Pope Benedict XVI had been living a life of retirement in the Vatican grounds since he resigned from the papacy February 28, 2013. His reign as pope was just under 8 years.
Heretic bishops and cardinals are working overtime to destroy the culture of life, family values, and even natural law. Watch now and see what was exposed just three months ago regarding Pope Francis’ secret meeting with cardinals and the remaining influence of disgraced cardinal Theodore McCarrick. The globalist effort to destroy the Church is impacting all areas of the traditional Catholic world — even into the perilous future of the Latin Mass. Watch now and see the fight that the culture of life must win. FIGHT FOR THE CULTURE OF LIFE ASAP! https://give.lifesitenews.com
In the last episode of 2022, which aired on December 30 , Mother Miriam shares some final reflections for the upcoming Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord on January 1.
Pope Francis first unleashed attacks against devout Christian families by ridiculing them, denouncing their pro-life position by stating that there was no need to “breed like rabbits.” With his debasing and blasphemous attacks against the sanctity of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, is Pope Francis to blame for the population decline in Europe and America? The culture of life must be alerted to the anti-life comments of Pope Francis, and not rely on this pontificate to faithfully guide families through the war on life. Faithful Christians must rely on one another. FIGHT FOR THE CULTURE OF LIFE ASAP! https://give.lifesitenews.com
Abortion is the human sacrifice of the New World Order, and Pope Francis has lavished praise on one of the pro-abortion movement’s greatest heroes: prominent Italian politician and former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Emma Bonino. Bonino admitted to having killed her child through abortion during a time when abortion was illegal in Italy — earning her a 10-day jail sentence. Bonino stopped at nothing to procure an abortion, and will not stop in spreading the abortion agenda across Europe. Despite her bloodlust, Pope Francis has kept a friendly relationship with her, praising her routinely. Then, look at Pope Francis’ disturbing […]
In this episode aired on the Feast Day of the Holy Innocents, Mother Miriam reflects on the martyrdom of the Holy Innocents for the sake of the savior of the world.
The Pachamama Scandal sent shock waves across the world, exposing the Pope Francis pontificate as the pagan and globalist puppet regime that pro-life and pro-family leaders suspected. This is a must-watch review of the threats facing the Western World, exposing the compromised political and cultural ideology of the most powerful religious leader on Earth, Pope Francis. The culture of life will never lose to the “Earth Mother” or any other pagan deity worshiped by proponents of The Great Reset. Also, dive deep into Pope Francis’ shockingly close relationship with one of the most oppressive and anti-human ideologies in history: communism. […]
For billions of Christians worldwide, the Christmas season is only beginning, filled with prayer, feasting, and almsgiving. Join John-Henry in his final installment of LifeSite’s 3-part Traditional Christmas Special as he and Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis highlight the most ancient corporal work of mercy — feeding the poor. In a world filled with self-serving attitudes and entitlements, be inspired by the ancient Christian virtue of charity in this final Christmas episode of The John-Henry Westen Show. FIGHT FOR THE CULTURE OF LIFE ASAP! https://give.lifesitenews.com/
Note: This week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show was recorded several days before Christmas. On this episode, Bishop Joseph Strickland condemns the many “godless agendas” bombarding our nation and Church, and calls out two notable self-professed Catholics, President Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, for serving those agendas.
'The only really effective apologia for Christianity comes down to two arguments, namely the saints the Church has produced and the art which has grown in her womb.' Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger
Very few of us can say we lost a family member to the virus (dubious diagnoses notwithstanding) but sadly, many of us can say we lost family members to the mental virus that turned regular people into segregationists.
If we really believe that Jesus Christ is Who He said He is, then we can rest assured that nothing can truly harm us as long as we put our trust in Him.
If you stay close to the Lord, and the sacraments, if you do good, and resist evil, then it will be as if we have built our lives on the foundation of rock, and you will not be damaged by the storms.
God’s providence and guidance through my life led to a perfect set of circumstances where I could take refuge and find peace, love, joy, and comfort in times considered by many to be the hardest in a century.
Meditating on the mystery of our redemption will help us enter into the mystery of Christ’s Nativity in the way in which He wishes, namely, rejoicing in the salvation He came to accomplish.
What will be different this Christmas is that I shall pray that the Infant King will grant me the strength to love Him as do those brave souls, who have – and are yet to do so – witnessed to Christ in the manger through their suffering and death.
If we find ourselves rejected in any way, it is a blessed opportunity to share in the suffering of Christ in small measure, and to forgive someone for whom we can thereby merit grace.
The government 'contravene[d] Bulgarian legislation, citizens’ rights and public order' and risked generating 'mental disorders' in its members, the European Court of Human Rights unanimously determined.
African Archbishop George Desmond Tambala encouraged Catholics to fight for life by being against legalization of abortion in the country, ACI Africa reported.
Is mass starvation on the rise? Between the man-made starvation of millions of Ukrainians during the early 1930s known as the Holodomor, the reliance of American farmers on Ukrainian fertilizers and Russian nitrogen, and supply chain issues continuing to affect the world’s economies, there are clear signs that starvation might grip the world. What does a food shortage in Ukraine mean for Russia’s starving soldiers, and did Our Lady of Fatima prophesy all of this over 100 years ago? FIGHT FOR THE CULTURE OF LIFE ASAP! https://give.lifesitenews.com/
'I’d encourage the Family Heritage Alliance to evaluate the purpose of your organization. Is it to promote family values — or is it to attack the most conservative governor in the country?' the South Dakota governor responded.
As Christmas approaches, Catholic intellectuals profess their faith in the Incarnation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary while they deny the special creation of all of the different kinds of creatures at the beginning of time.
The FBI is a U.S. version of the Russian “State Police”; and the FBI is deployed -almost exclusively- to attack domestic enemies of those who control government, while they protect the interests of the U.S. Fourth Branch of Government.
Danielle Smith told Albertans regarding a mandate for all-electric new car sales by 2035 that 'I will make sure you have a choice when it comes to the vehicle you drive -- the NDP and Liberals can butt out.'
'The heroes that protect our country and go to Veterans Affairs to get the services to which they are entitled, this government is now racking up an embarrassing and shameful record of having recommended medical assistance in dying,' the Conservative Party leader said.
The Jesuits' official timeline regarding Fr. Rupnik and the different investigations into his conduct appears to undermine Pope Francis' claims that he has a 'no tolerance' policy on abuse.
Globalists are propagandizing everyone on a massive scale in the media, in schools and from all government agencies to falsely believe that the world is doomed unless there are far fewer humans.
Violent male sex offenders could ‘transition’ simply by declaring themselves female and then force their victims to use female pronouns in court and elsewhere.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issued statements before and after the Senate passed the Respect for Marriage Act, but has said nothing since the self-proclaimed Catholic president signed it into law.
The pro-LGBT German Catholic Synod is the latest threat to the teaching authority of the Catholic Church, even threatening schism and plunging faithful Catholics into decades of turmoil and confusion. Are Germany’s faithful aware of the stakes in their own country? As the Western World hangs in the balance, John-Henry’s second installment of LifeSite’s exclusive interview with Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis, revealing the state of Germany’s Catholic Church, how faithful Catholics must respond to the challenges facing society today, and the importance of staying faithful to the truth of Jesus Christ. FIGHT FOR THE CULTURE OF LIFE ASAP! https://give.lifesitenews.com/
An attorney was ousted from Radio City Music Hall because her employer is suing its owner. One of her firm’s partners is slamming the policy as 'absurd' and a violation of privacy.
The Thomas More Society and the American Nativity Scene are helping a growing number of citizen groups to display Biblical manger scenes on government property this Christmas.
In today’s episode, Mother Miriam shares some reflections for the final days of Advent by encouraging one another to live the faith with eyes open and in truth.
The video shows a memorial gathering in the Civic Square in Wellington, New Zealand where those who have died or been severely injured from the jab were honoured in a ceremony.
Enoch Burke had been jailed in early September for contempt of court, after he refused to use transgender pronouns to refer to a male student in his class.
Switzerland-based Safe Blood Donation seeks to match un-jabbed donors with recipients concerned about the effects of mRNA vaccines on blood transfusions.
We still aren’t sure which holiday Dr. Theresa Tam is talking about, but I imagine it is that amorphous pagan snow yoga holiday that we all know and love.
Roughly half of priests ordained after 2010 disapprove of Pope Francis, while 80 percent of priests ordained before 1980 strongly approve of the current pontificate.
'These heroes who daily give their lives to protect and treat their patients also must provide for their own families,' said Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver.
A convert, I grew somewhat scandalized by the fact that the U.S. Bishops and other diocesan priests did not seem to be outspokenly pro-life or even genuinely supporting those who were—that is, until I met Fr. Frank Pavone.
New environmental regulations could mean a lot more red tape and add to the financial burden already being faced by struggling small and medium-sized enterprises in Canada, experts warn.
'Know that I love you more than words could ever possibly convey to you,' she said, explaining that her granddaughter’s decision to identify herself by a male name 'does not change my deep love for you.'
'There is a proliferation of mosques in Guinea-Bissau that are funded by very wealthy Arab countries. There are people in the villages, Christians and non-Christians, who are funded to convert to Islam. We are facing this threat.'
Join John-Henry Westen as he discusses with Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis the beautiful presentation of timeless Catholic traditions that helped shape all of Western Civilization — rooting America and all the west in a Christ-centered Christmas spirit. Catch the spirit of Christmas in Princess Gloria’s castle, celebrating the best of Advent in Germany with Christmas carols and traditional German food. While Big Tech and atheist globalists work overtime to strip God from your classroom, community, and country, LifeSite is bringing you timeless reminders of what matters most during the Christmas Season. FIGHT FOR THE CULTURE OF LIFE ASAP! https://give.lifesitenews.com/
Tim Robbins shared that while he used to get angry at people who didn’t follow COVID protocols, he now looks back on the attitude toward the unvaccinated as ‘incredibly dangerous.’
In today’s episode, Mother Miriam encourages the Catholic laity to continue remaining strong in the faith as we near the celebration of Christ’s Nativity.
The judges concluded that the Biden administration’s moves to ‘‘force’ COVID jab ‘obligations on individual employees’ was ‘unprecedented’ and ‘unlawful.’
‘My friends when I worked in media for thirty years were the most amazing, fun, smart, savvy people in the world: Gay men,’ claimed Lake. ‘I had no idea conservative politics is full of gay men as well.’
On this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon sits down with Dr. John Seago, president of Texas Right to Life. The two discuss how Texas’ heartbeat abortion ban is saving many unborn lives each day, what the pro-life movement should be doing better in 2023, and much more.
On this week's episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon sits down with Dr. John Seago, president of Texas Right to Life. The two discuss how Texas' heartbeat abortion ban is saving many unborn lives each day, what the pro-life movement should be doing better in 2023, and much more.
The politicization of the near-mandatory vaccination campaign has resulted in the legitimization of hatred towards people who exercise their own judgement.
Bevelyn Beatty Williams, 31, and Edmee Chavannes, 41, are accused of trying to stop abortions from taking place, thereby violating the FACE Act in what the DOJ described as 'a multi-year campaign to interfere with individuals seeking to obtain and provide lawful reproductive health services in New York and in several other states.'
The priest said that what has happened to him regarding his dismissal from the priestly state is 'an extension of what’s happened over the past 21 years.'
According to this children’s resource, if you have a disability, you may be justified in feeling that your life is not worth living, and taking steps to ending it.
American investigative journalist Lee Fang was given excess to Twitter’s internal communication, and he released 'Twitter Files Part 8' on December 20.
'These allegations raise sufficient concerns about your allegiance to the United States and your judgment to warrant a suspension of your clearance pending further investigation,' the FBI wrote at the time.
J&B Blended Scotch is on hand to help celebrate the gender confusion, and a very non-traditional Christmas ensues, with the family immediately getting over their shock and embracing their new ‘daughter.’
'Ever since [Elon] Musk authorized a group of independent journalists to release the Twitter Files three weeks ago, a steady drip of damning evidence has emerged, showing collusion between Twitter and the federal government,' journalist Miranda Devine wrote.
The Republican Party is recklessly pursuing a minority of voters who are indulging in lifestyles that are contrary to the Commandments and to the common good.
Bella Dodd was a committed Stalinist who worked to undermine democracy in America and orthodoxy in the Catholic Church. Dodd’s charm and wit helped her succeed in a once-considered conspiracy theory — infiltrating 1,000+ communists into the Catholic Church leadership. Now, Dr. Paul Kangor offers the full facts in his new book, “The Devil and Bella Dodd” in this exclusive sit-down interview with John-Henry Westen. Just how deep does the communist infiltration run in the Catholic Church? Tune in now and find out.
'Jeanne, if abortions aren’t safe neither are you!” threatened the extremist group ‘Jane’s Revenge’ with graffiti scrawled onto the home of a pro-life pregnancy center board member near Detroit.
The governors pointed out that ‘the emergency phase of the pandemic is behind us,’ and that ‘nearly three years’ have passed since the federal government declared the public health emergency.
There was a lot of news to refer to Monday! But first, let me tell you that we are still short about $300,000 to meet our minimum campaign goal with only 6 days remaining.
The federal court said the four female track and field athletes failed to adequately demonstrate both 'injury' and their entitlement to compensatory damages.
Join John-Henry on this traditional Christmas market tour in Regensberg, Germany as he celebrates a traditional Catholic Christmas with all of our LifeSite family! FIGHT FOR THE CULTURE OF LIFE ASAP! https://give.lifesitenews.com/
Archbishop Paul Coakley of Oklahoma City also warned of 'new threats to the Church's good works' coming from 'the intolerance of some extremists within the political left.'
In a further blow to the institution of the family, the High Court of New Zealand has ruled that a baby be taken from its parents and placed in the custody of the state.
Her arrest follows another recent incident in Bournemouth where a woman was told to leave by local authorities for praying in a public space, despite being outside the borders of the local abortion center censorship zone.
'People are willing to lie and misrepresent and hide behind their conflicts of interest and not disclose them. Somehow, we have to get back to a space where that's not acceptable.'
In an interview with a Spanish newspaper, the pontiff also faced questions about ignoring the faithful, clergy sex abuse and the unfamiliarity of the Church's cardinals with one another.
Dr. Peter McCullough has deeply concerning findings to share with you. People who have not received the you-know-what may still be getting infected, thanks to mRNA “shedding” from person to person. Know the facts, fight for freedom, and protect yourself against what globalists have done to our society — never let them forget it. FIGHT FOR THE CULTURE OF LIFE ASAP! www.give.lifesitenews.com/sustainlife?utm_source=Rumble_Peter_Mccullough_121922
Skate Canada’s Equity, Diversity and Accessibility Operating Committee has determined 'team' means any 'two skaters' and must be used because 'man' and 'woman' is discriminatory.
If I was a betting man I would say that the liberal hierarchy went after one of the most powerful voices in the Catholic pro-life movement in America to make an example of him.
What is ironic in the most tragic of ways, is that the boomer generation is largely responsible for creating the moral framework that has allowed for euthanasia, and that same framework will be the agent of their own destruction.
The administration 'drew up a list of churches that its human-resources personnel believed had official doctrines prohibiting vaccination' and were exempted, but Catholics and other Christian religions apparently were not included.
In today’s episode, Mother Miriam reflects on how the birth of Christ was prophesied in the Old Testament, and that all Catholics should meditate on the O Antiphons as we prepare for Christmas.
The Republicans said they ‘are appalled by the flagrant disregard for the law expressed by the Department’ and demanded a meeting to ‘reiterate our expectation that this memorandum be immediately withdrawn’.
'We are fighting for the gay community, and we are fighting and fighting hard,' said Trump at a gala with the Log Cabin Republicans and a slate of pro-homosexual RINO speakers.
'His sexual obsession was not extemporaneous but deeply connected to his conception of art and his theological thinking,' said a former member of Fr. Rupnik's community, who says she was abused by him for 9 years.
LifeSiteNews co-founder John-Henry Westen gets to the bottom of the blasphemy charge against Fr. Pavone that was noted in the letter asserting his dismissal from the priesthood. FIGHT FOR THE CULTURE OF LIFE ASAP! www.give.lifesitenews.com/sustainlife?utm_source=Rumble_FR_Pavone_121922
Messages of support for Father Frank Pavone poured in from pro-life and conservative voices across America as news of the Vatican's decision to dismiss Pavone from the priesthood spread.
If you don’t want your children inculcated in the religion of the state, don’t send them to a state school. Find another option, even if you have to sacrifice to do it.
The Pontifical Academy for Life's Arcbhishop Paglia reportedly used nearly half a million euros of charitable funds to renovate his personal apartment at the Vatican.
This latest development from the Vatican is the result of an abusive process to which I have been objecting for years and which has lacked both transparency and common sense.
On this week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, Bishop Joseph Strickland offers encouraging words as the liturgical season of Advent continues, responds to comments on homosexuality from Cardinal Gerhard Müller, urges Hillary Clinton to repent, and more.
On this week's episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, Bishop Joseph Strickland offers encouraging words as the liturgical season of Advent continues, responds to comments on homosexuality from Cardinal Gerhard Müller, urges Hillary Clinton to repent, and more.
According to the pope's U.S. representative, the order for dismissal from the priesthood was a result of 'blasphemous communications on social media' and 'persistent disobedience of the lawful instructions of his diocesan bishop,' but Pavone said he had no knowledge of the Vatican's decision.
The Democrat congresswoman said terms like 'groomer' and 'pedophile' allege 'that a person is criminal, somehow, and engaged in criminal acts, merely because of their identity.'
Chris Beck described those who embrace and promote transgender ideology as a 'cult' that brings people into the fold through 'love bombing' and propagandizing.
Premier Danielle Smith said regarding proposed federal restrictions by the Trudeau government that 'instead of targeting criminals, the ban targets law-abiding firearms owners.'
Another test run conference of a new global pandemic sponsored by Bill Gates and the usual suspects—is there anything to fear or are the globalist plotting new world events? A New Zealand child is forcibly removed from his parents who want the child to receive unvaxxxed blood, but will the outcry be enough to retract government overreach? Authorities in Brazil face a full-blown revolt over alleged election fraud—who is in the right and which side will ultimately win? In the US, pro-abortion forces in the federal government continue their crack down on pro-lifers, yet if the last 50 years are […]
Join John-Henry, Liz, and Fr. Altman on this week's episode of Faith & Reason, where they discuss Bill Gates' test run conference of a new global pandemic, the emerging revolt against Brazilian authorities over alleged election fraud, and so much more.
Green Party financial expert Gerhard Schick said the cash limit is 'an absolute sham' and it does 'not help in the slightest' to 'cut off terrorists' means of subsistence or arms deals.'
Queensland Minister for Police Mark Ryan recited the well-known Catholic prayer to St. Michael on television Monday, December 12, praying for two police officers killed in the line of duty.
Bishop Daniel Thomas said that 'using funds allocated for COVID recovery to enable the taking of innocent lives and the harming of mothers and their children is both unjust and immoral.'
‘You can't argue that child sacrifice is part of your religion and claim for an exemption,' said lawyer Peter Breen in response to a ruling against Indiana's pro-life law.
An expected ballot initiative in Ohio 'will be extreme and likely have zero limits or restrictions on abortion, allowing for abortion up to 9 months of pregnancy,' said Created Equal president Mark Harrington.
'It’s not surprising that a murderous institution like Planned Parenthood would conspire with the state to silence and intimidate pro-life actions,' arrestee says.
His arrest and trial have drawn international attention and prompted the United States, the European Parliament, and religious liberty watchdogs to issue statements condemning Beijing’s actions.
A Pro-LGBT Catholic school in Ontario suspended 16-year-old Josh Alexander — and is now considering his expulsion — after Josh staged a school-wide protest against transgender ideology. Josh rallied support for a school-wide walkout in open defiance against the Catholic administration that is pro-LGBT. Students like Josh must be supported as administrations at every level attempt to censor and silence pro-life and pro-family voices — even within Catholic institutions. Expose the corruption by tuning in now! FIGHT FOR THE CULTURE OF LIFE ASAP! www.give.lifesitenews.com/sustainlife?utm_source=Rumble_Josh_Alexander121522
Kilo Delta LLC 'has suffered great financial loss and lost business opportunity; been forced to suffer in its reputation and endure humiliation within their business and social circles; [and] been required to endure great mental anguish.'
The subpoenas are connected to a lawsuit involving the state’s Medicaid ban on so called ‘sex-change’ treatments, in which the organizations sought to file an amicus brief.
Trans activists constantly bombard us with deceitful emotional blackmail, claiming that refusing hormone therapy and sex change surgeries to minors will cause suicides. But what of the detransitioners?
With a budget of more than $127 million and a staff of 475, the American Academy of Pediatrics functions as a corporate and government mouthpiece that touts the wares of drug, vaccine and formula manufacturers.
Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer argued that the 'malinformation' his office had come across included '[a]buse of Arizona’s permissive public records process.'
‘Such a liturgical celebration no longer makes sense in view of the parliamentary behavior of the vast majority of our state parliamentarians in an essential matter of Christian ethics’
DeSantis announced a three-pronged plan to 'hold the medical establishment accountable,' including an investigation of vaccine-induced cardiac-related deaths, and an independent health guidance committee.
The province's 'Sovereignty Act' legislation is facing leftist pushback from the opposition NDP under former premier Rachel Notley as well as the country's prime minister.
Problems with fertility are on the rise, but the answer is not In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Join John-Henry Westen as discusses with Dr. Marie Meaney, author of the new book “When Expecting Doesn’t Happen, Turning Infertility into a Journey of Hope,” which includes the dos and don’ts of speaking with married couples grieving with the hardship of infertility and how the IVF industry exploits the miracle of life. FIGHT FOR THE CULTURE OF LIFE ASAP! www.give.lifesitenews.com/sustainlife?utm_source=Rumble_Marie_Meaney_121422
Dr. Marie Meaney insists that we're not doing any favors to married couples struggling with infertility by offering them in-vitro fertilization (IVF) as an option.
Sources confirm the 'real possibility' that Bishop Heiner Wilmer, a supporter of the German Synodal Path, will become the new Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.
'This is another instance of the Biden administration ignoring the law, and, in this instance, forcing health care workers at VA facilities to violate their consciences.'
The study authors wrote that '[w]hen vaccine mandates are unethical, individuals may have an ethical duty to oppose them, in part to tolerance and prevent further bureaucratic encroachment and disenfranchisement of individuals with reasoned arguments against such mandates.'
On this week's episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon is joined by John DiGirolamo to discuss how predators use social media to exploit kids and teenagers, how kids subvert parental controls on devices like smartphones and tablets, and what parents can actually do to protect their kids.
On this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon is joined by John DiGirolamo to discuss how predators use social media to exploit kids and teenagers, how kids subvert parental controls on devices like smartphones and tablets, and what parents can actually do to protect their kids. Check out DiGirolamo’s work, including his new book It’s Not About the Predator, by clicking here.
In today’s episode, and on this Ember Wednesday of the Advent season, Mother Miriam explains the history of Ember Days and how they afford an opportunity for Catholics to fast and abstain.
The Christmas spirit is something we are all feeling and really needing at this time every year. It’s a great respite from the worrisome developments that we frequently report on.
Speaking about people who disagree with transgender surgeries happening to innocent children he said: 'Racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, they’re all connected.'
The Dutch government said it plans to purchase and forcibly shut down up to 3,000 farms it deems 'peak polluters' in order to cut ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions, but critics question the government’s motives.
'I was not willing to scandalize the children in front of me in the classroom,' Dan Penna told LifeSiteNews. 'When they asked legitimate questions, I told them what the Bible says and what the Catechism says.'
Lawyer and former board member of the closed Carmel in Philadelphia Brody Hale speaks out in an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews’ Jim Hale, providing new information on Carmel’s seizure that suggests a ‘money grab’ is underway by dark forces within the Church. FIGHT FOR THE CULTURE OF LIFE ASAP! www.give.lifesitenews.com/sustainlife?utm_source=Rumble_Money_Grab_121322
CBC reports in 2017 were a precursor of what has come to pass in the country with a rapid increase in assisted deaths, Delta Hospice Society president Angelina Ireland pointed out.
Tonight on The John-Henry Westen Show, lay theologian Xavier Ayral explains why the prophecies signify the end of an era, not the end times themselves.
The petition calls for a new trial on the grounds of interpretation and implementation errors regarding the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act and the Fifth Amendment.
Lay theologian Xavier Reyes-Ayral explains God’s warning, chastisement, and three days of darkness as foretold in prophecies and gives reasons for why he thinks 2024 might be the year it occurs. FIGHT FOR THE CULTURE OF LIFE ASAP! www.give.lifesitenews.com/sustainlife?utm_source=Rumble_Xavier_Ayral_121322
No one in their right mind would have thought just a few decades ago that a complex mammalian creature could be gestated in plastic bags, but here we are.
Kiersten Hening lost playing time and eventually left the women's team at Virginia Tech University after feeling pressure for holding conservative views.
Privacy experts had warned that QR-code vaccine passport systems were vulnerable to attacks, and opened the doors for the mass surveillance of society.
The grooming of Republican politicians has been going on for a very long time, targeting weak, vulnerable GOP males who ultimately choose to transition from conservative men to males of ambiguous political and moral character.
The experts were previously banned from the platform for speaking out against the mainstream COVID narrative and highlighting the dangers of the COVID injections.
Dying with Dignity is one of the most dangerous organizations in the country, working daily to exploit the compassion and empathy of parliamentarians and the public to persuade them that suicide is the answer to virtually any form of suffering.
The Devil’s plan to destroy marriage and the family just hit a new stumbling block: Fr. Robert Altier’s new book “God’s Plan for Your Marriage.” Tune in now as Fr. Altier joins John-Henry Westen to explain how he was inspired to pen this text and the essential understandings needed for both salvation and a happy marriage. CLICK HERE TO INVEST IN LIFESITE’S PRECIOUS METALS PARTNERSHIP: https://stjosephpartners.com/lifesitenews
We have a great priest, Father Robert Altier, with us on tonight's episode of The John-Henry Westen Show. He's just written a book called 'God's Plan for Your Marriage.'
The California legislator told Fox News that the 51 intel agents who signed a letter that said the Hunter Biden information was all wrong, was Russia collusion, many of them have a security clearance.
On this episode of the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother Miriam reflects on the current political situation in Brazil and calling for prayers to Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of Guadalupe against the evil of the incoming administration of Lula da Silva.
'The institutional centers of American life — the media, the tech companies, federal law enforcement — are not fully committed to protecting the people in charge at all costs. They are rotten to the core. And the way they dealt with the Hunter Biden laptop story proves it.'
Southwest Airlines and the Transportation Workers Union of America were ordered to pay Charlene Carter 'the maximum amount of compensatory and punitive damages permitted under federal law, plus back-pay.'
The great desire for the second advent of Christ inculcated in us by the Church’s liturgy should detach us from our worldly city, and direct our hearts towards the true city, the City of God.
Twitter's former head of Trust and Safety, Yoel Roth, argued in favor of teens being on the lewd homosexual app in his Ph.D. thesis. Roth, who is a homosexual, played a key role in the censorship of conservative voices on Twitter.
The targeted Ukrainian Orthodox Church severed its ties with the Patriarchate of Moscow in May issuing a statement condemning the Russian invasion and the support given it by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow.
Republican homosexuals worked quietly behind the scenes to persuade senators to betray the GOP's conservative base and back the 'Respect for Marriage Act.'
I think a lot of us have been in a situation where we can't find something we need or are basically turned away several times before someone reaches out and offers us help.
'I am truly disturbed at this ploy to turn against our Catholic faith, Holy Mother Church, and ultimately Christ Himself,' writes Father Tyler Johnson.
These attacks, hitherto prohibited, constitute a serious provocation to the Russians and can be understood as a deliberate attempt to escalate the war in a measure which may lead to open conflict between Russia and NATO.
As the weight of evidence that the vaccines can kill, suddenly and silently – even weeks and months after administration – accumulates, the blanket denials that they are playing any role in the global trend of excess deaths ring increasingly hollow.
Canadian Jesuit Cardinal Michael Czerny spoke at a December 2 book launch at the John Paul II Institute for Family and Marriage for Fr. Tomáš Halík’s 'The Afternoon of Christianity: The Courage to Change'.
Monsignor Livio Melina warned that the Pontifical Academy for Life is promoting 'a real questioning of the entirety of sexual morality and the morality of life, which the Catholic Church has taught so far.'
At first glance, the 'food is medicine' revolution suggests the government is finally realizing the importance of nutrition, but it's really just a smoke screen.
Starting today, The Bishop Strickland Show will now be released every Sunday at 10:00 AM ET on LifeSiteNews. On this week’s episode, Bishop Joseph Strickland encourages the faithful to be inspired by the lives of the saints and imitate their willingness to sacrifice for others and evangelize.
The Religious Sisters of Mercy, the Catholic Benefits Association, and other Catholic entities had sued in the face of the Biden administration’s threat of 'multimillion-dollar penalties' for alleged 'discrimination' on the basis of 'sex.'
There are grave concerns now that we might be facing a far larger wave of COVID jab injuries and deaths in the future because of their still unknown long-term effects and the possibility that the toxic spike proteins generated by them may last much longer in the body than we are being told.
John-Henry Westen and Fr. James Altman discuss the weakening of traditional western morality, globalist efforts to implement a police state, and how these initiatives serve the ultimate godless agenda of ‘Big Brother’ — total identity control. CLICK HERE TO INVEST IN LIFESITE’S PRECIOUS METALS PARTNERSHIP: https://stjosephpartners.com/lifesitenews
'Instead, use the term abortion later in pregnancy if a general term is needed, but be aware that there are varying definitions of the time period involved,' the journalists' guidebook suggests in deference to pro-abortion rhetoric.
The House’s decision to scrap the military jab mandate has been celebrated as a crucial GOP win, but it doesn’t go nearly as far as many conservatives had hoped.
'For our healthy children and the majority of our war fighters. The data show that the risk for myocarditis is greater than the benefit of the vaccine products. As a physician who is bound to do no harm, my opinion is that we should not mandate harm.'
'Today, we had enough of it and I called them out for lying, which they did lie. And I will say it again out here, they lied today in the House of Commons.'
On today’s episode, Mother Miriam shares excerpts from a book entitled Spiritual Steps to Christmas by Rev. Mons. Aloysius Coogan S.J. and how Mary as the Mother of the Savior Jesus Christ is a model of authentic womanhood.
'It took us a year and a half of legal battles to get [this data], two lawsuits in federal court, only when they had no other choice did they finally reveal it.'
In a Wednesday roundtable discussion hosted by US Sen. Ron Johnson, Dr. Janci Lindsay said ‘there is no way that we can say at this point that [the shots] are safe nor effective.’
The St. Boniface Institute's Alexander Tschugguel also sent a video message to the people in Brazil, saying that 'you who are fighting to save your country from a communist takeover are not alone.'
J.W. was charged with interfering with the lawful use and enjoyment of property of downtown Ottawa residents, failure to obey a court order, and obstruction of justice for failing to identify himself to police.
For many Britons, the cultural Christianity of their youth—in which they were obviously not inculcated in the doctrines of Christianity—was simply too feeble to withstand the slightest bit of pushback.
Those ‘under the age of 50 who took the vaccine now have a 49% higher mortality rate,’ and individuals who received just one dose of the shots, ‘have an approximately 145% worse mortality rate,' said analyst Josh Stirling. ‘That ends up being something like 600,000 excess deaths per year in the United States.’
BREAKING: Vatican enforcers arrived and changed the locks on a historic Philadelphia Carmelite convent, seizing control and locking the doors to the faithful. CLICK HERE TO INVEST IN LIFESITE’S PRECIOUS METALS PARTNERSHIP: https://stjosephpartners.com/lifesitenews
The day before Thanksgiving two nuns, a lawyer, and a locksmith showed up at the monastery and had the locks changed so that the caretaker could not enter the chapel and the remaining monastery anymore.
LifeSiteNews journalist Stephen Kokx exposes the double standards of the ‘woke’ LGBT mob in pushing the “rainbow agenda” at the World Cup in Qatar. CLICK HERE TO INVEST IN LIFESITE’S PRECIOUS METALS PARTNERSHIP: https://stjosephpartners.com/lifesitenews
The pressure Western outlets are putting on Qatar for its opposition to same-sex 'marriage' and transgenderism is nothing more than hypocritical, geopolitical virtue signaling.
By ensuring that this amendment was added, it is not likely that it will be accepted once sent back to the House, as it is pretty clear that the legal opinion is that it would not stand up to scrutiny for privacy reasons.
One of Peterson’s lawyers said there is 'zero merit' to Wilfrid Laurier University's motion and that the school is using it as a 'maneuver to intimidate him and try to get him to drop his lawsuit.'
‘If they had left me with the baby, I would have wanted it,' one of the women said, explaining that though her baby was conceived in rape, ‘that child had done nothing wrong.’
The fact that those who die suddenly after vaccination may have died from the hidden effects of the COVID jab on their heart is thus now firmly established in the medical literature.
As an increasing number of desperate Canadians opt for lethal injections because they cannot obtain the assistance and the resources they need to live day to day, we should seek opportunities to help where we can.
The defense had planned to argue that the women about to undergo abortions had never been given information on the grave psychological consequences of abortion.
The EU maintains that there are issues with the rule of law in Hungary which must be addressed, objections which arose following long standing criticism of the pro-family and anti-illegal migration polices pursued by Fidesz, Hungary’s ruling party.
Thousands of farmers are under threat since a court ruling elicited by environmentalist groups led the government to impose harsh measures not only on the agricultural sector but on construction and large industries.
Knowledge is power, and numbers acting together can also be powerful, but in the sense of being powerful to do good and to bring about justice and resist evildoers.
The solemn proclamation of the Immaculate Conception in 1854 was not the invention of some new teaching, but a reflection of the Catholic Church's constant devotion to Mary.
Euthanasia is on the rise in Canada, claiming the lives of mothers, fathers, and children — even with preventable and curable diseases like depression. “Medical Assistance in Dying,” or MAiD, must be stopped. CLICK HERE TO INVEST IN LIFESITE’S PRECIOUS METALS PARTNERSHIP: https://stjosephpartners.com/lifesitenews
On tonight's episode of The John-Henry Westen Show, I sit down with Alex Schadenberg, executive director and international chair of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition.
‘In light of concerns about Baker’s possible role in suppression of information important to the public dialogue, he was exited from Twitter today,’ Elon Musk said.
“If they sit there and sign their names to this sham certification, history will never forgive them,” Kari Lake said of the Arizona officials charged with signing off on the state's gubernatorial election.
Glenn Jeffries says he's focused on growing the Mountain State's population by attracting business, though he has a liberal record on abortion and other issues.
Smith said her government has secured airplanes to fly in the product once it's ready, but that won’t happen until it is approved by federal authorities.
'We believe that throughout this ordeal LCPS [Loudon County Public Schools] administrators were looking out for their own interests instead of the best interests of LCPS,” the report states.
On this week's episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon sits down with Vince Byfield, son of the late Canadian journalist Ted Byfield, for a discussion on his father's legacy in conservative politics, the culture war, and Christian education.
On this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon sits down with Vince Byfield, son of the late Canadian journalist Ted Byfield, for a discussion on his father’s legacy in conservative politics, the culture war, and Christian education. Buy Jonathon’s new biography of Ted Byfield here.
'There is a critical need for people to be able to use digital solutions to prove they are who they say they are,' a spokesman for Britain's Department of International Trade said.
If not for LifeSiteNews, you might never hear about most of the heroes the mainstream media are not interested in, and usually despise and want to destroy.
‘[M]y spirit has heard God’s voice and right now, while tears flood my eyes, I declare publicly that I forgive this man!' Texas grandfather Mark Strand wrote. ‘Hate will not win.’
Due to its continued and devastating societal impacts, emergency room Doctor Scott French — an expert witness in multiple medical malpractice lawsuits — flatly states that Dr. Fauci’s version of medicine has been “good at killing people.” CLICK HERE TO INVEST IN LIFESITE’S PRECIOUS METALS PARTNERSHIP: https://stjosephpartners.com/lifesitenews
On today’s episode, Mother Miriam reminds us that Thursday is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, a holy day of obligation, and shares how to pray the “Hour of Grace” to obtain special graces through the Blessed Virgin Mary.
To take action against the ineffectiveness of school authorities, Josh Alexander decided to organize a walkout in support of the right of girls to access their washrooms without the intrusion of biological males.
'I already noticed that this increase in fetal demises was happening, but no one was really saying anything about them,' recalled Michelle Gershman, RN.
A federal appeals court on Tuesday unanimously upheld an injunction prohibiting the U.S. Air Force from punishing or terminating service members with religious objections to the COVID-19 vaccine. The ruling comes amid growing opposition to the military’s vaccine mandate by legislators.
The pontiff's new motu proprio will reportedly bring the Vatican finances into line with suggestions made in 2021 by the Council of Europe’s Moneyval committee.
California’s 4th District Court of Appeal last week upheld a decision by a lower state court, which found school districts cannot impose vaccine mandates of their own — on top of the vaccines required by the state — as a precondition for classroom attendance.
The Bishop of Tyler, Texas reacted to Clinton’s recent statement linking the pro-life movement in America to the Ayatollah regime in Iran, the Taliban, and Russian soldiers who rape women in Ukraine.
Attorneys for Children's Health Defense on Thursday sued California Attorney General Rob Bonta and the Osteopathic Medical Board of California over California’s new law that subjects the state’s doctors to discipline for sharing “misinformation” or “disinformation” about COVID-19 with their patients.
Del Grande is in trouble for opposing gender ideology in Catholic schools, and, amazingly, one of the judges was demanding that Del Grande refer to him using a transgender pronoun of 'Mx' instead of 'Mr.'
Msgr. Stephen Rossetti’s condemnation of pornography stands in contrast to a German priest’s high praise of the material for those who are married as well as for priests and religious.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York raised concerns that the passage of the Act 'will be used to argue that the government has a compelling interest in forcing religious organizations and individuals to treat same-sex civil marriages as valid.'
The government needs to overturn this legislation before suicide becomes a state-sanctioned solution for thousands of miserable teenagers and desperate adults, most of whom languish without access to the psychiatric care they need.
Two of the charities have so far confirmed to LifeSite that they've cut ties because the group's stance contradicts their Catholic views. The author of the investigative report has called on all Catholic charities to publicly denounce the group as well.
On this episode of The John-Henry Westen Show, Dr. Peter Chojnowski explains how forensic analysis and anecdotal evidence show that an imposter Sister Lucia dos Santos replaced the original Fatima seer.
A new compilation of forensic analysis and anecdotal evidence now being exposed suggest that the original Sr. Lucy of Fatima was replaced by a double — that is to say an imposter — by the Shadow Church. CLICK HERE TO INVEST IN LIFESITE’S PRECIOUS METALS PARTNERSHIP: https://stjosephpartners.com/lifesitenews
Authentically Christ-like outreach to homosexuals and gender-confused people requires stating what sin is and recognizing the healing power of God's grace.
Pastor Phillip James Hutchings had been 'charged with obstruction and breaching public health orders for holding church services without ensuring that all participants were vaccinated against COVID-19,' but it was determined the public health orders were inconsistent with fundamental freedoms and privacy rights.
Legal expert David Lindsay added in the interview that 'you have the liberty, you have the freedom to [protest] … protesting isn’t simply about expressing your opposition to what the government is doing, protesting involves education of others.'
Australia is not yet at the point of having a Chinese-style social credit system, but the appetite for greater control of the citizenry is clearly there.
Fr. Marko Ivan Rupnik is alleged to have committed psychological and sexual abuse of religious sisters. Pope Francis is reported to have instantly pardoned Rupnik for an automatically incurred excommunication.
'We are headed towards tragedy if AG Merrick Garland continues to refuse to act to protect peaceful pro-lifers from pro-abortion terrorist groups,' tweeted Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins.
'To be able pray and venerate Jesus on the very ground where our laws are passed is what we want to witness on behalf of all Roman Catholics in the State of Michigan.'
Is this what we want in the West? Is this what you want for your children and your grandchildren? If not, you need to participate in the movement to prevent it, and that starts with making changes in your own life to starve the beast of your personal data and educating your family and friends about this necessity.
'Premature babies are a persistent challenge to supporters of abortion because the humanity of each of these babies is on clear display,' Right To Life UK spokeswoman Catherine Robinson said.
The forces of freedom across the world are fighting back against the ‘Great Reset’ agenda, the globalists, and the agents of tyranny. CLICK HERE TO INVEST IN LIFESITE’S PRECIOUS METALS PARTNERSHIP: https://stjosephpartners.com/lifesitenews
Affirmation of gender confusion leads children to become 'the modern orphans of society,' who are 'experimented upon' by 'adults who really do not have the best interests of young people at heart,' said Bishop Thomas Daly.
Rep. Chip Roy has urged House Republicans to vote 'no' on the bill and encouraged voters to keep track of Republicans who support it. A vote in the House is expected as early as Tuesday.
Fr. Alan said Priests for Life is asking pro-lifers throughout the country for prayers and penance on Dec. 3, to make reparation for the sin of abortion, to honor this particular child who was so publicly dishonored, and to implore God’s mercy for the conversion of those who killed her.
FBI guidelines allow employees to commit 'otherwise illegal activity' and approve operations with 'a significant risk of violence or personal injury to individuals.'
'By 2020, requests from connected actors to delete tweets were routine. One executive would write to another: 'More to review from the Biden team.' The reply would come back: 'Handled.''
Sam Brinton, an LGBT activist and deputy assistant secretary of the Office of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition, was charged with stealing a woman’s suitcase from an airport.
It’s unclear how moves to protect preborn babies from dismemberment and murder are similar to reported brutal sexual assaults by Russian soldiers, or Middle Eastern governments’ draconian prohibitions on women working outside the home, attaining an education, or going outside without a head covering.