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Pope Francis during a general audience in March 2024L'Osservatore Romano/Facebook

(LifeSiteNews) — The following is an open letter by Father Jesusmary Missigbètò. His previous writings can be viewed here.


concerning the truth about Pope Francis and his moral and doctrinal errors Part 5; 24 March 2024; Palm Sunday

Dear faithful Catholics throughout the world,

Today the Church enters the special time of Holy Week. At the end of this time, the victory of the Risen Christ over death, the victory of Light over darkness, and the victory of Truth over error and lies will break forth. But before that, it is worth considering Holy Week as the week of betrayal, because it shows how Judas, one of the Twelve Apostles, betrayed and sold Jesus, his Master. It is sad to write the following lines because they draw a parallel between the action of Judas Iscariot in relation to Jesus and that of Pope Francis in relation to the Truth (Jesus). Unfortunately, the facts are objective and show how Francis is playing the role of Judas by sacrificing the traditional truths that the Church received from Jesus, and how he is also playing the role of Martin Luther and the devil.

1. Pope Francis is a new Judas

On August 29, 2008, Our Lady of Anguera said: “He who could be Peter will become Judas. He will open doors to enemies and make men and women of faith suffer” (3.046). She is clearly talking about a pope who will betray the Church by installing people who are contrary to its traditional teaching. In addition, this pope will mistreat the faithful of the Church who wish to preserve the traditional Christian faith. Can we not see this today with Pope Francis? In the new statutes of the Pontifical Academy for Life, which he published on October 18, 2016, he removed the declaration by which members committed themselves to defending life in accordance with the teaching of the Church. After dismissing people considered “traditionalists” from the Pontifical Academy for Life (2017) and the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family (2019), he appointed people who reject the Church’s teaching [1]: Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia (homosexuality, euthanasia, in vitro fertilization); Maurizio Chiodi (homosexuality, contraception, in vitro fertilization); Philippe Bordeyne, Marie-Jo Thiel (homosexuality, contraception); Alain Thomasset (homosexuality); Nigel Biggar, Roberto Dell’Oro, Fishel Fernando Szlajen, Avraham Steinberg, Mariana Mazzucato (abortion); Gilfredo Marengo, Miguel Yáñez (contraception); Katarina Le Blanc (in vitro fertilization); etc.

READ: Pope Francis guts Vatican pro-life academy of members chosen by St. John Paul II

On the other hand, Francis has also appointed and created various heretical bishops and cardinals (Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, S.J.; Cardinal Robert McElroy; Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández; Bishop John Stowe; etc.) and has been complacent towards others (Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, several German bishops, etc.) who have committed serious faults. He has thus rejected canons 276§1 [2] , 351§1 [3] and 378§1 [4], which insist on the importance of choosing and appointing people who are exemplary in human and supernatural virtues, i.e. models of holiness, piety, apostolic zeal, and fidelity to Christian doctrine.

In reality, this ecclesial custom is not a pontifical caprice but rather obeys a clear desire of Jesus Christ, Founder of the Church, who wanted the holy treasure of graces that he entrusted to His Church, in the Sacraments, to be administered by holy stewards or at least stewards who desire to be holy and strive to acquire holiness [5]. Jesus Christ recalled this desire to St. Catherine of Siena, who wrote it to the apostolic nuncio Gérard du Puy, a relative of Pope Gregory XI: “When the time comes to choose pastors and cardinals… pray him as far as possible to stop only at the virtue and good and holy reputation of persons… virtue is the only thing that makes a man noble and pleasing to God” [6].

2. Pope Francis is a new Martin Luther

First of all, we should note a surprising fact: Pope Francis’ great sympathy for Martin Luther (1483-1546). Incredible but true: on two occasions, Francis has joyfully received and honored the statue of Luther in the Vatican (October 13, 2016 and October 25, 2021). Why is this surprising? Because Luther was officially recognized as a heretic by the Church [7] and died without rectification. Is it normal for a pope to honor a person who publicly and strongly contradicted the teaching of the Church and did not change his attitude until his death? If we remember the adage that “birds of a feather flock together,” then we understand the situation better.

READ: Vatican announces stamp of Martin Luther on 500th anniversary of Reformation

Indeed, Francis’ closeness to Luther is not only in sympathy but also in fact, since he follows the same path as Luther by contradicting the teaching of the Church. The difference between Francis and Luther is that Francis’ contradiction is subtle and goes unnoticed by many faithful Christians. In reality, it is hidden behind a preaching of mercy that discreetly sidesteps the need for conversion by using relativism and situation ethics. Like the heretic Martin Luther, Francis is creating several schisms in the Church: internal schisms (in the hearts of Christians who internally separate themselves from the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church) and external schisms (through Christians who leave the Catholic Church when they see the moral and doctrinal errors that Francis has the Church’s pastors teach). The promotion of error is therefore a powerful cause of schism, because error divides while truth unites.

Like the heretic Martin Luther, Francis is creating several schisms in the Church.

Two attitudes of Pope Francis reinforce these schisms: his obstinacy in error and his injustice towards “traditionalists.” These two attitudes allow Francis’ moral and doctrinal errors to spread over a long period of time and break down the resistance of those opposed to his errors. It is therefore a dictatorship in all but name. Luther was obstinate in his errors, Francis too. The fact that since 2016 Francis has refused to correct his errors and the fact that these errors are being taught in seminaries all over the world is not at all good for the Church, because Christians who have been deceived into accepting these errors will assimilate them more deeply and will find it harder to separate themselves from them. These errors will shape their thoughts and actions and will gradually distance them from the perfect fulfillment of God’s will and later from the Church. The impact in the short, medium, and long term is therefore necessarily negative.

Let us take an example: Amoris laetitia. On March 19, 2016, Pope Francis spoke of “remarried” divorced persons in these terms: “in such situations, many people, knowing and accepting the possibility of living ‘as brothers and sisters’ which the Church offers them, point out that if certain expressions of intimacy are lacking, ‘it often happens that faithfulness is endangered and the good of the children suffers’” [8]. What do we have here if not a pope who excuses the sins of adultery and fornication on the basis of “fidelity” and “the good of children”? This is a situational ethic, since Francis proposes to justify sin by arbitrarily placing secondary elements above the higher good that is the virtue of chastity, the object of the Sixth and Ninth Commandments given by the Lord.

READ: Pope Francis defends homosexual civil unions for people ‘who live the gift of love’

Luther disliked tradition, Francis too. Hence the Argentine pope’s injustice to the “traditionalists.” In the liturgical sphere, this injustice is marked by Francis’ desire to do away with the traditional Mass in favor of the modern Mass, through his motu propio Traditionis custodes (July 16, 2021). Why is this an injustice? The reason is simple: No Apostle received from Jesus the modern Mass exactly as it is celebrated today. In fact, the Twelve Apostles received from Jesus the main nucleus constituted by the Eucharistic prayer of consecration, by which the bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of Jesus, together with the preparation constituted by the listening to and explanation of the Word of God. Scattered throughout the Roman Empire, these Apostles created a beautiful and magnificent variety of Eastern and Western liturgical traditions. If in the East several liturgical traditions coexist peacefully, this is also possible in the West. It was this magnificent liturgical peace between the pre-Vatican II rite and the post-Vatican II rite that Pope Benedict XVI achieved with his motu propio Summorum Pontificum (July 7, 2007).

In the moral and doctrinal sphere, Pope Francis’ injustice affects those who publicly oppose his innovations (Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke; Bishop Joseph Strickland; Fr. Tullio Rotondo; John Rist; Josef Seifert; the three Scottish hermits: Stephen de Kerdrel, Colette Roberts, and Damon Kelly; etc.). Yet at the same time, he concedes impunity to those who publicly contradict the traditional teaching of the Church (Cardinal Walter Kasper; Cardinal Coccopalmerio; Cardinal Christoph Schönborn; Cardinal Peter Turkson; Fr. James Martin, S.J.; etc.). For example, in June 2017, according to several reliable sources, the police caught Coccopalmerio in flagrante delicto for taking part in a homosexual party (with drug use) organized in a Vatican flat. This cardinal remained a friend of Pope Francis and received no sanction. However, on November 20, 2023, according to several reliable sources, Pope Francis said: “Cardinal Burke is my enemy, so I am taking away his flat and salary.” The enmity stems from the fact that Cardinal Burke has on many occasions publicly criticized Francis’ moral and doctrinal errors.

READ: Priest to Pope Francis: ‘You are hurting my parish’ by promoting homosexuality

3. Pope Francis is a new devil

There is no doubt that the previous sentence is shocking, but we have to leave emotions aside and analyze Francis’ errors scientifically to understand that this sentence is perfectly justified. Before this analysis, let us listen to two messages from Our Lady of Anguera that will certainly petrify those who do not know them: “Humanity will be surprised by the presentation of a man who appears to be good, and he will seduce many by his deceptions, for his actions come from the evil one. Many will see in him a savior and he will succeed in gathering around him a great number of people” (2.822, April 10, 2007); “Pray for the Church. Many consecrated persons will be contaminated. They will deny the dogmas and turn away from the truth. A man will arise, apparently full of virtues, but in truth he will be an envoy of the devil. He will deceive many people with his doctrine, but he will find a great barrier in the strength and faithfulness of my devotees and my chosen ones” (3.202, August 18, 2009).

To better understand why some analysts apply these two messages to Pope Francis, it is necessary to have read the other messages presented last week in the fourth part of this open letter, because all these messages form a unity. Is it possible that it was Satan himself, “liar and the father of lies” [9], who inspired Francis to commit his moral and doctrinal errors that attack the family and marriage? This is not impossible, since we recall the words of Sister Lucia of Fatima to Cardinal Carlo Caffarra: “the final battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan will be over the family and over marriage” [10]. If the above is only a hypothesis, what follows is absolutely certain: Francis is currently playing the role of the devil with his errors that attack marriage, the family, and the Sacraments. Indeed, as St. Catherine of Siena said, “the demon strives to remove us from the truth” [11]. This is what he did with Adam and Eve in Eden: to lead them away from the fulfilment of God’s will. This is also what Pope Francis is doing with Christians since 2016, by promoting his moral and doctrinal errors.

READ: Renowned Catholic philosopher warns Pope Francis is ‘destroying the foundations of faith and morals’

Is it not diabolical to contradict God [12] by telling Christians that “the commitment to live in continence [chastity]” is an “option” (September 5, 2016), and thereby diminishing the force of the Sixth and Ninth Commandments? Is it not diabolical to contradict God [13] by telling Christians that a fertile woman who has sexual relations can have a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) when the condition of the uterus poses no present or future danger to her health and when a group of medical experts certify that all her children will die before birth (December 10, 2018), thus promoting the Catholic Church’s first anti-natalist measure? Is it not diabolical to contradict God [14] by telling Christians that “one is not born a saint, one becomes one, and this also applies” to “Our Lady” (December 21, 2018), thus rejecting the Blessed Virgin Mary’s original holiness? Is it not diabolical to contradict God [15] by telling humanity that “the pluralism and the diversity of religions… are a wise divine will” (February 4, 2019), thus attributing to God’s positive will the existence of religions that practice evil or sin such as, for example, idolatry, human sacrifice, and prostitution? Is it not diabolical to contradict God [16] by telling humanity that “what we have to do is a civil coexistence law” for homosexual relationships (October 21, 2020), thus opposing St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI who taught that all Christians must show their “absolute personal opposition” to this type of law otherwise they are committing a “gravely immoral” [17] act? Is it not diabolical to contradict God [18] by telling Christians that all publicly pro-abortion Catholic politicians can receive the Holy Eucharist without the need for them to reject their commitment to abortion (September 15, 2021), thus opposing Christian Tradition and the Code of Canon Law, which clearly prohibit such a practice [19]? Is it not diabolical to contradict God [20] by asking priests to perform “blessings for couples in irregular situations and for couples of the same sex” (December 18, 2023), thus desecrating the Christian blessing by the invocation of the Holy Name of God on “couples” whose basis is adultery, fornication, or sodomy?

Finally, the notorious refusal of rectification on the part of Pope Francis obliges us to remember the following words of the saints: St. Augustine of Hippo: “humanum fuit errare, diabolicum est per animositatem in errore manere” [21] (it was human to sin, it is diabolical to remain in error out of animosity); St. Bede the Venerable: “humanum est peccare, diabolicum vero est perseverare” [22] (it is human to sin, but diabolical to persevere in it); St. Peter Damian: “peccare quippe humanum est, peccatum vero defendere diabolicum est” [23] (it is obviously human to sin, but to defend sin is truly diabolical); St. Bernard of Clairvaux: “non humanum tamen, sed diabolicum est in malo perseverare” [24] (it is however not human, but diabolical to persevere in evil); St. Catherine of Siena: “to sin is a human thing, but to persevere in sin is a demon thing” [25]. Now there is no longer any doubt that the bold assertions made above are effectively true: Pope Francis currently plays the same role as Judas, Martin Luther, and the devil. Next week we will see, in the last part of this long Lenten letter, the reasons why Francis is probably a member of ecclesiastical masonry or is influenced by ecclesiastics who are members.


[1] Cf. my 7th open letter, August 15, 2023
[2] “In leading their lives, clerics are bound in a special way to pursue holiness since, having been consecrated to God by a
new title in the reception of orders, they are dispensers of the mysteries of God in the service of his people.”
[3] “The Roman Pontiff freely selects men to be promoted as cardinals, who have been ordained at least into the order of the presbyterate and are especially outstanding in doctrine, morals, piety, and prudence in action; those who are not yet bishops
must receive episcopal consecration.”
[4] “In regard to the suitability of a candidate for the episcopacy, it is required that he is: 1 outstanding in solid faith, good morals, piety, zeal for souls, wisdom, prudence, and human virtues, and endowed with other qualities which make him suitable to fulfill the office in question; 2 of good reputation; 3 at least thirty-Five years old; 4 ordained to the presbyterate for at least Five years; 5 in possession of a doctorate or at least a licentiate in sacred scripture, theology, or canon law from an institute of higher studies approved by the Apostolic See, or at least truly expert in the same disciplines.”
[5] “Do not give what is holy to dogs, or throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them underfoot, and turn and tear you to pieces.” (Matthew 7:6)
[6] Le Lettere di S. Caterina da Siena, Libro 2, Lettera 109, Casa Editrice Barbèra, 1860
[7] Bull Decet Romanum Pontificem, Pope Leo X, 3 January 1521
[8] Post-synodal apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia, note 329
[9] John 8:44
[10] Voce di Padre Pio, 2008, p. 74
[11] Le Lettere di S. Caterina da Siena, idem, Libro 5, Lettera 317
[12] Cf. Exodus 20:14.17; Matthew 5:8.27-28.31-32; 19:9.18; Mark 10:11-12.19; Luke 16:18; 18:20; Catechism of the Catholic Church 1956, 1958
[13] Cf. Genesis 1:28; 38:9-10; Encyclical Humanae vitae 14, Pope St. Paul VI; Document of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 31 July 1993
[14] Apostolic constitution Ineffabilis Deus on the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 8 December 1854, Blessed Pope Pius IX
[15] Cf. Genesis 1:31; John 14:6; Declaration Dominus Iesus 13, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, August 6, 2000
[16] Cf. Genesis 2:24; 18:20
[17] Document of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, June 3, 2003, 10
[18] Cf. Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 19:10; 1 Corinthians 11:27-29
[19] Cf. Code of Canon Law 915, 916, 1347§2; Summa Theologica III, q.80, a.6, St. Thomas Aquinas [20] Cf. Exodus 20:7
[21] Sermo 164:14; Patrologia Latina 38, 901-902
[22] Proverbiorum Liber; Patrologia Latina 90, 1098C
[23] Sermo 17bis ; Patrologia Latina 144, 599D
[24] Sermo 11:5 ; Patrologia Latina 183, 228A
[25] Le Lettere di S. Caterina da Siena, idem, Libro 5, Lettera 348 (letter written in ecstasy)

