U.S. citizens: Tell U.S. Senate to reject new ‘anti-terrorism’ bill
(LifeSiteNews) — In a startling appraisal of the regime change operation in Syria, former Trump adviser Colonel Douglas Macgregor returns with a shocking message: Christianity is being erased in its oldest homelands, as terrorists backed by the U.S. and Turkey help to realize the Zionist dream of a “Greater Israel.”
Speaking of the likely extinction of first-century Christianity across the region, Macgregor warned, “I think that’ll be the end the Christian Community in Syria and probably inevitably what’s left of it in Iraq.”
Macgregor said that the Western world has failed to recognize the significance of redrawing the map in the Middle East, which has seen U.S.-backed foreign terrorists overthrow the government of Bashar Al-Assad:
People need to understand that we’re watching something that we have not seen yet in the 21st century, which is a formal partition of a third country by at least two other partners – and that’s Syria.
According to Macgregor, the “partners” behind the partition are Israel, Turkey, and the U.S.
Macgregor claims the operation agrees with a long-standing Zionist vision of expanding the territory of Israel, “We already know that the Israelis have forces on the outskirts of Damascus,” said Macgregor, citing reports of the progress of the Israeli invasion of Syria, before citing evidence for the plan for a “Greater Israel”:
We know from the map that President Netanyahu held up in front of the U.N. showed effectively his Greater Israel plan.
The Greater Israel document includes the lower half of Syria, much of Jordan and reaches all the way over into Egypt as well as most of Lebanon and this is very real now.
The “founder of Zionism,” Theodor Herzl, is said to have dreamed of a Greater Israel – according to a dedication written in the 1982 blueprint for its realization.

Known as the “Yinon Plan” after its author, Oded Yinon, “The Zionist Plan for the Middle East” appears to be materializing, as Macgregor argues. He explains, “Two weeks ago, three weeks ago when things were going very, very badly in Southern Lebanon, as well as in Gaza, people lost sight of this, but this has been cooking for some time.”
READ: Syria’s power vacuum is a major step toward the Zionist dream of a Greater Israel
Macgregor says the U.S. has long been involved in realizing this plan.
“We have ultimately had a great deal to do with organizing this.” As Wikileaks revealed, Jake Sullivan told Hillary Clinton in 2012 that Al Qaeda (“AQ”) – “is on our side in Syria.”
Related to the decades of massive support for Zionist Israel within the White House is the fact that there are perhaps a disproportionately large number of Jews in the White House in high-level positions, as noted in the photo below.
.@SecondGentleman met with Jewish White House staff in celebration of Jewish American Heritage Month.
Our Administration is proud to recognize the Jewish staffers who help carry our nation forward each day and are helping create a more inclusive tomorrow. pic.twitter.com/QxH0rIDC3e
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) May 16, 2023
There is not necessarily anything wrong with this except that we have seen consistently massive support for brutal Zionist expansionist policies coming from the White House for many decades. Even Joe Biden has repeatedly, explicitly stated that he is a Zionist and now Trump is also very pro-Zionist Israel, promising to support Israel’s illegal, violent takeover of the West Bank.
The leader of the so-called “rebels” in Syria is a man who joined Al Qaeda in 2003 and was deputized by the leader of ISIS to create a terrorist group in Syria.
Yet U.S. backing for Al Qaeda/ISIS, and for the Greater Israel plan, is not the only “ambitious” scheme being executed in Syria. Macgregor says Turkey’s Erdogan has expansionist aims, too.
READ: Regime change in Syria: Assad’s rapid fall a victory for Israel and Turkey
“Of course, Mr. Erdogan has made no secret of his Ottoman ambitions,” said Macgregor, recalling the former Islamic empire of the Turks, “he’s got maps floating around on Turkish television that show Greece and Bulgaria as part of Turkey, along with most of the Caucasus parts of northern Iran and most of Syria and most of northern Iraq.”
Macgregor says both Israel and Turkey seek to partition Syria between themselves – with the apparent permission of the U.S..
“These are two states with two leaders right now: Netanyahu and Erdogan, who are determined to realize their dreams and we have simply said go for it.”
Such plans have been floated for decades on both sides, says Macgregor, but now they are coming into being – and risk destabilizing the region and the world with the danger of a wider war:
It’s a very strange situation. It’s something nobody expected to see. We have always listened to people with aspirations and show us maps with new territory but now these aspirations are realities and the realities are dangerous for the entire region and potentially … to the world.
Macgregor notes that Netanyahu is currently being prosecuted for financial and judicial corruption, in a case which also involves major Trump donor Miriam Adelson. Netanyahu has been denounced by two former Israeli prime ministers for his “anti-Israel” actions which have turned the nation into a “dictatorship.”
These connections between the replacement of regional stability with war, the U.S., Israel’s leader, the Israel lobby, and an allegedly corrupt administration destroying the foundations of Israeli democracy, are explained in a segment shown by Napolitano.
In an interview from 2017, former President of Syria Bashar al-Assad says bluntly that President Trump is powerless against the so-called “Deep State” – which he said was the real power in the U.S.
Assad explained that “the problem with the United States is about the whole political system. It is not about one person. Trump’s election has proven again and again that the president is only a performer.”
“He is not the decision-maker; he is part of different lobbies and the deep state or the deep regime as you can call it – who … dictate [to] the president what he should be doing.”
Trump denounced his rival for the 2016 Republican nomination Marco Rubio as “Sheldon Adelson’s perfect little puppet.” Rubio had signaled he would take money from Adelson, leading Trump to remark:
I don’t want anybody’s money. If Sheldon gives to him, he’ll have total control over Rubio and that’s the problem with the way the system works – whoever gives.
I think that’s why I’m leading so much because nobody controls me but the American public. I’m going to do the right thing for the country – not the right thing for the company I represent as a lobbyist or whatever it may be.
Trump then astonishingly went on to accept hundreds of millions of dollars from the Adelsons himself, completely contradicting his criticisms of Rubio.
As Macgregor and Napolitano agreed, Assad’s June 2017 assessment of U.S. Deep State foreign policy appears to be a precise description of events unfolding now.
READ: How Donald Trump was bought by the Adelsons to support their Israel First agenda
Assad said of Trump’s promises, “Trump made a 180º turn in nearly every promise. Why? Because the Deep State wouldn’t allow him to go in in a certain direction.”
“That’s why for me, dealing with him as a person – it could be – but can that person deliver? No. The United States president cannot deliver.”
“The whole state – the deep state – is the only one who can deliver, and this is the problem,” Assad contended.
The former president of Syria also stated that the reason his nation is – and was – targeted for destruction is because he was not a U.S. Deep State “puppet”:
This deep state doesn’t accept partners around the world. They don’t. They only accept puppets. They only accept followers. They only accept proxies.
“We are not any of these,” concluded Assad, which explains why his Syria was starved of money, oil, and wheat by U.S. occupation and sanctions – as Macgregor claims.
Macgregor noted this was done at the behest of Israel and is partnered with a broader U.S. regional policy of “bribing” Arab states:
We’ve done everything we could to support [Assad’s] removal because that of course was the wish of the Israeli government.
Keep in mind right now in Egypt and in Jordan – the other two Arab states that border Israel other than Lebanon – we have what are effectively regarded in the Arab world as puppet governments that are essentially loyal to us.
Why are they “loyal” to the U.S.?
“We buy them,” says Macgregor – who has also said in the past that the Israel lobby has “bought and paid for the U.S. political establishment.”
Meanwhile, Macgregor added, Netanyahu’s “IDF is actually conquering – stealing land – that two weeks ago was part of Syria.”
He notes that Israel has now destroyed all of Syria’s strategic weapons, leaving it defenceless.
[The IDF] launched a furious air campaign over the last 48 to 72 hours to destroy virtually everything that had any military value on the ground in Syria,” he said, before explaining why the Assad regime collapsed so rapidly.
And, of course, Israel has once again, as always, been using massive amounts of U.S.-donated jets, bombs, and other weapons rushed over to Israel. Whatever Israel wants for its expansionist actions and mass killings, it always receives from the United States, even though this war has nothing whatever to do with protecting U.S. security interests.
MacGregor continued,
I think that was also part of the broader plan to pay off all of the senior officers and [Assad’s] Army to back down.
Yet Macgregor denies this has made Syria safer. What is more, he says this will not keep weapons out of the hands of the victorious terrorists.
“That doesn’t mean though that the Islamist hordes that are running wild across Syria don’t have other sources of equipment and ammunition. They do. It’s called Turkey.”
Not only is Turkey arming these “rebels,” Macgregor says, but they are being directed by Erdogan in a campaign which Macgregor claims will see 100,000 people murdered.
Macgregor says, “the Turkish military is moving cautiously behind” the so-called “rebels,” who he says the Turkish leader Erdogan is “coaching.” Macgregor warns of slaughter, despite an alleged strategy led by Turkey to avoid alerting Western audiences to the “grim” reality.
“We think they’re probably going to kill at least 100,000 people if they haven’t already done it in Syria. But Erdogan has coached them and said, ‘Don’t kill everybody.’”
Macgregor claims the terrorists are directed by Turkey to “avoid villages that are Christian …we don’t want to awaken the West to what’s happening.”
Though this strategy may convince many viewers in the West that Syria has been liberated, another warning has come from the Catholic Archbishop of the Syrian city of Aleppo.
“We are finished, in every sense,” said the Syrian Catholic Archbishop Jacques Mourad, of the Diocese of Homs in remarks reported by Louis Knuffke on December 6.
“This is the end of the great history of Christians in Aleppo.”
As reports yesterday claimed Christians in Syria have been ordered to cancel Christmas, the extermination of Christianity looks set to continue in communities which have survived from the time of Christ.
Macgregor’s sober and detailed appraisal shows that whoever runs the U.S. is willing to back anyone, to do anything they please, except Christians.
To Christians around the world:
I beg you, please stand with us—Syrian Christians—just once in history.
We are being torn from our ancestral lands, our people are being ethnically cleansed, and our heritage is slipping away. Don’t let us stand alone in our darkest hour. pic.twitter.com/xsHarK91YQ
— sarkis yousef (@assyrian_army) December 5, 2024
U.S. citizens: Tell U.S. Senate to reject new ‘anti-terrorism’ bill