francis has retired Cardinal Sarah, the Catholic laity in Australia have courageously defended their Cathedral against profanation, and a traditional nun has found a bishop to accept the opening of a convent. To help LifeSite continue sharing videos on important and vital topics, consider donating here: Sign-up for LifeSite's video newsletter here: Sign-up for LifeSite's email newsletter so you’ll never miss a beat:
Donate to help Mother Miriam find a new home in the Diocese of Salina: To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate: In this episode, Mother Miriam again reads selections from Fulton Sheen's book Victory over Vice, this time on the vice of lust. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page: Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live at:
The Georgia Congresswoman posted a sign outside her office across the hall from a colleague from Illinois that read: 'There are TWO genders: MALE & FEMALE Trust the Science!'
Coercion is at the center of the global effort to manufacture consent for an all-encompassing digital identification system, in the form of SMART Health Cards and Digital Wallets.
Also, Pope Francis has retired Cardinal Sarah, the Catholic laity in Australia have courageously defended their Cathedral against profanation, and a traditional nun has found a bishop to accept the opening of a convent.
'When he served as attorney general of California, people didn't just object to his extreme views (which are bad enough), they objected to how he forced those views on others — stripping conscience protections, suing states with pro-life laws, even ordering pro-life centers to advertise for abortion'
‘The vaccinations are a must, and this law is meant to increase the number of inoculations among those who are under the impression that they do not need to get vaccinated.’
With only a ‘small window’ of time to ‘fight back,’ these systematic violations of rights by ‘autocratic tyrants’ should ‘bring together left and right to protect our Constitution.’
The California attorney general used dodges such as 'respecting the law on those issues' and 'very technical question' during his Senate confirmation hearings.
Bishop Kohlgraf suggested that the Church needs to recognize that homosexuality occurs in the 'animal world' and should not be thought of as a 'mistake' in God's creation.
'The Great Reset project is a melting pot of various approaches, a mixture of positions in which stands out a propensity both to communize capitalism and technocratize society'
The company's president said in footage released by Project Veritas: 'We’ve engaged with the (Republican National Committee) to communicate that no messages on behalf of President Trump and no messages questioning the validity or integrity of the election are allowed on our platform.'
‘Our country’s public discourse is plagued by misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies,’ two members of Congress wrote, referring to right-wing media outlets.
In today’s episode of The Van Maren Show, speaker Collette Aikema joins Jonathon to discuss the proposed ban on therapy for unwanted sexual attractions in Canada, and just how far this ban could reach.
LifeSiteNews has been permanently banned on YouTube. Click HERE to sign up to receive emails when we add to our video library. February 24, 2021 (Lepanto Institute) – Recently, the Lepanto Institute detailed activities and memberships of three Nashville-based organizations funded by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) that violate both Catholic teaching and the CCHD’s own grant guidelines. We followed up with a second report, even worse than the first, detailing a CCHD grantee actively partnering with and promoting Planned Parenthood. We have yet to receive an official response regarding these reports. Further research shows that a FIFTH Tennessee based CCHD […]
Cabinet-level political aides of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party released misleading figures regarding N95 masks, as an apparent cover for a shortage of supplies.
Donate to help Mother Miriam find a new home in the Diocese of Salina: To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate: In this episode, Mother Miriam says that while there may be evil around the world, every person must work to not separate themselves from God's love, and to do so by avoiding the seven vices. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page: Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live at:
There’s something particularly modern about how Zacharias carried on what appears to be the bulk of his victim grooming and his sexual interactions: his smartphones.
'This is a radical bill that uses the government to control, through coercion, how every American thinks, speaks, and acts on issues of human sexuality'
‘No one – not the government, employers, nor any individual – should maintain the authority to force anyone to get vaccinated, and a Vaccine Bill of Rights in your state will ensure that they don’t.‘
The following is a deep dive into what appears to have been a concerted attempt to ensure that hydroxychloroquine would not be viewed as an effective treatment for COVID-19.
When the parents of a preborn child schedule an abortion, in effect, their baby has become abandoned. The pro-life rescue may be the only act of love performed for that child in his life.
Critics view the Big Tech coalition's 'content provenance specifications' as the makings of a dystopian future in which free thought is effectively banned.
Dialing 911 is the quickest way to get help in an emergency. However, Planned Parenthood chose to delay emergency care to prevent a public record from being created.
The transcript of a mandatory video briefing for airmen at a Texas Air Force base reveals false statements made by Lt. Gen. Dorothy A. Hogg about COVID vaccine safety, and shows a clear intent to coerce, not inform.
As concerns about vaccine safety grow, the Biden administration is enlisting Big Tech’s help in removing social media posts that deviate from 'officially distributed' COVID-19 information.
With no data showing COVID vaccines are safe for pregnant women, and despite reports of miscarriages among women who have received the experimental Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, Fauci and other health officials advise pregnant women to get the vaccine.
Cancer researcher Dr. Carmen Wheatley joins John-Henry Westen to discuss a safe and novel treatment for COVID: vitamin B-12. To help LifeSite continue sharing videos on important and vital topics, consider donating here: Sign-up for LifeSite's video newsletter here: Sign-up for LifeSite's email newsletter so you’ll never miss a beat:
In this episode of the Bishop Strickland Show, His Excellency talks about why attending Mass in person is important, and can never be substituted with a virtual livestream on the computer screen. Bishop Joseph Strickland calls the Eucharistic liturgy “essential” for Catholic life, and he looks forward to the day when churches will reach maximum capacity for masses.
Donate to help Mother Miriam find a new home in the Diocese of Salina: To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate securely by clicking here. In this episode, Mother Miriam reads selections from Archbishop Fulton Sheen's book Victory Over Vice, and how it can guide every Catholic this Lent. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live at:
The Democrat refuses to follow the Florida governor's directive, calling the deceased popular talk radio host a symbol of 'hate speech bigotry, and division.'
'Google/YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook therefore all appear to be engaging in deceptive trade practices,' and thus 'they are open to investigation in your state under your state’s consumer protections laws.'
‘We had summer holidays last year when we didn’t have a vaccine, now we’ve got vaccines coming out of our ears we’re told, ‘Don’t book a summer holiday.’’
'The key to restoring a lot of travel and international travel will be around people proving that they’ve had a vaccine, or that they’ve tested negative'
'People keep asking us what can you do for us? Open your churches. Open your churches! Take a stand for the Lord Jesus Christ and take a stand for the people!'
This year’s list features several entities that have profited from the COVID-19 crisis by taking advantage of worsening social and economic vulnerabilities and harnessing the dramatic increase in online activity.
Dr. Simone Gold related the nature of her arrest, how the distribution of experimental vaccines violates the Nuremburg Code, and why COVID-19 censorship is a ‘crime against humanity.’
‘At present, despite vaccination, health regulations make it compulsory to undergo a PCR test before every international departure,’ according to the Vatican.
Curiously, ecumenical openness, the synodal path and the pachamama do not prevent the showing of intolerance towards Catholics whose only fault is that that they do not want to apostatize from the Faith.
Bergoglio, who does not like to present himself as the successor of the prince of the Apostles, and who has put the title 'Vicar of Christ' into the background in the Annuario Pontificio, implicitly separates himself from the authority that Our Lord has conferred on Peter and his successors.
Holders of the ‘green pass’ are allowed entry to all reopened businesses, including holiday resorts, but still have to wear masks and practice social distancing.
The decision suggests the election being over renders the issue 'moot' and disregards the ramifications of electoral rule changes for future elections.
In the university hospital of Brest in Brittany, during the first week of the vaccine rollout, 20 to 25 percent of the recipients of the vaccine had to stop work because of influenza symptoms including bad headaches, high fever and sore muscles
Pamela Acker lays out what goes into developing a cell line, along with the macabre practices scientists and doctors engage in to harvest human children's organs for research.
The longstanding way UN negotiations come to agreement is with consensus rather than voting. Pro-abortion and pro-LGBT nations would like to change that.
Wagner's lawyer said that future generations will look back on these times where babies were denied their right to life by those with power as 'barbaric, selfish and unjust.'
Pushing the potentially fatal vaccines, whilst enforcing lockdowns and forcefully quashing any physical or vocal dissent, seems to be part of a larger, globalist agenda, the panel concurred
The global pro-life movement must 'protest clearly and unambiguously against abortion-tainted medicines, against the abuse of the body parts of the unborn.'
'There’s no common sense to any of this. I am in control of my life. I’m going to do what my God given inalienable rights as an American and a human allow me to do'
The Supreme Court's upholding of mandatory vaccines in Jacobson v. Massachusetts led to another case, Buck v. Bell, in which the Court defended and upheld forcible sterilization, writing: 'Three generations of imbeciles are enough.'
Big Tech is censoring us. Subscribe to our email list and bookmark to continue getting our news. Subscribe now. WASHINGTON, D.C., February 19, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — The Biden administration has notified the World Health Organization (WHO) that it will contribute $200 million by the end of the month, restoring the foreign aid the Trump administration had canceled in response to the scandal-plagued international body’s handling of COVID-19. “Today, I’m pleased to confirm that by the end of the month, the United States intends to pay over $200 million in assessed and current obligations to the WHO,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony […]
Canadian politicians look at the disabled, and seek to provide them a way to kill themselves; medical professionals look at the disabled, and add DNRs to their files; and more.
The new guidance follows in the wake of a lawsuit by CHD and eight parents of New York schoolchildren challenging mandatory COVID testing and closing of New York City Schools.
In an amended reply to the FDA’s rejection of his concerns about Pfizer’s clinical trials, Dr. Sin Hang Lee says the FDA is glossing over potential risks of an mRNA vaccine while concealing its true efficacy.
The 72-year-old Bonnemain is an Opus Dei priest (ordained in 1978) and, while he initially had worked in the 1990s under the conservative former Bishop of Chur, Wolfgang Haas, he has since turned toward a more progressivist attitude, inclined to collaborate with the very secularist Swiss public.
Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin also won't talk 'with people who refuse to write on a piece of paper that the law of the Republic is superior to the law of God.'
Chief among those grievances is McConnell’s record of backing establishmentarians over conservatives in GOP primaries — sometimes resulting in Democrats defeating both.
Donate to help Mother Miriam find a new home in the Diocese of Salina: To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate: In this episode, Mother Miriam discusses some ways this Lent an unite the family through fasting and prayer. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page: Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live at:
Terry Barber of Virgin Most Powerful Radio joins John-Henry to discuss the duty lay Catholics have when shepherds of the Church fail to uphold the perennial teachings of the faith.
'Too much is at stake for academic freedom and for hundreds, if not thousands, of young people who are saying that they are being harmed and often silenced by a rigid view that has become a kind of transgender ideology and permits no discussion.'
The act was passed by the Democrat-controlled House in 2019, but blocked by the Senate then controlled by Republicans. This time around, the Senate is split.
In today’s special episode of The Van Maren Show, Paul Lavergne, a Certified Sexual Recovery Therapist, shares his experiences with quitting porn, the science behind the addiction, dating after a pornography addiction, and how overcoming a pornography addiction can dramatically improve your life.
Alluding to a ‘next pandemic’ in ‘five to ten years,’ Gates said that at that time, ‘we will solve all those problems’ with the recently introduced mRNA vaccine technology.
‘[C]ulturally, there are different norms in each country, and their leaders are expected to follow,’ the president said when asked about the Uighur genocide.
This week, Jonathon van Maren interviews pro-life leader Mark Harrington. Harrington wants pro-lifers to take their message to the streets and not to rely so much on the internet to get the truth out about abortion.
South Carolina joins Georgia, Missouri, Louisiana, Tennessee, Ohio, Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, and North Dakota in enacting laws to limit abortions as early as a fetal heartbeat can be detected.
Gates told CBS News we might need a third shot of a currently available vaccine, or a “modified” vaccine as the virus mutates, but CHD’s RFK, Jr. asks why we haven’t focused instead on non-vaccine strategies, including therapeutic drugs.
Jason Jones, producer of the acclaimed film ‘Bella,’ called it ‘the most important film I’ve ever had the privilege of working on in any capacity, of over 50 films.’
The new rules will also require registered clergy, who are each assigned a unique identifying record number, to 'guide' their congregations 'to be patriotic and law-abiding.'
By controlling the media, billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates can prolong a crisis indefinitely while they accumulate unprecedented wealth and power over humanity.
Limbaugh announced his cancer diagnosis in February 2020, vowing to ‘come here every day I can and to do this program as normally and as competently and as expertly as I do each and every day.’
Mark Harrington is the founder of Created Equal, an organization known for using abortion victim photography in order to persuade people of pro-life truth.
Focusing students on attaining ‘the right answer’ perpetuates the (apparently false) concept that ‘there are always right and wrong answers,’ states the organization recommended by the department.
Katy Faust, a pro-family advocate and founder of Them Before Us, talks with John-Henry Westen about how she and her organization are working to protect the traditional family and the rights of children.
The decree clearly indicates that refusing the vaccine would imperil public health and that therefore the law is required to make sure that doesn’t happen
‘Quarantine, particularly of healthy or asymptomatic individuals, is the functional equivalent of house arrest and the Justice Centre will not allow it to continue unchallenged.’
NARAL president Ilyse Hogue claimed, without providing any examples, that LifeSite promotes 'white supremacy.' Meanwhile, many within NARAL's own ranks have accused the organization of perpetuating racism – accusations LifeSite has reported on in the past.
Mask mandates ‘have resulted in no reductions in incidence of COVID-19, as detected by positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests among nations or US states.’
'Belonging to these three religious and multi-cultural worlds (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), the figure of Mary is in itself a pressing and constant invitation to intersect and interconnect these same worlds'
The new efforts to protect women’s sports come after the Biden administration issued an order mandating that gender-confused men and women be included on teams for members of the opposite sex.
Until now, in vitro fertilization has been rejected by the Russian Church due to the ‘production, conservation, and purposeful destruction of ‘spare’ embryos.’
One company already bought 67,000 acres in the state and envisions a world ‘in which the distinct line between digital- and real-world interactions no longer exists.’
Feras Antoon, an executive of MindGeek, Pornhub's parent company said that he is 'very proud that we built a product that gets 170 million people a day'
In these end times, in which the apocalyptic battle between light and darkness is approaching its climax and decision, the unique position of the Blessed Virgin Mary must be recognized throughout the world.
In an interview with Amanda Gorman, the Holy See's news outlet never mentioned her staunch support for killing the unborn and spoke of her with reverence.
Donate to help Mother Miriam find a new home in the Diocese of Salina: To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate: In today's episode, Mother Miriam talks about how the only power to combat the world's evil is the transforming grace of God. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live at:
'As we continue our fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, we must also work to build up and support strength and resiliency, wherever we can,' said Bardish Chagger, Minister of Diversity, Inclusion, & Youth.
Learning disability charity Mencap received complaints in January from disabled people who had been told they would not be resuscitated in the event of becoming ill with COVID-19.
Included in the nearly $2 trillion Relief Bill are provisions which would ignore previous abortion funding restrictions covered by the ‘Hyde Ammendment.’
Disability rights activists have criticized Bill C-7, calling it discriminatory for offering government-assisted death to the disabled but not to people without disabilities.
Flynt died, aged 78, after having launched a porn conglomerate in the 1960s that was an even cruder imitation of Hugh Hefner’s Playboy empire: Hustler.
Imran Ahmed, the CEO of the Center for Countering Digital Hate claims that 'anything less than the dismantling of these individuals’ profiles, pages and groups and permanent denial of service' would be 'willing acquiescence' on the part of the Big Tech with what Ahmed called the 'anti-vaxx industry.'
Planned Parenthood is not only the largest killer of unborn babies in America; it's also the second largest provider of 'gender affirming hormone care.'
Before taking office, Biden said, ‘The first day I'm inaugurated to say I'm going to ask the public for 100 days to mask. Just 100 days to mask, not forever. One hundred days.’
This show will let you see exactly those clips we believe we were banned for by YouTube and let you decide for yourself if they were worthy of sanction. To help LifeSite continue sharing videos on important and vital topics, consider donating here: Sign-up for LifeSite's video newsletter here: Sign up for LifeSite's email newsletter so you’ll never miss a beat:
Donate to help Mother Miriam find a new home in the Diocese of Salina: To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate: In this episode, Mother Miriam encourages every Christian to stand firm in belief, in spite of all the hardships. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page, Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live at
Victorian Premier Dan Andrews has received fierce criticism for his heavy-handed management of COVID-19, particularly during Melbourne’s second lockdown, which lasted from July to October of last year.
LGBT activists claim it’s 'discriminatory' to reserve female competitive sports for actual females, but science confirms that 'trans women' (i.e., biological men) retain distinct physical advantages.
The only path forward in fighting back against Big Tech tyranny is for state governments to take an active role in safeguarding the First Amendment rights of their people.
It is relevant to see where Mike Bloomberg – and his Bloomberg Philanthropies – spend their money. And it happens that Bloomberg Philanthropies spends money at the CDC as well as on health data entities which calculate and report causes of death statistics, which would include COVID-19 statistics.
'Given that Christians are the main group being targeted here, we need to be aware of what is really going on. We either commit to standing for Christ… or we renounce our faith altogether and admit it was all just a charade. We must choose now.'
'I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the way in which supporters and readers of LifeSiteNews got behind us at the Christian Legal Centre as during December through Christmas—indeed, even on Christmas Day—through New Year, even on New Year’s Day, we were working day and night to try and secure life and justice and hope for RS'
Gov. Kim Reynolds allows people the freedom to take health precautions if they wish to, but without the previous mandates, including enforced physical distancing and mask wearing.
The investigative group had confronted Facebook Vice President of Integrity Guy Rosen over the company's ability 'to freeze commenting on threads in cases where our systems are detecting that there may be a thread that has hate speech or violence.'
On Friday, February 19th, medical doctors, lawyers, religious figures, and medical freedom activists will participate in LifeSite's 'Unmasking COVID-19' conference.
Most of the prisoners who were executed in the United States over the last year were allowed to have a clergy member of their choice present in the execution chamber.
Gina Carano’s past conservative commentary, on subjects ranging from gender pronouns to election fraud to COVID-19 mask mandates, has made her a darling on the Right but a target on the Left.
Given the data which reveals 'most students' have about a 99.997% chance of surviving a COVID-19 infection, the UW doesn’t appear to have considered why such a population should be expected to submit themselves to an experimental vaccine where the impacts on fertility are 'unknown.'
‘Scott’ Newgent was told by the medical community that she could turn from a woman into a man. But, Newgent adds, ‘all the negatives were glossed over.’
As part of the UK's 'first clinical and language guidelines supporting trans and non-binary birthing people,' midwives are urged to refer to breastmilk as 'human' milk.
To state that homeschool families are ultra-conservatives and abuse their children is yet another example of outlandish rhetoric that further divides the nation
Dr. J. Patrick Whelan, a pediatric rheumatologist, warned the FDA in December that mRNA vaccines could cause microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver and kidneys in ways not assessed in safety trials.
LifeSiteNews has officially launched a 50-state campaign through VoterVoice that calls upon state legislators across America to take action against Biden’s executive order to allow biological boys to use girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms at federally funded schools across America so long as they ‘identify’ as the opposite sex.
‘No jab, no job’ legal rhetoric begins in Canada, while lawyers in the UK challenge vaccine mandates as employee rights violations with no public health benefit.
Three Catholic Campaign for Human Development–funded organizations have signed on to or directly participated with a coalition directly pushing abortion and transgenderism.
‘Do I think I would be more accepted as an openly gay male in the Republican Party than as a former homosexual transsexual in the Republican Party? Absolutely I do.’
The bishops wrote that ‘it is morally acceptable to use the vaccines against Covid-19 that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production process.’
The bank dug through the ‘financial and transaction records’ of its unsuspecting customers, looking for those who might fit a profile suggested to the bank by the FBI.
'This to me is dangerous and looks like a political litmus test, and it’s a road that you would only find in Communist China or in the former Soviet Union'
In January 2017 Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) objected to the certification of Florida’s electoral votes on the claim that ten of the state’s electors were supposedly not legally qualified to serve as electors under state law
American’s Frontline Doctors are urging the Biden administration to take note of India’s decision to deny Pfizer’s application based on a lack of safety.
'Help was offered multiple times, not just in January, but throughout the summer...and often, in fact, every time, was rebuked and said, no, we can go it alone,' former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows recently told Fox News.
In new research published in Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, immunologist J. Bart Classen warns the mRNA technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines could create 'new potential mechanisms' of adverse events that may take years to come to light.
A second New York Times article quotes doctors who say the mRNA technology used in COVID vaccines may cause immune thrombocytopenia, a blood disorder that last month led to the death of a Florida doctor after his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
Police found sexually explicit images of the boy on the former government worker's cell phone as well as 'thousands of additional images of child sexual abuse.'
LifeSite has all its videos backed up. Our over 300,000 followers can read here where to find alternative platforms to access our truth-telling content.
A man filmed himself exhaling during freezing temperatures to show that virus-carrying respiratory vapor passes through even double-layered N-95 masks.
Initial reports claiming that members of a pro-Trump ‘mob’ had fatally struck Sicknick with a fire extinguisher have not been confirmed by official investigations.
Leftist author and journalist Molly Ball chronicles ‘the inside story of the conspiracy to save the 2020 election,’ which involved an array of political, labor, activist and business groups working in coordination.
‘For theology, too, there is no one central perspective, no one truth of the religious, moral and political world, and no one form of thought that can lay claim to ultimate authority.’
Australia's government services minister said it will be up to the states and territories to decide whether to require people to have proof of a COVID-19 vaccine to access various privileges.
Abp. Ignatius Kaigama, head of the Regional Episcopal Conference of West Africa, criticized Joe Biden’s opening the door to U.S. tax money funding abortion organizations overseas.
The proposed censure resolution faults Sasse for being one of just five Senate Republicans to vote against Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-KY) motion to reject the impeachment as partisan and unconstitutional.
'The Small Business Administration ought to disclose how Planned Parenthood affiliates gamed the system ... and then refer those affiliates to the Department of Justice for prosecution,' Republican U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton argued.
On January 20, the day of Joe Biden’s inauguration and entrance into the White House, the World Health Organization (WHO) quietly issued new guidance on the manner in which polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests were to be conducted and reported.
Donate to help Mother Miriam find a new home in the Diocese of Salina: To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate by clicking here. In this episode, Mother Miriam discusses how the 'practicing Catholic' Biden has issued several orders in promotion of abortion. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live at
The bill is so extreme that 'A man who was tempted to cheat on his wife could not go and see his priest or minister, asking for advice on how to stay true to his marriage vows, without risking the priest or minister being punished.'
As people line up to get the experimental COVID-19 vaccine in hopes of returning to life as it was before, they may not be aware that there is no guarantee that the vaccine will last beyond one season.
Pope Francis congratulated UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres Guterres for “all the efforts he has made for peace." Guterres has used the COVID-19 crisis as a means to promote access to abortion worldwide.
Roger Severino received an e-mail last Wednesday from the deputy director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office demanding his immediate resignation.
Republicans proposed the amendment during the budget reconciliation process for the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill that passed the Senate by a party-line vote on Friday.
Bill Gates has quietly made himself the largest owner of farmland in the United States. For a man obsessed with monopoly control, the opportunity to also dominate food production must seem irresistible.
Human rights advocates who speak out for the natural family could be blocked in the same way certain Russian oligarchs are blocked from entering the United States.
The numbers reflect the latest data available as of Jan. 29 from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System website. Of the 501 reported deaths, 453 were from the U.S. The average age of those who died was 77, the youngest was 23.
Many followers of the 'Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite' have voiced their concerns about the future of the traditional Latin Mass in France, when the hostility of so many bishops is becoming so evident.
A clip from world-renowned naturalist David Attenborough’s Netflix series 'Our Planet' was shown at the 2019 World Economic Forum's Davos summit to convince attendees that climate change really is having a deadly impact on the world and everything in it.
One of the best things about the papacy of Pope Francis has been the rediscovered honesty of some of the dissident bishops in the Church. Under the papacies of John Paul II or Benedict XVI, many prelates hid their heterodox views. But under Pope Francis, they feel free to show their true colors or one might say come out of the closet.
Attorney General Daniel Cameron will be able to seek civil and criminal penalties for any violation of the state's abortion laws, according to a report.
Donate to help Mother Miriam find a new home in the Diocese of Salina: To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate by clicking here. In this episode, Mother Miriam speaks more about the COVID vaccines and how the Catholic clergy has reacted to it. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live at
The cardinal warned that the goal of this newly merging force – the collaboration between big capitalist entities with China – is ‘absolute control of thought, speech and action.’
YouTube’s censorship of the nun comes just two weeks after a ban of LifeSite’s main account due to a video about the use of fetal cell lines in COVID-19 vaccines.
A Republican state senator plans to attempt a repeal of the latest order, but there's hope that the Supreme Court of Wisconsin will end this 'constitutional crisis.'
'Does it bother you that that the top 20% of boys running in track meets beat all of the girls in the state, and it would completely destroy girls’ athletics?'
The present onslaught of anti-fossil fuel policies from Western nations will likely force countries to increase their dependency on unreliable renewable technologies.
The FCC summarily dismissed 1,700 filings of evidence, including peer-reviewed studies that show radiation contributes to cell damage, DNA damage, infertility, carcinogenicity, cognitive deficits, and cardiovascular disruption, among a wide array of negative health effects.
Big Tech is censoring us. Subscribe to our email list and bookmark to continue getting our news. Subscribe now. February 5, 2021 (American Thinker) — We've heard repeated claims over the course of the Trump presidency that we're facing a constitutional crisis. We've been told that everything from executive orders to impeachment proceedings were such a crisis. Those claims were utter nonsense. But what about when the Constitution is ignored rather than respected? In that case it will cease being a guarantee of our rights or a constraint on government overreach. Under those circumstances the Constitution will no longer have any bearing on how […]
Sooner than we expect, we will face a generation that we assisted in self-mutilation — and we will have no good answers to the hard questions they will ask.
Former seminarian Anthony Gorgia has named Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Archdiocese of New York, three priests at the North American College in Rome and several John Does in his suit
The bill is ‘an important stepping stone in securing medical freedom not only for Hoosiers, but working people across America, as it may very well prove a precedent-setter for states that wish to follow Indiana’s lead.’
The idea that prisoners would have a human right to watch other human beings get degraded, sexually abused, humiliated, and brutalized would be to mangle the phrase beyond all meaning.
Big Tech is censoring us. Subscribe to our email list and bookmark to continue getting our news. Subscribe now. February 5, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — The former FBI attorney who admitted to doctoring an email in order to authorize spying on the Trump campaign has been sentenced to just one year of probation, a stark contrast to the penalties imposed on associates of the former president for similar offenses. Last year, Kevin Clinesmith pled guilty to altering a document to read that former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page was “not a source” for the CIA when in fact the CIA had […]
Young people may be the least likely to get sick from COVID, but the impact of lockdowns and school closures has created an alarming spike in suicides among children and teens.
We should ask with humility and respect that the Roman Church re-establish the minor orders with its theological significance such as the Church has always expressed it.
The media and big pharma are part of a 'propaganda war' creating public confusion with misleading claims, former University of Virginia professor David Martin explained.
Donate to help Mother Miriam find a new home in the Diocese of Salina: To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate by clicking here. In this episode, Mother Miriam speaks about how Catholics must continue evangelizing, even during difficult times. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live at
'Ideally, we wouldn’t be making these decisions on our own. We would be taking these decisions in line with and in conformity with democratically agreed rules and principles'
President John Pombe Magufuli has caused consternation in the international media by adopting a religious response to COVID since the early days of the virus last year.
Would entities like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the CDC and FDA deceive Americans regarding published COVID-19 data or COVID-19 vaccine data?
‘This is not China or Cuba, or Chile under Pinochet, or Spain under Franco, or theocratic Iran,’ said John Carpay of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms.
'I'm not interested in handing over the keys to the public square to a bunch of companies whose economic interests are not aligned with the public interest'
SB2180 sought to amend a state law regarding mandatory reporting of abuse or neglect of children or vulnerable adults, not excepting information a priest had learned during confession.
Archbishop Javier Del Río Alba questioned the total closure of temples and centers of worship while banks, shopping centers and restaurants are allowed to operate.
In shocking comments made in an interview with Catholic News Service Monday, Pope Francis said journalists seem to be “always wanting to communicate scandal, to communicate ugly things.” The Pope even went after what he called “traditionalist” Catholics in the United States, suggesting that they need healing.
This week, Jonathon interviews international pro-life speaker and co-founder of the Canadian Center for Bioethics Reform, Stephanie Gray Connors. The two discussed her decades-long involvement in the pro-life movement, her speaking experiences, and much, much more.
The statement echoes a claim by the Office of the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights that abortion restrictions ‘constitute human rights violations.’
One commentator quipped that a reality czar would simply be ‘more or less announcing to people who believe that the government is out to get them that yes, the government is indeed out to get them.’
Billionaire gains could have financed all of the relief to working families in the federal government’s last $1.9 trillion stimulus package, ‘while leaving the nation’s richest households no worse off than they were before.’
Roger Severino, the transformational former Director of HHS Office for Civil Rights, is joining the Ethics and Public Policy Center as a Senior Fellow.
The Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together, which was co-signed by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar University, Ahmad al-Tayyeb on February 4, 2019 and states that 'the diversity of religions' are 'willed by God in His wisdom.'
‘She was not allowed to get her vehicle from the airport, she was immediately put in a white van surrounded by police escorts and taken to an unknown facility that is under full surveillance and has security at every entrance and exit.’
Donate to help Mother Miriam find a new home in the Diocese of Salina: To help keep this and other programs on the air, please donate by clicking here. In this episode, Mother Miriam talks about the regulations and mandates that the coronavirus has brought on people, including abortion-tainted vaccines. You can tune in daily at 10 am EST/7 am PST on our Facebook Page. Subscribe to Mother Miriam Live at
The videos were released by Project Veritas just days after the social media giant appointed its first Chief Compliance Officer amidst scrutiny from lawmaker
'We must clearly state that Dr. Upham was in no way inciting violence against anyone or "espousing hate out of fear of difference." He was merely warning that the incoming Biden administration poses a real threat to religious liberty'
The Council urged governments to 'ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is politically, socially, or otherwise pressured to get themselves vaccinated, if they do not wish to do so themselves'
'The board's decisions to uphold or reverse Facebook's content decisions will be binding, meaning that Facebook will have to implement them, unless doing so could violate the law'
The pro-family nation rejects the 'materialistic' transgender agenda and illegal immigration and instead encourages Hungarian parents to have more of their own children.
Dr. Stanley Plotkin is considered the Godfather of Vaccines. He gave a 9-hour deposition reluctantly admitting horrific facts about the relationship of abortion to vaccines.
Dr. Stanley Plotkin is considered the Godfather of Vaccines. He gave a 9-hour deposition reluctantly admitting horrific facts about the relationship of abortion to vaccines.
'At a time when our society is calling into question the most fundamental certainties about the human person, Jérôme Lejeune remains a passionate and courageous witness to truth and charity'
During 2020, violent Black Lives Matter riots in U.S. cities killed or injured a number of innocent people and caused a staggering $2 billion worth of damage.
Dr. Scott Segal, chair of anesthesiology at Wake Forest Baptist Health in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, did admit wearing that many masks would be 'uncomfortable.'
The data indicates that the deaths, reported by the vaccine injury tracking system for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, mostly occurred within 48 hours of the vaccine being administered
Anyone who would imagine that, in a document promulgated for the XXV Day of Consecrated Life, there would be some sort of doctrinal, moral, or spiritual reference to the mystery of the Purification of the Most Holy Virgin Mary or to the Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple, would assuredly be disappointed.