The Dutch farmers are the canary in the coalmine. They are faced with extermination. Their settled way of life will vanish, taking with it their culture and community.
A Jewish man’s desecration of a statue of Jesus Christ is just the latest in a ‘growing succession of serious acts of hatred and violence against the Christian community in Israel,’ according to local Catholic authorities.
Anna Smajdor's dystopian vision also highlights the horrific practices of organ harvesting, surrogacy, abortion, and 'reproductive medicine' already realities in many places around the world today.
School curriculum publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, which has purchased evaluation firm NWEA, has stated that 'NWEA assessment solutions will be integrated with HMH curriculum,' and HMH materials most certainly promote socialism, homosexuality, transgenderism, anti-Catholic bigotry, and even champion communism and abortion.
‘Congress and U.S. Presidents legalized and funded the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution… through a massive domestic bioterrorism program relabeled as a public health program… on behalf of the World Health Organization and its financial backers,' writes legal researcher Katherine Watt.
It’s clear that the vaccines are still a leading suspect in the question of why so many people have been dying, mainly from heart-related issues, in the last two years.