In this interview with Jim Hale, John Eidsmoe of the Foundation For Moral Law explains why, for the first time in 49 years, ending Roe v. Wade is a distinct possibility.
In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Amy Bolin said in order to be approved for a double-lung transplant, her husband had to be fully vaccinated for COVID even though he’d had the virus and recovered. After his second Moderna shot, he developed a pulmonary embolism and heart condition and died before he could get new lungs.
The new bill is being touted as 'among the most comprehensive in the world,' with violators of the broad-scoped policy being subject to a prison term of up to five years.
In order to avoid the risk of spreading COVID-19 through a crowd, the customary public veneration of the statue of the Virgin Mary was cancelled for the second year in a row.
The Constitution says nothing about abortion, but that didn’t deter the seven Roe justices from inventing purported 'abortion rights' nearly fifty years ago on January 22, 1973.
'These outrages are the latest in a long line of attacks on religious freedom that began the day Biden took office and likely will not end until he and his radical HHS Secretary no longer have the reins of power.'
Numbers were up slightly in 2018 and 2019 but down by 50% over the past 40 years, and a favorable ruling in the upcoming Supreme Court case could save many more unborn lives.
More than 100,000 reports of psychiatric symptoms following COVID shots include hallucinations, anxiety, confusion, sleep disorders, psychosis, and suicide
If outsiders think the public schools are not teaching that white people create all of the world's problems and that capitalism is white supremacy, think again, says whistleblower Tony Kinnett.
The man who is creating the blueprints for Notre Dame’s makeover, Fr. Gilles Drouin, is a teacher of liturgy and an enthusiastic detractor of the traditional rite.
'Mississippi has gone all the way to the Supreme Court to fight for this one proposition, that Roe v. Wade was incorrectly decided nearly 50 years ago and it should be overturned.'
Deaths among 10-14-year-olds have been consistently above the national five-year average since the shots started being administered to children, according to a report.
Constitutional attorney Adèle Keim of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty explains why Wednesday’s Supreme Court hearing on Mississippi’s law restricting any abortion over 15 weeks could result in a reversal of the 1973 Supreme Court decision that wrongly made abortion a constitutional issue.
While enacting jab mandates for vast swaths of Californians, Gov. Gavin Newsom has supported a powerful prison guard union in bucking a similar requirement after the union helped bankroll his recall election success.
British Columbia Lt. Gov. Janet Austin signed an order on November 19 stating that the government can fire public service workers with 'just cause' if they refuse to receive one of the experimental COVID-19 injections.
Viruses are mutable and mutate and we expect this to be milder and milder mutations and not more lethal ones given the pathogen seeks to infect the host and not arrive at an evolutionary dead-end.
Epidemiologist and former COVID advisor in the Trump administration, Dr. Paul Alexander, gives a straight take to parents on the dangers of the COVID jab for children.
Dr. Robert Malone said in an interview last Monday with Steve Bannon that Austria 'is the most egregious example' of 'the deployment of a totalitarian approach to this whole thing.'
Organize locally to find a group of people willing to call on your local, elected district attorney to convene a grand jury and indict the individuals suspected of being involved in the creation of SARS-CoV-2, and those responsible for the COVID shots.
Chemical abortions pose a '22% greater risk of ER visit for any reason,' and a '53% greater risk of ER visit for an abortion-related reason,' when compared to the already potentially injurious surgical abortions.
A group called Secure MI Vote is circulating a petition to prevent voter fraud, which could be enacted by the State Legislature without input of Gov. Whitmer if enough signatures are gained.
'In effect, Bill C-3 could criminalize efforts to offer women alternatives to abortion through peaceful demonstrations, prayer, and sidewalk counseling right across the country,' CLC's Jeff Gunnarson warned.
Pastor Artur Pawlowski was ordered in October to recite a text stating that ‘the majority of medical experts favour social distancing, mask wearing’ and ‘participation in a vaccination program’ whenever he spoke out against any government health orders.
the letter asks all Google employees to resist the company’s COVID jab mandate 'as a matter of principle,' and put in place a different one that’s 'inclusive of all Googlers.'
'These researchers at the moment have decided they’re not going to publish their findings because they are concerned about losing research money from the drug industry.'
'I think it's time for us to draw a line in the sand,' said Oroville Vice Mayor Scott Thomson, who had the idea to create a 'Constitutional Republic City.'
‘This type of double delegation, which results in lawmaking by an administrative entity, is an impermissible combination of legislative and administrative power.’
Kieran Moore claimed that case counts and hospitalizations in the 5–11 age group have been increasing, in an attempt to encourage jabbing kids with the abortion-tainted COVID-19 shot.
'In [a] large population of adults tested for SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR after two doses of mRNA vaccine, a gradual increase in the risk of infection was seen for individuals who received their second vaccine dose after at least 90 days.'
(LifeSiteNews) — Earlier this year, on the feast of the Transfiguration, six members of the Sisters of Life made their final profession at St Patrick’s Cathedral, New York City, in a service presided over by Cardinal Timothy Dolan. LifeSiteNews Video Director, Michael Hogan, was present at the event and captured some of its most beautiful moments in this inspiring video. The Sisters of Life is a contemplative / active religious community of women founded in 1991 by John Cardinal O’Connor for the protection and enhancement of the sacredness of every human life. Like all religious communities, we take the three […]
'These rental companies are taking the law into their own hands. If we allow this to happen, what will be next and who will find themselves without a place to live?'
'These COVID camps are real. It doesn’t matter if you’re fully-vaxxed, one-vaxxed or non-vaxxed: you can get sent to these camps if you’re a close contact,' said Haley Hodgson from her prison.
Presenters on the TalkSport radio station were discussing the recent on-field collapse of footballer John Fleck, when ex-England soccer professional Trevor Sinclair interjected to suggest that 'everyone wants to know if he (Fleck) has had the COVID vaccine.'
There is no possible explanation for a decision by prelates of the Church to refuse Christ's injunction to Peter, 'feed my sheep,' that does not end in abject disobedience.
Governor Laura Kelly said that it was 'too late to impose a federal standard now that we have already developed systems and strategies that are tailored for our specific needs.'
While Fauci declared his career to have been focused on preserving 'the health and lives of the American people,' a new book by Robert F. Kennedr Jr. says otherwise, documenting Fauci’s record of forcing drug trials on children, using HIV drugs known to be toxic to adults.
The attorneys have battled life-saving legislation, clerked for radically pro-abortion justices, defended establishment media, and engaged in a conspiracy to oust former President Donald Trump from office.
The disgraced ex-governor ‘substantially revised’ a report last year by health officials ‘to combat criticisms’ of his deadly nursing home policies, investigators said.
'Policies in our country should be life-affirming, not life-ending. It’s long past time that the humanity of preborn children be recognized in the law, and that support for women and their children be the norm, not the exception.'
David Suzuki's comment that 'there are going to be pipelines blowing up if our leaders don’t pay attention to what’s going on' drew condemnations from politicians and even his own foundation.
'My stewardship of millions and millions of dollars of taxpayer money to effectively manage national security missions — that doesn’t matter anymore,' Jordan Lefebvre told the Daily Wire.
An activist fighting the COVID tyranny in Australia is issuing an appeal of help to the world, as the country enters an extreme new phase of mandates. Monica Smit, who was arrested in September, slams vaccine passports, saying their purpose is to divide people.
Currently under the emergency powers, vaccine segregation measures have been implemented, and unvaccinated citizens are barred from participating in the fullness of public life. Unvaccinated Ontarians are not allowed to eat in restaurants, visit loved ones in hospitals in most cases, or utilize gyms.
As one woman went through the security checkpoint, the security officers stopped her over a pair of childproof kindergarten scissors that they retrieved from her purse.
'Last year...during the worst of COVID waves, we received thank you pins that basically said we were essential workers.' Now, 'we’ll be getting fired on November 26.'
Decades of political positioning, scores of court appointments, hundreds of millions of dollars, and an unfathomable amount of blood, sweat, and tears have brought us to this moment.
The archdiocese also issued several “protective health measures,” including mandatory mask wearing at all times and a prohibition to receive Holy Communion on the tongue.
The defeated amendment, which sought to alter sections 58 and 59 of the Offences Against the Person Act, was not selected for debate in the chamber by the Speaker of the House of Commons Tuesday, marking the amendment’s defeat.
'The outrageous Liberal demand that charities hold to a pro-abortion ideology or face punishment is threatening the essential services many struggling Canadian women rely upon.'
The image, called 'Mama' in an apparent reference to words Floyd can be heard saying before his death at the hands of Minneapolis policeman Derek Chauvin last year, portrays the Blessed Virgin cradling Jesus’ body.
'Exactly 20 months later, and in response to rising case numbers, the head of Ontario’s Science Table said Thursday that ‘we need two more weeks to flatten the curve.’'
'My kids were like, ‘Mom and dad, you guys are nuts.’ But once they got here, my whole family just fell in love,' Michelle Torppey said of their first hosting of five of the siblings.
An anonymous article from an NHS consultant in The Guardian claimed that COVID-19 had 'largely become a disease of the unvaccinated,' but offered no evidence for his claim.
The attorney will defend Mississippi’s contention that the Supreme Court rulings establishing a constitutional ‘right’ to abortion were ‘egregiously wrong’ with ‘no basis in text, structure, history, or tradition.’
‘I have treated more than 2000 COVID-19 patients, including many with comorbidities, and none of these patients have required hospitalization,’ said Dr. Mary Bowden, who was suspended from a Texas hospital after promoting ivermectin as a COVID treatment.
Sheriff Mike Chapman said that superintendent Scott Ziegler was ‘unmistakably aware’ of a rape committed by a ‘gender-fluid’ male student and that Ziegler’s actions led to another assault months later.
Dr. Michael Palmer explained that the mRNA mechanism has the same result as radiation treatments for cancer patients and there are limits on how much the human body can withstand before dying.
'The unborn babies Mississippi is trying to protect with this law are the same age as those most at risk of being trafficked for organ harvesting and experiments.'
Soldiers based on CFB Petawawa located in Ontario all got infected after participating in a training course that took place between November 13 and 14.
Planned Parenthoods are closing and the grassroots movement is winning, said Shawn Carney, 40 Days for Life president, in the Decision Time video posted at the close of the fall campaign.
Over the last 60 years, the idea that Christ is King over society, that civil laws should conform to his laws has been progressively forgotten. The state now thinks it can shut down the churches and we have to beg its officials for religious exemptions to its evil laws.
Over the last 60 years or so, the 'Social Kingship of Christ' — the idea that Christ is King over society, that civil laws should conform to his laws, and so on — has been progressively forgotten.
German Princess Gloria of Thurn-und-Taxis is warning Catholics to not commit the same moral cowardice that she says Germans were accused of who failed to stand up to the Nazis. “We grew up with this accusation that nobody did anything against the Nazis.”
'It is totally contrary to the Catholic Church’s Eucharistic ecclesiology to introduce division between the faithful — between the jabbed and un-jabbed — into the celebration of the Mass.'
Darrell E. Brooks was released on bail days before the Christmas parade attack and only weeks after he allegedly drove his car into his girlfriend after an argument.
'These holy women need the fierce protection and ongoing support of Catholic laity in the face of a coordinated onslaught by this papacy to undermine, secularize, and monetize this cloistered order.'
Even though radical Islamists frequently kill Christians, President Joe Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken removed Nigeria as a 'Country of Particular Concern' regarding religious liberty earlier this year.
In his last email to his MP, Dr. Bruce Paix said he did not care that the politician refused to meet with him, since the long trail of emails between them would suffice to give evidence against him at the 'Nuremberg 2 trial.'
'The Justice Centre demands both schools follow the science and adopt policies that bring students together in the most safe and lawful manner. We are already receiving reports of students experiencing severe adverse reactions earning them a hospital visit.'
‘The deaths that are meant to follow the vaccinations will never be able to be pinned on the poison. They will be too diverse, there will be too many, and they will be in too broad a timeframe for us to understand that we have been poisoned,’ said Dr. Shankara Chetty.
‘In the end, even the anti-vaxxers will realize that they either get the jab or die,’ Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said ahead of new COVID pass requirements and a booster shot mandate for all healthcare workers.
Caden Cox’s mother told how he was 'beaming' after kicking an extra point for Hocking College. He went on to finish the season 'a perfect 4 for 4 in extra points.'
Kennedy explained how the Vaccine Act in 1986, collusion between Dr. Anthony Fauci and billionaire Bill Gates, and Gates' ties to the World Health Organization have contributed to vaccines that are never safety tested.
A recently retired NYC first responder told LifeSiteNews that the most touching moment of the day was when he came across three NYC firefighters, who are currently on leave without pay pending termination or forced inoculation, wearing shirts with the message “Bravest for Choice” emblazoned across their chests.
NIH Director Francis Collins said he is concerned that competing theories around COVID-19 are becoming more popularly believed than information on COVID emanating from national bodies like the NIH and CDC.
About 100,000 protestors, if not more, marched through Vienna on Saturday in response to Austria's recent nationwide jab mandate and newly announced lockdown.
The group of 38, identified by health authorities as either positive cases or 'close contacts,' was taken in army trucks to Howard Springs quarantine facility, located at a former mining camp near Darwin in northern Australia.
Speakers at a California Teachers Association conference ‘went so far as to tout their surveillance of students’ Google searches, internet activity, and hallway conversations,’ Abigail Shrier said.
Alexander Tschugguel gives an exclusive interview to LifeSiteNews’ Jeanne Smits on the punitive measures against Austrians who will not take the COVID jab. His message is “Resist, resist, resist.”
LifeSite’s West Coast Correspondent Alejandro Rodriguez attended a benefit dinner for the Good Shepherd Academy, a traditional Catholic K-12 school that specializes in classical education. Guest speakers, including Terry Barber and Chris Weir, spoke about the importance of providing children with a strong education based on traditional values. Support The Good Shepherd Academy:
'This conflict of interest is one that corporate media have largely tried to ignore, while the supposedly altruistic philanthropist Gates just keeps getting richer, laughing all the way to the bank,' the report said.
While there are plenty of reasons a billionaire businessman like Peter Thiel would want to establish a presence in Washington, D.C., the fact that he’s a homosexual 'married' to a man and is increasingly exerting influence in Republican politics as well as among conservative academics and influencers is reason for alarm.
Fauci acknowledged Tuesday a ‘significant’ amount of vaccinated Americans are still being hospitalized for COVID and said boosters are ‘going to become a part of the standard regimen.’
'Why do we force people to do something against their will when the vaccine doesn't stop transmission and it wanes after six to eight months just for the sake of having them comply?'
The Canadian prime minister made the call when he found out that polls indicated the public had a negative view of people who were against the vaccine.
Teachers are trying to convince parents their toddlers are transsexual, schools are taking children to gay bars, and they are indoctrinating children into the woke agenda while actively concealing it from parents.
'People aren’t stupid, we can see what’s happening,' Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. told protestors during a recent demonstration against COVID measures in Switzerland.
The new pronoun 'iel' (and its variants 'ielle,' 'iels,' and 'ielles') was added a few weeks ago to the online edition of Le Petit Robert, one of the most famous and prestigious French dictionaries.
In today’s so-called civilized society, children are being a major target of abuse. John-Henry shows you how teachers and schools are indoctrinating and sexualizing young kids with the woke LGBT agenda, while parents sometimes don’t even know what’s going on.
My thesis is that the double-vaccinated and triple-vaccinated are driving the transmission of the Delta variant and that this has severe consequences for the vulnerable unvaccinated and the vaccinated, too.
'It's hard to understand how third and fourth 'doses of protection' are going to work when the first ones don't work after only a few months,' Mary Holland, president and general counsel at Children's Health Defense, told LifeSiteNews.
With retirements abundant and destined to keep pouring in, it would seem that (some) Democrats have gained enough self-awareness to recognize that they’re losing.
The lawsuit by the Women’s Liberation Front accuses the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation of endangering women by housing biological males in women’s prisons.
The parents of the young girl had told the Wisconsin school district not to address their daughter with a male name, but the school 'refused to honor their request.'
A member of the European Parliament and priest of the Romanian Greek-Catholic Church is fighting what he views as a rising tide of “communism” in the European Union. Europe is “transitioning … from a democracy to a tyranny,” he told LifeSiteNews in an exclusive interview.
'If you do not say ‘No’ now, no matter who you are, no matter what your position is, no matter what you're going to lose, you will lose everything anyway.'
Steve Jalsevac, co-founder and president of LifeSiteNews, sits down with LSNTV correspondent Jim Hale to talk about the news organization’s history and the worldwide Global Reset. Steve warns about Big Pharma’s erroneous treatments, Dr. Fauci, the de-population efforts of COVID globalists, and describes how Christians should act in these times.
The procession was led by a statue of Our Lady of Fatima, which was carried right into the thronging secular crowd. Agnostics, atheists, and pagans gasped and applauded, seemingly comforted by the sight of an image of their Heavenly Mother.
One of the thugs looked me in the eye and shouted, 'F--k you, Doug,' and denigrated LifeSite while others shouted at Fr. James Altman, ‘Keep your Rosaries off my ovaries,’ and ‘Pray for the people you’ve killed, you bigot.’
The redefinition of ‘fully vaccinated’ will be a means to enforce never-ending booster shots, as your vaccine pass will expire at a certain time after each dose and, with it, all of your so-called ‘freedoms.’ It’s quite clear that the whole idea behind vaccine passports is to create segregation.
Exeter High School’s assistant principal gave the freshman an athletic suspension after an offended schoolmate shared their private text message exchange.
Comedian and political commentator Jimmy Dore discusses a video by John Campbell, Ph.D. where he explains the similarities between Pfizer’s expensive new antiviral drug for COVID and ivermectin, and why ivermectin is better.
Recent revelations about Dr. Anthony Fauci shed new light on a 2004 BBC documentary, 'Guinea Pig Kids.' The film exposed the cruel experiments — approved by Fauci and funded by U.S. taxpayers — on poor minority children as part of Fauci’s search for a cure for AIDS.
A California law allowing biological males to transfer to women’s prisons has led to ‘sexual harassment, physical assaults, and sexual assaults’ of female inmates, according to a new lawsuit.
'It’s coffee [that] from farm to cup is uplifting people all the way from Ethiopia to moms who are hearing their child’s heartbeat for the first time,' Seven Weeks Coffee's owner said.
'Newly released internal emails reveal that the National School Boards Association coordinated with the White House and the Department of Justice before sending President Biden the notorious letter that compared concerned parents to domestic terrorists,' Fox News reported.
Thomas More Society’s Stephen Crampton said New York’s lawsuit 'collapsed like a house of cards,' after the judge found the prosecution was based on lies.
'Our group will not be coerced or shamed into compliance with a policy that we believe to be irrational, arbitrary, immoral, illegal and destructive on many levels. We will continue to stand up, speak up, and fight for our rights and freedoms,' a representative said.
Angelia Desselle was completely healthy, like nearly all people in her age group, and worked for many years in health care. She said that she had no pressures to take the jab, but today is warning everyone to not experience what she is going through. Help Angelia get treatment:
Join us as we interview Samantha Stephenson and discuss the roots of the confusion and distortions of truth in our culture when it comes to femininity and motherhood. You can learn more about Samantha, listen to her podcast, read her blogs, and order her book when it comes out in 2022 at
'What we’ve seen has amounted to a direct attack not only on the body and the mind, but also on the soul of humanity; attacks that amount to crimes against humanity,' Franciscan University of Steubenville professor Stephen Sammut emphasized.
Harry has set up a commission to tackle what he calls a 'global humanitarian issue' while Megan Markle likely won't face perjury charges stemming from an answer she gave about authorization regarding a biography about her.
The email was triggered by Attorney General Merrick Garland's call for action against 'threats' posed by parents who disagree with Critical Race Theory.
The FDA’s request to drag out the release of the information has raised questions about the legitimacy and safety of the COVID-19 drugs, which are increasingly being mandated for participation in everyday society.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is calling for the creation of an Anti-Globalist Alliance “under the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the only King and Savior,” to fight back against the establishment of the New World Order.
Speaking at the Paris Peace forum, Pope Francis attacked the idea of a ‘return to normality', saying it would 'mean a return to the old social structures inspired by self-sufficiency, nationalism, protectionism, individualism and isolation.’
In a press release Tuesday, Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) implored Ontario citizens to write the Members of Provincial Parliament (MPP) to voice their opposition to a proposed radical pro-LGBT Bill 17.
The province’s Education Minister Adriana LaGrange of the governing United Conservative Party (UCP) stressed that parent choices regarding vaccines must be ‘respected.’
‘Nobody can deny it anymore,’ said pro-life activist A.J. Hurley, arguing there’s ‘nothing more disgusting’ or ‘barbaric’ than ‘the line-by-line live birth dismemberment and sale of fetal organs.’
Pro-life advocates took to the streets of Alameda, California last week afer a local pro-life organization obtained documents detailing the purchase and sale of murdered unborn babies’ body parts between the University of California, San Francisco and bioscientific nonprofit foundation Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR).
The case brought by Dr. Paul Marik to reinstate the use of safe and effective COVID-19 treatments will be heard in a Norfolk Virginia Court on Thursday, November 18 at 1pm EST.
It’s only a matter of time before the two are merged, and your entire identity, including your medical history, finances and more, could be stored in a mobile app that’s increasingly required to partake in society
Human rights activist and pro-life film producer Jason Jones told LifeSiteNews that he was inspired by an NBA player’s protest human rights abuses against Uyghurs by China.
On 'The Defender Show,' Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. talked with activist and vaccine researcher Judy Wilyman, Ph.D., of Australia about her country’s drastic response to COVID.
The FDA has described the recall of the kits as ‘the most serious type,’ stating that ‘[u]se of these tests may cause serious adverse health consequences or death.’
Curtis Means was born 132 days early, and exactly a month after the birth of the last Guinness World Record-setting premature baby, Richard Hutchinson.
The scandal-plagued Loudoun County School Board agreed to permanently reinstate Byron Cross after suspending him for condemning an ‘abusive’ transgender pronoun policy.
Those given lethal injection ‘die by drowning when their lungs fill with fluid ... it takes 100 hours for death to arrive.’ It looks peaceful ‘because they can’t move their muscles and they’re paralyzed.’
HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra 'told Congress that he values religious freedom and that nothing will change with OCR concerning enforcement,' but 'his actions since then prove that he lied,' Roger Severino says.
Soukup is the author of ‘The Dictatorship of Woke Capital:How Political Correctness Captured Big Business.’ He explains how liberal ideology came to dominated businesses and other cultural institutions in America.
'It’s clear that Traditionis Custodes is saying "okay, this experiment has not entirely been successful," and so let us go back to what the [Second Vatican] Council required of the Church,' Archbishop Arthur Roche told a Swiss news channel.
Bishop Joseph Strickland discussed the importance of reverence and respect which every Catholic should have when receiving Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.
Bishop Joseph Strickland discussed the importance of reverence and respect which every Catholic should have when receiving Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.
Dr. Brent Roussin announced last Friday in a press conference the new limits on the size of church attendance, and said that the new rules also mandate that those without the jabs cannot mingle with those who have it.
Archbishop Mark Coleridge of Brisbane made the announcement in a November 15 letter to clergy obtained by LifeSiteNews. ‘I will not consider conscientious objection,’ he wrote to priests.
An elephant in the room is often sufficient to damage a consensus. But by my count, there are at least eight elephants in the room trumpeting their inconvenient truths, all jostling for space, gradually crowding the previous occupants into the corners.
An exclusive and enlightening interview with Political Media CEO Larry Ward about Virginia politics and the many issues at play in the recent gubernatorial race
'If an employee is required to receive the vaccine or some other medical treatment as a condition of employment and it causes that person harm, our citizens need to know they’ll have some recourse that will provide them with meaningful relief,' said State Sen. Rob Standridge.
Such a lonely world disconnected from reality and the nature of things can feed the unfettered passions that hate all moral restraint. A space like this can quickly go from Alice in Wonderland to insane asylum.
These figures were released on October 28 by an official agency linked to the French Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and brought to the public’s attention by Martin Blachier, a data analyst and public health specialist.
The only reasons to continue widespread testing for the Wuhan Virus are to punish the unvaccinated and to perpetuate the false notion that COVID-19 is still a serious threat to America.
Two LIFE runners with remarkable stories shared how their last race forced them to set aside a competitive spirit, in service of a greater purpose for God.
‘Politics, not public health, is the dominating factor here,’ Forbes said, arguing that the federal edict, which would impact some 84 million Americans, ‘would set a dreadful precedent.’
On today’s episode of The John-Henry Westen Show, top COVID expert Dr. Peter McCullough announced that he’s launching a lawsuit against a medical journal that removed scientific papers proving that there are major risks for children, and others, who receive the COVID jabs.
'I worry that this is going to become an imperative for everybody to get [a booster], and I don't think that's the way they should go,' said Dr. Neil Rau.
Rebecca Billiard was told she could not continue taking the crucial treatment unless she submits to an ‘invasive’ form of contraception up to and including permanent sterilization.
The Vaccines & Children Press Conference will present physicians, parents, and psychologists who will share valuable information to help parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles protect young children from the COVID shot.
You'd think all the rules that applied to AIDS would apply here: doctors must take all comers, nobody gets judged for being sick, and a patient's health status is private. But no. COVID is the new AIDS, only worse.
Cignpost Diagnostics, which is approved by the UK government as a PCR provider and has provided more than 3 million tests since its founding in June, had announced its plans to sell sensitive medical data to third party researchers in order to 'learn more about human health.'
The unvaccinated are an inconvenient control group to set against the variable of the vaccinated population, clearly undermining the government’s hypothesis that was once presented about the vaccines’ efficacy.
Conservative, pro-parent candidates dominated school board races in the Democrat-leaning areas this year, including in Pennsylvania, Colorado, and Iowa.
A 3,500-seat Irish church built in the 1960s is coming down along with Mass attendance, which has collapsed from more than 90% back then to as low as 2% in parts of Dublin.
The remaining districts that had defied the ban on mask mandates have fallen in line with the statewide ban on the requirements, freeing children from forced masking in schools.
The New York Times published a story on 'a series of memos written by the group’s lawyer,' apparently obtained when the FBI raided the homes of Project Veritas journalists.
Billed as 'one of the largest protests in years,' Melbourne residents, numbered in the tens of thousands, demonstrated this past weekend against proposed COVID-19 related laws.
Bill 48 seeks to make protesting for any reason, including abortion and the abortion-tainted COVID-19 vaccinations, illegal within a 50-meter (150 foot) radius of all hospitals.
After taking effect Sunday at midnight, Austria’s new policy has put some 2 million people under lockdown, formally segregating unvaccinated Austrians from society.
Pro-lifer Marie-Claire Bissonnette was kicked by a man in Toronto, after she began filming him defacing private property at 2018 Life Chain in Canada. Mainstream outlets refused to touch the story originally. However, the video went viral after exclusively published by LifeSite
Multiple groups receiving funding from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development are members of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP). The problem is that NCRP is very active in working for the total decriminalization of abortion.
The Biden administration’s new vaccine mandate for businesses |raises serious constitutional concerns that either make it more likely that the petitioners will succeed on the merits,' a panel of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals said Friday.
Attending the high-profile state funeral of Australian Television personality Bert Newton, Premier Dan Andrews — a self-proclaimed Catholic — received Holy Communion.
Although based in Chicago, the Coalition for Canceled Priests has said it hopes to bring the billboard trucks to many other parishes and dioceses further afield.
Among other things, a pro-trans investigative program that nonetheless featured the experiences of de-transitioners is portrayed by the CBC as transphobic.
With recent pro-life victories across the United States, entertainers aren’t giving up on the idea that they can persuade audiences to see abortion as a punchline.
The new vaccine definition, if publicly known, would reduce public confidence in current COVID vaccines. You don’t have to be a medical expert to see how the new definition has been created to accommodate COVID shots.
LifeSite Contributing Editor, Claire Chretien, sits down with Political Media CEO Larry Ward to discuss the recent gubernatorial election in Virginia, school board meetings, mandates, and more!
Billionaire Bill Gates has proposed a three-part plan, including vaccines and abortion, which could 'lower [world population] by perhaps 10 to 15 percent.'
Miller, who renounced her homosexuality and converted to Evangelical Christianity, fled to Nicaragua to protect her daughter from her allegedly abusive ex-partner.
A race director told the pro-life runners he would call the police to have their 'Remember the Unborn' banner removed, but the attempt to suppress the message was unsuccessful.
LifeSite’s Danielle Zuccaro asks John-Henry Westen a variety of questions submitted by LifeSite monthly donors, or, “Sustainers.” John-Henry talks about why LifeSite reports on COVID-19 so much, good and bad bishops, Communion in the hand, and inter-religious marriages.
Larissa Fedoryka has been performing classical music in concert halls since she was a small child, but the Christendom College music professor is on mission now to help Christians understand that one’s faith can be greatly enhanced through an appreciation of the music that stands the test of time. LSNTV’s Michael Hogan offers this video essay to help Christians begin their journey to an encounter with God through classical music.
Cindy Carpenter insists that her husband, Isaac Martin, wants to leave the hospital, but she says the hospital forced him into stating that he wants to remain there to die.
How and why did Governor-Elect Glenn Youngkin, along with Lieutenant Governor-Elect Winsome Sears and Attorney General-Elect Jason Miyares, manage to flip Virginia red?
The province is reneging on its promise to lift capacity limits on all remaining ‘higher-risk settings’ such as wedding venues, night clubs, and event spaces.
Only once does the Bible speak of Jesus’ own followers leaving Him never to return. Jesus was so insistent on this one teaching that He let them go, and was even ready to lose His 12 apostles over it.
This poem was written in reparation for the sin of abortion and abortion-tainted medicines, composed for the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 12, 2021
The titans of global capitalism, including Bill Gates, are exploiting the COVID crisis to institute social credit-style digital ID systems across the West.
Let us remember our brave dead. Let us remember what they fought and died for. Let us take up the torch and fight for a glorious and free country that respects all human life.
It is precisely those who speak to you about gender equality, the right to 'reproductive health,' to euthanasia, to surrogate motherhood and sexual liberty who today hold you all in their grip, deciding what is right for you in the name of 'your good,' public health, or the protection of the planet.
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins called on Ronna McDaniel to resign as chairwoman of the GOP over her decision to start a “Pride Coalition.
It is difficult to imagine the perversion of the human heart which justifies the use of vital organs of infants, even if the intention is to help others.
Arthur Goldberg was sued by the Southern Poverty Law Center for 'fraudulent commerce,' for providing resources for those with unwanted same-sex attractions, pornography, and sex addiction.
According to an analysis of the recent data, the 65,986 excess deaths unrelated to COVID-19 represent a 37 percent climb in deaths for the population at large.
Reignite Democracy Australia is begging international leaders to back a campaign to pressure the government into relaxing COVID restrictions by offering asylum to Australians who have been affected by COVID tyranny.
Dr. Kyle Merritt made the bizarre diagnosis even though the patient, who had pre-existing health issues, lived in a trailer with no air conditioning during a summer heatwave made worse by forest fires.
If anyone had said ten years ago that gender ideology would result in primary school boys wearing skirts to school, they would have been accused of being fear-mongering and hateful bigots.
In a world where feelings matter more than facts and those proclaiming the truth are labeled as conspiracy theorists, one is tempted to think everything is lost. But in fact, there are people all over the world that have not bowed down to the false gods of the Left.
Jonathon spoke with Edoardo Albert, an author of several Christian historical fiction books. Albert pointed out that modern literature has become “hyper-politicized,” and that many books have been written to fit the reader into “certain prescribed victim groups” or according to outward appearances.
The black conservative commentator agreed that the number of black babies lost to abortion amounts to ‘genocide,’ and said West ‘is right to continue to beat the drum and to draw attention to this issue.'
These new restrictions are only the latest development in a series of measures meant to drastically limit the celebration of the traditional Latin Mass in the Eternal City and throughout the universal Church.
In an interview calling for future ‘pandemic preparedness’ and bringing up the possibility of a smallpox ‘bioterrorist’ attack, the pro-abortion Microsoft founder admitted mRNA shots are ineffective and said 'we need a new way of doing the vaccines'
'Failure to comply with this policy could result in disciplinary action (which includes being placed on an unpaid leave of absence), up to and including termination of employment for just cause,' wrote Bishop Ronald Fabbro.
The Texas senator said the Biden administration knows the ‘patently illegal’ vaccine mandate will be ‘struck down,’ but is ‘cynically counting that some employers and some employees will just obey, and it will take months and years for the litigation to sort itself out.’
'In other words, Pfizer plans, with FDA connivance, to use an entirely new vaccine formulation in children, after their clinical trials used the old formulation,' said Dr. Meryl Nass.
‘We probably would have had a 95% refusal rate’ for these shots two years ago, but the pandemic and marketing of the injections as ‘vaccines’ has made them popular with the public, said Stefan Oelrich.
Despite their claim that they advance ‘the health of high-risk pregnant women and their babies,' the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) strongly advocates for abortion.
God-inspired courage is becoming an increasingly relevant personal asset. The changes that have taken place in our country during the pandemic make it imperative that we be prepared to act on that confidence when conditions demand.
MPP Randy Hillier is ready to lead a 'war' against 'the enemy of big pharma, big corporate interests that are profiteering through these 20 months' as well as 'big government' and public health.
'The ABCs of Covid Vaccines -- A CNN/Sesame Street Town Hall for Families' featured medical advice and coping information to families regarding COVID-19.
Douglas Allen predicts politicians will just 'continue to double down and insist on restrictions until they can finally declare victory and that they saved our lives.'
A total of 13 percent of Indigenous Canadians overall answered ‘No,’ they will ‘not get a coronavirus vaccination.’ This is more than twice the jab refusal rate of Canadians the poll classified as ‘white.’
'The parents or legal guardians are legally responsible for ensuring that the mandatory vaccination of minors is carried out in a timely manner,' and teenagers age 15 or over will be able to receive the vaccine without having to be accompanied by an adult.
Bishop Strickland called the destruction of life through abortion 'poverty,' and said each individual child killed has been a lost contribution to the world.
Conservative elites, whether members of the political, academic, media, or corporate classes, need to once again relentlessly pursue intellectual honesty and integrity regarding creeping LGBT influence within their ranks.
Our scorn should be towards those who demand our obedience and split America into an in-group and an out-group. Become more aware when you allow your thinking to be hijacked by propaganda.
A video shows two young women, who are students at the Jesuit-run institution, kicking, trampling, and pulling up the small flags placed in the shape of a cross in memory of the unborn victims of abortion.
‘You are about five times as likely to die of the vaccine than you are to take your risks with COVID-19,’ McCullough said. Therefore, those who ‘chose not to get the vaccine,’ in fact ‘made a smarter choice.’
The State Department gave $5 million to the United Nations Population Fund supplies program which aids women abroad in accessing contraceptives, abortion-inducing drugs, and abortion-performing devices.
Christians who object to the use of fetal cells to grow vaccines may agree to avoid those in the future. Likewise, we should look at the origins of any new drug we might consider taking. But we can use older medicines such as aspirin, Tylenol, and ibuprofen in good conscience.
A White House spokesperson said businesses ‘should continue to move forward and make sure they’re getting their workplace vaccinated’ despite a federal court order.
Loyola Marymount University, a Jesuit-run ‘Catholic’ institution, recently received backlash when LMU President Snyder allowed a Planned Parenthood fundraiser to take place on-campus. In response to this event, Donahue and the California College Republicans hosted a protest in which many were invited to pray the Rosary.
‘I think what they did was put themselves on a path to early retirement,’ GOP Sen. Bill Hagerty said about the 13 Republicans who helped pass Biden’s pro-LGBT infrastructure bill Friday.
The 2022 midterms and beyond are looking great for Republicans, but only if they run on the right issues: parental rights, school choice, critical race theory, COVID mandates, and LGBT in schools.
Upwards of 20%–40% of personnel in some intelligence agencies have withstood pressure to get the experimental jab in the face of looming deadlines and impending disciplinary action.
You might be wondering why have there been so many news stories, even coming from mainstream media sites, which report young people including athletes suddenly dying or having injuries? Former VP at Pfizer, Dr. Michael Yeadon connects this sudden increase in youth deaths and injuries directly to the COVID jabs.
In the last few weeks there have been dozens of similar cases of young, super healthy athletes becoming seriously harmed or even dying, ending their athletic dreams.
'It woke me up to a new America that is not the America I knew when I was growing up, when we stood for fighting atheistic Marxism and we're seeing it here in the United States as it is.'
Dr. Peter Doshi questioned the current mainstream narrative on COVID vaccines and the pandemic, backing up his statements with data from the vaccine trials.
Christendom College professor Matthew Tsakanakis endured a COVID nightmare that has left him questioning whether America remains a free country. “It woke me up to a new America that is not the America I knew when I was growing up, when we stood for fighting atheistic Marxism.”
Radical progressives and Democrats, but I repeat myself, have carefully crafted a society in which they hold all the power, pull all the levers, and call all the shots.
'The greatest disgrace of the bishops over the past 18 months has been that they denied people access to sacramental grace and endangered their eternal souls.'
Francis Sullivan, the lay Chair of Catholic Social Services Australia, told a radio host that he found an Australian priest's stand against the COVID jab, 'incredible' and 'bizarre.'
The person chosen for the time-honored tradition of breaking a bottle of champagne across the ship’s bow was a gender-confused man who calls himself ‘Paula.’
If abortion merely removes a clump of cells, then there is no reason to grieve. If abortion kills a baby, we should ban abortion. It really is that simple.
Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers sat out his game on Sunday after contracting COVID. He pushed back against critics of his personal medical decisions and said he is using ivermectin to treat his infection.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense chairman, last month spoke at the 2021 Ron Paul Institute 'Pandemic and the Road to Totalitarianism' conference where he called for Americans to stand up and protect the U.S. Constitution.
'At some point, 5–11-year-olds will also have to show proof of vaccination to access some of those same settings,' said San Francisco's Acting Health Officer.
Anyone who still has a brain knows that droughts and famines throughout history have occurred naturally and cyclically. They are caused by a lack of rain. The Earth's climate has always been subject to change.
The issue of the climate is too big to pin down. The issue of COVID — and all that is associated with the litany of failed government interventions — is of the same ilk.
There ‘are still tens of thousands of vote-by-mail and provisional ballots yet to be counted,’ said Republican Jack Ciattarelli. New Jersey’s governor’s election has been plagued by reports of voting machine issues and other irregularities.
Suzanna Newell said she lived a 'high energy' lifestyle before her Pfizer jabs, but the mental and physical suffering she now experiences is 'torture.'
Archbishop Andrew Bellisario's mandates 'would have granted complete control over the curriculum of Holy Rosary Academy to the Archdiocese,' while also requiring the Academy to adhere to 'all health and safety protocols promulgated by the Archdiocese.'
The Biden administration abandoned the Geneva Consensus Declaration on Promoting Women’s Health and Strengthening the Family that the United States and 31 other nations had signed a year ago.
‘Baltimore city officials did everything they could to keep sex abuse victims from speaking out against the U.S. bishops and the ongoing cover-up of clerical sexual predation.’
After Kellai Rodriguez was double-jabbed, she is no longer able to walk or speak normally, and says she cannot hold her baby long before experiencing 'excruciating' pain.
Nurse Dani tells her story of standing against the manipulation from her hospital administration to have her and others get the COVID jab, and why she chose to resign rather than get an exemption.
'You are, as I said in the letter I sent you last year, a veritable invisible army; you are a fundamental part of that humanity that fights for life against a system of death,' Pope Francis told a number of openly professed Marxist groups in a video published on the Vatican News YouTube Channel.
The figures published for the week ending October 21 included a chart which showed that for all individuals over 30 years of age and who were double jabbed, the rate of infection was much greater than for those in the same age range who had not received any shot.
Fr. James Altman recently spoke with LifeSite’s Jim Hale and gave an update on his pastoral situation and how he is remaining faithful to God despite being canceled. He also continued to blast Catholic bishops for closing down the churches to the faithful during the COVID lockdowns.
Gross, indecent, vulgar, and willfully abusive of all that Catholics hold sacred, 'Benedetta' received positive and even enthusiastic notices from some French critics, as well as from the BBC, the Hollywood Reporter, Variety, and indieWire.