(LifeSiteNews) — British doctors continue to be removed from medical practice for warning patients of the dangers of the so-called mRNA COVID “vaccines.”
In December 2024, consultant psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Armstrong was struck off the medical register following his description of pharmaceutical companies as “evil.”
Armstrong had appeared in a video shared on BitChute in which he described the COVID regime and the attendant “vaccines” as part of a “deception on a grand scale” – saying the injections put people’s lives at risk. In the video, titled Navigating the Truth-Deception Duality, he said:
My message is clear to everyone: don’t take any more. You’ve a doctor here, he’s got his licence on the line – given it up. Don’t take any more of the injections. These guys are evil.
The tribunal which deprived Armstrong of his right to practice medicine concluded he was “highly likely in future to act so as to put patients at unwarranted risk of harm” – as the Daily Mail reported on January 2.
According to the minutes of the tribunal, an anonymous email alerted the General Medical Council to Armstrong’s video – which had been initially released on July 17, 2023.
The tribunal has found that Armstrong’s use of his medical credentials to warn the public of the dangers of the so-called vaccines is a violation of medical ethics, stating the physician had “undermined public health information and posed a serious risk to members of the public who may have placed reliance on his opinions.”
In addition:
The Tribunal found that Dr. Armstrong’s statements in the video about his medical colleagues was an attack on the medical profession as a whole.
Armstrong’s case demonstrates that despite mounting evidence that the “vaccines” are far from “100% safe and effective,” the lives of medical professionals continue to be ruined for saying so.
To say, as Armstrong does, that the public has been deceived is to state the obvious fact that the “vaccines” neither prevented infection nor transmission – as the authorities said they did. What is more, a range of adverse health conditions, including death, have been proven to have resulted from taking the experimental injections, heavily promoted by state-backed media, along with government and medical bodies worldwide.
Armstrong’s remarkable presentation presents the contrast between truth and deception. He argues that mass media has been used to create a sort of false reality, parallel to the truth. This, he says, produces the “duality” in the title of his video. Armstrong is explaining how the “huge agenda” behind the COVID “vaccines” and mandates makes use of mass media propaganda to present an alternate “reality” – in which taking experimental injections makes perfect sense.
He refers to evidence for his claims throughout his presentation, saying he is concerned with demonstrating the reality behind the “mass deception” taking place in service of the COVID regime.
Armstrong is far from alone in making such a bold claim. As LifeSiteNews has reported, British academic Dr. David A. Hughes has published a comprehensive account of the COVID regime – which he says was the opening campaign in an “omniwar” to replace our way of life with a “permanent bio-digital tyranny.”
READ: COVID was just the beginning of a total war against civilization
Hughes took three years to complete the detailed research behind his book, “Covid-19” – Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy, which he has released to readers free of charge.
Hughes has left his academic career as a result of his findings. As with Armstrong, Hughes was faced with a decision to speak the truth and risk his livelihood – or keep silent and “stay safe.”
Such cases demonstrate the cost of integrity in professional life today. Medical practitioners like Armstrong still face ruin if they take seriously their Hippocratic oath to “first, do no harm.” As with Hughes, the loss of a secure and tenured career is the price paid for the publication of the truth, regardless of personal consequence.
These facts explain, in part, why so few professionals have spoken out against a dubious regime of fear, propaganda, and public harm. To remain faithful to the truth, and to serve the public interest rather than that of vested interests, has been shown to be extremely damaging.
Along with heart conditions, blood clots, sudden deaths, the enormous transfer of wealth from working people to billionaires and corporations, and the lasting damage done to small businesses and communities, the COVID-19 regime produced a climate of fear.
This is not only a factor in mass deception – as Armstrong argued – but is a form of psychological warfare, as is evidenced in Hughes’ book.
These operations were not confined to terrorizing the public through propaganda. An organized online campaign of psychological warfare has been directed against COVID regime critics in the U.K.
U.K-based Big Brother Watch published a report in February 2023 showing that British Military Intelligence units had been involved in online “counter-disinformation” operations, targeting critics of the COVID regime:
Big Brother Watch’s investigation identified a number of MPs, journalists, top academics and campaigners whose social media posts had been monitored and logged in secret reports.
The then-U.K. Defence Secretary, Ben Wallace, admitted that the army’s secretive 77th Brigade (intelligence) unit had been covertly spying on British citizens – despite assurances in the past that they “do not, and have never, conducted any kind of action against British citizens” and that “all work is internationally focused.”
Big Brother Watch interviewed a whistleblower from the 77th Brigade whose revelations prompted the admission in Parliament that military intelligence units were monitoring Britons expressing “views critical of the government’s handling of the pandemic.”
The Army Intelligence unit is also linked to an online harassment group known as “The Mutton Crew,” whose activities have been documented in a report by an anonymous journalist known only as “John,” author of a Substack called The Sentiment Inspector.
In a report on the Mutton Crew, “John” documents a history of “the Dark Forces Behind Social Media Manipulation” in Britain reaching back to 2011.
As “John” reports that, “[b]y 2019, they were running thousands of fake social media accounts across platforms like Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, and Reddit.”
John explains that “the crew’s tactics were sophisticated, using well-coordinated campaigns of harassment, misinformation, and threats.”
“They didn’t just attack individuals – they aimed to destroy careers, reputations, and lives.”
In a separate report on the Army’s 77th Brigade, “John” explains his need to maintain anonymity, as he documents his conversations with whistleblowers claiming that the Mutton Crew operate in tandem with British Military Intelligence.
These claims about The Mutton Crew are buttressed by another anonymous source, the U.S.-based medical practitioner ArkMedic – who published a report on the Crew in September 2022 claiming “They are part of the disinformation arm of the British Army.”
“Arkmedic” – who is cited in a recommendation for the Nobel Peace Prize published by France Soir – explained:
Having been a recipient of the treatment that the “Mutton Crew” dish out to people who disagree with them (or with the government’s propaganda on COVID or the COVID vaccines), I can safely attest that the mutton swarm invariably descends on anybody that does not toe the party line.
Given the extent and purpose of their operations, it is possible that the anonymous tipoff received by the British General Medical Council that resulted in the end of Dr. Armstrong’s medical career was sent by a member of the Mutton Crew.
It is a cruel irony that a principled and dutiful doctor such as Armstrong has seen his career ended on a charge of “scaremongering” – for daring to expose a regime based on the manufacture of terror and suffering.
As his case shows, the real danger to the public is not presented by men of integrity such as Armstrong – but by the powers at work in the shadows, determined to destroy the lives of those daring to take seriously their duty to defend humanity from harm.