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Merry Christmas from LifeSiteNews!

As Christmas and the New Year approaches, LifeSiteNews would like to thank all those who supported us this year! We have accomplished so much and our reach has expanded substantially. We could not have done this without your help! Please enjoy the heartfelt messages from some of our staff.

Abp. Viganò’s Christmas 2021 message

This, dear children, is our 'Great Reset,' with which divine Providence restored the order broken by the ancient Serpent with the Original Sin of our First Parents…a Reset from which apostate angels and their leader Lucifer are excluded, but which has granted all men the grace to be able to benefit from the Sacrifice of God made man, and to regain the eternal life to which they were destined since the creation of Adam.

Harvard scientist tells British MPs Wuhan lab ‘likely origin of COVID,’ says truth will ‘come out’

In 2020, then-president Donald Trump’s interest in investigating the Wuhan Institute of Virology as a potential source for the virus became a sticking point for scientists who saw merit in the lab leak origin: 'At the time, it was scarier to be associated with Trump and to become a tool for racists, so people didn't want to publicly call for an investigation into lab origins.'

US doctors are being threatened with disciplinary action for questioning COVID narrative

'Harmful misinformation' appears to mean anything that contradicts or asks questions or raises doubt about the dogma that 'vaccines are safe and effective,' or suggests a treatment not endorsed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH), and their corporate sponsors.
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Generosity: ‘To whom much is given, much is required’

Join Lisa and Rebekah as they speak with David and Margaret Bereit. They share their story, from finding each other and ways to keep their love alive day-to-day to the founding of 40 Days for Life and continued work in the pro-life mission. The discussion goes even deeper when the topic of generosity begins… Grab a beverage and pop in those headphones! LifeSiteNews just kicked off our end of year Christmas campaign fundraiser, so as we discuss the topic of generosity and giving of our time, talent and treasure, I want to encourage you to consider a gift of support […]

It’s ‘an act of cruelty’ to let grocery stores ban un-jabbed citizens, Canadian legal group warns province

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms pointed out in a letter that said Nova Scotia's 'winter plan' also discriminates against people of all faith who attend funerals, weddings, and social gatherings by requiring the owners and occupiers to ensure occupants are fully vaccinated, while non-faith gatherings have no such requirement. 
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This Brazilian hero adopted 44 disabled children

Tonio de Mello is a pro-life hero who adopted his 44 disabled children in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He is so grateful for the ways in which LifeSiteNews helped his family last year, and now he is asking us to dig deep again this Christmas. Help Tonio’s 44 disabled children: