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An appeal from the heart to help injured and displaced Ukrainian civilians

DONATE HERE: The Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine of the Holy Family is collecting urgently needed funds to care for the injured, the displaced and the bereaved in war-torn Ukraine. Please help us today to make a difference on the ground in Ukraine where our people feel abandoned by the world. Our sympathy must turn to action in helping the innocent affected by this war.
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‘We’ve been declared an enemy’: Why the Biden regime is reinstalling the fence around Capitol Hill

Two weeks after an official advisory from the Homeland Security Department naming as ‘threat actors’, anyone who spreads ‘misinformation’ about COVID, the Biden regime is reconstructing a security fence around the Capitol in anticipation of perceived threats from American citizens who oppose restrictions on their constitutional freedoms.

Jewish Conservative MP demands Trudeau apologize for suggesting she stands with those who wave ‘swastikas’

'I think the Prime Minister should think long and hard about his own history before singling out a Jewish Member of Parliament and falsely accusing me of standing with a Swastika. What a disgraceful statement unbecoming of anyone in public office,' MP Melissa Lantsman tweeted after Justin Trudeau refused to apologize for his inflammatory comments in the House of Commons.

Alberta court rejects labor union’s lawsuit to reinstate school mask mandate

Many have also questioned why any measures are being imposed on children at all, especially after researchers with Johns Hopkins School of Medicine found a 'mortality rate of zero among children without a preexisting medical condition such as leukemia' when they 'analyze[d] approximately 48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August 2020.'