Help bring aid trucks into Gaza: LifeFunder
Note from LifeSiteNews co-founder Steve Jalsevac: This article contains astonishing, still relevant information suppressed in the news media for many years. Considering its huge significance, it is disturbing how such wide censorship could have been maintained for that long. There are clearly Zionists and others who have enormous, widespread influence to achieve this.
Thanks to the internet, new alternative news sources, and brave persons, many of whom are Jewish, the truth is finally coming out again after the brief initial period of some accurate reporting after the various noted events occurred. Much of what is published here may seem difficult to believe because of the years of suppression. That is why we have made a special effort to include as much evidence as is reasonable in one LifeSiteNews article. To gain full appreciation of the validity of all that is stated in the article, it will take readers time to investigate all of the included videos and links.
As most regular LifeSiteNews readers have learned, sophisticated propaganda and extreme information control have become as important in modern warfare as military weapons.
(LifeSiteNews) — Twenty-three years ago, the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York ushered in an era of regime change whose consequences have transformed the West and impacted travel worldwide – making permanent changes which eliminated privacy for “security.”
Initially branded as a “Global War on Terror,” the attacks of 9/11 saw the United States pursue a new “neoconservative” agenda, resulting in what has been denounced by former President Donald Trump and his 2024 running-mate J.D. Vance as the “forever wars.”
These wars, which have killed a million historic Christians in Iraq alone (J.D. Vance p.5), have delivered mass migration into the West along with adding an estimated nine trillion dollars to the U.S. national debt.
A new documentary released this month revisits a long-neglected – and even censored – subject. The extent of Israeli espionage in the United States is seldom mentioned in the mainstream media.
Yet the expulsion of 200 Israeli intelligence agents from the U.S. prior to and following 9/11 is only the tip of this iceberg submerged by mainstream media, against the interests of the American people.
Made by YouTuber GDF, the short documentary “How Israel Spies on the United States” is shocking for two reasons: the extent of Israeli espionage against the U.S. it reveals and the fact that this is never mentioned in the news.
In his September 5 video, GDF documents the fact that despite an agreement between the U.S. and Israel in 1951, which prohibited mutual espionage, Israel has since conducted the most aggressive spying operations against the U.S. of any foreign power, with the single exception of the Soviet KGB.
From the wiretapping of U.S. embassies to the sponsorship of the theft of American nuclear secrets and materials, GDF’s video narrates decades of Israeli espionage in the U.S., including the arrest and deportation of the largest spy ring in U.S. history – around 9/11.
READ: Former British diplomat: Benjamin Netanyahu is the enemy of peace in Israel
This report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office detailed the activities of “Country A” to Congress on Wednesday, February 28, 1996. It was restricted to reporting economic espionage from allies and said, “According to a U.S. intelligence agency, the government of Country A conducts the most aggressive espionage operation against the United States of any U.S. ally.”
Who is this mysterious “Country A”? A report on Israeli espionage by If Americans Knew leaves little to the imagination. As this report notes, “Israel has conducted espionage in the United States since its creation in 1948.”
In his video introduction to Israeli espionage in the U.S., GDF makes use of extensive archive footage – some of which has been officially disappeared by the networks which reported on the Israeli spy scandal around September 2001.
Down the memory hole
A four-part investigation by American journalist Carl Cameron into the link between Israeli spies in the U.S. and 9/11 has been removed from the Fox News online archive.
Cameron’s explosive report came after an investigation by Insight Magazine in May 2000. Cited in this June 2000 Washington Report article, the investigation links to the initial discovery of the Israeli spy ring who are now all dead. The next month, the Washington Report wrote on how the “radioactive” story had received very little press coverage.
What does “radioactive” mean, exactly? The report explained: “The U.S. media, like U.S. government officials, clearly consider Israel ‘radioactive.'”
READ: How the Kennedy assassinations ushered in a Zionist occupation of America
“Just as an American government official knows that expressing any interest in Israel unless it is extremely positive, is a career-breaker, U.S. editors know that in journalism, it can have the same effect and also can result in extensive, concerted loss of advertising—whether the publication’s advertisers are national or local,” the report stated.
These were the radioactive news reports which led to Cameron’s investigation of the links of Israeli intelligence to 9/11, which have now also vanished from news network history.

This video compiles all four parts and includes details of Israeli technology used to monitor telecommunications in the U.S. through a company called Comverse.
Sources from the “DEA, INS and FBI all told Fox” that to “pursue or even suggest Israeli spying through Comverse is considered career suicide.”
What is more, all investigations into Comverse “have been halted before the equipment has been tested for leaks,” permitting wiretapping.
Cameron reports that a “turf war” between factions in the FBI itself saw contracts routinely awarded to the suspected Israeli front company by FBI officials at Quantico, Virginia, whilst those at Chantilly – “that oversees the wiretapping program,” was “the most agitated” of all agencies concerned with the technology – which they said simply was not secure.
The insecure wiretapping technology approved by Quantico and protested by the FBI’s own wiretapping unit in Chantilly may have allowed 9/11 suspects to evade capture – says Cameron.
“[In the] counterterrorism investigation of the World Trade Center attack…on a number of cases suspects that they had sought to wiretap and surveil immediately changed their telecommunications processes… as soon as those supposedly secret wiretaps went into place.”
Cameron is then asked, “Is there any reason to suspect in this instance that the Israeli government is involved?”
Cameron says no – not yet.
“No there’s not – but there are growing instincts in an awful lot of law enforcement officials in a variety of agencies who suspect that and have begun compiling evidence and a highly classified investigation into precisely that possibility.”
The investigation, if it was carried out, has never been published.
The video also contains one of the first reports confirming that “Federal officials this year have arrested or detained nearly 200 Israeli citizens suspected of belonging to a quote organized intelligence gathering operation,” with the report noting, “The Bush administration has deported most of those arrested” – instead of detaining, charging and imprisoning them.
The report goes on to document “Israeli organized crime” involving “credit card and computer fraud, cocaine and ecstasy trafficking.” From New York through Las Vegas, Miami, Canada and Egypt, the Israeli criminal network had reportedly “compromised law enforcement communications” to thwart detection.
READ: Netanyahu leading Israel ‘into the abyss’ to draw the US into full-scale war
Links to an Israeli-owned company called Amdoc, which manages U.S. telephone billing, were cited as one means of exploiting secure communications, with police highlighting weaknesses in their own wiretapping systems. Converse Infosys, which has ties to the Israeli government, was also implicated.
When questioned on the largest spy scandal in U.S. history – the presence of hundreds of Israeli intelligence agents around 9/11, senior U.S. government officials “treated the questions like a hot potato.”
Ari Fleischer, White House Spokesman for the Bush Administration, said simply, “I am not familiar with the report.”
“I will defer to the Department of Justice and the FBI,” said then-Secretary of State Colin Powell.
Cameron’s memory-holed report quotes 9/11 investigators saying Israel “may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance and not shared it,” with one investigator claiming there are “tie-ins” between Israel and 9/11, but refused to elaborate.
“Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information.”
Especially alarming is the news media -reported and then quickly suppressed information that five Israelis, at least two of whom were later found to be Mossad agents, joyously celebrated, smiling, hugging each other, and high-fiving while watching from a distance in New York the towers being hit and falling down.
The Original ABC news report on the dancing Israelis arrested on 9/11— Keith Woods (@KeithWoodsYT) September 11, 2024
They were arrested and kept in custody for some time and then strangely released, as recorded in these six FBI and police files.
These Israelis, all of whom were part of the Israeli U.S. spy network, later publicly admitted back in Israel on live television that they were in New York at the time to “document the event” on the Twin Towers.
In other words, they admitted that they knew the attack would happen.
That raises many questions. One is why they did not warn U.S. authorities about this, but worse, why were they obviously so happy that the attack occurred? That is, in their minds, the attack obviously benefitted Israel in some way. As it turned out, it did.
As reported by LifeSiteNews, current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had urged the United States to attack a list of Middle East Muslim nations.
This included urging the U.S. to attack Iran in 1988, boasting, “we succeeded in changing the terms of reference on the way terrorism is discussed” – using these new “terms” to promote attacks on Syria and on Libya – which the U.S. later carried out.
Netanyahu had campaigned for an attack on Iraq from 1990 onwards, based on his claims that Iraq was pursuing a secret nuclear weapons program, as Israel had done since the 1960s.
Netanyahu addressed the U.S. Congress, one year and one day after 9/11 on September 12 2002 – promising that, “If you take out Saddam – Saddam’s regime – I guarantee you that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region.”
In the same speech, Netanyahu also pressed the U.S. to attack Iran and Libya. Days later, the U.S. National Security Strategy changed, adopting Netanyahu’s doctrine of “preemptive” war – which “justified” the attacks on Iraq and on Libya which followed.
Netanayhu’s regime change wars were presented as a strategy to protect U.S. security, which would conveniently at the same time eliminate major obstacles to his plans to expand Israel into a much larger Greater Israel and remove all non-Jews from the region. Afghanistan was first, then Iraq, Syria, Libya and now hopefully, for Netanyahu, also Lebanon and Iran.
There are even some insisting that Israeli agents must have played a large role in organizing or, at least to some degree, facilitating the Twin Towers disaster. There are a large number of documentaries and articles indicating that there is strong evidence that explosives planted on several floors of the towers are what brought them down. Eyewitness reports, some compiled here, all allege the use of explosives.
Share this with anyone who still believes fires caused the collapse of the Twin Towers.
There are endless eyewitness accounts of secondary explosions in the Twin Towers on 9/11, yet the official government investigation found “no corroborating evidence” that explosives were…
— Patri0tsareinContr0l (@Patri0tContr0l) September 11, 2024
Firefighters who entered the buildings claim they heard explosives being detonated.
“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
9/11— Thomas Paine (@Thomas1774Paine) September 11, 2024
Barry Jennings, deputy director of emergency services of the NYC Housing Authority, also says he witnessed explosions in the building.
Full, uncut interview..
— Larry Smith (@bvilliebully) September 12, 2024
Engineering studies indicate a plane crashing into each of them could not possibly have caused metal to melt and the towers to fall so symmetrically, including a third large building that was not even hit.
Richard Gage, “a 30-year architect, member of the American Institute of Architects, and the founder and former CEO of “Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth,” released this documentary of evidence supporting the use of explosives to detonate the towers on 9/11:
RG911Team] If you want to know more, start with WTC Building 7. In our documentary “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out”, dozens of architects and engineers explain why only controlled demolition could have brought that building down. See the full film at…
— Richard Gage, AIA, Architect (@RichardGage_911) May 20, 2024
Gage claims the Twin Towers – and Building Seven – all came down in a controlled demolition and that according to him, the “science is settled” on the matter:
[RG911Team] The #science is settled. The World Trade Center buildings came down by controlled demolition. A team of univ scientists found high-tech nanothermite material in the WTC dust. Why is the media shadowbanning this info? #chemistry #September11 #Remember911 #911Day
— Richard Gage, AIA, Architect (@RichardGage_911) September 12, 2023
Further evidence is cited extensively by the James Corbett report, only one of many on this situation.
There are links to far more videos and articles refuting government and media claims about what happened on 9/11 and those involved on this page. Also, see a number of relatively recent, spectacular videos produced by Jewish investigative journalist Matthew Tower on his Truth Tower page in Rumble.
Not only does this information remain beyond the reach of the public, but so does the knowledge that Israel has been spying on the U.S. for decades, passing its secrets to its enemies, including the Soviet Union, and even placing “curious spy devices near the White House” in 2019.
READ: Religious group with ties to WEF, US politicians also linked to Zelensky, Putin
Most Americans do not know about Jonathan Pollard, nor about the fact that “Israeli intelligence services were more active than anyone but the KGB” against the U.S. in the Cold War.
GDF’s brief video shows how this long tradition continues to this day, hidden in plain sight by a media more concerned with the defence of the Zionist narrative than the interests of the American people.
Help bring aid trucks into Gaza: LifeFunder